by Robert Wilkinson
Jupiter entered Aries for the first time since 1999-2000 on June 5, 11:29 pm PDT, June 6 2:29 am EDT and 7:29 am Greenwich. Here the planet of expansion and new openings to wider views and greater truths finds expression in all things involving initiative and pioneering quick actions.
Because Jupiter only gets to 4 Aries before going stationary retrograde on July 23, it will only stay in Aries until September 8-9, when it slips back into Pisces. It moves back to 24 Pisces, and goes stationary direct on November 18-19 at the same time Venus goes stationary direct at 28 Libra.
From there Jupiter moves forward through the final degrees of Pisces until it re-enters Aries on January 22, 2011. It then rockets through Aries until it enters Taurus on June 4, 2011, where it stays through June 11, 2012. So its stay in Aries is really relatively brief, indicating a promise of some pretty swift beginnings!
First, let's revisit Jupiter's nature. As I noted in the article on Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter rules Pisces as well as Sagittarius. Those two signs offer us a glimpse of Jupiter's nature. We could learn a lot by examining how Jupiter functions in those two signs.
Jupiter has been in Pisces from January 17-18 through early June 2010, and will revisit that sign from early September through mid-January 2011. In Pisces, the water quality is emphasized, just as the fire quality was shown to us back in 2007 when it was in Sag.
Being a combination of Sagittarius and Pisces, Jupiter rules "the open sky" as well as "the vast depth." Jupiter symbolizes ever-expanding forms of Higher Truth as well as deep feelings we share with all other humans throughout time.
So Jupiter is both Fire and Water, and Mutable by nature. In Fiery Aries, Jupiter is in its element, in a sign that takes the initiative in embracing the new. Here the expansive principle flames on in dynamic ways, opening new doors after closing the old ones in Pisces.
We can understand even more by contemplating that Aries is the 2nd sign from Pisces, and the 5th sign from Sagittarius. Thus Jupiter in Aries makes concrete what it began in Pisces, and creatively expresses its Sagittarian side, as well as any natural expressions we learned when Jupiter was in Sagittarius.
Aries symbolizes the Self in its natural, unrestrained, unedited state. It's nature is to BE, in an emergent, potent way. It is sincere, inspiring, combustible, and always aspires to express itself more positively. There is nothing superficial in Aries! This sign instinctively takes the lead in moving toward its immediate self-fulfillment in order to know its identity more surely.
This sign likes to "get it on," and its motto could be said to be "just do it!" The downside to this "ready, fire, aim" type of energy is that it tends to be impulsive, and its interest flags after a short time. So Jupiter in Aries could bring immediate openings, but also big ideas and plans that wane not long after they are begun.
Jupiter in a sign ruled by Mars and Pluto is a very spontaneous energy, expanding activities and quickening Spiritual seeds in remarkably short periods. This could mean movement for its own sake going everywhere and nowhere, or a quick launch into the stratosphere of a new mode of living.
Jupiter in Aries can bring absolute confidence. The trick is to ground that confidence in a realistic vision and timeline. It should be great for feelings of self-assurance in simply being oneself, and help protect us and open new possibilities as we reject whatever is not of creative interest to us personally.
Jupiter in Aries should bring us confidence in the life areas where we have Aries in our chart. Jupiter in Aries can be very practical and realistic, and can use any convenient means to solve its immediate problems. It should be a very active time where we free ourselves from useless speculations, theoretical wool-gathering, and obsolete social conditioning.
Grant Lewi, in his masterwork "Astrology For The Millions," says Jupiter in Aries opens opportunities "directly related to ego justification." It can lead us to feel "I can do anything," or "Am I capable of doing that?" It can bring self-assurance, bolstering the ego for good or ill. It challenges us not to be over-optimistic, as well as not indulge a lack of self-confidence. This position can help us stand aside from our narrow ego considerations and let go of being unnecessarily limited in our view of what's possible.
Marc Edmund Jones, in his masterwork "Astrology: How and Why It Works," says Jupiter in Aries "indicates the development of a consciousness which is characteristically self-sufficient, and quick in its response to new situation." It is motivated by "its own unimpeachable sincerity," seeks "adequate fields for his talents," and needs personal challenges to be at its best.
