by Robert Wilkinson
Winter Solstice 2010 occurs at 3:39 pm PST, 6:39 pm EST, 11:39 pm Greenwich Dec 21, 2010 (22 Dec. in Europe and points east.) This is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and from here the Solar force will get longer and stronger, a welcome relief for those of us who need lots of sunshine to keep our dispositions equally sunny. The Winter Solstice is a special time for me, where I do a specific ritual every year that yields great results.
Today is the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of Summer in the Southern. There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and making decisions about how we want to live in 2011. We up North have now reaped the harvest of what we've done and not done, and can figure out how we want to claim our power in 2011. In the Southern latitudes, you've finished your "Spring planting," and will now see how these labors will come to fulfillment over the next 90 days.
Whether North or South, keep following through on the emergent archetypes you've already begun to live, since this is the time to embrace personal power in some public way. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
This Solstice has 15 Gemini rising in Santa Monica (PST), 23 Gemini rising in Vancouver, and 25 Cancer rising in Washington DC (EST). London (GMT) has 27 Virgo on the Ascendant, Amsterdam has 1 Libra (critical degree alert!!!), Berlin has 6 Libra, Tallinn has 13 Libra, Sofia has 15 Libra, Istanbul has 20 Libra, Cairo has 23 Libra, and Johannesburg has 2 Scorpio rising.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 3 Sagittarius in New Delhi, 11 Sagittarius in Trivandrum, 30 Sagittarius in Bangkok (Eclipse Solar Degree!), 9 Capricorn in Hong Kong, 28 Capricorn in Tokyo, 2 Aquarius in Perth, 28 Aquarius in Melbourne, 2 Pisces in Brisbane, 23 Pisces in Wellington, and Maui has 25 Aries on the Ascendant (Hawaii sees the Solstice at 1:39 pm 21 Dec).
As mentioned, the charts for the Summer and Winter Solstices provide guideposts for what will follow in the 90 days after those points in time, just as charts for the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox each show what will follow in the period after those points in time. I've written extensively about the various aspects and positions in the articles on the Lunar Eclipse and Inferior Conjunction, so please reference them for a more extensive look at the astrological factors going on right now.
The things in those articles that are still active in this Solstice chart are Mercury retrograde square Jupiter, Mars quintile Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, square Saturn and semisquare Neptune, along with Jupiter quadranovile Saturn and Saturn quadranovile Uranus. However, there are some significant differences between recent astronomical/astrological events and the Solstice chart.
First, the Moon is at 9 Cancer trine Venus opposing Mars. This is a powerful configuration that will help us all learn how to generate happiness in dark hours and circumstances, cultivate our "garden of personality" in ways that nurture us and others, and move into new situations that may be a challenge or even crisis, but which will demonstrate our strength of character and courage to embrace new ways of doing our Being.
We will easily know what must be dropped so we can quicken our process, and it will be helpful to regard these practices as "dress rehearsals" before the coming "battle" that will be in evidence once Jupiter and then Uranus move back into Aries and do their squares to Pluto. I've discussed Uranus square Pluto extensively in past articles on the Cardinal T-squares and Grand Crosses that were formed last Summer, so please revisit those posts to see what's coming!
We also see Venus in a very powerful biseptile with Jupiter conjunct Uranus. This will put many into forks in the road relative to home, family, sources of supply, challenging us to let go of getting aggravated at the wrong things and demonstrate a deeper, vaster more individualized form of compassion for self and others.
Those most affected by these biseptiles will be those with planets or sensitive points around 25-28 Pisces, 16-19 Taurus, 7-10 Cancer, 29 Leo-2 Virgo, 21-24 Libra, 12-15 Sagittarius, and 3-6 Aquarius. Obviously this Solstice biseptile effect will be triggered in major ways when the inner planets cross the Aquarius and Pisces zones, as well as when the Moon is in any of these 7 hot spots.
As with all Winter Solstices since 2008, this one features Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto at the Galactic Center. From the 2009 Solstice article:
The 2007 Winter Solstice had the Sun exactly conjunct Jupiter at the Galactic Center, offering promises that began to sprout beginning at the 2008 Solstice, which had the Sun exactly conjunct Pluto at 1 Capricorn.This indicated the radical transformations of this past year. This 2009 Winter Solstice, the Sun is still conjunct Pluto, continuing to shine a light on the transformation of the world we're all living through. Certainly the seeds of many things have been sprouted the past year which will continue in 2010.
This 2010 Solstice chart also shows Sun conjunct Pluto, along with the North Node in Capricorn. This was a major factor in the Lunar Eclipse a few hours ago, and is a strong developmental force pulling all of us into future growth that we will demonstrate through the South Node in Cancer.
Given the degrees that are active in this Sun conjunct NN and Pluto, we can expect an intense activation of the urge for new experiences, new ways of "authoring" our roles in our world, with maximum growth arising from the purity of our motive demonstrating our free will so that we can transcend limitations through radical detachment. In any event, mobilize to bring order out of chaos as you move through "trials of endurance" showing your commitment to your new roles.
Saturn, ruler of the Sun, North Node, Pluto and Mars, as well as Jupiter and Chiron in Aquarius, is at 17 Libra. Rudhyar states this is about seeing the connect between physical and mental activities, and reviewing and reflecting on the past to retire from old dramas. Over the next 90 days Saturn will show us how to repair or reconstruct what needs these in rhythmic balanced activity. Just remember to breathe into the sense of relief at retiring from those actions and people that you no longer need to be involved with.
These qualities of life will continue to be revealed from now through January 10. They will have to be seen or understood from a different angle between February 11 and March 5 so that they can externalize in a newer, healthier, more appropriate way beginning April, and we'll hopefully have mastered these energies by September 2011 when we again move into unknown zones of Saturnian mastery.
