by Robert Wilkinson
Let's get metaphysical! It seems there is a kerfluffle in the land of "the channels of Metatron" about the nature of Sacred Geometry and whether dualism exists in the Merkaba (Mer-Ka-Ba) and its several variations, and whether some Sacred Geometry is obsolete and new Sacred Geometry is "more valid." Today we explore issues of being overly identified with channeled material.
This is a long article, since we're dealing with several complex issues and I want to be as clear as possible. Audio track at the bottom if you want to tune in and read along.
First, let me state that a trained channel can bring forth material that is useful in spiritual growth and Hastened Attainment. Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Levi, Elsie Wheeler, and several others all provided me (and many millions of others globally) with some very interesting and extraordinarily inspired teachings and concepts over the decades. Anyone studying the works of these will no doubt find some profound insights about all kinds of things.
So that we share an understanding of terms, a channel is not the same as a "medium." A true channel still retains control over their faculties while a medium usually does not. A channel is also not an "intuitive," which is usually associated with being "psychic." A channel may possess these to whatever degree, but here also these are usually confused.
True Intuition ("inner tuition") is not the same as psychic ability. Intuition works through attunement with higher planes on extraordinarily non-dual levels. Psychic ability derives from astral (emotional) sensitivity, and can be very unreliable depending on several factors. Intuition and psychic ability work on two entirely different frequencies of consciousness. But this really isn't the place to go more deeply into this particular subject.
So it's back to channels and channeled material. I have found a lot of channeled material of the past 60 years to be not very deep or useful in helping us evolve into our Higher Self or assist our spiritual training so we can be of service lessening our suffering and the suffering of other sentient Beings.
Pronouncements are fine, but ultimately we must find ways to apply those realizations across the 12 frequencies of human consciousness to make our world a better place and our lives more purposeful and effective. If what we think and read does not help us become more capable of giving our skills and gifts to our world, how useful can it be?
I have read parts of quite a bit of channeled material and found a lot of it promotes states of glamor and separateness in those who believe in such things. Glamor, exclusivity, separateness, and anything that induces "our specialness" all work against our Higher evolution.
I also believe that any channeled storyline built around "God versus the Debbil" or the "clash of the gods" is of the dying Pisces Age. If we are to believe the ancient Chronicles, humanity is now on the Path of Return, not destined to be pawns in some new variation of an old mythology. The Age of Saviors is dying. The Age of Aquarius will bring new mythologies, some of which are already being shaped.
Regardless of the larger stories being told, we all walk the Path to Enlightenment in its infinite forms. The Higher Way is always open if we put forth effort. All we need is within our ability here and now.
If our evolutionary goal is ending separateness, fear, attachment, and desire while cultivating love, wisdom, and intelligence, I don't think getting too wound up in titanic wars and dramas are helpful. I really can't believe that things promoting violence, fear or glamor serve the greater Good, regardless of whatever is said that supposedly originates from higher sources.
I believe that even if some of what a channel states could be true, there is also a lot of stuff out there made up out of thin air. Some of what's channeled seems like a glamorous pitch to make someone rich and famous or perpetuate a sense of "specialness" in their disciples.
Now this doesn't seem to be true for those channels who have trained in a discipline to bring forth higher awarenesses. I've known a few channels, and found they are usually people with a genuinely selfless motive. They also know what it takes to "get out of their own way" so they can tune into frequencies that most others cannot. And it seems they always possess a certain measure of humility, since they KNOW they are not the originator of the channeled material.
There seems to be one big problem for both channels and mediums who practice over a period of time. I have read, and found to be almost universally true, that a channel risks their physical and mental health through weakening the "astral web."
The astral web is the subtle field that acts as a filter between the individualizing consciousness and the billions of random thought forms and astral entities that inhabit the subtle spheres in our world. Any time the Astral web is weakened a being runs a great risk of being receptive to negative thought forms and entities that may not have anyone's best interests at heart.
These number in the millions, from doppelgangers and astral shells and doubles hanging around waiting to be dissolved over time to the very destructive entities that feed off the astral energy of the would-be channel. That is why proper training is crucial to those who are called to such work.
