by Robert Wilkinson
Quite a few people believe that if we're "spiritual" enough, we transcend Astrology and its correlations that affect the rest of us mere mortals. Beside being an incorrect assumption, it shows a lack of understanding of what Astrology really is.
(Audio link at the bottom of the article)
All beings on Earth enter into a bodily form, live and do their Being in that form, and eventually leave that form behind in whatever season they do. Whenever a Being enters into conscious existence in a bodily form, if there is a "first breath" there is a birth chart.
That birth chart will reveal its tendencies and be fulfilled over time, for good or ill. Whether Saint or sinner, plant, animal, human, organization, nation or any other collective effort that has a beginning, all that is has a "birth chart," an evolution, and a Higher purpose that must be fulfilled during its existence.
So of course Astrology shows the changes in the lives of Spiritual Beings! Just because you're a holy man or woman doesn't mean the timing to things becomes irrelevant. Every "Holy Being" in history had a birth time, and therefore the changes in their lives were measurable and predictable.
For example, the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, commencement of the Dharma teachings, and death correlated with Saturn and the cycle of Full Moons. That makes perfect sense, since he became a teacher about how to overcome suffering, no small thing. Suffering in all forms is associated with Saturn, the planet symbolizing the fears, limitations, and delusions of form and perception we must learn to deal with in order to come to our spiritual maturity here on Earth.
Full Moons are definitely enlightening, since they bring the promise of the preceding New Moon to fulfillment in specific forms. The importance of the Wesak Festival (the Full Moon of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio every Spring) has a direct association with the Buddha. It is said that this particular Full Moon each Spring re-energizes the "Eternal Buddha nature" and brings it to our world in new forms each year that assist humanity to overcome suffering.
And most of us who have been exposed to Christianity are familiar with Christ's association with the Fishes, or the sign of Pisces, also linked with the last 2000 year "age." Most Christians, as well as those who follow the teachings of the World Teacher, or Bodhisattva, regardless of what spiritual form or religion they embrace, are learning how to manifest positive Pisces traits, overcoming the problems and weaknesses of this sign.
All true Spiritual Teachers are at an earlier stage in their evolution just humans, doing their thing to become more "enlightened" according to the place and time they live. That which is "spiritual" does not manifest apart from the field in which it lives, breathes, and has its Being.
In fact, Rudhyar asserted that all "Spiritual Beings" lead what he termed "the symbolic life," and served as exemplars for their world. Since the planetary patterns also show us the on-going process of unfolding evolution on a minute to minute, day to day, year to year basis, then any truly Spiritual Being at one with All-That-Is will be the very embodiment of the planetary patterns at work.
This follows up on a theme I've written about many times. Once we get a grip on our own problems, strengths, weaknesses, and paths to enlightenment, regardless of how broad or narrow they are, we learn how to transmute them into positive responses to life. That becomes our gift to others in our world.
We learn these things not by being immune to our astrological changes, but by embracing our on-going evolutionary patterns. Once we evolve beyond certain personality fears, limitations, and challenges, then we are in a position to share our experiences with others on a similar path as we are, helping them in turn to overcome their own challenges and limitations and learning from them as well.
Tomorrow in part 2 we'll continue to explore more of these important principles. By contemplating how we are learning to be "Masters of the Wisdom in the becoming," we'll see that rather than being unaffected by our planetary transits, we actually ride them into more enlightened expressions of our Truth of Being.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
Thank You Robert very Interesting !!!
Best Wishes !!!
Posted by: Jorge Torres | March 23, 2010 at 01:53 PM
Hi Robert. I have been preparing for the first class on Theosophy that I will be teaching tomorrow night. It is interesting that you mentioned how we all are "Masters of the Wisdom in the becoming," as that is one of the main ideas I will be talking about. In reading about the Mahatmas it has been emphasized that each Adept must have his own unique experiences. In that sense, Astrology is a primary tool for all of us to use. It is sheer folly and hubris to think that we are beyond its influence.
In paraphrasing from "The Mahatma Letters" Josephine Ransom wrote in 1938: "The Adept sees and feels and lives in the very source of all fundamental truths. To the last and supreme initiation every chela (and even some Adepts) is left to his own device and counsel. He has to fight his own battles, and the familiar adage--'the Adept becomes, he is not made' is true to the letter."
Posted by: dcu | March 23, 2010 at 06:05 PM
i enjoyed this very much. i love the audio!
Posted by: Victoria | March 24, 2010 at 02:25 AM
Suffering in all forms is associated with suffering...I am going to be some time with this one Robert!
It also , maybe, if I think on it, answers my concerns about Saturn going back into Libra in August for such a length of time. If we are enlightened we can transmute whatever occurs. And the word that is in my mind lately is: softening
Love Marie
Posted by: Marie | March 24, 2010 at 04:34 AM
That first sentence should read associated with Saturn!...I kind of like the error though:)))
Posted by: Marie | March 24, 2010 at 04:35 AM
Hi Jorge - You're most welcome.
Hi dcu - Congrats on beginning classes on the Ageless Wisdom. Will probably begin that on this site within a few weeks in terms of specific topic webinars. Yes, it's true that each Adept learns eternal lessons, but must be able to apply them in their own ways and times. And we prove what we've learned in the applications.
Hi Victoria - Glad the audio works for you. Many requested, so I do what I can.
Hi Marie - We don't have to suffer Saturn's influence when we make it our friend, but that means learning dominion over the lower self. Saturn, being the nature of "hardening," often must learn to soften so that it does not smother.
Posted by: Robert | March 31, 2010 at 01:11 PM