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Ugh. I don't mind looking back a little, just don't wish to look back too much.

Between last night and today, I had a rather toxic individual return "from the grave", harassing me via my blog. The toxicity began in late-2007, around when Saturn entered Virgo. I thought it was over.

I guess not.

Thing is, this time, I have an upperhand in that I have her identity documented, and so I issued a fair warning that I would use it should she continue her behavior.

So done with bullies.


Robert, do you feel this numbnuttery has more to do with the new moon in Virgo, or the Venus-retro in Scorpio shadow?


Warrorlady--I'm confused by yout comment here. I thought that just about now, Jupiter was back in Pisces. Am I wrong?


LG - at the moment of the lunation, Jupiter was still in Aries... now it is back in Pisces.

Robert - glad to read you think this lunation is a "dress rehearsal" too! That was my immediate impression of how this 4-week period should unfold (for me at least) given Venus' position in this chart as related to Venus' position (and rulership importance) in return charts for me over the next year.

mary streets

Hi Robert,
Several things this morning.....I believe it is 2cap, pluto station which reads "a woman emerging from the sea to embrace a seal", which reminds me of the archetypal story I know as Sealskin~Soulskin. I love the Iron John reference. These put me in a frame of mind to reconsider my I am dancing about the fire still to make a decision. T. Uranus trine N Uranus, wanting to set off on my own journey, but not feeling connected to the decision. Natal five planets in fire are ready to spring into action, as always. There are health ideals that need to be implemented, a desire I have had for sometime. Thank you for a place that stirs the collective consciousness. Funny how I need a translator for my own process. Mary P.S. Oh yes... IC at 4 taurus 0'20", sorry about that, would rather have had a pot of gold!!


"a direct confrontation with the 'wild' power of primordial nature within oneself," . . . First time I ever scared myself --------------- :)


HELL YEAH it cannot come soon enough, as I am ready and I know rest of the crew are ready for a bloody change of scenery. Thanks for the astrological information, as it above do confirms what is happening on this UNDERWORLD. Hell yeah I do keep my faith that I will so see the day we the common everyday people worldwide shall forever be FREE from goddamn human tyranny, it in the end caused by sheer human greed and stupidity of thinking this reality materially its real, when in fact it just really a DREAM.

REMEMBER John Lennon's song IMAGINE, well DO IMAGINE IT!!


I don't want to imagine there being no heaven . . . I like the song, and the basic gist of it, but I like the idea of heaven, whatever it is.



I really got alot out of this from your article...

"His keyword for this Virgo point is DEXTERITY. We are told this degree, when positive, is our "ability to strip (ourself) to fundamentals and there stand proudly on (our) own."

I honestly feel this right now. I feel like I am coming into my "own". Tapping into a power within, that I did not really know even existed. But, has come forth with the recent transits since June 25th. Like large chunks of useless, old stuff, stagnated crap, has been removed from me. I have been on the path of enlightenment for a long time. Or I call it the "awakening" too. Though I have to say it has accelerated quite a bit in the last couple months.

I also envision lately, standing upright, tall and firm, and doing a balancing act with diffeent colorod spheres in hands. Like a cosmic force. Hard vision to explain. But it keeps coming to me. :)

Another vision, which during meditation that keeps coming to me. Is walking in a forest and coming upon a stream, and laying down along the stream to touch my cheek to very soft and comforting moss. I think this vision though is different, it helps me to keep in the moment of meditation. Though, brings back some memories when a youth, and when I was a camp counselor for children within a religious setting. I envision the cool comforting waters and dipping my bare feet into the water.

I am so glad that Saturn is out of Virgo now. My health suffered. But, it was my own self undoing, so I learned from it. Working too hard, taking too much on, and suffereing the consequences of overloaded stress, like a total burnout. Took me 6 weeks to recuperate. I have returned to work now, though still working on a balancing act with work, home, personal life. But, I feel it is coming together. I am needing to come to a decision on a relationship I am in. Whether to leave, or stay.

During that time off, I came upon this place. I think back when I first happened upon here. I was searching for those similair to me. Like a deep need to be with my "own". I was in a place that no one could understand where I was coming from. I believe truly, that if you send out your need to the universe, it will come to you somehow. And I had faith, and here I am.

I have felt for much of my life. Not part of society. Like I couldn't fit in. Like a freak of nature, that can't be accepted. Like, judged constantly for being what I am. So, I hid it deep within, and tried to comform to society. (Which hasn't worked!)Now.. I feel like I no longer have to that. Because there are others like me out there. I am so glad I found you all.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do Robert.



Hi Kelly,

Ditto! I've never before heard anyone say they don't agree with the lyrics of Lennon's 'Imagine', but like you, I don't exactly love the 'Imagine there's no heaven' line either.