To be fair, there are also some subtle entities whose karma is to serve physical humanity that are able to be contacted. However, because of the perils of channeling, if it is in our karma and potential to do such a thing, it's always best to train in discrimination, dispassion, detachment, and forms of self-generated Bodhichitta, or the "will to good." These are practical antidotes for glamor, illusion, Maya, and any possible mischief or delusions generated by unhealthy subtle entities. I learned this through hard experience in 1970.
Working with spirit forms on subtle levels is a much different thing than working with Angels. We can contact our guardian Angel and cultivate working relationships with other deva forms (like group angels or plant angels) and entities such as Earth Nature spirits. Over years of study and practice I've found that these don't require "channeling" as much as using consciousness in cooperative inspired awareness of what we are building together with those subtle entities.
Anyway, to get back to what inspired this post, I'll offer you what I wrote to a Spiritual Sister and client about the current dispute among Sacred Geometry channels as to what is real and what is not.
Hi ____ - This is exactly why I have never encouraged anyone to believe in what a channel says uncritically. There is no substitute for a sound mind and clear heart. Cultivating critical thinking skills while learning from external "authorities" but not giving our mind or heart over to them is the way to navigating this very strange fluctuating reality. I completely agree with what Drunvalo stated here:
"I would suggest you stop listening to channels, and learn how to enter into your own heart. All knowledge and wisdom is contained there, and it will never be a lie or deception. It will always be the TRUTH. Trust yourself, and believe in yourself. Find the Sacred Space of your own heart, and you will not need anyone but yourself and the Source of All Life Everywhere that lives, and has always lived, within your heart."
I have taught similar things over the decades. The only caveat would be that heart without mind is somewhat too soft in this multidimensional dualistic reality, whereas mind without heart is barren. It is in becoming wisely loving and lovingly wise that we find the "Middle Way." And if we accept the precepts of the Science of the Rays, then we become lovingly wise and wisely loving through intelligence applied in external actions across the arts of our existence, the science of our lives, our beliefs and devotions, and all ritual forms, both exoteric and esoteric.
Over the decades I've been told by many that my teachings align with Drunvalo's (and vise versa). I suppose that's because the ultimate form of "sacred geometry" is Astrology, where the sphere is seen, understood, and practiced as living reality across space and time in its virtually infinite multifaceted forms. It shows our wholeness across time, our unique qualities and ways of expressing them, and how we fit into the larger unified field of Consciousness.
When it comes to all supposedly "spiritual teachings," channeled or otherwise, I believe that everything we read or hear must be submitted to what I call the "perfume test," i.e., you can smell it but you should not swallow it. At least, not until the Buddha's dictum is also applied to that teaching.
We were told by Alice Bailey, scribe for The Tibetan Master DK and a true (and rigorously trained!) channel if ever there was one, that this quote is from the Secret Doctrine. That venerable work is the source for most modern spiritual teachings and accepted foundation for all we would term "New Age" pronouncements and belief systems. This passage is also referenced by the legendary Spiritual pioneer Henry Steele Olcott in his book "The Buddhist Catechism," written in 1908, as being originally from the Kâlâma Sutta of the Anguttara Nikâya, and the Mahâ Pari Nirvâna Sutta. I have found it to be universally true, as it places the evolving consciousness exactly where it needs to be within its own integrity to fulfill its unique Dharma.
THE LORD BUDDHA HAS SAIDthat we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumors, as such; nor writing by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this,:" says he in concluding, "I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly."
This is precisely why I know that what I do for my Friends, my Spiritual Brothers and Sisters, and my clients is not channeling. I have trained my consciousness to use my mind and heart to offer what I can to my close Ones, my readers, and my world. I do not encourage any belief systems, nor uncritical acceptance of what I write or speak. And I try to be clear that what I offer does not originate in any source outside my own Atma-Buddhi-Manas.
Of course, the purest form of this is not separate from the great Teachings already persisting as thought forms in the subtle planes. Our highest realizations are not separate from or destructive to the highest realizations of the Masters and Sages who have preceded us. All serves Global Awareness and the evolution of humanity.
No Master-in-the-becoming, no Arhat or Paramahansa, ever became one by accepting things or ideas that are outside the Laws and Principles of Nature Herself. No one ever became a Master simply by believing in the teachings of someone else. No one ever became a Master by indulging in fantastical thinking and pronouncements. And certainly, no one ever became a Master of the Wisdom simply by channeling information from a supposedly higher source.
