by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday I explained why things are so intense right now due to the influence of the Grand Irrationality. There are also other factors at work right now that indicate a need for caution.
Besides the septiles and biseptiles from Venus and Mars in Scorpio to Pluto and Neptune, we also have Mercury opposing Jupiter and Uranus over the next two days. This can bring exaggerated and some very unusual perspectives, with many ideas magnified out of proportion. It puts the ruler of Gemini and Virgo in opposition to the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, so expect to be dealing with "the tension of opposites" wherever you have Virgo and Pisces in your chart.
With Mercury opposed Uranus, nervous energy is in the air, though it is a good time for innovative and/or inspirational thinking and writing. With the passing of these aspects, we're finally done with the seemingly never-ending Virgo lessons of the past several years.
However, as Mercury slips into Libra on October 3, 8:04 am PDT, 4:04 pm Greenwich, it makes for a translation of light and reinforces the current Sun conjunct Saturn, also giving heaviness to the atmosphere. When Sun and Mercury conjunct Saturn is makes for serious thinking, major decisions, and puts the focus on heavy things.
This is not a light time, nor a time for superficial thinking. It's good for understanding the new role(s) we've been moved into since July, but that does not mean it's an easy time.
Also, just as Mercury translates the light of the Sun conjunct Saturn, it simultaneously translates the light of the recent Sun square Pluto, adding to the intensity and hard edge of this week. When Sun and Mercury square Pluto, try to keep a sense of proportion about things using a balanced view. Beware of going to extremes, and maintain self confidence even if things seem stark.
There are perfectly good possibilities out there, but we must stay focused on what can be achieved despite the limiting conditions, and not get distracted by present or past voices that create a loss of perspective. When Pluto is squared, it's time to be a self-reliant pioneer in some way appropriate to those houses in our charts, and not go off on a tangent, or get extreme or corrosive in thought or action.
The oppositions are impacting areas in our chart involving the last few degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The conjunctions and squares are impacting areas in our chart involving early Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Any planets we may have in those sign areas are under stress of change.
Concentrate, find basic understandings, see your larger life-in-the-making and regard this all as the stress that follows when we get out beyond the known and familiar while moving into unknown zones. Slow down, avoid dangerous or marginal behavior and people, and when in doubt, chill out and try to lighten up as much as possible.
Copyright © 2010 Robert Wilkinson
I am at a loss again, Robert, how singularly targeted you can be on things. Both my partner and I are being pinged in a zillion directions - both of us looking at 'ending' our current jobs w/ current employers (partner for sure as he's already put in his notice - me with 95% certainty awaiting an offer); both of us packing and getting ready for his and his son's big move back east to live with me and my daughter; people, things and daily situations being all trigger happy with us both (kinda like being poked with a stick repeatedly in those spots on your body that already hurt). We've been keeping a sense of humor about it all because ultimately we will get what we want and have worked so hard and waited so long to get to - being together. But having all these tomatoes being throw interim doesn't seem so funny and it's required a lot of thoughtful, deep discussions to 'move n groove' through this goofiness.
But it's wonderful that for the first time in my life I've got someone who has my back. It's wonderful that being alone and lonely is falling to the wayside. It seems one more stormy period should be a piece of cake after all he and I have been through these last few years.
Thank you for your gift, ongoing wisdom and red flag waiving. Even when you're just letting us know the path might be thorny for a while, you always remind us to continue on our journeys.
Posted by: BritLitChik | October 01, 2010 at 11:14 AM
Just quit a job after standing up for myself to a bully boss. I surprized myself, it came out so forcefully after being attacked, I realized I have put up with abusive behaviour most of my life. But then I saw who she really was, and realized I couldn,t change her and quit. And now I see a pattern of sabotage, and I question my action. If I stayed I would be condoning the behaviour, and she told me she looks for weakness in others to use it against them. But now once again Im out of work, with bills to pay. (Freedom vs Security?) I have major 2nd house planets,opposing moon in I have major cardinal cross issues, saturn at 4 cap/3rd -venus 5 Libra-NNode 3 Libra/12th, SNode 3 Aries/6th with the sun and saturn conjunct my venus in the 12th. I know there are changes going on...and self-worth is what Im not willing to sacrifice anymore....but why do I always have to loose to win??????
