by Robert Wilkinson
I just got an email from a client who went to a "spiritual group meeting" and had the reaction "Holy Crap - run away!" She figured there may be "some who are fine individuals, just not my type of thing..." This is a perfect example of the Law of Attraction at work, as well as a class in Divine Discrimination. We confront these situations more than we think, and much good and many friends can come of such circumstances, if we find the right point of view.
(Due to the overwhelmingly positive response the last time I did this, if you'd like to hear me speaking these words there's an audio link at the end of this article.)
Without doubt people are finding others of like mind and heart in these "destiny producing" times. There is a global gathering of the tribes, and people with similar interests and aspirations are finding ways of connecting with each other. This is the "group of groups" I've been speaking of for many decades. The coming Age will show us that we are not separate from each other, the Earth, God, or anything else. And the Community, both global and local, is one of the means by which we will know this.
The Law of Magnetic Attraction brings us to people and circumstances that show us our magnetism in some way. Everything, every feeling, every perception is somehow magnetically resonant with who we are. Not that everything that comes is supposed to stick, but everything that comes shows us what we are attracting, or need to repel.
The Law of Magnetic Attraction always works simultaneously with the Law of Economy of Energy and the Law of Synthesis. These are the three great Spiritual "Laws" of our system. Therefore we must assume that what we attract and what we are attracted to works to bring forth a greater economy of living, and also serves in some way to help us synthesize parts of our life into a greater understanding and/or awareness.
That said, we also must learn to see what is toxic to our well being. That usually involves those things we've attracted or been attracted to that are inappropriate to our Highest Self in the Now. Often these are things we magnetized in the past so that we could experience something we hadn't, or wanted more of. Regardless of the reasons we once desired a thing, the necessity involves seeing how these are not good for our hearts and minds here and now.
We all desire a connection with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters in the Eternal Fellowship. That is what attracts us to certain people and circumstances. And we will throughout our lives find our Spiritual family, but the trick is to separate the Soul from the circumstance.
To address one concern, while some feel that the circumstance is directly related to the Soul and its lessons, it can be put forth that often the circumstances serve the need for connection, but are not necessary for the furthering of that connection. In other words, while a circumstance might be great for an initial connection, it doesn't mean we're supposed to stay in that circumstance.
I have been a guest at many supposedly "spiritual gatherings" of infinite variety this lifetime. I believe that "there is no religion higher than Truth," and this makes me open to all kinds of teachings, but not very attached to any particular dogma. I've always felt that dogmas are a lot like perfume - you can smell them, but you shouldn't swallow them.
Still, spiritual gatherings are a great place to meet people who at least profess to have a spiritual intention, regardless of how, or to what degree, the gathering or people there do or do not harmonize with our particular Path. Usually if we're attracted to a gathering of Souls, there's at least one or two who we might make our Friends.
Therefore the problem is always separating the good hearts and minds from the dogma being offered by so-called "group leaders." And if our inner voice says it's time to beat feet, then it's a good thing to do just that. But even if we feel we must roll with the flow out of the situation, still take note of those Beings you've met there, since at least one could at some point become your Friend without the baggage of the group circumstance.
So if you find yourself attracted to a "Spiritual gathering" focus on the beings you find yourself attracted to. You'll know quickly if there is an affinity, or if it's just a show. Then if you find the dogma is not your thing, you may still be able to maintain some connect with your Spiritual Brother or Sister.
I've found that often those I feel a bond with also are not exactly keen on the dogma but didn't want to say anything for fear of disapproval. Then in the interaction we've both freed ourselves of dogmas and found a Spiritual Friend.
Whether the bond is brief or long, each of our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters reveals something of our Higher Self to our lower self. Each shows us what we love, what we attract, what we're learning to welcome, and what we're learning to leave behind.
All of them show us how we're moving from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to Light, and from death to Immortality. The dance is infinite and eternal, and offer us chances to become wisely loving and lovingly wise expressed through our Divine Intelligence. Not a bad thing to come out of a "spiritual gathering."
