The Sun has just entered Aquarius and is conjunct Mars, promising a highly energetic period just ahead where we can get a lot done! Add to this that Pluto has now entered a zone it hasn't occupied since 1765, and we have a party!
Yes, Pluto has just entered 7 Capricorn, a degree of power that is the counterpoint to the culmination/threshold degree of 6 Capricorn. While we're still experiencing the energy of 6 Cap for a while due to several factors discussed in Astrology Now in January 2011 - Mercury Conjunct Pluto Activating the Grand Irrationality we are now going to experience Pluto's transpersonal transformative power of Phoenix-like annihilation and resurrection in a way we've not known before.
Pluto will be at 7 Cap for the next few weeks, as well as from late May through early July and late November through late December 2011. The next few weeks gives us a front end look at Pluto's power occupying this degree, setting the energies loose on global (and therefore individual) levels. (In an interesting side note, Pluto's transits and stationary degrees in 2009-2011 almost exactly duplicates 1763-1765, so there may be some historical parallels in the Plutonic forces being unleashed at present.)
Summarizing what Rudhyar and Dr. Jones say about this degree, we can expect purifications and transformations associated with "gathering our medicine" in a group situation so that a focused purpose can come forth. This is an "avatar" type of energy, where one or more Beings bring forth "the law" or a statement of "divine purpose" within a collective setup. This reveals what is to come, and prepares us for the natural and enjoyable roles we'll be learning to play when Pluto moves into 8 Capricorn.
These energies also involve Nature meeting human necessities, as well as the human necessity to master certain forces to find confidence in meeting the stresses and strains of existence. Here we can tap unsuspected natural forces and achieve a supremacy in some significant way through finding insights into motives so that we can organize efforts to accomplish something.
As noted earlier, the other significant thing happening right now is the Sun has entered Aquarius and is now conjunct Mars for the next 7 weeks. These energies will become much stronger through the exact conjunction at 16 Aquarius on Feb 4 and maintain their strength for 7-10 days afterward!
That makes for a very intense "hot zone" of Sun-Mars fusion energies from now through mid-February!! After that the conjunction energies continue but become less powerful through the second week of March as the Sun gradually pulls ahead of Mars.
As one who was born with Sun conjunct Mars (in Aries), I can attest to its highly energetic nature and style!! It shows that there are initiatives to be acted upon, with a lot of energy to get things done. Just try not to be too impatient or impulsive in the process.
Also, I've found that in the process of leaping to push over stone walls with one's head there is also a need to ask a) if it needs to be done, b) if we're doing it in the right way, and c) what is the limit of our need to push against the wall? In short, regarding all matters requiring our initiative and energy in the coming weeks, a) should we do it? b) how should we do it? and c) what's the payoff timeline before we need to reconsider how we're doing what we're doing and if we should continue to do it at all?
Basically, a lot can get done in a very short period of time, but we can also find ourselves "out there" before we know it. It's somewhat like being able to drive 90 mph in a single direction to get where we're going, but with the need to be thoughtful before putting the car in gear to make sure we're on the right highway to begin with!
Still, a Sun conjunct Mars fuses our vitality with our energy, and many things can be "muscled through" with style, dignity, and purpose. This will be especially true wherever we have Aquarius in our charts. It will certainly fuse our Aries, Leo, and Scorpio areas toward achievement wherever we have Aquarius.
On a final note for today, I find it interesting that right now we have ZERO squares or oppositions except those made in passing by the Ascendant and the Moon. We are now in a period for a few days of some exceptionally favorable aspects, so it's a time for building, understanding, harmonizing, and productive forward movement.
A quick look shows only one significant square until February, that being Mercury square Saturn which doesn't begin forming for a few more days. Those energies can be used to turn pessimism to responsible spiritual thought and speech, and any mental rigidity into a balanced sensitivity that finds the right proportion between the inner and the outer, both in thought and action.
Just another snapshot of what's happening in January, February, and March 2011. I'll do something soon on the impending re-entry of Jupiter into Aries and Saturn going stationary retrograde in the next few days. A wild ride indeed!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert.
An interesting article as always thank you. I have Saturn at 6 Capricorn in my birth chart, does this mean that Pluto's time through this degree is particularly challenging or effective?
Posted by: fran | January 20, 2011 at 11:22 AM
Hey Robert
I have transit pluto trine natal north node and natal pluto at 6 cap (2st house to 5th house) and I have it sextile natal sun in 7th at 7 cap...hoping a major transformation is coming and hopefully its good. Any thoughts? I love reading your articles although I must admit - I feel like I need a PHD to comprehend...wowo - you push me intellectually..thank you for that.
Posted by: Elsie | January 20, 2011 at 09:12 PM
I have an Aquarius sun, and that explains all the questions I'm asking myself regarding a relationship. Whether it should still be worked on, and if so, just how much more I'm willing to take.
Posted by: yorke | January 20, 2011 at 10:03 PM