by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury goes direct in motion 11:21 pm PST Dec 29 (7:21 am Greenwich Dec 30) and speeds up for many weeks to come. This shows a quickening of the ability to coordinate, put things together, understand the whole and the parts, the process and the larger cycles. Mercury, or Hermes, "the Guide of Souls," is also known as the Divine Trickster, as well as all lesser models. It is now stationary at 20 degrees of Sagittarius, affecting that area for months to come.
We are told the symbol is "Men cutting through ice." Rudhyar says this is a degree of a "depth of operation necessary to prepare for next phase of life," and "sacrifice of present to future."
In "The Astrological Mandala" he states the keynote is "the foresighted use of natural resources to supply future human needs." He says this point is where our "ingenuity and foresight" can be used to plan for the future in terms of "assuring supply." This degree "stresses the value of actively planning for future need, and of foresight based on the knowledge of cyclic processes."
Of note is that this degree was where Jupiter went stationary retrograde in April 2007. Events since then have been preparing us for the information, signals, ideas, and coordinations we'll be doing over the next few months. Key points in the developments of this theme of preparing for future supply of our needs began in March 2007, and through the rest of that year brought us activity and larger opportunities and awarenesses of how to use foresight of what was to come to get clear about ensuring our future well being.
So what began as an adventure, a wider view, a teaching, or a protective opening in 2007 is now going to give us specific information about this preparatory energy, as well as opportunities to weave ideas and activity into our lives in multiple ways. We should all start seeing, hearing, and understanding things that point the way to our future well being. And since Mercury, or Hermes, is known as "The Guide of Souls," then perhaps here the Guide can lead us to our better interests in terms of future supply.
Given where it falls in Sagittarius, it shows us some form of aspiration, larger or future-oriented vision, abstract understanding or higher Truth to break into a wider life. The symbol is action oriented, and this stage of the process follows the reorientation technique for survival purposes of 19 Sag and precedes the imitative learning phase of 21 Sag.
We'll be dealing with these energies every time there's a transit over it. We got a twin chiming of this point by Mercury and Mars between November 21-25, and the Sun lit it up December 10-11. Now Mercury establishes this as its launch point for lessons through late March 2011.
Venus will help us capture resources and relationships related to this theme January 25-27, 2011, and we should be experiencing new openings where we understand and harmonize these themes in our lives from the Vernal Equinox on 20 March through 8 May, with continual information generated each time the Moon moves through 20 degrees of the Fire and Air signs. Turning points and release points will be generated during times the planets move across 20 degrees of the Mutable signs, so important developments can be expected in the first 3 weeks of March through Mercurial, Solar, and Martian transits and the second week of April.
Mercury going direct will re-activate many of the aspects it's made over the past few weeks, since it made important conjunctions, squares, sextiles and a quintile during that time span. So now that it's direct again it will again sextile Neptune and Chiron, square Uranus and Jupiter, and quintile Saturn while at the end of Sag in the second week of January, proceeding to the conjunction with Pluto in the third week of January. After that it will be out of the retrograde degree span, moving into "unknown zones" where the themes of this retrograde will be played out in forward motion.
Other important aspects influencing coming weeks are Venus septile Mars while also semisquare the Sun during the same time that Mars sextiles Jupiter and Uranus. In mid-January the Sun follows the path of Mars and adds light and power to the productive Mars sextile Jupiter and Uranus from late Capricorn to late Pisces. That will show as one last favorable push to assist personal reorganization as we all stand on the threshold of Jupiter's entry into Aries.
That said, at the time Mercury goes stationary direct at 20 Sag, it makes no significant close major aspects to any of the other planets. However, it does make a very close trielftile aspect, based in the 11th harmonic. Though not widely understood or used, I believe these "elftile" series aspects involve transcending some duality through leaps of faith to achieve a mastery over those types of duality. So perhaps Mercury working through the themes of 20 Sag will bring us all to challenges involving our willingness to make leaps of faith into some future, truth, or adventure.
Probably the strongest influences working at the time Mercury goes direct are Venus trine Jupiter and Uranus while square Neptune and Chiron, and the very tight Mars square Saturn exact just hours before Mercury goes direct. These should show as deepened relational understanding with others who also stand on a major threshold of change, and recent conflicts, releases, and shifts in direction show our dignity and our growth. Keep everything simple, pleasant, noble, loving, creative, and playful as you "come in from the cold."
Mercury at the end of its RX period is in the second half of Sagittarius, said by Rudhyar to be a span of "Detachment" in the Actional level of Transference. While Mercury occupies Sagittarius, many will find they are seeing their truths and philosophical understanding with new eyes, and realize they will have to open to a wider view of their future. You can bet that as Jupiter and then Uranus move into early Aries and septile Mercury's stationary degree, major choices, changes, and forks in the road of destiny related to that degree will be set into motion. As I've noted in other articles, this is going to be one wild ride that develops very quickly!
