by Robert Wilkinson
I thought this might be a good time to revisit the concept of the Void of Course Moon, since some astrologers will assert the coming Full Moon is void of course since it falls in the last degree of Aries. But is it?
As I've made it clear, I don't ascribe to the concept of "nothing important happens when the Moon is Void of Course." No one thing determines whether important things happen or don't, though it could be said that our own free will, behavior, and responses to life circumstances and events do determine our character, and therefore our destiny, which is pretty important in the larger scheme of things.
So rather than reinvent the wheel, today I'll offer you another look at what I've written about the concept of the Void of Course Moon. Since many of the coming Full Moons will also fall in the last degrees of their respective signs, with this information you can evaluate the coming Full Moons with a measure of informed awareness that what some astrologers may say about these VOC Full Moons should probably be taken with a grain of salt.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
hi robert,
thanks for this and the older posts on VOC. I find it hard to believe that "nothing" is ever happening in astrology. there's just too much going on subconsciously, and the moon is tugging on the earth at all times, whether we "feel" it or not. does VOC even matter in midpoint calcs?
Posted by: astrology2horoscopes | October 21, 2010 at 10:20 AM