by Robert Wilkinson
A while back I was asked whether the members of our family or origin are always part of our "Soul Group," and how to forgive those family members who abused us when we were young. Do we actually invite the abuse through "karmic choice?"
I wrote a two-part series about this many months ago that bears revisiting, since willful, destructive behaviors, feelings, and thoughts pervade the collective atmosphere. Part 1 dealt mainly with the subject of Soul groups, and who may or may not be members of that, in the short or long term. Part 2 dealt more with the subject of abuse by family members, and how that is related to our Soul. Today for your consideration, here's Part 1.
I was asked by someone who suffered abuse by a family member when younger how an abusive person could be part of our Soul group. Do we "invite" abuse from family members to learn spiritual lessons? Is our karma to suffer more abuse in future lifetimes? Is tolerating willful, ignorant and destructive behavior necessary to find forgiveness? Since many grapple with these problematic questions, here are a few ideas on these and other related subjects.
Are All the People in our Family in our Soul Group?
While it is true that people "travel in groups with kindred souls," that's not to say we always travel with exactly the same Beings. There are groups and there are Groups, if you know what I mean. And not all beings in a larger group share the same lessons, or level of awareness.
Even within a narrow Soul cluster, different Beings are there to teach each other through their own specialties. Some are more dispassionate, some less. Some are more discriminating, some less. Some are more courageous, some less. Some are more aware of subtleties, some less. Each evolves according to their individual inclinations.
It can also be assumed that since evolution is eternal, we have much to learn from those who are not part of our immediate Soul cluster, Soul Group, or particular groups. In this sense, we learn from those in our larger Ray group, as well as those in different Ray groups, to use another term.
That means we interact with those with whom we have relatively little in common as well as those who may feel more kindred. We learn to sing our Song though all kinds of interactions, by unisons, harmonies, silences, and "All Together Now" (thanks, Sir Paul). We also learn from dissonance, if only to know when we're in the wrong place with the wrong people.
Awareness arises from experience. Experience is both inner and outer and precipitated by how we view circumstances. By the choices we make we find ourselves in the presence of kindred as well as strange beings who also choose their behavior, which sometimes is not what we need or like. Then we react as we will. How we choose to act moves us in directions of pleasure or pain.
Different Strokes for Different Folks
The different Ray groups, as part of their evolution, have totally different methods, means, and lessons for externalizing their truth of Being. A destroyer has a different function than a preserver, or a creator. Each of these has its own potential, and different beings work out that function in their own way, based on their level of awareness.
Here we must remember that different beings are on different evolutionary levels. Not all destroyers work for good. Some creators are devils. Some preservers prop up forms that shouldn't be indulged in at all, much less perpetuated. Much can be related to intention.
While all Souls are "good" (whatever that means) it can also be said that some personalities are so dysfunctional that it makes their Soul obscured because of unfortunate desires and ideas. When a being indulges very destructive behavior arising from lower motives and desires, it always leads to negative results, regardless of what Ray or cluster or whatever.
There are beings who willfully do as they please, without regard to its effect on others. This is an unhealthy separateness from the Soul. While there may be some magnetism and karma at work in our meetings with such beings, we should not feel that these beings are part of our Soul group merely because we have magnetism and karma to work through.
So What Is Our Soul Group?
Our Soul, and other beings' Souls, are eternally connected in overlapping radiant Love-Wisdom. No Soul connected to another Soul within a true Soul group, however close or distant, would ever want anything that would result in suffering or any other negative result.
So there are many types of and levels of closeness and distance in these things called "Soul Groups." From one point of view, all Sentient Beings are part of our global "Soul group." From another view only those who have truly loved us and we have truly loved, those who took us to a greater, unconditional Love, are our "Soul Group." Again, defining what we mean here and the various types of interrelationships on all levels of existence must be considered.
So some beings, while related in some way within the larger Lifewave, may or may not be part of our particular Soul group. Certainly, while some members of our nuclear family obviously are part of our Soul group, just because a being is directly related genetically does not mean they are part of our Soul group.
This is why families have some very disparate Beings, some closer, some not close at all. It's also why a step-parent, step-grandparent, and ancient friends could be more family, more a part of our Soul group, than others we may be related to by blood. Genetics are strong, but Consciousness is everything.
Our parents have a unique relationship to us, as do our grandparents. But it doesn't necessarily mean they are one of the few in our Soul cluster. Again, there are levels of connectedness even within a Soul Group. Whether in the body or out, there are varying degrees of intimacy and harmony between Eternals.
For example, there are adoptees who never know their blood parents, but are unconditionally loved by those who adopt them. Those who are raised by blood parents and grandparents in one life may in fact be with beings in their Soul group, but even that is subject to change. The number of people we've been related to on Earth is countless. Not all have always been with us on our eternal journey.
So the mere fact that someone is related to us by blood does not mean they are part of our Sangha, or Spiritual Fellowship. Much is determined by how helpful or hurtful they are toward us this lifetime. Someone who abuses us, even if they are related on some level of "Soul," is jeopardizing the very Soul connection that brought our magnetism together this life. If they indulge abusive actions, feelings, and thoughts it may result in them being part of a much different Soul group and we may never meet them again, in this life or another.
Tomorrow we'll explore the concept of abuse, and how much choice a Being has not to participate in abusive behavior. As always, this topic may bring up some intense feelings, so be gentle and kind with yourselves as you move through very deep and ancient waters.
Also, as I stated in the original articles, please be careful what you post in the comment stream, as it will find its way to google. This is a sensitive subject for many, and so some degree of discretion may be in order.
Copyright © 2010 Robert Wilkinson
As always, sage words, Robert. Aum.
Posted by: Kathryn Davison | October 24, 2010 at 07:50 AM
Thank you, Robert. Your words always arrive exactly at the time they are most needed and in a manner that opens the door to healing. Bless you.
Posted by: Julia Gray | October 24, 2010 at 09:24 AM
"The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love" from Sacred Words.
Some angels have chosen to go through an abusive childhood, to heal it and be able to reach out to others to help them to heal it. This was certainly the case with one lady that I knew who had been sexually abused by her Father as a child. I was able to help the woman to heal because she was open to healing.
However, doctors put people on pills instead of help them to heal the root causes of the core issues. In most cases doctors have not healed themselves as such they do not have the expertise to help others with the self-healing process.
The great thing now is that the cycle of abuse is being broken. I was blessed to work with families that have broken cycles that have gone on for at least six generations due to their willingness to heal.
So yes, sometimes it can be a karmic contract. Some people teach others to break their contracts. However, those that do just come back to do it again next time. Best to be brave and courageous and get it sorted and healed now.
The more healed people are the more that there will be no requirement for anyone to suffer. Robert, while you have been writing about abuse I have been writing about corruption in the USA. The same applies. The bible says that the wicked are led into corruption and biblically speaking the wicked were those that did not live in harmony with the spiritual law and this precious planet.
As we know the more people live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law, the more harmonious life and the cosmos becomes because it is not a one-way street.
Keep up the great work Robert.
Love beyond measure
Posted by: Eliakim | October 24, 2010 at 05:09 PM
I know this - my grandfather (not by the blood) was/is my only "real" family-member.
Posted by: ull | October 29, 2010 at 09:27 AM