by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday we began to explore the concept that as we become an enlightened Being, rather than transcend our astrology chart, we actually become the embodiment of its highest function. Today we continue deeper interpretations of what this could mean for us and our world.
(Audio link at the bottom of the article)
We are Eternal Beings having human experiences. We have a body, we have feelings, we have a mind, but we ARE a Soul-Spirit. This Higher Self expresses itself through our "Lights," the planets which symbolize the different parts of our nature. Each of the Sacred Seven planets has a duality of function. In our evolution we learn to transmute the lower manifestations of the planets into the higher ones.
That's why we change as our planets move with us through life experiences. These are symbolized by the Elements and Modes of expression as we find them in all birth charts. To everything there is a season, and we observe these seasons of Life through the lens of Astrology to understand the meaning of the moment.
We perfect our lights through the different expressions of what we do, feel, think, desire, and yearn for. These help us learn the meaning of our life, who we are and who we are not. Through all our experiences, we learn a higher, better expression as we move through different fields of activity.
Our heart's ability to express itself positively in approaching life's turning points helps us become our higher Material, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Self over time. Then we are able consciously to practice our higher, "Affirmative Self" whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Sometimes the practice is in harmonious circumstances. Sometimes we also must practice our higher Affirmative Self in difficult circumstances which test our ability to apply what we have realized and sought. We can learn not to get hooked by the lower self through both pleasurable and painful experiences.
This is where the art and science of cycles is helpful. The passage through types of experience as shown by the signs help us to perfect our expression of all the positive sign qualities of our humanness.
Also, we are all experiencing the three dimensions of human experience simultaneously. We all learn on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual levels in the Personal dimension of existence, which is the level of personality.
We also learn to perfect ourselves on these 4 levels across the Interpersonal dimension of experience. This is the field encompassing our interactions with the objects of sensation and other sentient Beings in our world.
Finally, we learn to perfect ourselves on the 4 levels of the Transpersonal dimension of experience, the field of service to a greater Goodwill, Fellowship, and our Higher Aspiration. This is where we serve to better our world somehow, any way our heart chooses.
As we live our lives on all twelve frequency zones of human endeavor, we are constantly learning through our choices about what to say yes to, and what to say no to. We express ourselves in a lot of ways over our life, and show many faces of ourselves to our world. We change in our thoughts, feelings, and responses, and by our choices we bring forth aspects of our lower self to transmute, and our Higher Self to practice.
Astrology shows us the timing on the changes. Astrology, rightly understood, is a system by which we can know the 12 frequencies of human experience, who we are and what our purpose actually is, and become a more perfect doing, feeling, thinking, and aspiring human being.
Practicing your Higher Self makes you a healer in your world in whatever way your heart expresses itself. To become clear and strong in expressing our Higher Self, we have to go through direct experiences that help us practice our realizations.
Over time, what we learn through direct experience helps us become skillful in our practice of whatever we're here to demonstrate. Then we get to share what we have learned with others who suffer the same problems in their lives that we once did. They are free to take it or leave it, but ultimately there are a finite number of human experiences, and we all go through them to learn certain spiritual fundamentals.
Even when we know the most positive responses to life experience, we still are learning how to teach, share, and love more effectively. This never ends, since we change, humanity changes, metaphors and ways of seeing reality change, and the mass consciousness moves on as well. Consequently, our ways of framing our highest and best possible response to life circumstances also must change, or at some point we'll find ourselves very aware but ineffective.
Many years ago I heard it propounded by a Vedantan philosopher that when one finds a guru (spiritual teacher, literally "dispeller of darkness") then the personal birth chart no longer applies. He also felt that the birth charts of gurus were irrelevant, as he believed them to be beyond earthly things. My response was and is that regardless of how enlightened a Being is, they are still subject to cycles of timing, though not necessarily bound to personality limitations the rest of us are still dealing with.
When we become "enlightened," our birth charts still continue to work. The difference is that Light radiates outward to the world, and the enlightened one is free from the usual traps of human-ness. The chart no longer shows points of fear and suffering, but instead shows when the enlightened one will shift gears in their work, relationships, and expressions of Dharma.
