by Robert Wilkinson
Part 1 covered many essential elements of this Aquarius New Moon. Today we'll discuss significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Lunation chart, including the conjunction to Mars that will set a lot of Divine Grace into motion!
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon makes several very important forming aspects.
The Sun/Moon make a powerful conjunction with Mars in Aquarius, and all three make very productive trines to Saturn. This is a potent stabilizing and harmonizing force wherever it falls in our charts, showing a fusion of the rulers of the Aries, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio areas of our charts harmonizing with the ruler of the Capricorn and Aquarius sectors, as well as any planets we have in those signs.
This will be a very productive influence for those of us with planets between 12-20 Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. It will also offer unique opportunities and gifts to those with planets near 6 Leo, 2-3 Sag, 30 Sag, and 26-27 Aries.
The Lunation conjunct Mars trine Saturn is great for making solid plans and building stable life structures, good communications and relationships. This can help us see and learn many different approaches to a vision to find a balance in how to do what to do and when to do it.
The only other forming aspects to the Lunation involve the Sun, Moon, and Mars semisquare Venus and Jupiter. This puts a squeeze on the Lunation stellium in Aquarius, and marks a "death point" in the old Sun and Mars cycles related to Jupiter and Venus. This also holds for the Moon-Jupiter cycle. The only waxing aspect is Moon semisquare Venus.
So the Sun, Moon, and Mars are all closing on Jupiter, and Venus is closing on the Sun and Mars. This indicates a harvest energy as we turn inward and capture the seeds of what is to come when these planets next conjunct each other a few weeks from now.
The only major separating aspect to the Lunation indicating recent events is the very close semisquare to Uranus. Other significant separating aspects are Mercury sextile Uranus, Venus square Uranus, Venus sextile Neptune, Mars semisquare Uranus, and Jupiter conjunct Uranus.
Though separating aspects show activity in the past, some of these are so closely separating that it indicates we're in the heart of the energy! This applies to all of the above except Jupiter conjunct Uranus.
The forming aspects, showing things to come, include Mercury sextile Jupiter and biseptile Saturn, Venus square Jupiter, quintile Saturn, and conjunct Pluto, Jupiter decile Neptune and square Pluto, and Saturn binovile Pluto. Of these, Mercury biseptile Saturn, Venus quintile Saturn, and Jupiter square Pluto are the strongest, since they're close and not "out of sign."
This shows an enormous amount of tension and/or release for those who have planets around 26-30 Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, as well as those with planets around 2-8 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. If you have planets in any of these zones, exhibit the positive qualities of the associated Cardinal and/or Mutable signs.
Some of the lessons of this Lunation chart show that we must see clearly where our best interests are, and not be seduced into corrosive, dishonest, or risky situations. See the larger life you want to live and the new day that's dawning, accept the new law allowing you to do that in open, honest, and above-board ways, and protect what needs protecting while taming that which is in excess.
It's a trial of yearning for a new life order that is beyond the known and familiar, and by seeing the cooperation between the visible and invisible worlds, you can come to an extraordinary form of "good luck." Many will find new ways to weave collective material to demonstrate their unique purpose, the result of the Ageless Wisdom gestating in our lives since the last half of 2009.
Venus quintile Saturn, nozzle of the Bowl pattern, shows there are special gifts and circumstances coming related to consequences and "getting fit" in some way. This will show specifically, clearly, and definitely for those with planets or sensitive points around 16-19 Libra, 28-30 Sagittarius/1 Capricorn, 10-13 Pisces, 22-25 Taurus, and 4-7 Leo. Pay attention to unique situations, as these can help to balance something, reap favorable consequences, or "getting in shape" through repairing something or renewing an important responsibility.
Mercury biseptile Saturn puts our Gemini and Virgo areas at a critical fork in the road relative to how we're living our Saturn in Libra roles through our Capricorn and Aquarius areas. This brings mind and ideas to critical turning points relative to our Dharma, responsibilities, duties, and hinderances. There may be irrational flashes of insight, or compulsive ideas expressed that will lead to consequences down the road. Grip a grand idea, but don't fall into a ditch following it.
The areas this biseptile will heavily activate are a degree or two to either side of 27-30 Capricorn, 19-22 Pisces, 11-14 Taurus, 2-5 Cancer, 23-26 Leo, 15-18 Libra, and 6-9 Sagittarius. If you have planets in any of these zones, expect interesting choices connected to your Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius life areas.
Expect symptoms of the biseptile effect to be triggered by the Moon on Feb 5-6, 9-10, 14, 17-18, 21, 24-25, 28, and March 1. Since Saturn is the nozzle for all the other energies, you may definitely expect events, adjustments, and shifts related to where you have Saturn in Libra transiting in your chart.
Of note is that during this Lunation period Venus will cross the Galactic Center on its way to conjunct Pluto. This will give us information through a Venusian filter about the seeds of Galactic Wisdom that Pluto gave us between 2006-2010. As both Venus and Pluto conjunct the North Node at 3 Capricorn, it indicates that the area where we have this conjunction shows us how to grow in profound ways!
Venus is also very close to the Sun's degree in the Lunar Eclipse of December 2010. That should help us to capture forms of illumination regarding whatever that Eclipse was about. You can find more about those themes by following the links at the end of this article.
The North Node in Capricorn shows we are still being shown how to claim powers through self-discipline that is purifying us so that we are able to utilize those new forms of power or authorship in transformational forms. Be willing to follow the yearning, but stay alert to possible consequences.