Dr. Jones states the keyword for this symbol is PROCUREMENT, indicating "the facility with which men organize the processes of nature for the benefit of the community at large." Here we see individual potential working with "natural resources and social opportunities" so that "personal endowment" can be demonstrated in "organized effort." We are told that when positive, the degree is "exceptional capacity for overcoming obstacles and capitalizing on every possible eventuality."
So at the end of this retrograde period, we find ourselves poised to learn and/or demonstrate new skills, where we can work within a group demonstrating our potential to contribute to a greater social whole. If the opportunity comes up, work in some organized effort to capitalize on the group energy to achieve something that takes care of a need. And if you're out on a limb, judge exactly how far not to go, and then be secure in what you've already accomplished as you crawl back down to Earth.
As Jupiter rules Mercury, flow with the changes into a greater vision, adventure, or understanding, unique to your specialized creative Self. Since Jupiter is in an exact forming conjunction with Uranus, accept your own special harvest which can allow you dominion over your inner and outer life, and find a greater productivity than you've known. We are all being blessed with a "benediction" unique to our true Self, and are promised a "self-consummation" and success beyond measure. Just flow on, walk on, forgiving what needs forgiveness and blessing the passages as you move into a new world.
The coming 3 months promise major openings into a greater future for all who pay attention to what must end soon so that empty space is made in the inner and outer life that can be filled with new contents. This period shows us the future, and what we must do to assure some form of supply down the road within a community context. Those who choose a wholehearted productivity will find themselves established in an expression of their Higher Self at whatever level they live.
So demonstrate your skills, use your creative imagination to visualize your role that assures you well being and community in the future, and you could find you are more richly endowed than you've imagined. Use foresight as you flow into new organized forms, and feel the larger blessing and protection that shows you a Higher Way to live.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
A most beautiful message, Robert.
Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Many of your insights in this article bring forth peaceful focus and a sense of faith and allowing.
Blessings to you and yours!
Posted by: Elah | December 29, 2010 at 09:57 AM
I wonderful article Robert.
It feels like the end (almost), and a new beginning dawing. I am recieving impressions and images of what the newness will hold. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate it very much.
Posted by: Sunshyne99_33 | December 29, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Thanks so much for this. My Midheaven is 20 degrees Sagg also conjuncting this stationary Mercury. I am writing a book proposal that I plan to "shop" at a Writer's Conference in the spring. I am a Gemini, May 28, 1957 @ 1:48 a.m. Chicago, IL and when I read this post it really resonated that big changes are on the horizon.
Posted by: Brenda | December 29, 2010 at 06:28 PM
"Elftile" aspects certainly seem to speak to me of adventure;)
I am one who has never been able to "visualize" anything, much less the future, so presently I am simply trying to be more present. I feel a void within and can only surmise it may be pregnant with possibility, but as to when or what may be birthed, I have truly no idea.
Thanks, as always, for what you share here.
Posted by: Sabina | December 29, 2010 at 08:41 PM
Robert San
Thank you for this, for all...
Much love, light, gratitude
Posted by: shanita | December 29, 2010 at 09:02 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for this great article. If you have time, it would help teach me to have your thoughts on the following...
A friend of mine has her Mars at 20 Sag in the 1st directly opposite Uranus in the 7th/Gemini, while I have Neptune at 21 Sag in the 8th right after the cusp (sextile Pluto in the 6th). Any thoughts you can share to explain how this sensitive point interacts with those natal planets? No worries if this is too long of a question, but I am trying to learn through studying friends and my own chart.
Thank you, Robert. K
Posted by: Kristina | December 29, 2010 at 09:34 PM
Dear Robert,
The whole Family at home has been going through a process of its king since April 2010, when my Mother (aged 87 then) became ill and started falling down easily, etc. Living with us for about two years back then, I started to sleep near to her, in her room, so to avoid any more dangerous falls, as we discovered she had four hernias in her spine! Well, to make a king story short, it happens that this Lady with a compassionate Heart has in the mean time had her 88th. birthday last 28th. Sagittarius and is weaker and weaker (and so am I, as I work day time and spend the night taking care of her, while my Husband takes care of her during the day...)
Just to explain my doubt, the Lady has been through the Neptune to Natal Neptune opposition already (Neptune being the Regent of her eighth house), is already facing an opposition of Pluto to Natal Pluto, an almost exact third return of Saturn, has had 7 Jupiter returns, and her Natal Moon is being afflicted several times already by the passage of Uranus and Jupiter in the last degrees of Pisces (Natal Moon being between 27 and 28 Pisces).
By now the Lady has trouble walking (in fact does not walk except supported by us), can only digest liquid or smooth food, like soup, yogurt, smashed fruit, soya desserts, and such like, sometimes she is lucid, sometimes she sees things which may be real or the result of senility...
