by Robert Wilkinson
Along with Mercury opposition Neptune, hold on as we all take a white water ride and find clarity amidst the chaos!
Any of these aspects alone would indicate fairly dramatic events, and taken together it's a pretty wild time. I certainly have things going in my own life that perfectly reflect this extraordinary polarization and "turning the corner" type of energy.
I've written extensively about the title configurations in previous articles. Please go back through the archives to find more. In any case, it's a fairly major "hammering into shape" for all of us, and for me at least, a time of getting very, very clear about who I used to be, who I am, who I'm not, and what I am and am not willing to put up with. (And my Saturn return is over!)
Clarity about one's higher destiny and role to play on the world stage, whether large or small, is necessary if we are to live an authentic life. As Saturn is now at the critical first degree of Libra, the archetypes are being made manifest, for good or ill. As I've written, this is the cosmic moment of Divine Initiation into a greater life and reality for those of us who have prepared during Saturn in Virgo.
With Jupiter square Pluto, coercive and dishonest elements are in the air. Beware of people and situations that are unfair, cruel, out of balance, or potentially explosive. Remember to keep it honest, open, and above board regarding your best interests, and stay focused on accomplishing what you can despite unstable conditions.
This energy is in the air for awhile, so persevere and keep your wits about you in the midst of this very volatile time. Just because someone may accuse you of something does not make it true. Remember your higher agenda, and don't worry about what others think as long as you're taking the high road.
Saturn opposition Uranus, as I've written before, is a cosmic clash between titans of authority. This is the final spin of the centrifuge that has been flinging us away from some people and circumstances, and flinging us toward other people and circumstances. This is leaving us in a purified state so we can move cleanly and clearly into the new archetype of Being symbolized by Saturn.
Stay focused on your individuality as it has been shaped by your experience, and do not yield your autonomy to another's coercions, challenges, or bullying. For some it may be necessary to retreat or go into an introverted state. At times it's the height of wisdom to withdraw so as not to waste energy with intransigent or argumentative people.
Get clear about the stages of how something has developed or is developing, and stay clear about the role you want to play. Don't let another's cat and mouse games to seduce you into believing your role is anything other than to be your highest Self, and find your nobility that enables you to see your life from a broader context.
We're all coming out of some sort of cocoon, with the possibility of seeing things previously obscured. This is the "hour of Divine decision." Soon a whole new reality will be in motion for everyone beginning with the impending Mars conjunct Saturn also at the critical first degree of Libra. Then, as Saturn moves deeper into Libra, our ideal or archetype will acquire solidity as we find a new rhythm of life and a more perfect way to live.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert,
the last Saturn Uranus opposition got me laid off from work. this upcoming opposition is scary for me since saturn will be conjunct my natal uranus exactly at 0 libra, and Pluto Rx is now inconjunct my sun (again) as well! I'm still reeling from the previous opposition and I don't know what will be taken out of my life next. hopefully, it will not be another financial hit because if it is, me and my whole family will living in the streets!
I don't know if I can take anymore surprises! LOL!
Posted by: Ed | July 23, 2010 at 03:05 PM
timely post---love it robert, especially about the "hammering"....
been put into a new shape myself- and a lot of restructuring of routine, communication & focus.
so looking forward to you being back on Awakenings Radio (wed. 8/28) for a bit of metaphysical-astrological rock n roll lol :))
be well....keep to the flow
peace, light & aum
michele :)
Posted by: Michelemeiche | July 23, 2010 at 05:18 PM
ps... loved what you said about the H.S. decisions & relating/responding ... seems we are being called to respond from an even more expanded viewpoint
Posted by: michele | July 23, 2010 at 05:20 PM
This really, really resonates Robert! Especially: ''it's...a time of getting very, very clear about who I used to be, who I am, who I'm not, and what I am and am not willing to put up with.'' Also: ''Remember your higher agenda, and don't worry about what others think as long as you're taking the high road.'' And:''Stay focused on your individuality as it has been shaped by your experience, and do not yield your autonomy to another's coercions, challenges, or bullying...withdraw so as not to waste energy with intransigent or argumentative people.'' I've retreated from some relationships and introverted a bit myself. Another astrologer has been writing for some time now that he feels the current astrology may be the most intense of the last several thousands years. It must indeed be rare to see so many outer planets - Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and even Jupiter hovering on the cusps between signs simultaneously, thereby in mutual aspect. What is your view of the rarity of these complex aspect patterns Robert? Btw, I read a lot of astrology blogs and very few have picked up on the long-term septile between Pluto and Neptune.
Posted by: Elizabeth | July 23, 2010 at 06:23 PM
HAPPY your Saturn Return completed! And I know exactly how that feels in Virgo. In heady-times, like this next month, I am quiet and let the chaos spin all it wants. I don't participate in insanity, yet I will always do the next right indicated thing. I believe in myself; and that amazing things will come to pass... Welcome home, Coach!
Posted by: Jan | July 23, 2010 at 06:29 PM
Thank you, Robert. It's a happening thing! Blessings.
Posted by: Anne Texas | July 23, 2010 at 07:25 PM
beautifully said
Posted by: gaye | July 23, 2010 at 08:06 PM
Natal Saturn is 7 degrees Libra (conjunct Jupiter in the same degree), but my Midheaven is 27 degrees Virgo. Ready to say gooooooooodbye to Saturn for sure. Doesn't help matters that my Sun, Merc, Venus, and Mars are all in opposition in the 3rd. My natal moon is conjunct the aries point in the 4th. YIKES.
I was rewarded with an excellent job 15 months after unemployment (which followed layoffs, short sales, and forced relocation) the DAY Saturn made it's final pass through and landed at 28 degrees Virgo.
GOODBYE Saturn return! :)
Posted by: Skye | July 23, 2010 at 08:52 PM
Great post! Thanks for summing it all up so well. Now I think I can actually live with it--hahaha. : )
Posted by: Account Deleted | July 24, 2010 at 10:25 AM
does anyone know where to find roberts contact number? is he still doing person charts? would appreciate any info.
Posted by: bridgette dolgoff | July 25, 2010 at 08:15 AM
so true robert! i could quote all of that and say i've said it once before. I am taking the high road, and i am avoiding argumentative people. It comes as a loss but i assume it's for the best!
Posted by: robyn | July 25, 2010 at 10:27 AM
Hi, Robert,
Enjoyed reading your July comments on full moon and "We're all coming out of some sort of cocoon" made so much sense.
Hard sometimes to separate the collective energy from that of the individual.
Feel as if I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, globally, I mean.
yet Jup in Aries has created a felt movement...could you say more about Jupiter in Aries, what it means and how long it lasts?
Keep up the good writing! Catherine, Ojai, CA
Posted by: catherine ann jones | July 26, 2010 at 08:49 AM
I really enjoyed reading this Robert, as I enjoy all your post, very very true, strangely so and had more clarity for me than most
Posted by: Aquarlis Virmoon | July 30, 2010 at 01:07 AM