As Jupiter is at the beginning of Aries, this Lunation will bring the resumption of previous Jupiterian energies we were introduced to in June, July, and August 2010. However, as Uranus is in the final degrees of Pisces, we will also be dealing with echoes of Uranian patterns freeing our individuality we first experienced in April and May of 2010, then experienced from a different angle in September and October 2010. This is moving us forward through deep, vast, and broad feelings, helping us let go of whatever we no longer need so that we can embrace the new initiatives already presenting themselves.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 14 Aquarius. According to Rudhyar this degree is one of "the way within to outer success," "sure relief to the toiler ready to face facts," and " penetration and direct accomplishment."
He goes on to state that this degree is about "the ability to short-cut the process of natural evolution by the exercise of will, mental skill and physical self discipline." Here we can find a vision of what we need to achieve, plan the activities needed to accomplish the vision by stages, and find the right time for "beginning the work."
He further states that this will accelerate the evolutionary process, whether at the personal, social, or spiritual level. Here we can combine techniques to move through "obstacles and delays" to shorten the time needed to achieve our aims. He says it falls in the span of Defensiveness, the Act of Capitalization, and the Scene of Contribution on the Individual-Mental level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find the Lunation degree is "A train entering a tunnel," showing our need to perform "community services" or refine our "divisions of labor" through our relationships with others. He speaks of a "generosity of human personality" in eagerly reaching out for new experiences and a readiness to share our skills and talents that have been refined through practice.
He says the keyword is COURTESY. When positive, this degree is said to be "man's gift for meeting the most exacting of demands on his various potentialities."
So this is a Lunation where we can find and use techniques helping us short cut the time needed to accomplish something by using will, mental skill, and physical self discipline. Here we can jumpstart an ideal, a group work, a new way of relating to others, a new set of goals or ambitions. We can build large scale long term endeavors. Just stay aware of potential consequences, and don't get diverted by extreme or bizarre people, ideas, or gambles.
This is a launch point that will quickly bear fruit in the future. There is genius, inspiration, and major shifts in how we focus our ideals promised by this New Moon, and our willingness to find and maintain equipoise will show us new rhythms of doing our being on our own terms.
There are 5 planets in Air signs, 2 in Fire, 2 in Earth, and 1 in Water. This shows a preponderance of Air, so there should be a lot of communication and relationship energy in the atmosphere. Due to the insufficiency of Water, try to generate what appropriate feelings you can, since these will show you an element of your individuality, and besides, sometimes feelings are a good thing to bring to our interactions.
In the past months we've learned how to make many types of adjustments in perspective and how we relate to create a better world for ourselves in connection with others. Now that we're totally inside the new archetypal roles we explored in 2009-2010, we can use gentle and balanced forms of will power, training, maturity, and sense of our new roles to play to move into new vistas, new worlds, new lives, and new ways of doing our Being.
The next 4 weeks is a time to open to bigger pictures of larger effectiveness, and by identifying with a larger life already showing itself, we can become a source of inspiration. We just need to get fit in some way to achieve future goals demonstrating the new "Law" of the Path we tread. This period will be productively stabilizing, with opportunities to cultivate efficiency while opening to spontaneity, faith, radiance, and happiness in our relationships.
Since this is "the end of the end" and the beginning of the beginning, find balanced perspectives about what's happened and why, and how to adjust perspectives and energies to prevent future unfortunate results of being too moderate, too mild, too fair, or too timid. As with the past several months, this is a time when our recent reconnections with old friends, old feelings, old values, and old magnetism can easily move into the future following a wider vision of what we're here to accomplish with a group or in the world at large.
We can now let go of old forms and prepare to fully embrace the new life already unfolding. With the Light of Aquarius shining on us, here we can become the "better angels of our nature," and remember that we are not separate from God, Truth, life, others or ourselves regardless of the temporary lapses in perception. We can continue to crystallize our emerging Archetypes of self-expression by anticipating what's coming, and catch glimpses of the larger Light/Life field we're a part of.
This period will help us stabilize secure forms of our emergent archetypes we'll continue to live for many years to come. We saw the emergence of concrete forms of those images from August 2010 to January 2011, and now need to stabilize those roles within a larger vision of what has been and what could be.
While keeping your eye on the greater connectivity and ideal, say goodbye to whatever needs releasing or forgiving over the next 6-7 weeks. Whatever we dreamed in May 2010 and got new perspectives on in September 2010 has now entered a new phase of growth. Here we can "GET IT ON" with grace, style, elegance, faith, and focused intention.
For more on the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse still in effect and being triggered by Venus:
The Sagittarius-Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 - Pt. 1
Long Term December 2010 Sagittarius-Gemini Lunar Eclipse Effects Pt. 3 - Challenges and Lessons
For more about Saturn's energy at 18 Libra as the nozzle for the other planets:
Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 18 Libra Affecting All Through September 2011 Pt. 1
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
wow! thanks again..
Posted by: Awashed | February 04, 2011 at 09:31 PM
Thanks Robert! What a lovely article full of hope. I have many planets in the sensitive zones mentioned by you and I wish the gifts from the universe that you have spoken about are on their way because they are long, long overdue now. It has been a long, dark, lonely and arduous road for me since March 2009. I sincerely hope GOD would bless me with something real and tangible, finally!
Posted by: Animesh Banerji | February 05, 2011 at 01:49 AM
This "toiler" is empty. Who da thunk. All I can say is wow, just wow.
Posted by: caliban | February 06, 2011 at 08:45 AM
This is so very right-on. It's happening now. Very encouraging! Thank you!
Posted by: DP | February 12, 2011 at 12:45 AM
Dear Robert, thankyou for the wonderful partner and I both have mercury in Aquarius...his is at 14 degrees and mine at 16 degrees.Also I just had a birthday and your overview has crystallised for me how significant this time is for both of us(and our relationship) as a smaller cycle within a larger cycle! Lizzie
Posted by: Lizzie Bodenham | February 12, 2011 at 05:25 PM