by Robert Wilkinson
Critical choices and changes are in the air, and many will hit forks in the road of their lives over the next few days. The Sun is septiling Pluto and conjunct Neptune right now, marking a turning point in what was set into motion in December 2010. The choices we make now will have a huge impact by mid-March, with repercussions throughout April, May, June, and early July.
To refresh you, the Grand Irrationality is a 7-pointed Star pattern making seven points in the zodiac very "hot" regarding how we and others act or react to non-rational conditions or compulsive behavior that makes no sense. It affects everyone, has been a major behind the scenes pattern since the mid-1990s, and may offer some insights into why things are so weird, edgy, crazy, or irrational.
It is set into major motion at least 21 times each year due to the transits of the inner planets, and at least 7 times each month due to the motion of the Moon. Some of these periods are more intense than others if two or more planets are occupying one of the seven zones that trigger this "Grand Irrationality.
Neptune and Pluto anchor the pattern, so by checking out their positions we can figure what's happening to who and when. The current hot zones of the Grand Irrationality are 6-8 Capricorn, 28-30 Aquarius, 19-21 Aries, 11-13 Gemini, 2-4 Leo, 24-26 Virgo, and 15-17 Scorpio. If you have a planet or point a degree or two to either side of these zones, you can bet that part of your life is at a crucial turning point!
This is the first septile to Pluto since the inner planets conjuncted it back in December. This is an "emergent fork in the road," where we confront choices that will take another turn when Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus all move through the Aries zone between late March and early May.
For now, the Sun is vitalizing whatever edges we're current navigating. We'll get a huge focus on February 19-22 when Mercury conjuncts Mars and both conjunct Neptune septile Pluto. As the degree of the conjunction with Neptune is 29 Aquarius, we're all going through major emergent changes, leaving our "cocoon" behind forever!
Current events will be finalized and the next step opened just after the Vernal Equinox on March 20-21, around the time that Mercury moves through the Aries zone and Venus occupies the Aquarius zone. That will confirm some things about what's happening now while opening new vistas that will be the focus of April.
For now, pay particular attention to anything that was realized, confronted, or compelled you to make choices February 16. That was when the Moon moved through the early Leo zone and activated the platform energies of Mars' stationary direct degree in the Spring of 2010.
Since Mercury and Mars are approaching the Aquarius zone where major emergence is promised, also pay attention to February 19-20 when the Moon is in late Virgo, and February 23 when the Moon is in the Scorpio zone, septiling Pluto and biseptile Neptune, Mercury, and Mars. These days the Moon focuses energies connected to the major turning points this configuration is setting loose in your life, as well as the lives of others.
I'll of course explain more in the Full Moon article coming tomorrow. This one will be an awesome Full Moon, with Sun at 30 Aquarius (as part of the planetary cluster) and Moon at 30 Leo conjunct TransPluto focusing the Aquarian expression!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Yes, this one is impacting me. I have my mercury at 4 d cap in teh fourth house, then I have my saturn in aquarius at 29 d in the 7th house, then I have my venus at 14 d scorpio and my neptune at 18 scorpio and they are really close to the points you have mentioned. I am finding myself in a dilemna about my current place of residence. I am not sure what to do. hmmm
Posted by: Micheline | February 17, 2011 at 11:03 PM
This is a GORGEOUS full moon, even behind a little fog :).
I roared a little. I did.
Posted by: Warriorlady | February 18, 2011 at 12:09 AM
Hi Robert, it's my birthday today (feb18th @ 29 degrees), I turn fifty. I have a full moon, the grand irrational and a heck of a snow storm. Change has been a constant companion these past four years. Any chance I get a break in the next four months?
Just wondering what's next.
Thanks for all your efforts, insights and sharing. All is very much appreciated.
Blessings and good will to you my friend.
Posted by: Hummingbird | February 18, 2011 at 01:37 AM
This irritated mermaid has natal uranus in the 8th house conjunct this full moon square ascendant!
Posted by: ull | February 18, 2011 at 04:04 AM
Hey ull, the full moon is conjunct my natal Pluto on the midheaven. This mermaid is layin low. I can't seem to say anything even remotely acceptable. It is helping some that I now look at my progressed chart so I can get a different read. Uh huh is a good response to all confrontation right now.
Posted by: caliban | February 18, 2011 at 09:46 AM
I was in deep meditation for hours, upon hearing that a new arrival will soon be born. My eldest son and wife are expecting a daughter any day now. They told me my grand-daughters name they have creatively chosen.
Blazelyn Rayne
Last night was a false alarm. I let the beautiful parents know, she will come when ready. The time, even parents, and location has already been chosen.
I feel a deep "mother energy" that is divine in nature. It is a beautiful energy.
Any words of wisdom to pass along to the new arrival Robert? And the parents?
Blessings to All
Posted by: Sunshyne | February 18, 2011 at 01:50 PM
My sun/venus/saturn all fall in Aries in the 11th house. So...what are some examples of "critical turning points"? Just so I am prepared.
Posted by: Jgrrl | February 18, 2011 at 01:53 PM
I'm a sun Aquarius with Aquarius rising, Aqu in Mars and Aqu in Saturn.
I'm also curious about what turning points might occur in the next few months.
Thanks, Orenda
Posted by: Orenda Ayashe | February 18, 2011 at 08:55 PM
I just want to express this here because who else can I express this to, but I REALLY want to say that I REALLY don't like this Full Moon at all. Nope. I have no idea what this particular one is up to, but I have been doing blood thirsty battle with anxiety, fear and doubt all day. Though at times I was struggling, I did manage to keep my head above water and not fall into it all by not believing any of it. Hard day. Big day. But I did well. And this too shall pass. . . .
I still don't like this Full Moon. Thanks for letting me express.
Brenda Joy.
Posted by: Brenda Joy | February 19, 2011 at 06:00 AM
this is impacting the following points in my chart:
1) ascendant at 24.5 deg Aquarius (the ord is close enough I think), not really sure.
2) natal venus at 20 deg aries (2nd house)
3) natal mercury at 10 deg gemini (4th house), if we use a one deg orb.
4) natal pluto at 22 deg virgo (7th house, but very close to 8th house), and natal jupiter at 26 deg virgo (8th house)
other transits - currently in neptune square neptune, uranus opposition (one deg orb with natal uranus at 0 deg libra), sun square natal neptune, mars square natal neptune.....this is just a few but I have too many transit going on right now!
hoping that the fork in the road leads me to a better place this time!
thanks for the article robert! as always, you're the light that guides!
Posted by: Ed | February 19, 2011 at 08:16 AM
Well, this full moon might get me into trouble but I don´t care.
Here in Sweden everyone are just talking about their interior decoration.
It makes me sick - so I am looking forward to the Revolution(s)!
Posted by: ull | February 19, 2011 at 09:23 AM
As I shared with a friend today: The world is changing in so many ways; socio-economic issues predominate as we enter into what Robert Wilkinson calls the Grand Irrationality -
paradigm shifting like a global earthquake; the awakening, expansion, and evolution of human consciousness. As a Cancer-5 all I can tell you is a 'feel' it deeply.
Posted by: Beth in San Diego | February 21, 2011 at 02:10 PM