My father died recently, and I pray that he's there. He deserves to be after all the pain he went through.


Hi Robert

I really like the expression 'the inner Elder'; a lot of attention is given to the inner Child, but never the inner Elder. Resonates with me - time to grow up.


Hi Capricorn,

Glad I was able to put into words what you had also been feeling.

I send you my sincere condolences on the passing of your father. I lost my father a few years ago, and I understand how deeply it can affect you. Like your father, my father also suffered terribly on his way out. I had to really sit myself down in the first few days after he was gone to remind myself, "He's not sick anymore. He's rid of the body that had failed him."

I can tell you this too. I don't *think* that life goes on after our bodies are gone; I know it. I could tell you what my story is, but it would mean nothing to you. When it happens to you, you will also know it.

Someone told me this shortly after my father died. Keep asking every night as you fall asleep for him to come to you in your dreams. I did, night after night, and finally it happened. My dad looked like he had looked before he ever got ill. He was healthy and handsome and smiling and . . . very helpful to me. He told me some things in that dream that I still think about and that do me good every day. I even though about it this afternoon.

Just keep asking him. He'll come to you. He might be kinda busy, so give him time (our time, that is). The love is real, and that's what matters. That will never die, ever.

I also liked the expression "Inner Elder." It made perfect sense to me. I have one too, and I"ve also recently discovered I have an "Inner Wise One." How comforting.

Your father is enjoying his existence now, without the body that so encumbered his existence before he left. He's gone home. But he's there for you. You'll know it when it happens, and it will be a joyful experience, one that will stay with you forever.

That's what I think, anyway. I felt like I ought to pass along the same advice I was given. It worked beautifully.

Thank you, Capricorn, for bringing my dad's love back to me tonight. That sure did feel good.

Good night, Dad. Love you, always. Stop by anytime, and feel free to have a word with you-know-who could use some of your wisdom and love.



Hi Nancy Ruth,

I'm glad that you've found a place that makes you feel better.

I think most of us feel that way at some time, until something happens--we're not really the freaks of society that we think we are. Maybe we've just listened to the wrong people for too long.

I'm also dealing with some very heavy stuff right now, and realizing that a lot of it was my own self undoing was a huge help to me, very comforting. Not so good to know that I was responsible, but so very good to finally be able to see myself more honestly. The truth will set you free . . . .

Wishing you all the best.


'Imagine there's no heaven' - Sweet Jesus it seems that some of you people are upset that John Lennon wrote that line in his song. Well to be perfectly honest why would you want to go to heaven anyways when you already being immortal, Jesus there are countless people on this world who already are students of the Great Teacher, most not know it as it so being part of their individual learning program. Look I am aware that I have been around the so called block quite a few times and ultimately to me this reality is just one big joke, if you are aware of bigger picture. I am not religious and never shall ever be religious, for if you are truly aware of what you people refer to as GOD then there is no need to be religious for you do forever walk your lifetimes truly as one with the LORD.

Heart Mind Body & Soul you must have COURAGE to walks Road Of Woes if you do wish to ever reap true REWARDS.



You are assuming a lot about me and my own spirituality, aren't you?

I never insinuated what you seem to have inferred. Please try to tone down your thoughts. I hope you did not mean to be so judgmental.

I like the song very much, see the wisdom in it, but have my own thoughts and bieve about the hereafter--which is what I was responding to with Calricorn. I don't just think we don't "stop" when we are dine here. I know it.

Have a beautiful day. I sincerely hope that your eye spots the sunlight on a bright leaf, giving you a piece of heaven just because you are loved by the Eternal.



Thank you


Hi All,
I resonate with NancyRuth.
Have also felt an acceleration of the removing of old crap.
Also can identify with the juggling of colorful spheres.
I feel in preperation for something(s) but not sure what.
Welcome and I'm glad you found (us), I enjoy reading things in plain
english sometimesand learning how the astrological movements affect
each on a personal level. Bless you for sharing.

As for John Lennon. The only reason I would imagine there's no Heaven is that I'd know I'm already THERE. If I'm already perpetually in Heaven,
then I wouldn't have to imagine it. It already always exists.

Enjoy the Sag moon
Big Peaces from Renton, WA


'No Hell below us' ?


Hi Warriorlady - Just remember there are ways to deal with cybercriminals, if that's going on, and if not, well, most blogware allows banning of trolls. Only had to do it once here, but when it was necessary, I figured he volunteered for that consequence. I also am "so done with bullies" thanx to recent southern exposure. The nuttery probably has something to do with Venus in constant semisquare to Sun since mid-July! And given recently it and Mars have been in mutual reception BOTH in Exile, "...there's battle lines being drawn...." Add to these factors Sun and Mercury have been triggering old Saturn lessons intensified by Jupiter exactly conjunct Uranus in late Pisces. Finish this four course meal with reviewing the Lunar Eclipse of late June at the "trainwreck" symbol, and some recklessness is being curbed in many ways now that Saturn has been exactly square that Full Moon Eclipse.