Copyright © 2010 Robert Wilkinson
I wish I'd known this when I was younger, but the older I get, the truer your message today becomes. It reminds me of Carolyn Maes and her four suggestions to happiness:
~ Make no judgments.
~ Have no expectations.
~ Give up the need to know why things happen as they do.
~ Trust that the unplanned events of our lives can be a form of spiritual direction.
Four simple things that are so hard to do it's a daily challenge to live them ~ and life long for most of us. Thanks, Robert, for a great reminder to all of us.
Posted by: Kathryn L | March 08, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Robert, Since I've started reading your posts, I've really come to look forward to them. Tonight I rushed to read this after having a little melt-down, hoping for some spiritual insight, and there is was.
I discovered that a well-intentioned member of my household put something out with recycling and it's gone...a huge collection of Esoteric Bible Lessons from decades, from the clarivoyant minister who was my spiritual teacher most of my adult life. Although I'd finally accepted the fact that I've outgrown the whole Bible thing (after a decade of sorting out thoughts and feelings about that) I still felt the collection was highly valuable. I no longer had room for it in my house, and after two years of searching, finally found the right person to give the collection to, who would value it as much as I do. The binders were waiting for me to box them up and mail them while I go through a riduclously busy period doing too much wonderful stuff that I mostly love. The discovery of the loss, although it seems trivial compared to so many other things, was a grief-inducing shock.
Yet, I had moved on from that doctrine and dogma. I already knew I was finished with it. But I was still trying to hang onto it in a sense, by knowing it was being appreciated and preserved by someone else. Now I've been forced to let it go completely.
Somehow it seems like your article tonight relates to this incident. It does bring some consolation to remember that it is our spiritual friends that are the most valuable, not so much the dogma and intricate details of teachings.
Still, I wish I could have passed that on to someone who may have been assisted in their path as I was! Still in the process of letting go.
Sorry this is so long!
Posted by: Sara Draper | March 08, 2010 at 11:26 PM
This is interesting. Might be a function of me having moved around so much in my life, or might be a function of attempting to further my own path, or might be a gift from my loving father who passed away a year ago yesterday, but I have always made it a point that any room I enter whether its a group gathering of like minds, a Corporate America-type meeting, or even a shop or store, I try to never leave without at least one new friend. This friend may end up actually becoming a long-term spiritual connection, or might be as simple as brightening each other's day with a smile or a sincerely warm greeting (a cosmic hug, if you will), but I try to never enter a room of strangers without leaving with a new friend.
Sara, I'm sorry you lost your spiritual lessons. I'm sure it was akin to losing years worth of diaries/journals documenting your path. BUT, while you were not able to provide these cherished items to your friend, you did get some closure ("I no longer need these items and hereby release them") AND by them having gone out with your recycling, the items will, indeed, be used by those in need. Your soul was transferred to those writings, and once that paper is rehabed, your soul will touch many, many people. Thank you for your gift.
Posted by: BritLitChik | March 09, 2010 at 04:19 AM
BTW, Robert...I have been really enjoying the audios of the postings. A very thoughtful thing, especially for those of us who require bifocals (OK, I was corrected by the ladies at the eyeglass store - the PC term is "progressives")
And I am sincerely glad that you were not seriously hurt in your accident. Blessings and peace.
Posted by: BritLitChik | March 09, 2010 at 04:26 AM
"Without doubt people are finding others of like mind and heart in these "destiny producing" times."
"That said, we also must learn to see what is toxic to our well being. That usually involves those things we've attracted or been attracted to that are inappropriate to our Highest Self in the Now."
Robert, those two lines, I find them very true.
Regarding especially toxic things, having Pisces moon means I'm more vigilant, as in the past it's meant that it'd affect me more negatively (via toxic people in particular), but now I've developed good boundaries. I think of it as giving my psychic sponge a protective skin. :) Time alone is also very good; gives time to repair the skin, if needed.
As always, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Posted by: Jessi | March 09, 2010 at 05:46 AM
Robert thank you for audio :)
Love & Peace :)
Posted by: AceStar | March 09, 2010 at 10:26 AM
Gosh this is so pertinent to my life at the moment.