Is the dawn coming? as it is pretty dark now...
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | October 01, 2010 at 11:39 AM
Hi Robert,
Well, with an 8th house Sun and Venus in the last degrees of Virgo I am certainly feeling this. One of the ways it has manifested is in my having to stand up to several clients about their needing to pay for missed appointments--an issue I thought I had dealt with years ago. This is an issue of self-worth, and making sure others know my worth. So, I guess that is rather like standing up to an employer in a way. I wondered why this was coming up again! It must be those opposites impacting the last degrees of Virgo.
Posted by: Lois Wetzel | October 01, 2010 at 01:04 PM
Hi Wild Horse Running, ye gads! Smack down was the story of my last two office jobs. Old World "Bosses". Their days are numbered.
I know I've had dependency issues to work through. It's kind of militaristic that thing you are talking about. A drill down to take away my tools so that I am completely dependent on them and serve their every whim. Seemed to work for those not doing much work but stroking the boss. Seemed to score raises and advancement for them but it's just plain exhausting for me. Is there any wonder why the "economy" sours?
The last one I had was real covert. Knew how to work the crowd behind closed doors. Naive I was, in my first performance review. She told me a previous employee had told her if she messed with her, she would break her knees. She asked me, now why would someone say something like that. I was shocked at the previous employees comment but when I left there two plus years later I had no doubt in my mind. That employee read her right.
I always thought the boss was supposed to be what the company's mission statement said. Wrong. You aint't the only one with a weakness. Better luck next job!
Posted by: caliban | October 01, 2010 at 03:17 PM
One more thing, something that Robert wrote about identifying abuse hit home with me. It went something like "there's a feeling that something isn't right." Red flag, red flag.
Posted by: caliban | October 01, 2010 at 03:20 PM
ThankYou Robert Wilkinson !!!
“The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.”
Andy Warhol
Blessings !!!
Posted by: Jorge Torres | October 01, 2010 at 05:46 PM
Your Highness
Bang You're dead! DEAD ON TARGET!!!! NO CREDO!
Much love to you
Posted by: chickie | October 01, 2010 at 06:36 PM
My Beloved Robert
i have been pretty quiet on the comment stream for quite some time as i have been navigating seas i thought not possible. i so appreciate you. i have been reading yr blog daily and your wisdom and observations have been a lighthouse.
but this one is big, you rarely warn or get this specific.
blessings to you friend.
Posted by: shanita | October 01, 2010 at 06:53 PM
Robert, do we climb into a cave and wait it out? How to best navigate this time?
as ever, Catherine
Posted by: catherine ann jones | October 01, 2010 at 08:38 PM
Hey Caliban and Lois,
Tks for your posts... I guess I hadn,t dealt with it either. Your right about
the militaristic component, and it helps me to understand the dreams about "getting out of
the Military" (I was in the Marine Corps years ago). Not following orders anymore.
And this morning there is new awareness, and understanding about what/who is deserving
of my energy, and who/what I will allow in my life, and what I want/need to attract. Im starting to "SEE" also that
which I couldn,t in the past, the illusions of those I wanted to see
....I have neptune in the first house...
And the work issue fell into place, its last nights dreams/feelings
are letting me know there is much change on the horizon.
Thanks for your support!
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | October 02, 2010 at 08:16 AM
Wild horse running, your abuser probably bought some kind of illusion about you being weak. Tee hee! A weak person does not survive 50 years of abuse. Best wishes on clearing your space.
Posted by: caliban | October 02, 2010 at 08:31 AM
Hi Chickie, I never quite understand you. But I do believe.
Posted by: caliban | October 02, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Sorry bout my strange wavelength...what I meant was the Boss's insights are so synchronistic to what whatever is current and intense in my life at that moment, it's hard to believe he hits the target while its moving!
I've learned sometime ago about paying attention to synchronisities...the more they show up the more one knows they're on the right path even if it's not so fun at the moment. Make any sense?
Posted by: Chickie | October 03, 2010 at 04:02 AM
Hi Chickie, thanks for the response. Your wavelength is no longer strange now that you explained it. Synchronicity still astounds me at times, but at least it is not bugging me out anymore. And what doesn't seemingly synch, is teaching me alot. I guess we are not all as far apart and isolated as I think sometimes.
