by Robert Wilkinson
Part 1 covered quite a few essential elements of this Sagittarius New Moon. Please read that one first, since this is pt. 2. Today we'll discuss significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Lunation chart, including Mercury conjunct Pluto triggering the Grand Irrationality.
Unlike the past 3 New Moons, this one makes 3 very important forming aspects. The Sun/Moon make a very productive sextile to Saturn, a potent biseptile to Uranus, and a specializing quintile to Neptune. The Lunation sextile Saturn shows a productive harmonizing of the structural relationship between our Cancer/Leo sectors and our Capricorn/Aquarius sectors, as well as any planets we have in those signs.
The Lunation quintile Neptune is excellent for bringing forth intuition based in a higher, broader sense of connection with the collective consciousness. Those with planets around 15 Sag, 27 Aquarius, 9 Taurus, 21 Cancer, and 3 Libra will sense this very strongly. Go with the unique elements that come forth opening the future to broader contact.
Of most importance is the Sun/Moon biseptile Uranus. This is the culmination of the cycle set into motion in March when the Sun conjuncted Uranus, and marks an important turning point in how we use our will in imaginative forms to achieve mastery over our lives and affairs through creative visualization.
This biseptile shows that the focus of the Lunation is confronting choices around how we deal with those issues. We will see manifestations of these changes when the Moon hits 4-6 Aquarius, 26-28 Pisces, 17-19 Taurus, 9-11 Cancer, 1-3 Virgo, 22-24 Libra, and 13-15 Sagittarius. Obviously if you have a planet in one of these zones, the coming weeks will bring major decisions to stay on course or shift direction in mastering your destiny.
Other significant forming aspects between the rest of the planets include:
Mercury about to go retrograde sextile Venus, conjunct Mars out of sign, binovile Jupiter and Saturn, septile Neptune and conjunct Pluto, activating the Grand Irrationality in major ways. You can find more by going to Mercury in Capricorn Almost Retrograde Conjunct Pluto Activating the Grand Irrationality in 2010, 2011, and 2012 when you're finished here. In it I also discuss the importance of Mars entering Capricorn and triggering these Mercury-Pluto energies in the near future.
Venus is forming a novile to the Sun and a sextile to Pluto, elevating the productive spiritual factor through a final experience of early Scorpio energies, bringing completion to what we've been going through off and on since mid-September. Also of some significance is the tight separating biquintile to Uranus.
Though separating aspects show activity in the past, these are so closely separating that it indicates we're in the heart of the energy! This is offering us unique interactive opportunities to show cooperation and building skills along the line of the Uranian lessons and skills mentioned in the paragraphs covering the New Moon biseptile Uranus.
Of note is that during this Lunation period Venus will cross the point where it went stationary retrograde in early October. That will put it biseptile Neptune and Pluto, just as it was when it went retrograde. This period just before the Winter Solstice on December 21 (3:39 pm PST, 6:39 pm EST, 11:39 pm Greenwich) will help us all make sense of what we went through in October and early November.
Venus retrograde dominated October and November, so you may want to take a new look at what it was about through the eyes of hindsight. To that end, here's the article outlining some elements of Venus retrograde in Scorpio, which can fill in how that piece of the Grand Irrationality puzzle has now led us to what we confront now that Mercury is conjunct Pluto setting it all into intense motion again! You can find even more at The Grand Irrationality Now! - An Early October Wild Ride As Venus and Mars Biseptile Neptune and Septile Pluto.
Other significant forming aspects in this Sagittarius New Moon chart shows Mars conjunct Pluto, Jupiter conjunct Uranus both quadranovile Saturn and binovile Pluto, with Saturn barely separating from a binovile to Pluto. The novile series aspects are a spiritualizing influence, and these major novile series aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto shows there are major revelations to be had.
Much that's been in limbo up to now will finally begin to take shape, coming out of the wilderness or off the shelf bringing long term spiritual understanding. These open up "revelation points" at 4-7 degrees of the Earth signs, 14-17 degrees of the Air signs, and 24-27 degrees of the Water signs. If you have a planet near these spans, expect major spiritual realizations to come!