During this Summer of Jupiter in early Aries, we will all learn about Aries things. It will square Pluto and oppose Saturn for this period, setting major changes into motion in the chart areas involving early Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
These aspects indicate the need to get focused, drop useless considerations and rules that hinder our progress, stay alert to consequences, not work against our own best interests, and be willing to make clear and above board demands on circumstances so they prove profitable to us in immediate ways.
It may involve balancing the various views within a new archetypal role and expressing ourselves as individuals in full power cooperating with other individuals also in the fullness of their power. No doubt some things will have to be cut back to make room for the new growth, and above all, focus on needs and sources of supply to find what you truly care about.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 1 Aries will certainly bring emergent uniqueness and forms of genius. These emerging elements show us new possibilities and opportunities wherever it falls in our chart. It may be that we see what is possible, and then when Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces we have to finish up whatever those lessons are about before we can fully embrace the very quick unfoldments that will begin anew and pick up speed beginning January 2011 when Jupiter re-enters Aries.
Obviously, all the lessons I've discussed so far are playing out in the house that transiting Jupiter is moving through in our charts. This is a time when the deeper feelings and connectedness with All-That-Is that we've been learning from Jupiter in Pisces can open new ways of doing our Being where we emerge from the collective field and become true individuals.
By examining the life areas of each house, we can see the progressive lessons Jupiter teaches us on a year-to-year basis. Since it takes about 11-12 years to make an entire circuit through all the signs, we can learn how the expansions and openings that happened when it crossed our Ascendant, Sun, or planets are related to what we learned in subsequent year periods about those life qualities.
It's also a time when the Aries energies can "teach" our natal Jupiter more about it's natural function, regardless of what sign our natal Jupiter is in. Our natal Jupiter in its sign shows us where we naturally learn and embrace various kinds of "quests." Regardless of how we're living the adventure of our life, Jupiter in Aries shows us how that quest or adventure is related to our ego and its abilities, our self confidence, and how to take the initiative on our own behalf to find new life expressions and opportunities.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
'It should be a very active time where we free ourselves from useless speculations, theoretical wool-gathering, and obsolete social conditioning.'
Thank goodness and heaven help us - Questing absolutely my favourite thing!
Posted by: Morvah | June 07, 2010 at 03:41 AM
I'm watching this configuration closely, especially with the eclipse coming up on June 26. That day the eclipse Full Moon is conjunct transiting Pluto on my MH. This is square my Asc, which is being conjuncted by transiting Jupiter/Uranus. Square that to my natal moon, which is being conjuncted by transiting Sun/Mercury. AND the fourth corner of this Cardinal Cross is transiting Saturn nearing my Descendent, conjuncting my natal Jupiter. Jupiter and Uranus on my Ascendant draw attention to my natal Yod of Neptune and Pluto to my Asc. AND my progressed Sun has just moved into Leo. Whew!
Posted by: Alice | June 07, 2010 at 04:58 AM
Is it true that the Lunar Eclipse that is coming on the 26th of June is quite significant?
Posted by: Darwin | June 07, 2010 at 06:11 AM
As i am looking at my birthchart, i have Lilith and Saturn in Aries both in my 9th house. And also Aries at 2° 11 in my natal 9th house as well. Hope all this will help now that i'm in the reserach phase of my PhD....
I guess it won't be bad!
Thanks again Robert and to all: have a great day!
Posted by: alessandra | June 07, 2010 at 06:32 AM
Robert, Thanks for the message. My husband has a T square in his natal chart (moon at 0'44 Aries , Pluto at 2'52 Libra, Jupiter at 3'06 Cap). Now that Uranus,Jupiter,Saturn and Pluto making conjunctions at those points,what could we expect ? Its quite distinct, isn't it ?
Thanks for your words!!
Posted by: Mary | June 07, 2010 at 07:41 AM
Dear Robert,
Maybe Jupiter and Uranus both in my third house but now in Aries (no longer in dreamy but somehow "passive" Pisces) will help me to get over my temporary writing block?
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | June 07, 2010 at 09:16 AM
Hi Robert
I have a whole site devoted to articles on Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in general, and the one happening in 2010/11 in particular, which has just found its way onto the Best Astrology Blogs site. In the spirit of your comments instructions, I am not leaving the URL or any more details here! But I do believe many of your readers would really enjoy reading those articles, and some might even want to volunteer for the few places I have left on my research project to study the impact of the 2010/11 conjunction on ordinary lives like our own, thereby (hopefully, after the project is completed) adding to the body of sound astrological knowledge out there. So, if you want to explore this further, email me and I will send you the URL for the site.