Hi LG - As Matt said. Jupiter slipped back into Pisces 9:51 pm PDT 8 Sept, 18 hours and change after the Full Moon.

Hi Matt - Yes, this is good for finishing some things left on hold, as well as being practical in considering things already considered before now. Happening to me as we speak.

Hi mary streets - That symbol is for 1 Aries. 2 Cap is the "stained glass windows." I'm intrigued by the old tales, especially those involving true archetypes. Perhaps the sealskin story has been shown to us in June, and again RX in August, so we can prepare to live elements of the myth beginning January? We should never begin a quest when uncertain about the decision. We all need a translator from time to time. As for your IC degree, that means if you were born even 30-45 seconds earlier, it would be 4 instead of 5. You can probably figure out which it is by examining your early home life and how you've had to relate to your home spaces.

Hi caliban - Yeehaw! Gotta love the "hairy man" and "wild woman" we all have buried deep inside our Being. The trick is how to dance with him/her.

Hi Morlokk - Human time is difficult, in that both imagination and consciousness work in the eternal NOW, whereas perception is bound to normal time. I suspect everyone who comes here (and many more who are lurking but don't comment) are more than ready for this mire to shake loose. While this Earth is a form of an "underworld" it is one of the best places to find out what Love is and is not.

Life here is usually not very intelligent, wise, or even easy to work with, since matter has powerful inertia. But it's a great place to learn detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and how to generate positivity according to our heart's sense of that, rather than stay stuck in unhelpful learned ignorance. And at the end of the day, that makes our experience of Life entirely in our own hands.

The fact that eventually we shall forever leave behind tyranny (created by the ignorant and grasping minds of greedy, stupid, haunted bipeds) is an inevitability due to the planet and all its life forms being on a Path of Return after 12,000 years of a descent into darkness. That's why our dream machine works as strongly as it does, and our collective awareness of the power of thought form building is now well established. Once we learn to take grasping blind desire out of it, then we'll pass the threshold as a group Race. Until then, viewing this dance as a cosmic Leela, a Divine Joke, may be one of the healthiest things we can do.

Hi kelly - To address the issue of "Heaven." There's another song by Traffic that offers "guiding your vision to Heaven, and Heaven is in your mind..." Perhaps Heaven is where we find and live it. Maybe that's what St. John the Beatle wanted us to consider, that there's nothing above or below us, but we are a fellowship of Humanity, and that we create heaven and hell by our thought forms and how we live. I truly believe the "Rapture" is knowing we are Eternals having human experiences, and our power to be Loving, Wise, and Intelligent in every moment regardless of externals.

I don't want to assume anything, but maybe Morlokk was just stating the great Truth that as we become the embodiment of our Higher Path in every way, we are living Heaven every moment we're on Earth. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, just BE the Heaven we always ARE when we don't have a body, feelings, and mind to distract us from our Eternal Self.

I would call it "living on the Buddhic plane" where our open mind and open heart doesn't construct barriers between the living and the dead, and doesn't await a reward at some point in the future, since the reward of Love is Love, and on the Buddhic plane that's here and now forever. Your ways to engage a communion with those Beings on the Buddhic plane does work. Then we just learn to feel the Love.

Hi NancyRuth - Glad the words resonated. Glad you're finding that which has been locked up before now. Always good when "large chunks of useless, old stuff, stagnated crap, has been removed from me." The Path is forever the Mystery which always rises to greet the Questor. Awakening is merely coming up out of "sleep," and while we need time to rest to digest our experiences, it's equally good to wake up, smell the coffee, and hit the bricks! Good vision, lots of texture. Great symbols of balancing acts with recent Venus and Mars and current Saturn in Libra.

As for the other vision/meditation, it reminds me of something I once read from Rumi: "There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground, there are a thousand ways to go home again." Sorry your health suffered when Saturn was in Virgo. Mine too. Taught me to slow down, step outside the yoke of work from time to time. Still recuperating. Regarding relationships - we can never go back - we can only go forward. And it takes two gladly showing up to make a relationship. And of course, you're most welcome. Thanks for showing up here at the cosmic cantina.

