Tomorrow, Jan 7 at 9 am CST (3 pm Greenwich), Lois and I will be talking about what's coming in 2011 on Blog Talk Radio. Those who have heard me before know I'll cover a lot of material in the hour we're on, so as we hipsters used to say in ancient days, "be there or be square." Tune in, turn on, drop in! (And if you can't, check her archives.)
Yipppeeeeeeee! I'll be square but will catch up with it.
Posted by: caliban | January 06, 2011 at 03:23 PM
That's 8am in sunny Baja, Mexico. What a wonderful birthday present for me. We, thee & a cup of tea...
Posted by: jan | January 06, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Thanks Robert, as always a joy to listen to your clear and noble wisdom.
Posted by: Morvah | January 08, 2011 at 10:37 AM
You we're great and I had a feeling interview lasted so short. You'll have to do it again soon :)
Thank you so much :)
Posted by: Olivera | January 09, 2011 at 05:14 AM
Illuminating talk Robert; i see the myriad of ways within the Way developing, BUT as you said about Happiness, Joy, and Bliss, humans tend to attach themselves, or try to hold onto a moment rather than going with the flow, the flow of transitory experience; Watts was ever so elegant in the simplicity of explaining Tao, the Way, and all that there is, or as he would say, This is it; I see in the Heresy of Separateness the ego wants to protect its stuff, its turf, its beliefs and this imbalance within affects people's ability to live with their authentic Self in fullness and wholeness; Very difficult to be compassionate and empathic when one is busy protecting one's turf, stuff, and beliefs...AND what one feels they are entitled to.
Posted by: Beth in San Diego | January 11, 2011 at 12:10 PM
One last comment -- patterns and cycles -- i encourage you to get your hands on CG Jung's Red Book; i have barely read a word, but his mandalas are absolutely, intensely, gloriously, fascinatingly illuminating. He too pursued astrology to advance his journey of discovery.
Posted by: Beth in San Diego | January 11, 2011 at 12:18 PM
Tuned in today. Well then, hard hitting, like grunge rock, but definitely struck a few chords.
Recent years experience has been echoing years gone by. I thought maybe it had to do with the eclipse cycle because of the 18-20 years, but something about the broadcast is pushing me to check the uranus pluto cycle. I do believe there is something in that for me.
Elsewise, can relate to trying to regain some kind of rhythm and allowing oneself regeneration time. And the push to be something outside myself. I do believe I have been out of body for some time and the present sensation is that of reclaiming my spirit.
Can anyone help me to better understand bliss. I have been confused by the word bliss for some time. I know it is supposed to be the ultimate state, so perhaps I am confused about it. And maybe I'm not the only one confused about bliss as I have heard others exclaim the word while exhibiting brutal behaviors. What is that other zone or is it the same? It looks like joyful bliss and laughter while the person is inflicting pain on someone or watching someone else inflict pain. Can anyone clear this up for me?
Posted by: caliban | January 19, 2011 at 04:21 PM
Hi Caliban - Will compose something soon. For now, think: "happiness is of the mind, joy is of the Soul, bliss is of the Spirit." The latter two are qualities of Spirit-Soul, but unfortunately we all use our mind to perceive sensation, so as a result even our perception of the experience is subject to coming and going as per our mind's ability to be distracted into unhappiness, non-joy and non-bliss. Sometimes I just experience joy and bliss knowing I'm a Spirit in the Material World. And of course I'll do an article to elaborate on what I've just written here.
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2011 at 04:37 PM
Hi Robert, I am thinking (danger, danger) that I am resolving some of the old yet as I move forward. The injustices I've experienced and witnessed, the hits I've taken, are a residual concern somewhere in my nut brain. Superhero defender trades in her cape?
The tree that falls in the forest may make a noise when it drops to the ground, even though I am not there to hear it. But I don't really live in that forest anymore. Part of allowing myself to be the in the present?
Posted by: caliban | January 21, 2011 at 12:53 AM