However, the Great Ones did become Masters of the Wisdom by becoming the embodiment of Loving, Wise, Intelligent actions, feelings, and thoughts on behalf of the web of Life within the One Light-Life that we ALL are together. They all became Masters of the Wisdom by mastering Life itself, and in that, became the ideal of a greater Truth, applied effectively through their main Ray and associated sub-rays within Their specific local conditions.
The footprints we follow in our path to Higher Awareness are the same footprints others before us and after us have walked in and will walk in. And as we walk, eventually we shall find ourselves where there are no footprints. Then we are at One with "All-That-Is," and can enter when we choose into a non-separate state of Awareness where Light, Life, and Love all exist as One.
Then, if our Dharma allows us to be a teacher of humanity, perhaps our footprints arising from nothing will also inspire others to walk until they too find themselves where there are no footprints other than those created by that walk. It is in the walking, not the channeling, that we find the ultimate Way. The greatest merely offer others their highest Godhead, which is never separate from themselves.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
Lovely. Thank you
Posted by: ryn | April 12, 2010 at 01:51 PM
Thank you ... this was a longish post, but I always find such pearls within, answers to questions I've had for a long time.
Posted by: Donna L. Faber | April 12, 2010 at 04:23 PM
ThankYou Robert Wilkinson !!!!
Best Regards !!!
Posted by: Jorge Torres | April 12, 2010 at 05:02 PM
Thank you again Robert!!!
Posted by: BigKahunaKitty | April 12, 2010 at 06:08 PM
Thank you for touching on all that you did in this post, I think there is still a lot of confusion around these topics. Your interpretation rings true in my heart.
Posted by: Elizabeth | April 12, 2010 at 08:33 PM
Another excellent article, Robert. Thank you for this timely reminder. I know you have also repeatedly cautioned people to not get so caught up in the "we are all going to rapture in 2012" thought-form. I believe that most channels are at best interpretations. It is like translating from one language to another. The personality of the channel will also color and filter the message. So we really need to practice good judgment and discrimination. I really like what you said about the Age of Pisces being the past. Blind and zealous devotion to any teaching or individual will no longer work. We must each test and find for ourselves. I have tested your observations for 35 years now, and have found them to contain wisdom and practicality. Onward and Upward. dcu
Posted by: dcu | April 12, 2010 at 09:51 PM
Thank you Robert. Arian penetration to the heart of the matter much appreciated!
Posted by: Morvah | April 13, 2010 at 01:31 AM
Hi Robert, I walked in a little late but would not have missed this. It's long yes, but it held my attention. It's very perceptive and I'm sure a lot of people will see things more clearly when they read this. We all hope so desperately for answers. Thank you so much for this article. Namaste! :)
Posted by: Valerie | April 13, 2010 at 08:51 AM
Beautiful .. we r one :)
GOD Bless
Posted by: AceStar | April 13, 2010 at 09:43 AM
Thank you Robert. Your in-depth article addresses the main issue of seeking answers and wisdom outside of our own divine source. As a wise man once said: "The Temple of Peace is within you."
Much appreciation for all that you offer this world!
Posted by: Laura | April 13, 2010 at 12:30 PM
02/10/68 good work...come again...yes everyone channels...farmer available. bbb
Posted by: bruce beernink | April 13, 2010 at 08:34 PM
I have had a tendency to trust those who proclaim to know, whatever kind of knowlege they are espousing. It doesn't necessarily mean I followed them, but I exposed myself to the battering ram of their "superiority". I really did them no favor. Nor myself. Nor the others involved.
The perfume test . . . yes. That's a job in itself for me.
This is a great write on a difficult topic. Much thanks.
Posted by: caliban | April 14, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Thank you for your time to write this article, it was like a zip of fresh water! For so long I had mixed feelings about channels, going from guilt to surrender to fear, I decided long ago to go only with what is coming from my heart, even if at times that gets confusing. I agree with what you say in your article and you just put it all togehter in such a clear way. thank you, you have no idea the relieve I found reading this article! ;)
Posted by: mvp | April 14, 2010 at 01:20 PM
Beautifully stated, and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by: Josie | April 14, 2010 at 09:48 PM
Good stuff.
We're getting closer to ourselves all the time!
I have been greatly enjoying iON, a new channel.
Absolutely hilarious; as it should be.
Best links from James Martinez's site.
Posted by: Kieran | April 17, 2010 at 01:35 AM