by Robert Wilkinson
Saturn goes stationary retrograde on January 25 at 10:11 pm PST, January 26 at 6:11 am Greenwich. This marks a threshold state, and we shall see many ripples on the karmic pond return to center between now and mid-June 2011.
Saturn teaches us lessons and responsibilities as it moves forward each year. When any planet goes retrograde, we get a chance to take a walk back over familiar ground. Saturn will move back to 11 Libra between now and June 12-13, giving us a new look at themes, lessons, and ways to mature our responses wherever we have 11-18 Libra in our chart.
At that time it again moves forward, giving us a 3rd change to learn from and master this span of experience in mid-Libra. So from mid-June through late October, we'll be able to show our ability to respond to these lessons, preparing for new karmic events coming this Winter that will help us pay dues and restore elements of our individuality that may have gotten lost in the past.
Due to the quality of 18 Libra, you can bet we will see or impose consequences wherever this falls. I suspect this will balance accounts, adjust perspectives, and offer opportunities to repair something that was wrecked by thoughtless behavior in the past by self or others.
Rudhyar says this degree is about the "responsibility of individual to society in terms of normal behavior," "return to values," and an "obligation to face objective facts." This degree is also said to concern the "expectable results" of breakdowns in the "constructive relationship" between individuals and society.
Dr. Jones says this is about a demand for being consistent, and "a balance between inner and outer capacities." Here we are responsible for our "essential characteristics," since these show us the need that our potential "be brought to some point of immediate and effective function." The keyword is CONSEQUENCE, and when operating in a healthy way, "a heightened challenge to every special talent."
These themes will be the "bottom tone" or Saturn's "beat" for the next 4 1/2 months wherever it falls in our charts. Saturn's influence can work productively or destructively, depending on how we relate to Saturn's energy. That means we shall either find forms of dominion over our lives restoring just conditions, or bondage to consequences resulting from avoidance, imbalances, or destructive recklessness.
One thing to remember: though some consequences of past or present actions or inactions can be difficult, all must be accounted for and karmically balanced if we are to become integrated Beings living our Higher Self. We shall be getting new perspectives on what we've done or not done correctly since October, with the ability to restore equilibrium in our lives and personalities. Keep that in mind as you encounter opportunities to show maturity in repairing what needs repair.
In part 2, we'll take a brief look at Saturn going stationary in the houses of the birth chart, and what lessons the next few months hold.
Copyright © 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Need part two. 6th house natal Libra Nep 15. I'm thinking to re-visit the diet that worked before? I quit smoking nicotine in Sept. after 4 decades and yes, got a bit chubby, Robert. I am a friend of saturn, so I steer toward the positive... Sat was retro when I entered this material world. Your loving earthling (aries/moon) goat girl.
Posted by: jan | January 25, 2011 at 06:04 PM
Just minutes away, now. Here in Mountain time it will be at 11:11 pm. This morning I had a very unusual dream in which Spirit told me something directly about a past life of mine. What I did then was not good. It indicated that now the karma is finally balanced. Thank you, Spirit! Sun 18 Libra, South Node 16 Libra, Neptune 15 Libra. Next few months are going to be very interesting.
Posted by: dcu | January 25, 2011 at 11:08 PM
Exactamente on my decendent 7th house cusp, Your Highness.....where will I go from here? Could I be getting ready to have a partner to work with????
Posted by: chickie | January 26, 2011 at 12:05 AM
"Restoring equilibrium" . . . I like the sound of that. Steady state is indeed the driver.
Posted by: caliban | January 26, 2011 at 08:25 AM
Hi jan - You now have part 2. Those of us with Neptune in mid-Libra are going to be restructuring our ideals and sense of proportion within collective consciousness. Yes, it could be a good time to revisit Neptunian things to repair what was damaged before now. Opposing your Moon it will definitely help you decrease some habits and sentimentalities to assist you getting back on track with your greater destiny, as well as get rid of rules and limitations that keep you from taking care of yourself. I also have Saturn RX, and I believe it's one of the planetary retrogrades that actually works really well!
