by Robert Wilkinson
We are Eternals using our bodies, feelings, and minds to move through the material creation. At some point these end, and our Consciousness detaches from identifying with these and "remembers" its natural plane of existence in the Buddhic (Soul) field. If that's where our Higher Self lives in the eternal NOW, why is life so hard from time to time?
Most human woes stem from our 5 senses and our mind with its perceptions, as we become very attached to these from our earliest time here on Earth. We pursue what we are attracted to, believing these things will bring us pleasure and happiness. Whether we succeed or fail, the pursuit of pleasure and happiness is the root of material existence.
Due to the way our material existence is structured, we can only experience these through our 5 senses and our minds. It also seems that we can only find a measure of these, since in fulfillment we yearn for more. Even when we find what we're looking for, the eternal quest continues, since the nature of the Soul is eternal freedom to explore all there is to explore in worlds known and unknown to the 5 senses and the mind.
As we fulfill old desires for forms of pleasure and happiness, because we live in a dualistic system where all forms pass away, we automatically generate an awareness that we want to avoid the ending of what offers us pleasure and happiness. In clutching old forms of pleasure and happiness, we see these turn to "sand in our hands," slipping away even as we grip them tighter.
The comings and goings of forms of pleasure and happiness teach us to not hold on too tightly and relax as we move through the changes. Remember that if something can happen once it can happen again, though nowhere in Nature is there exact replication. Each ride is its own enjoyment, and each experience yields its riches and its challenges.
Many become frustrated because even with a measure of focused intention, their lives do not change for the better as quickly as they would like. The fact of this material creation is that matter does not easily yield to change. It requires persistent application of a form of force, or formless force, to move matter.
What we call matter is the densest plane of the greater reality in which we live and move and have our Being. If we do not have the integrated support of our entire Being across the subtle planes of existence, then matter becomes a source of frustration since it does not move quickly or easily into forms that bring us pleasure and happiness.
As we move through life, we can learn to see how to move into our highest good, whatever that is, with each ending and new beginning. It is in the surrender to the limitations of matter and perception that we awaken to the greater energetic field where all things exist on many planes simultaneously. As we view matter for what it is and what it is not, we find a greater view that allows us to move into forms of fulfillment, pleasure, and happiness that are perfect for us in the moment. In not clutching at what is passing, we find contentment in the NOW where all things pass away and all things arise that are perfect for where we're at in the moment. So next time matter isn't moving in the direction or pace that you want, or matter is moving in ways you do not want, remember to detach from your pursuit of pleasure around that material creation, and take a leap into the void of pure potentiality. A full glass can only be emptied, but an empty glass can be filled. By referencing our Highest Self in the moment, we are guaranteed to attract (at least for awhile, until it too passes) what is perfect for who we are and what we are to become. For more along these lines of investigation from a truly venerable source, please revisit Visible and Invisible Planes of Consciousness, Perception, and Matter © Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
As always, deepest gratitude for the way you explain it. I sometimes say "It does not matter", and seeing that, in this context, brought forth my utter joy. I hope that energy transmits back to you, a reader's delighted "a-ha!"
Posted by: ka | February 22, 2011 at 11:44 AM
Very beautiful.
I like to keep this precept in mind as
often as possible. I've been in the HABIT of
giving away things as I'm able to acquire the new. I've seen what happens to
families when a member passes to the next Plane. GREED.
A tough lesson but one that reminds us that everything is temporary and nothing belongs to Us. Thank Goodness for that. Honestly, if I kept
every single thing anyone has ever given me in my 47 years, I'd be hoarding.
My lifestyle borders on the "minimalist" tip and I love it that way.
So I have some control over my material surroundings, but still haven't figured out how to make my laptop operate faster when I want it too!LOL!!
Thank you Robert, very nice post.
Aquarian Orenda :)
Posted by: Orenda | February 22, 2011 at 04:55 PM
"A full glass can only be emptied, but an empty glass can be filled."
That's a great way of putting it, so that everyone on the planet understands. Brilliant.
I just wrote a post about not being afraid to lose... :).
XO. Thanks for this article.
Posted by: Warriorlady | February 22, 2011 at 07:05 PM
i ve been butting my head against my progress...thanks for the timely reminder! :) love and peace.
Posted by: Awashed | February 22, 2011 at 10:39 PM
Wow. I was actually thinking about some of these things this morning before I ever read this. Talk about synchronicity! Awesome. Thanks Robert!
Posted by: Merryweather | February 23, 2011 at 09:59 AM
am curious because i have always been stumped by the "how" .... how does one take this leap into potentiality? how?
Posted by: Radha Kunke | February 24, 2011 at 04:22 AM
Hi ka - Glad that you can find joy in these words. Thanks for saying so. This arose from a single idea that came forth in a conversation with my wife, that "sometimes matter does not easily give way."
Hi Orenda - Yes, as we learn what not to clutch, we can easily swap the old for whatever is perfect for our evolving Self. That's why it's important to focus on whatever serves our highest and greatest good, since our inner intention influences what shows up for our consideration. Truly greed is a virus that destroys many things, since it exalts and ever growing unsatisfiable desire over detachment and dispassion, thus inevitably generating suffering. And I agree that getting the computer to work faster and better is a good thing!
Hi Warriorlady - Well, I learned that so long ago its origins are lost in antiquity. It's my way of expressing an old Taoist concept. Often when we lose we win, but it takes the right view to let go with grace and willingly embrace the unknown path...
Hi Awashed - Well, life seems to be an eternal lesson in learning how to get out of our own way. Then if we just keep a sense of humor and objectivity, eventually we learn to stop butting our heads against walls we don't need to engage.
Hi Merryweather - Well, since it did arise from a conversation I was having with someone, it probably means it was in the air. Then it's just a matter of who is receptive to that energy. Sounds like you tuned in! And yes, Synchronicity isn't just the name of an album by the Police...;-)
Hi Radha Kunke - Let go. Then be still. Then be receptive to the fantastic unknown while expunging all forms of fear that will inevitably arise. Then be willing to move in the direction your heart tells you could be fulfilling to your dreams of a better way. Then take initial steps without too many expectations about what the landscape will look like a year from now. Open to a Greater Way and you will see it. Walk the walk into the vast unknown, and you will find a Truth. (I will be using this in a future post for those who don't find their way to this comment stream.)
Posted by: Robert | February 24, 2011 at 08:07 AM
Robert, Can you give me a help tracking down the book "The Magic of Space"? It would accelerate my studies and travels. Thanks, Laura Willow.
Posted by: Laura Willow | February 24, 2011 at 08:37 AM
Hi Laura - It's very rare and the copies out there are extraordinarily expensive. I plan to do a study group in the near future where I can make parts of it available for those who want to accelerate their spiritual growth. For now you may want to go back through the archives for articles articles I've already posted from that venerable source. They usually have internal links to other MOS articles. You can also check out the left hand links for At the Feet of the Master, Light on the Path, Through the Gates of Gold, and the Voice of the Silence if you want some material that will also greatly quicken your spiritual awareness.
Posted by: Robert | February 24, 2011 at 09:14 AM
I did spend my morning going through the archives. It was time well spent and went for a long walk afterwards to assimilate the information. Please keep me posted on the study group you are planning in the near future. I will be incorporating it into my work. Thanks and count me in on the study group. Laura
Posted by: Laura Willow | February 24, 2011 at 09:25 PM