For months now, she claims that a car looking official is there waiting for her, that the guys in the car explained to her they are watching the city for safety, they apparently invited her to go with them... Yet, we live in an apartment building high up - there can be NO cars in from of our windows...
With all this, the difficulty implied in her planetary positions, I never even expected her to make it this long, as she gets frailer every day... We all LOVE her so much, and I get mixed feelings, as I can remember the bright woman she was, poet, Philosophy Degree, translating several languages, making beautiful lectures, and BEING her amorous and healing Self to all in a generous way!
So, I would like her to free her Beautiful, luminous Soul, from this decaying body... But of course go on treating her with all tenderness, especially as she lost her Mum at age 3.5, so she dwells a lot on this feeling of loss...
I try to be her Mother now and to prepare her for the transition...
What is your idea about this???
Thank you
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 03, 2011 at 09:47 AM
Hi Elah - Thanks for your praise of the work. Peacefulness and "allowing" based in our inner equipoise are often the best antidotes for unrest and rigidity, even that which we're unaware of. As we practice these, dealing with others' unrest and rigidity becomes a little easier. Of course, blessings to you as well!
Hi Sunshyne99_33 - It is the "end of the end" and therefore "before the beginning" which will soon present itself. I'm sure you will make the transition with grace and openness since it will feel great to allow the past to fade into the rear view mirror.
Hi Brenda - You're most welcome. This would be the commencement of a new public self, and certainly a book could be indicated by Mercury SD on the MC! Given where Jupiter is, this should be a very productive set of weeks in front of you!
Hi Sabina - Well, the "elftile" series, based in dividing the circle by 11 (I named it "Elf" since that's the word for 11 in German) do pose forms of spiritual adventure, since they all require resolving some form of duality through some form of a leap of faith. Each of the series is slightly different than the rest, but all involve dualities that must be resolved by "taking the leap," which could constitute an adventure!
If you cannot visualize clearly, then practice it by steps. There are many exercises for learning how to visualize. Start with some basic things like seeing things in your hand or on the floor or walls that are not there in substance, or focus the gaze on a single thing and then transfer that image to another place. Voids ARE "pregnant with possibility" since that which is empty can be filled! The trick is to hold the empty space so it's filled not with the first thing that appears, but the BEST thing that could appear. And of course, all voids require leaps of faith, just as a pregnant person must have faith that the void being filled in the womb day by day will result in a living being.
Hi shanita - You're most welcome! Looking forward to visiting in a couple of months give or take....
Hi Kristina - Mercury will be the messenger to bring your friend new info re: her Mars function, and hopefully it will bring ideas of how to externalize her Uranus in multiple forms of Sag action. For you, you'll be getting signals about your Neptune function, or how you can best relate to collective consciousness given that you'll also get info about the future of humanity in the large. There is a lot more, of course, but this should whet your appetite.
Hi Isabel Nobre - What you're describing would require a far deeper response than I can give you in a comment stream, but I'll try to offer what I can. First, your prayers and meditations make more of a difference than you may imagine. Also, death is not the enemy, since we all must confront it someday. You are the equivalent of a midwife, but at the end instead of the beginning. The love you share is forever; your task is to make it as unconditional as you can, since the "condition" of her physical presence is on the wane.
She sounds like a remarkable woman, and you are blessed to be her companion this life. I believe that after a certain point in the process, the dying "turn to face the other side." That's why it's important to just love, love, and love some more, encouraging them to be as they must to prepare for the transition. We can help them by reminding them of the love that's all around, as well as the love waiting for them "on the other side." Since hearing and touch are the last senses to go, then things like holding them, brushing their hair, talking to them about the love you've shared and will always share is often soothing, since approaching death does bring up a lot of uncertainty to their minds. That's why we appeal to their hearts.
It doesn't matter what they say they're seeing or experiencing that to some may sound like senility. It's their reality, and we're here to love them, not correct them. It sounds like the guys in the official car are waiting to transport her to the "heaven world." In the astral world, cars can be in mid-air without needing to be on the street. It's all symbolic to her individual consciousness, not our waking linear perceptions.
Keep meditating on the greater unconditional love that you all share together and have "forever." Surround her with angels/devas that will make her transition easier, and when it happens, try not to fret. As I've written on previous Jan 9 articles, the price of love is grief, since one must die first. But love is stronger than death, and our prayers and meditations do help those who leave the body to move through the various frequencies of "the bardo" into the frequencies of "the heaven world" in perfect harmony within the greater field of Love/Light/Life that is the eternal state of things. My blessings on your further loving assistance to one who is obviously very loved by many.
Posted by: Robert | January 05, 2011 at 09:19 AM
Dear Robert,
Your remarkably loving answer is everything I expected it to be and more - thank you ever so much!
I am, in fact trying my best to do all of that.
I was wondering whether a "timetable" is predictable from all the important conjunctions and oppositions she has now, but maybe it is Life wanting me to "hang in there" for as long as it takes... I WILL:
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 06, 2011 at 03:42 AM