Hi Capricorn - Maybe "imagine there's no heaven other than the plane of pure Love," since we can access that plane every time we get out of our own way and allow ourselves to commune with unconditional Love. Your father's "Eternal Self" now "resides" on the Buddhic, Atmic, and Monadic planes of Being. He's now on the plane of Pure Loving Awareness, connected to all other life, both subtle and dense. The Buddhic and Atmic planes are where we all go, as well as where we all come from. That's where our Highest Self exists all the time until we evolve beyond the 5th Circle of Higher Awareness. After that, our Self-Awareness within those vibrational fields are how our Higher Self expresses Itself on Cosmic levels even beyond what we would call Heaven, Soul, and Spirit. And yes, I love that we have both an Inner Child and an Inner Elder that exists simultaneously, allowing us both Divine Innocence as well as Divine Maturity.

Hi Orenda - As for all of us preparing for whatever is on the way, it reminds me of the old saw, "Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water." And yes, despite the problems, aches, and pains, including the death of loved ones and family, I know that I'm living a form of Heaven the best this Being is able to sense that divine experience which is beyond the 5 senses and the mind.

Hi Morvah - Unless we lay down on a fire ant bed!;-)


My old friend, he said that we create our own reality. I could not understand his meaning back then. But recently, I came to a new understanding about my view, and I recalled his words, and I understood. This quickly dissolved into an acknowledgement that each and all are participants in The Creation.

Comfortable and at peace in my new space, I once again was walking down the hall toward the wall of specimens. Nermally, I would turn my head and walk on by the taxonomized creatures, disgusted at the overly carnivorous habits of my own species. But on that day, I was drawn in by the graceful profile of the neck, head, rack, and sleek pelt of the dead white tail buck hung there on the wall. I did not see my reflection in the glass eyes, but felt an innate connection to the living animal in the pure, unadulterated strength of the physical form.

I do not speculate about these occurrences. There is no deeper meaning needed, no internal strife about it. There is only the sense of being alive through my physical form.


Robert, you ARE the man.



Hi Kelly
Thank you for your words - every single word worth... its... weight... in... GOLD. Yes, I asked for him to come to me in a dream... it didn't happen for a long while, then not so good dreams, but finally he did, washing up at my kitchen sink (in my new place)and I asked him how come he was able to stand when before he couldn't (he'd fractured his hip) and he replied "because it doesn't hurt anymore." This was exactly 2 months and almost to the hour of his passing (which was within hours of a lunar eclipse , incidentally). I just got up and cried. The sun hadn't risen yet.

And he said the same thing to his brother in a dream, which he'd independently told my mum.

Your dream of your dad sounds like a lot like the dream my maternal uncle had.

I think your story would have meant something. I recently read a blog by a woman whose last year with her dad (several years ago) resonated so much with mine, it could have been me writing. There seems something to be said about shared experience. Thank you again.


Hi Robert,

Thank you for your reply. Not being a Buddhist, I can't vouch for the Buddhist take on life after death.

However, I just wanted to say that I'd read a few times on your site that things that started in November 1982 would end in August 2010 (my interpretation in concise form!) And indeed they did. 1982 was when my father moved our whole family to a new life, in a new city, and it all ended with his passing. It truly is the end of a chapter and an era.

I'm amazed at the accuracy of the dates. Our lives really are stories, with beginnings, chapters and endings.

daz hastings

wow. i'm amazed. The love in all the comments. The time spent answering questions. The centrifuge of this summer; i must admit, i'm a little scared at what was shown! I've just bought my 2011 diary-calender in readiness. Two days ago I serendipitously stumbled across On The Road again and have re-read ninety pages. It amazes me. The America he strolled in; what came alive under his guidance. That which is still there. That which isn't in the films we see. Ah America. I groan for you in the deep-souled bop transcendent way i was taught. Bop. Dig. And here we are... all those years gone by, and the ole jallopy of the nightmare has vanished in the whisky and wine to reveal your own transcendence. Here I see it all through the lens Robert has, sure, provided. By the way Robert, love the radio blogtalk interviews; there you really come alive. Hip. Dig. Bop. Super! One road leads to Palenque. Another to Chaco. Still another to the wild, sainted inner soul of the land. Are we out of the retrograde yet? (we surely are!)) and times and times again I sit here ready to write loads about/to/from in response and yet AMAZEMENT takes me by the scruff of the neck. Dig. Bop. Wow. Hula! (crikey!)

Nancy Ruth

Robert, this reply/comment hit home

As for the other vision/meditation, it reminds me of something I once read from Rumi: "There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground, there are a thousand ways to go home again."

A few days before commenting the last time..
I found myself saying out loud.." I am going Home"
With no though whatsover in my mind at the time of going home.

When saying it out loud, a peace would come over me. A peace I have never known. A smile would spread across my face and warm me from my head to my toes.

I have been going by my birth name since commenting here. It feels rather awkward. I usually go by Sunshyne on the internet. I think I will go back to that. It feels more natural. :)

ghd white

Thanks for the astrological information, as it above do confirms what is happening on this UNDERWORLD

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