There are many more possible ways these aspects will play out, but providing an individual insight into each of these is way beyond the scope of this article. We will be affected in the areas these fall, according to what houses they rule and how the aspect the various other planets in our charts.
Though separating, Pluto is still very close to the North Node. This month thanks to Mercury and Mars also joining the party, it's an activating influence, where we all will "get on the warpath" and seek new experiences for our Soul's explorations. We are still being shown how to claim powers through self-discipline that is purifying us so that we are able to utilize those new forms of power or authorship in transformational forms. Be willing to follow the yearning, but stay alert to possible consequences.
Jupiter and Uranus in late Pisces continues to bring echoes and depth understanding about how we've been externalizing the lessons we learned when Saturn was in Virgo opposing Uranus. While that opposition has passed, we will still be finishing those "Cosmic Centrifuge" lessons through June 2011.
So let's take a brief look back at this powerful influence that polarized us all in 2009-2010 when Saturn in Virgo opposed Uranus in Pisces. This "Cosmic Centrifuge" purified us in numerous ways, flinging us away from certain people and situations while flinging us toward others. Remembering these things can help us fit the losses and beginnings of the past year into a larger perspective about how we are now purified so we can embrace our emergent archetypes.
From past articles:
This was an extremely powerful polarizing influence between Autumn 2009 and Summer 2010, and we will not experience this opposition again until 2055, except for brief echos in March-April 2011 (due to the phenomenon of "collection of light") and again in May and June 2011 when Saturn is retrograding back toward its opposition with Uranus in early Aries (which never does actually become exact.)I discussed this major influence of 2009-2010 involving Saturn opposition Uranus lessons at the link. You can find out more in the article Saturn Opposed Uranus - The Centrifuge Purifies All Of Us.>
This opposition symbolized the obvious tensions happening throughout our world the past 18 months. You can find out which generations have been most affected by going to Saturn Opposition Uranus Affecting Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Throughout 2009 I explained that this very powerful opposition involving the two "titans of authority," Saturn and Uranus, is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something revolutionary that we're in the midst of. The polarization can assist us in building a new individuality, interactive yet protected, as we embrace needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher worthy standard we found last year.
As noted yesterday, Jupiter is still conjunct Uranus, promising unusual and unexpected breakthroughs and opportunities to keep furthering the new era upon all of us. Also remember that any time a planet aspects Jupiter it immediately aspects Uranus, so the effect is somewhat constant. Both Jupiter and Uranus are in late Pisces, offering us unique opportunities to achieve closure on long standing issues, helping us become more intuitive, compassionate, and forgiving wherever they fall.
Together they show it's the end of the end as prelude to the new beginnings we glimpsed between June and August 2010. This energy is helping us get clear about what we as individuals want to see made manifest in the dawning era that will blaze forth beginning January 2011.
As Jupiter is at the end of Pisces and finally direct in motion, this Lunation will bring final echoes of previous Jupiterian energies from last April and May when it was also in late Pisces, as well as September and October when it was retrograde. These deepening feeling energies are necessary to let go of whatever we no longer need so that we can embrace the new initiatives this coming January. You can find more about this important transitional period from Spring 2010 through January 2011 by going to Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Aries - The End of The End As We Stand On A Threshold of A New Era.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 14 Sagittarius. According to Rudhyar this degree requires that we open to "vast resources in selfhood," where we can achieve great things through the "power of the countless dead upon the living" and "antecedents."
He goes on to state that this degree is about "the enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, 'Seed Men' of a previous cycle of existence," and offers us seed knowledge based in "archetypal principles and forms" revealing "the power of spiritual ancestry." He says it falls in the span of Receptiveness, the Act of Group Integration, and the Scene of Abstraction on the Individual-Mental level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find the Lunation degree is "The Pyramids and the Sphinx," showing "the ultimate criterion of reality" through "enduring works." We are told this demonstrates human genius which "provide the fabric for a fellowship of creative capacity" and give us "an assurance and a self-sustainment" as we make our mark upon our world. He says the keyword is CERTIFICATION, and when positive, an "effective practicality through a gift for bringing real imagination to everyday living."
So this is a Lunation where we can get into an effective groove to continue or create something of lasting value which can serve as a marker to others who also strive along similar lines. Here we can find a greater vista of comprehension, using seed ideas and creative imagination to bring forth a more stable adventure of living.