I have been purging so many people from my life recently. Questioning why they are in my life, and whether they are right for now and the journey forward. To the extent that I feel like I have no friends left anymore. The phone is very quiet these days.
Part of me is quite worried that I have been too critical during this process, and have distanced myself from wonderful people. That I've made myself overly isolated and singular. The other part distrusts the old connections and just really wants new people, new ways of relating to develop.
Posted by: zeta | March 09, 2010 at 03:20 PM
Wow, for some inexplicable reason this made me think of that song by Spin doctors! To think that you find the time for all this! Thank you:)
Posted by: Bonnie | March 09, 2010 at 04:22 PM
Zeta - it's always been about balance for me. If I haven't been "critical" enough in the past, sometimes I have overcriticized to compensate to find the medium. If your soul is telling you that you need "new people" in your life, that's OK - you may well. Embrace the quiet phone. I spent 8 of the last 10 hours on one - and while maybe furthering my journey, sadly none of that time was spent furthering my soul.
Posted by: BritLitChik | March 09, 2010 at 05:16 PM
Thanks for your kind words BritLitChik. They really touched me.
Blessings to you x
Posted by: zeta | March 09, 2010 at 08:38 PM
Oh my gosh! This is SOOOO perfect for me now! Robert, as you know I've been reading your blog for years, but you are usually my bedtime reading, so I print out the post of the day and thus don't comment. For some reason tonight I felt i had to just read it now and found this message. This is maybe the 10th time (no exaggeration)this theme has come up since New Years. And I feel very very much like Zeta - worrying am I going too far? Too critical? Do I owe amends?
I had a run-in a few Saturdays ago with a woman at a meeting I attend regularly. Will spare you the gory details but she attacked me seemingly out of left field & made a point to tell me she didn't like me. It was bizarre. My spiritual mentor helped me realize this was a great learning experience of just totally walking away - being polite, but unequivocal. It felt a bit harsh to me - but in truth I **don't** want this acquaintance in my life.
I've been glum tonight. My roommate bought a house and will be moving out - a fact that a month ago would have made me dance in glee. My nephew & his wife are moving to Atlanta when he finishes law school. And Monday will be the one year anniversary of my first date with the woman I truly thought was my soul mate (but who ended up moving to Florida, as her originial plan was, in August anyway).
So I'm feeling the loss, but also very much feeling that this is part of a clearing away.
Neptune & Chiron are directly on my sun now and Pluto has finished with my moon in Libra, just in time for Saturn to sit on top of it.
So it makes sense that I feel sad and a bit lost.
I'm hoping Mars turning direct (and sextiling my moon) tomorrow will be a breath of fresh air.
Robert, as always, thanks for all you do. You matter.
Posted by: Diane Scholten | March 09, 2010 at 08:57 PM
Nice talk.
I have always wondered how my friendships start.
Sunday walk is for me a delight. Few will come, but when they do - I think this is best way for me being a friend. And these friends usually last.
So maybe I am spiritual when walking ;)
Other place where I feel comfort is in science.
This is more difficult to get, when "friends" think I am a burden. Maybe this is going to my past... or it is just the regression...
Posted by: Heli | March 09, 2010 at 11:57 PM
Hi Robert,
My email address was recently "phished" if anyone here receives an email from me saying I am in
Scotland and in need of money, please do not reply to it...they want access to your email.
I know Chickies email was in my account, sorry if you receive anything.
I recieved an "official looking" Yahoo email which I responded to...and they hijacked my account.
And neptune has moved off the square to my Sun/Moon...what is this about?
It is a nightmare...
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | March 10, 2010 at 09:19 AM
Robert - I always read your posts... and it's a almost alarming that I am never the only one who comments that it just happened to be the right article for the moment I am experiencing and everyone else's too. You're gifted at timing.
Posted by: Crystal | March 10, 2010 at 09:24 AM
Thanks for the great focus adjustment, Robert.
Posted by: caliban | March 10, 2010 at 02:08 PM