Posted by: caliban | October 03, 2010 at 07:51 AM
Oh Chickie, I almost forgot. There is some kind of alignment happening in 2012 that folks are talking about. I guess we are aligning. As above, so below? See you there.
Posted by: caliban | October 03, 2010 at 08:25 AM
Thank you, Robert.
Woke up this morning feeling the heaviness and wondering what it was all about. Read your wonderful description of the Grand Irrationality and felt informed and comforted. : )
Again, your wisdom and words of light are a beacon to us on the path!
Blessings to you and yours.
Posted by: Laura | October 03, 2010 at 10:01 AM
I'm doing more research on my Pool Premonitions of Katrina project and it brought me to Frank Joseph's Atlantis 2012 and "as above, so below" is mentioned quite often in the philosophy of the Atlanteans, as I'm only on p.25.
Do you have a date besides the 12/21/12 date that you may share?
Posted by: chickie | October 03, 2010 at 12:58 PM
Chickie, Nope. I'm not all that educated about these things. I'm a commoner. Just pick up some splatter and fill in the holes. I basically intuit from what I experience in my life. And I find the cantina most helpful in working my process. And it helps me better in my life with others, too.
Getting too far off path confuses me right now. Atlantis must be a long time ago.
Posted by: caliban | October 04, 2010 at 08:03 AM
Dear Caliban and all in the Cantina,
Lots of old sludge is coming to the surface...Im seeing how I have allowed "fear" to control my life.
The saying "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" is resonating loudly...
and I see how I have been "stuck".
This cardinal cross has definetly been a crossroads for me. Their is an inner fight going on with
the old status qou-need to keep things going.....and
new energy that is forcing me to do new things, and
an ability to FEEL that I don,t think I possessed before, because why in the world would I have put up
with the dominating-rude behaviour of the past, if I could have felt it before?
Maybe I was living "in the past"....or just following ingrained tapes in my head, as that is what my family of origin taught me, but as Caliban said, Im "intuiting from the expierences that are happening to me"....and this sounds simple, but asking myself how it feels....and if it doesn,t feel good , its gotta go.
In other words, I believe my self-worth is expanding, and Im not willing to stay where I was.
This sight is tremendously helpful....when I feel backed against a wall, I can write/post my feelings and in so doing, the inner shifts, and I get answers and clarity.
"It is not the Destination, but the Journey...and the
Journey begins with a single step"...
Carpe Diem!!!!
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | October 04, 2010 at 09:05 AM
Yup, WHR, we shoulda listened to our own voice all along. But maybe that's the big thing to learn this time round.
Posted by: caliban | October 04, 2010 at 09:24 AM
Hi Chickie, had a thought that maybe you mean you are synchronizing with stuff from Atlantean times. My synch happens in the NOW with the NOW, day to day rejoicing kind of stuff. Just thought I'd clear that up. That other stuff made my head explode. Not my thing. Too much going on right here. Peace Love Groovy.
Posted by: caliban | October 04, 2010 at 11:12 AM
Hi Caliban,
I understand....however for me the work of the NOW in my life is exposing what happened in the past which brings us to the NOW. I unconsciously channeled an event and the NOW for me is doing the research connecting the dots of art, science and spirituality in order to manifest a global healing. We'll see.....and so sorry to make your head happens to me daily, sometimes by the hour:)
Like WHR's the JOURNEY!
Posted by: chickie | October 04, 2010 at 11:24 AM
I have been trying to catch up on articles and comments, have been away for a few weeks. I am enjoying reading everyone, and knowing that I am not the only one going through some hard stuff also. Hard stuff, but very cleansing. I get alot from what others have to say too. Much wisdom in others words.
I had a vision while reading this article in particular. I seen a bird, in a nest, keeping eggs warmed by sitting on top of them. A storm was brewing, like in "the heart" of a storm. The bird kept sitting there happily, though the storm was tearing down branches and scattering leaves. The bird had a.."Inner peace within the storm"
I had a dream a few nights ago also, thought I would share it. Have been a "dreamer" since a young child. Like a Lucid Dreamer. Shut it down years ago, due to life circumstances. I realize now, that it is a gift that needs to be shared.