All good wishes in these changeful times!
Anne Whitaker
Scotland [email protected]
Posted by: Anne Whitaker | June 07, 2010 at 09:33 AM
Hi Robert and ?
please advice on how Uranus and jupiter conjunction will affect me ?
I am ascendent 9.24 degrees in aquarius, moon 28.37 degree in sagitarius, jupiter 25 degree gemini 5 house , uranus 22.30 cancer six house jupiter conjunction will affect me ? by the way i have venus at 21 degree and pluto at 23.53 degree in Leo , 23.27 Sun in Virgo on the 8 house ..
Posted by: Rosa Narda = Rona | June 07, 2010 at 04:05 PM
Hi Robert,
I have a 1 degree 36 min Aries moon in the 4th, Sag rising and natal Jupiter conjunct the midheaven. Standing by with great anticipation. I can really feel the energy amping up with my Sun sign ruler Uranus adding to the mix. Will post on how this plays out.
Thanks as always to your wonderful contribution to all of us on the path of "astrophia" , the wisdom of astrology.
Posted by: Bruce Kaiser | June 08, 2010 at 09:39 AM
Hiya Robert :).
I am ready for all the sincerity. Bring it on, world. Uh, please?
Posted by: Warriorlady | June 08, 2010 at 02:49 PM
hi Robert, i would love to learn more about astroloy in order to help the people in my life. I dont know if i have the grey matter for it! I wonder if i would be of greater service to others by changing my focus. Do you have any advice to offer? Thank you for taking the time to read my post x much love x 8.10pm. 25,7,80. liverpool, uk. R x
Posted by: 12thmoon | June 09, 2010 at 03:52 PM
My spring/summer has been totally Uranus in Aries. I have been volunteering abroad, with projects changing one into another at a fast pace. I cannot see the future ahead after this, but surely this "intro" is very nice. The conjunction opposes my natal Mars!
Posted by: Popplagid | June 09, 2010 at 04:35 PM
Hi Morvah - Things should already be cooking. Just wait till Mars conjuncts Saturn at 1 Libra!
Hi Alice - Just remember that Lunar Eclipses only last a few months. As with Solar Eclipses, they also take away things from the past. The coming one has Sun opposition Pluto from the train wreck point, so something reckless will be curbed in all our lives creating "karmic adjustments" in the weeks that follow. Your Moon will be illuminated by the coming eclipse, and that should manifest through a purified form enabling you to become more assertive. You can expect very liberating experiences to come in the next 7 months, and by this time next year you'll see how everything has freed you for new adventures, new truths, and new motives. You're quite protected, and can receive rewards for what you've learned the past 12 years. Jupiter and Uranus trine your prog. Sun is a very good thing, especially since Saturn has also been sextile for many months.
Hi Darwin - I'll be posting on that eclipse in the near future. Until then, please check the archives for what I've written about Solar and Lunar eclipses in general to get a better sense of how they work.
Hi alessandra - Jupiter on your Saturn should bring an expansion and blessing of the Saturn qualities in your life. Uranus on your Saturn will revolutionize all your sense of rules and security and help show you ways to live the unique authority of your truth. Jupiter in the 9th is a good thing for higher education and advanced degrees as long as you remember to keep it all within imaginative but necessary limits.
Hi Mary - It would seem he is going through an emotional renewal, having purified his aspiration and imagination. He can now nurture himself in ways he never got when young, though he must be flexible in what's culminating, what's emerging, and the limits of what his genius or free will can accomplish. In any case, he must not work against his best interests nor participate in any secret or dangerous agreements, and learn to make clear, definite, and above board demands on circumstances so they prove to be in his continued best interests.
Hi Isabel - Go with the sudden intense writing spurts. You should be able to accomplish a lot in short periods of time.
Hi Anne Whitaker - I trust that whichever of my readers are interested in the project have visited and made themselves known. To that end I left your email, though I usually recommend that people don't leave them posted since spambots troll sites and can make life difficult once they begin spamming your email. If that's happened let me know and I'll change it to something that can work for you. Often anecdotal stories of our personal experiences can help others to see things they might not have seen otherwise, and of course, any given configuration can manifest in many, many ways. Best wishes to you and your work as well!