The Sabian Symbol indicates this is a degree of "A retired sea captain," showing the counterpoint to what we should retire from versus work on repairing or reconstructing. Thus it would seem that we will all quit some elements of our past, moving our understanding and involvement from physical to mental.
Dr. Marc E. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states that here we can find "an entirely personal enjoyment of reality," where we can sustain our world through "a completeness of self-consummation through a figt for bringing all prior factors of realization to focus in the present moment." Here we find security through making our peace with our diverse potentials.
The keyword is RELAXATION, and we are told when positive it indicates "an utter fidelity to the lessons learned from experience and a consequent unshakable poise in embarking on any new enterprise." This implies that the ruler of the Light/Life of the next 90 days is telling us to relax into new roles and potentials, while being aware of what we've consummated in the past. This can show us how many different things all came together as elements of our new Archetype we've been living since August.
The planets fall in a Bucket Jones pattern, with Saturn the leading planet, Jupiter and Uranus the closing planets, and the Moon as the handle, or nozzle, focusing all the other energies. The Moon Sabian Symbol challenges us to follow our curiosity and reach out for knowledge and understanding about life that may have eluded us up to now. Rudhyar states this is about the "innocent and spontaneous mind... unclothed in cultural patterns..." Here we can "catch the swift and elusive first realizations of the meaning of life," in this case the new life that we've begun to live since last Summer.
Keeping in mind this is the degree that focuses all the energies of the Solstice chart, Rudhyar goes on to state that we should reach out "with a pure and unconditioned mind to... elementary experiences which natural life offers us" to find "Purity in Understanding." Dr. Jones says this degree is about "freshness of Soul as it enters every new experience with an unabated enthusiasm" and "substantiates its divine estate."
He goes on to say that this degree is "a lack of inhibition" so we can grasp the reins of our destiny, and the "simple curiosity" that "makes it impossible for any potentiality of being" to escape us. The keyword is INCLINATION, and when positive this degree is "ingratiating and irresistible capacity for self-expression."
Feelings will run very high this season, and drive most of the information finding process. The trick will be to make a decision and act on the information we find without looping back into trying to feel our way through even more information. Those who procrastinate will find that all their thoughts and information are not helping them move forward.
This reminds me of lines from my favorite song, "Two Different Roads," written by Capricorn legend and music pioneer Michael Nesmith:
You might think that I'll wait, but he who hesitates is lost, this is not just a game,
It's the problem of creation and only meditation can make your mind and age the same,
I know, 'cause this all happened once before....
So even as you learn to feel your way to knowledge and visions that enable you to decide and act, following your curiosity into new ways of seeing potential that you can wholeheartedly embrace, take a new look at your dedications and most enjoyable roles you could play in your world. A whole new era is about to dawn, with major conflict but also potential to demonstrate spiritual knowledge and power in caring, nurturing forms. Feel, Think, Envision, and then Act!
On a final note, in the Northern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice ushers in a season dedicated to "seeds in latency," those that will sprout in March when the light force is stronger, the ground is warmer, and Spring is on the way. The Solstices and Equinoxes are special points in the year cycle, marking the end of one season and the beginning of the next one. They are great for getting clear about our resolve, and what we want to see made manifest in times to come.
And now for the fun part!
This brings us to the ritual I mentioned at the beginning. Whether you're in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, there is a special ceremony I do each year that yields some fairly spectacular results. This is not a very elaborate ritual, but it's very powerful in its simplicity.
The Solstices mark points of transition from an old "half year" of the Sun moving South or North (depending on where you are on the Earth) into the opposite direction. In the Spirit of this "coming or going," I first take a moment to note what has left my life the past year while saying goodbye on deepest levels. This creates space for that which is more appropriate to my evolution and well being.
Then I make a list of everything I want to leave my life in the coming year, and A) find a disposable object associated with each thing (or person, or personal habit) I want to see leave, or B) I draw a picture that represents those things, people, or habits. Then I burn each individual picture in a fire, one at a time, while saying goodbye to each of those. (I make a duplicate list to check the next year to remind me of what I wanted to see leave.)
I also make a list of things I want to see come into my life in the coming year. I try to make it realistic, but also allow my imagination to bring forth what might be or could be, even if improbable. After all, it's supposed to be fun! I play with possibilities, and write them down, without getting hung up on specific forms. This is about content more than form.
Then I draw pictures symbolizing those things, and burn them, one by one, in a fire, welcoming in those better things than I've known up to now, putting it up and out into the "Spiritual atmosphere" so that Divine Mother can bring it forth in the coming months. I also make a duplicate list to check the next year.
Over the years I've done this ritual, I find very often that every single thing I want to leave actually does leave. And, I usually see most if not all that I want to appear show up in the following year. Even when one or both lists falls short by a thing or two, overall I've seen great progress year after year.
It's also very interesting to note how my lists have changed over the years, with some concerns falling away and new things presenting themselves according to my intention. And sometimes, when I have not received what I thought I wanted, it became clear why it wasn't good or necessary for me to have that which I thought I wanted.
So in this time of transition from the old year into the Winter of the new, take a moment to note what has left your life the past year, thus creating space for that which is more appropriate to your evolution and well being. And if you feel like doing a Solstice ritual, whether this one or another, open to your greatest good and highest possibility of happiness, and you just may find a measure of that in the coming year.
As "they" say, Mahalo, Aloha, Namaskarams, Aum Namah Shivaya, and Happy New Year!
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
This is the third time I am following this beautiful ritual... Thank you, Robert, and Happy Winter Solstice to you too!
Posted by: Eva | December 21, 2010 at 02:59 PM