This is a threshold state that will quickly bear fruit in the future. There is genius, intuition, and major choices in future directions promised by this New Moon, and our commitments will open doors to great effectiveness. Mobilize, cooperate, and find peace in familiar patterns that show you what your archetypal roles truly are.
There are 3 planets in Water signs, 2 in Air signs, 3 in Fire, and 2 in Earth. This shows a good balance between the elements, so there should be a corresponding balance between inspiration, feeling, associations, and practicality during the next few weeks.
In the past months we've learned how to adjust to create a better world for ourselves in connection with others, and had opportunities to open to a deeper understanding through patience, persistent work, and long held aspiration. Now that we've finished the education that Saturn in Virgo brought, we can use our will power, training, maturity, and sense of our new roles to play to move into new vistas, new worlds, new lives, and new ways of doing our Being.
The next 4 weeks is a time to open to broader patterns and vistas of understanding and activity, and shows us new ways to do our Being. We can tap into forms of the ancient "Hermetic Wisdom" and understand how the enduring forms of human works are symbols of our ancient Wisdom-heritage. This period will be productively stabilizing, with opportunities to cultivate intuition, deepen faith, and find methods to dominate our external circumstances using creative visualization.
Since this is pretty much "the end of the end" it's a time for us to keep finding balanced perspectives and deeper connectedness with future friends and allies while leaving behind those who have hurt us, ripped us off, led us to a misunderstanding or three, and reverse magnetism so these things don't happen in the future. This is a time when our recent reconnections with old friends, old feelings, old values, and old magnetism can now move into the future purified of old stagnant patterns in our relational hologram.
We can now continue to see old hurts and misunderstandings from a place of deep power and focus, so that we may remember that we are not separate from God, Truth, life, others or ourselves regardless of the temporary lapses in perception. We can continue to crystallize our emerging Archetypes of self-expression by what we add to our lives, and make our transfigurations more real than they've felt before now.
This period will help us open to and stabilize secure forms of our emergent archetypes we'll be living over the next year. We've seen the emergence of some concrete forms of those images in the past 4 months, and now just need to continue to say goodbye to whatever needs releasing or forgiving over the next 6-7 weeks. Whatever we dreamed in May and got new perspectives on in September will be made manifest as new life initiatives beginning January 2011.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
In no way did I expect such a deep cleanse on this one. Talk about ripping the compulsion out by the roots. Yowser. Mars Pluto comes to mind. It's not a bad motivating force, but I think I can do better with my approach. Like tone it down a few decibels.
Posted by: caliban | December 06, 2010 at 09:05 AM
Thank you.
Posted by: Mokgadi | December 06, 2010 at 01:53 PM
You have been mentioning January 2011 as a breakthrough time since this past summer. When you look at January 2011 are you primarily looking at the Jupiter ingress back into Aries? As it is direct, this will be its final pass over 1 Aries where it initially made the conjunction to Uranus, right? It looks like January 22 when it ingresses into Aries.
Also, this Pluto-Mars-Mercury conjunction at 4 Capricorn on December 13 falls in my natal 12th house and makes a tight opposition to my natal Uranus at 5 Cancer. Holy explosion Batman! I think I should stay home that day. What dark Pluto secrets lay waiting to be exposed in my 12th house? No fear. Onward through the fog!
Posted by: dcu | December 06, 2010 at 04:12 PM
the winter soltice is when i am having a venus return thanks Robert I need to reread this one but i am so pooped out from all the partying a weekend full of birthday fun
Posted by: Micheline | December 06, 2010 at 07:10 PM
Just what the doctor ordered....thank you Your Highness!
Posted by: chickie | December 07, 2010 at 10:51 AM
I find it hard to believe that I never actually tuned into you and your writing before today. Amazing actually!!
I wanted to comment on the piece about Mu/Lumaria but alas!! I was too late. I am shaken to realize that I already knew that our planet has been here a long time and has had much more history than we imagine. I am babbling now too much content for me to comment off the top of the head.
Thank you and I will get back once I have read longer.
Posted by: Clymela (Singing Sparrow) | December 07, 2010 at 05:09 PM