by Robert Wilkinson
Today we continue exploring Mars retrograde and the meaning of where it's at and some ways it could show in our lives. Mars went stationary retrograde at 20 Leo, a degree indicating that during this period we should be seeking a more conscious connection with light, life, energy, in a concentrated focus to build our vitality for what is coming this Spring.
As I explained in parts 1 and 2, we were given a heads up about this time last Summer, when the Sun, Mercury, and Venus crossed this span of degrees. When you're done reading this article, please re-check those articles to know more about this Mars RX period. Links to parts one and two are at the end of this post.
Of note is that we are now re-tracing the degree span first traversed beginning October 16. While December was mainly about 18-20 degrees of Leo, January we'll re-trace 19 back to 10 degrees of Leo, giving us a different angle on what we initially approached between November 5 through December 9.
February 2010 Mars will RX from 9 back to 2 Leo, offering a second resonant period with the initial transit between Oct 18 through November 9. Mars will then occupy 1-2 Leo from February 22 until March 28, making early Fixed degree zones in our charts extremely active.
April 2010 finds Mars moving from 3 through 13 Leo, giving a final push to what began between October 20-November 15 that we reviewed or re-worked between January 21-February 22. From May 1-18, Mars will complete its third transit of 13-20 Leo, finally launching into new territory after that.
Taking "retrograde analysis" into consideration, it means that the entire RX span really lasts from mid-October 2009 until mid-May 2010, since Mars goes back and forth over the same degree span three times during that period. We should all be doing our heart initiatives by mid-May at the very least due to whatever has been slowed down, re-done, or needed something else to happen before moving forward.
The stationary retrograde degree of any planet is an important threshold point. The retrograde period that follows gives us a chance to re-trace ground we've already covered, but from a different angle of view due to the difference in planetary speed. Then the stationary direct point becomes a launch point for whatever is again experienced as preparation for entry into the next phase.
From Rudhyar's Astrological Mandala, we find the keynote of Mars' stationary retrograde degree to be "A return to the glorification of natural energies," where we "return to nature" and reverse socialized activity, opening the way to release "root energies." We are also told that this degree helps us link consciously "to the source of all life on earth."
Furthermore, he goes on to state this offers us a chance to know what behavior is fit or not, and call upon "basic life energies" in traditional or instinctive ways to sanctify our creative power and identify with the source of light, life, and power through forms of worship.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, writes that this degree, "The Zuni sun worshipers," symbolizes our "recognition of higher and natural forces" from which we derive life and strength through our rituals of living. Values eternally evolve, but there is a "group tradition" where we find true fulfillment.
The keyword is FIDELITY. He says that when working positively, this degree "is an inner and absolute realization of the self's illimitable resources in situation and background." Be aware when confronted with meaningless ceremonies that something old has got to give. He describes the "formula" for this degree as Manipulating, Ideal, Original, Generalizing, Physical, and Inspired.
Boiling this all down to soup, it would seem that the theme of this Mars retrograde period is to "gather one's medicine," getting centered and re-identifying with that which charges our batteries through some form of ritual. It will help prepare us for what needs to surface when Mars in direct motion opposes all the points made sensitive through the many conjunctions made between planets moving through Aquarius between December 2008 and February 2010.
So take note of what surfaces as Mars moves opposite 5, 10, 12, and 18 Aquarius since there were several major conjunctions in early 2009 that will manifest. The next hot zone is when Mars in Leo opposes 22-27 Aquarius, where many inner as well as outer planets have conjuncted or are conjunct during this time due to the long wave conjunction of Neptune and Chiron in late Aquarius.
On a final note, the SRX point falls in the actional section of "Release" in the "Span of Interpretation." It retrogrades back through the individual-mental-spiritual and social-emotional-cultural sections of "Combustion" in the "Span of Assurance" between January 13 to February 11. It then moves into the actional level of these from February 11 until going direct in this span at 1 degree of Leo on March 10-11, 2010.
After that it moves forward through the actional level until April 9, then moves into the emotional-social-cultural level through April 24. I'll elaborate more on the Mars retrograde in early Leo in a few weeks.
So I suppose that a positive response would be to be creative, firm, focused, and playful in dealing with others who are hassled by an inability to externalize their hearts, or who have allowed issues of pride to jam their gears. Slow down any aggressive tendencies in self or others, blunting the swords of war. Target the form of play or creative expression that wasn't taken care of in the past.
If you're in an energetic tug of war, refuse to crater to passive aggressive people, ruthless people, shortsighted people, or people with no particular heart connection with you who care only for their dramas. Examining how wholehearted an expression is or isn't will provide useful information as to what to take care of and how.
Mars Retrograde in Leo December 2009 and January-February-March 2010 - Pt. 1
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
"If you're in an energetic tug of war, refuse to crater to passive aggressive people, ruthless people, shortsighted people, or people with no particular heart connection with you who care only for their dramas. Examining how wholehearted an expression is or isn't will provide useful information as to what to take care of and how."
Well put...and that, Your Highness began in late September and seems to be leveling off. This will be an interesting AND energetic year, for sure!
Posted by: chickie | January 03, 2010 at 03:20 PM
Oh Robert, How beautifully you have expressed your concept of this time. It is speaking clearly to me as Mars is now transiting my Grand Trine of Pluto, Mars and Venus. Thank you for this illumination, those of us dancing on the edge of eternity in the early Cardinal signs very much appreciate the rhythms and harmonies. Bless you - Go safely into the New Year.
Posted by: Morvah | January 04, 2010 at 08:47 AM
Thank you very much. I'm enjoying the ride with sun in Leo 20 and Mercury in Leo 12. (2nd house)
The information you're giving is essential!
Posted by: Tomer | January 04, 2010 at 04:21 PM
Hey Robert thanks so much for this.. it resonates so deeply. With Mars having hit my Mars Saturn Moon conjunction in the sixth house by opposition mid October it helped catalyse so much old frustration and angnst in a very important and pivotal relationship to which I had surrendered such power. When Mars began to opposed Chiron Jupitern Neptune we became involved in a clash with so many wounding words being launched at me I did not know where to turn, because I had revealed something on this website in an effort to find a way through the confusion I felt. I had seen a shadow but maybe also an old karmic contact which was also evolutionary in its intent... in short I had too many illusions and expectations and projections and the wizard had to be revealed as an ordinary mortal.... The point is that is all manifested at such a deep physical level and I have had to do a lot of energetic work to move the energies up from the "root"..literally the base of my spine.. this is amazing as it is returning me to nature... to the sea.... to swimmming.... to movement to chi kung and exploration of the circulation of the chi...all manner of wonderful awareness of "higher and natural forces from which we derive life and strength"..amazing.... It is a gift this Mars retrograde, kind of knew it would be with the stationary point just one degree away from my North Node...... once again thank you...for all that you share and for all that you are. Peace and blessings for a 2010 full of life and strength, wisdom, truth and beauty
Posted by: Deborah | January 04, 2010 at 07:20 PM
If I find myself in an energetic tug of war, I'm going to tickle someone...
Posted by: WarriorLady | January 05, 2010 at 10:24 PM
Hi all - The retrograde continues! While the slowed pace feels strange, it's also good for getting more deliberate. I'm sure there will be some interesting things around the Sun//Venus opposition Mars followed by the interlocking Yods. I'll be writing about that in a while.
Posted by: Robert | January 10, 2010 at 01:18 PM