As we become more practically enlightened, the chart will show which lessons we are teaching and realizations we are demonstrating. We may not suffer the squares and oppositions as we once did, but we will inevitably find ourselves in situations where we will have to demonstrate our wisdom to others, or counsel them as to how they may transmute the lessons of that moment, or hear their wisdom that we may offer it to another. This is our way of connecting to the web of Life we all live within together.
The supreme genius of how this reality works is that we are never separate from anything or anyone or "God" or Truth for even a moment. When we transcend the limitations of perception, then we are truly free to live the highest possibilities of our birth charts in the eternal NOW.
When we transcend the limitations of perception, we are no longer trapped by transitory forms of Truth, God, religion, or any belief system, and can honor the best of all "spiritual" teachings. We are free to be "at One" in the moment with the qualities of that moment, without suffering from the fears that arise from perceptual traps.
Almost everything we learn through our 5 senses and minds takes us away from our divine power in the moment and the ultimate experience of "Being-ness," or At-One-Ment. We are taught to depend on and trust our 5 senses and our minds, even though these are limited, impermanent, and often somewhat unreliable.
The test for all of us is to remember there is no other time but now, no other place but here, and all things can be known by the one who seeks knowledge. And of course to remember 24/7 that we are Eternals having human experiences on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of existence, so we can learn compassion, love, wisdom, and adaptability.
As we transcend fears and assumptions we have learned from others who also suffer in their own limitations, then our charts can show us our Higher Self and how we may serve the greater web of Life that connects us all, both living and dead. Our charts show us the Teacher, the teaching, and the taught. They show us what we are here to learn and demonstrate in our unique existence. That's why all true "spiritual" teachers and doctrines have had a place for the cycles of time and change, a.k.a., Astrology.
(Adapted from an article originally published October 2005)
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert :)
Posted by: Shehzaad Maroof Khan | March 24, 2010 at 04:52 AM
Your timing is excellent!
Posted by: Sue Moon | March 24, 2010 at 05:32 AM
Dear Robert, this is a great article (and Part 1 as well). It's deep but very important for everyone to study. I've heard that theory before about transcending the birth chart after "enlightenment". I agree with you. Of course the chart still works. I had an enlightening spiritual experience in 1987 when I was only 33 (same age as Christ was when He was crucified, hmm!) I felt like I had skipped three grades in school, like I knew everything all at once. But when the euphoria started to subside, I told myself I still had to live out my life and things wouldn't always be rosy. I told myself not to get all puffed up. It must have been my higher self talking. It's over twenty years later and I've been over some really rough terrain, as shown in my chart. I think what happened helped me deal with things better, but there are no shortcuts. Everyone has to work with what they've got in their charts whether they get to the mountain top or not. Understanding that rule of thumb is even more important than the mountain top. Thanks again for your wisdom, Robert. Namaste... :)
Posted by: Valerie | March 24, 2010 at 07:02 PM
Hi Shehzaad - You are most welcome, my Brother. Glad you liked it.
Hi Sue Moon - If an astrologer's timing is off, then how much more would be?;-)
Hi Valerie - That's why I re-posted it. People have funny ideas about transcendence, or ascension, and all the other descriptors of an enlightened state of Being. At 33 I had my death experience, getting to go to the other side and come back, so I suppose 33 is an important year! And yes, when the experience of an enlightened state begins to fade, it's useful to remember that "before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water; after enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water." Truly, "there are no shortcuts. Everyone has to work with what they've got in their charts whether they get to the mountain top or not." Thanks for the personal references, since it may help others to remember that we're all subject to the same lessons on the One Path of Hastened Attainment, though we will respond 10,000 ways....
Posted by: Robert | March 31, 2010 at 01:16 PM
Thank you so much for your reply, for some reason I feel a little relieved, because someone else understands. And I say chop wood/carry water a lot lately, isn't that funny? Synchronicity. Namaste and happy birthday, o wise one! :)
Posted by: Valerie | March 31, 2010 at 03:30 PM