Hi Rosa Narda = Rona - What you're asking for is way beyond what I can do in a comment stream. That said, you should check out Saturn transits to our Ascendant or a planet since it's been sitting on your Sun for awhile. This conjunction will open a 12 year cycle in your perceptions, communication style, environment, and brother-sister relationships. You're definitely about to move into a long term maturing of your Truths and philosophy. Perhaps the most important influence in your chart in recent times has been transiting Saturn opposition transiting Uranus both squaring your natal Moon opposition Jupiter. Please consult the articles in the archives concerning the Saturn opposition Uranus centrifuge effect, since I've posted numerous articles on that very intense configuration that will be with us for some time to come.
Hi Bruce Kaiser - You should be living a grand adventure by February 2011! Just keep opening to the new while closing the old and I'm sure you'll be having a blast by then. And of course, you're most welcome. I like the word you offered (did you make it up?), though I would think it could also be termed "Astrosophia." Did you make that word up
Hi Warriorlady - Hiya back atcha. Definitely want to see a more sincere world, though the downside is that even toads are sincere in their toad-ness. Still, better open disagreement than a betrayal delivered with a smile.....
Hi 12thmoon - Well, there are certainly more resources for a student of the craft than when I learned it back in ancient times!;-) Each has their own aptitude for certain areas of astrology. Some are more into Moon transits, some understand signs better than others, some know aspects, some are into eclipses, and so on, so by all means begin wherever you want and follow the areas that appeal to you.
I believe you need to follow your Leo dynamic magnetism so you can do whatever you do with style. As you're in the heart of your Saturn return, practice patience and self initiative as you let go of lesser things you've already explored. Please go to the site google box and type in "Saturn return" to learn more about this most important point in your life where free will operates very powerfully. You're now entering a long range part of your life where you will apply the realizations you found the past decade or so.
As for service, find that which you would do for love, and then get trained in the ways that turn you on and show you how you could do that excellently. Much of our "true service" comes as a result of training and the allies we meet along the way. And you can never know when a short term temp gig could lead you into a major career where you can do good service AND make money and have fun. FYI, I'll be conducting some webinars in Astrology in the future. Some will be very advanced, while others will be more basic. Until then, please go through the archives and any other web resources you can find to learn the basics. You can start here. Enjoy exploring!
Hi Popplagid - Sounds great! Sometimes the future is only revealed after we've entered the flow. Just stay clear of disputes that would only deflect you, refuse all that is petty or petulant, take nothing for granted, skillfully display your enthusiasms, and do it all in grand style! Some of what's happening now could yield opportunities beginning January 2011.
Posted by: Robert | June 17, 2010 at 01:58 PM
Thank you, Robert. You have encouraged me.
Posted by: Alice | June 17, 2010 at 06:16 PM
Dear Robert,
thank you So much for your reply. i love astrology so i will start by following your link and keep my eyes open for your webinars x I hope you are having a wonderful time in your moment, whenever and wherever you are xxx much much love xx 12thmoon
Posted by: rebecca devitt | June 22, 2010 at 02:51 PM
Hi Robert, my natal chart has Jupiter in Aries at 16 degrees... (Also: Sun = Capricorn 19 degrees; Moon = Taurus 5 degrees; Rising = Cancer 21 degrees)
I've been living in NYC for 12 years now, and I feel (overwhelmingly so) that I'm at the move-it-or-lose-it point (maybe not that drastic, but you get my meaning :-)
I have had every intention of moving to the Bay Area for a few years now. My NYC lease ends this Halloween, and that seemed like as good a time as any to make my move west. But I want to make sure I move and start my life in the Bay Area at the most opportune time so I can reap the benefits of Jupiter's energy.
My question is: Would I be better served to move earlier (before September when Jupiter slips back into Pisces)? Or, do I wait until January when it moves back into Aries? Or... will I be good to still move on November 1?
NOTE: My plan is to move without securing a Bay Area job first — I feel I'll get my best opportunities if I go there with an open heart and mind and let what's for me find me there. But... I will have only a specific amount of saved money to carry me, so I want to make sure I'm really optimizing Jupiter in Aries.
I hope all this made some kind of sense. I'd appreciate any thoughts or insight you can give!
Many thanks :-)
Posted by: Michael | July 16, 2010 at 09:53 AM
apparently this will be transiting my 11th house... hopes & wishes?
Posted by: robyn | January 22, 2011 at 01:09 PM