The dream was that I was in a house. I was taking care of a baby. I was trying to go out of the house, through the front door. But the doorway, and the windows, were on fire. I tried to cover the baby with a blanket. To keep the baby safe. But, the baby kept kicking off the blanket. I faced the doorway, and was courageous enough to open the door, and take a step through the flames and fire. Then the dream ended.
Which brings me around to an ongoing dream over the past year or so. Where I am walking in a city, and from a distance I can see a large city on fire. I try to stop people and warn them, they pay no attention. I run into a building, and board up the windows and the door to close off from being harmed.
aka Nancy Ruth
Posted by: Sunshyne | October 05, 2010 at 10:04 AM
Wildhorse: You did the right thing and asserted yourself; pattern behavior is very hard to break; you have taken the first step in doing so; fyi, i wrote a book about unhealthy narcissism and control freaks; you can read some related side articles on my web site: Path to Well-Being at; Robert is a great guide as to helping us in claiming our authentic self; Selah
Posted by: Beth in San Diego | October 05, 2010 at 10:23 AM
Hey Chickie...I get you!!! The same is happening to me
kind NNode is in the 12th..and saturn has been sitting on it and my venus (which is square to my natal Saturn at 4 Cap- 3rd, which is being slammed by transiting Pluto....and when "current" events are happening, Im getting a tie-in from the past (or a past
event, a kind of processing the past-while dealing with
the present)
Beth in San are so don,t even know you have a pattern untill you "snap". My venus is in the 12th-square my Saturn in the 3rd....I have attracted narcissists/control freaks/ I was unconcious about my inner state. Luckily I didn,t stay too long in any of them that were really harmful, but now Im getting stronger, and what I was unable to express/stand my ground now very forcefully coming to the surface, in many different situations, roomates, friends,work and Im setting healthy boundaries, or ending things if they continue....much to the dismay of those around me, who are used to me giving in.
I have a T-square or grand square if Kiron is included in fixed signs...22-24 degreees....and Saturn-NNOde-SNode in the cardinal cross 2-6 area. Maybe pattern breaking was my destiny...I am a Scorpio....I am to transform.....I now have an understanding of how hard it is. I will check out your site....
Thanks for your support....
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | October 05, 2010 at 01:32 PM
The heaviness is palpable and increasing, isn't it? I am struck by how similar so many of the stories told above are in theme. Moreso, becasue they are so like my own during this difficult time. I stood up to one of the executives in our company for being a biggot, for targeting certain races for termination and for point blank saying so. This in conjunction with paying their counterparts more for doing the same type of work at a lesser volume- with less complexity. It cost me my job with that company and now it appears my career in the industry. The cheese truly does stand alone. I wouldn't do it any differently, but it is a scary, lonely time.
Robert, thank you for your words of gentle calm in this storm, reminding us that all things, good things, are possible.
Posted by: fiona | October 05, 2010 at 05:49 PM
it takes just one person to stand up...and one step to begin a make me proud! I saw a bumper sticker the other day..."In this universal world of deciept, the truth is a revolutionary act".
I want to be a part of that revolution.
Somthing else is happening as I find courage to speak/face/confront those who have played games/ disrespected/dominated/controlled me....Im becoming softer and kinder, I think I was carrying around alot of unprocessed anger....and Im starting to "SEE" behind the curtain...or able to recognise deception/illusion...and put a stop to "hoop jumping". I had to walk away from my family of origin, and I told them I realized if I didn,t take control and end it, it would stay hidden, and continue.
It is lonely, but as each new insight comes up, and I do what is necessary for my well-being...Im feeling so much more love for myself, and in turn able to give more to others.
As Caliban said in an earlier post..."we should have been listening to our inner voice long ago"....but better late then never.
Strength within... to all my Brothers/Sisters....
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | October 06, 2010 at 10:53 AM
Hi Chickie, no need to apologize. You did not make my head explode.
Back then, my curiosity detoured me off path and it took everything I had to get back on. Am grateful that the guidance, wisdom, and sharing was available so that I could synch my way back. Reasoning and logic didn't work. That's what blew my brain. So like I said, no need to apologize for that.
Posted by: caliban | October 06, 2010 at 11:00 AM
Hope this week will end on Sunday like most of the weeks, for it is enough from Saturn and Pluto. Black week.
Posted by: Henry | October 09, 2010 at 03:51 PM