Hi dcu - This will ultimately bring you the rewards for what you've persevered in since 1981-82. Don't waste energy or vitality, and make corrective adjustments in your ideals and fall back positions.
Hi chickie - Yes, except the upcoming months are a "last look back and preparation" for what will surface this Autumn. This is about you learning to be an equal, neither controlling nor being controlled, letting go of fear, rigidity, and rules about relationships that have kept the ideal from coming forth before now.
Hi caliban - That's why Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn energies find their "grounds for greatest growth" in the balance, justice, equilibrium, and elegance of Libra.
Posted by: Robert | January 26, 2011 at 09:32 AM
Hola Senor...
Mine is just the opposite of Chickie' ascendant is 12.06 Libra, so its going back over into the 12th,
as Jupiter is approaching the descendant? A last look at the "past", letting go of the old movie? And then
when it goes forward...a new "Identity"?????
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | January 26, 2011 at 09:42 AM
Hi WHR - Yes, exactly! This completes a self image you began back in 1980-82, and you're now taking a last look back and re-editing the movie of your life to see a different perspective. Of course this also begins a long term restructuring of your self image that will last many years. Saturn in the first gives us a new rigor. Jupiter in the 7th opens a new adventure in equal-ness.
Posted by: Robert | January 26, 2011 at 09:53 AM
Hi Robert,
first i have to say - i ve been silent reader/ learner on your site for years .Your knowledge coupled with your spiritual wisdom has helped me a lot of times. Finally in my life , i do see how a spiritual turning point might save me after what can only be called - a life of struggle . Perhaps 2012 would be a boom as u say! march would be a turning point this year too, right ?
and then i read "preparing for new karmic events coming this Winter that will help us pay dues and restore elements of our individuality that may have gotten lost in the past" in the piece above . what r these dues? any more dues i have to pay, i might not be able to!
thankyou for spreading light and giving us hope, deeper faith and guidance through these difficult times... May god bless you.
Posted by: Awashed | January 27, 2011 at 12:30 AM
Grazie, Your Highness,
I feel it's HIGH time to take on a partner to work with....!
Posted by: chickie | January 29, 2011 at 08:26 PM
Hi Awashed - Glad you checked in, and that whatever I've written in the past has helped you to wisdom. Please realize that we're paying dues of one sort or another our entire life. Some are experiences that give our words authenticity while others help us turn away from some karmic patterns and embrace others. And thanks for your blessings, since we all need all the blessings there are to move through these unstable times.
Hi chickie - We all need people to work and play with. Perhaps you will find your equal with whom you can create stirring imagery and move into your heart's love. Jupiter should already be opening you to grander adventures....
Posted by: Robert | January 31, 2011 at 06:18 PM
Hi, Robert, Saturn is in a trine position with my sun now. But transiting my 3rd house area. Soon it will also trine my south node at 22 sag and then my juno at 24 and then it will trine my natal saturn in Aquarius at 29 d! I think it is time for change for me. As, I mentioned earlier in another post that I have jupiter transiting my 9th house as well and well uranus is in my 8th house. Phew!!! Riding the wave the best I can.
Thanks for this post as well.
Posted by: Micheline | April 03, 2011 at 05:34 PM
This has resonated in so many ways. I've experienced a shift in consciousness. After spending many years living in aloneness. Ive recognize the negative seeds here and in the ppl we love and try my best not to water them. If i do, they will be very unhappy, and i will be unhappy, also. I also try to recognize the positive seeds that are in us and to live daily in a way that I can touch them and help them manifest on the upper level of consciousness, they do grow stronger this way. Whenever you have time, please water the seeds that need to be watered. It is a wonderful and very pleasant practice of diligence, and it brings immediate results. Namaste
Posted by: Terry | July 28, 2011 at 09:03 AM