by Robert Wilkinson
Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Aquarius will illuminate shortcuts to inner and outer success. It's conjunct Mars, so expect some fairly intense challenges, initiatives, and activity, leading us to a more diverse understanding and adaptability that can stabilize our lives.
These New Moon articles have gotten so long due to being packed with a lot of valuable information that I'm now splitting them into two parts for easier digestion. That said, let's move and groove through the intersections of Fate and Freewill!
The New Moon occurred at 14 Aquarius on February 2, 2011, 6:31 pm PST, 9:36 pm EST, 2:36 am Greenwich on December 3. The Lunation is rising in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while the Australia has it elevated near the Midheaven.
The Lunation finds 29 Leo rising in Santa Monica, 30 Leo in Vancouver, 3 Libra in Washington DC, 1 Libra in Miami, 18 Scorpio in Rio, 27 Scorpio in London, 30 Scorpio in Amsterdam, 6 Sagittarius in Berlin, 6 Sagittarius in Tallinn, 22 Sagittarius in Sofia, 28 Sagittarius in Istanbul, 7 Capricorn in Cairo (Pluto rising as the rioting, looting, street fighting and fire bombings continue!), and 28 Capricorn rising in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 30 Aquarius in New Delhi, 5 Pisces in Trivandrum, 2 Aries in Bangkok, 20 Aries in Hong Kong, 28 Taurus in Tokyo, 15 Aries in Perth, 7 Taurus in Melbourne, 18 Taurus in Brisbane, 30 Taurus in Wellington, and 22 Cancer rising on Maui (Dec 2).
This is the fifth in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the same sign as the following Full Moon. It is also a phase of solidifying the visions of the possibilities to fulfill the life energy initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded by this year's Solar Eclipse in Cancer, renewed in Leo, refined in Virgo, balanced out in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, and organized in Capricorn.
This New Moon at 14 Aquarius puts the focus on the ideals and actions already offered by the recent transit of Mars in mid-Aquarius. This Lunation jumpstarts Aquarius energy wherever it falls in our chart. This time involves cultivating spiritual "angelic energies" and expressing the archetypes and roles we've been living since August. We'll get important information and understanding about this on February 11-12.
Recent months have offered opportunities to move into more effective internal and external communications, and now we have more contacts than we used to, as well as a greater awareness of our particular field of living. We've had losses and shared experiences helping us eliminate those patterns which would interfere with our emergent archetypal roles and functions, and now can be more at ease with the recurring themes of those emergent roles due to perspectives glimpsed since last month's Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.
This New Moon has an individual, mental, and spiritual focus. As it falls in Aquarius, Saturn is the worldly ruler of this New Moon, while Uranus is the spiritual ruler. Those planets ruling this Lunation are in Libra and Pisces respectively, again making those balancing and forgiving energies prominent. As neither planet has any forming frictional aspects, this shows we can enter into a period of balancing and letting go with little if any difficulty.
Saturn is very powerful since it is the nozzle of the Bucket Jones pattern. This makes it the primary focus of the Lunation, and again brings us to understanding consequences from past actions and inactions, as well as the need to be aware of future consequences for our actions or the actions of another.
Add the other ruling influence of Uranus at the end of Pisces, and you have another perfect time to feel a vaster experience of self within "All-That-Is," in unique ways that can release hidden energies helping us to end an old "spiritual law" in our lives as things fall apart. Keep seeing how the whole relates to the parts, cultivate your faith, forgiveness, and compassion over the next month, and you'll feel a huge new momentum in March 2011.
Neptune and Chiron are still conjunct at 28 and 30 Aquarius. This offers us all opportunities to heal into our Higher Selves through anticipating what is to come, and doing what we must to ensure our future well being within a larger light/life field. These planets, being on "the cusp of the Age," show us global lessons we all must embrace, and help us to graduate into a new view of how we are an essential part of a greater whole.
This is the next Lunation featuring Saturn in Libra, a phenomenon that will last through late 2012. What we learned from Saturn in Virgo got refined by Saturn in Libra between November 2009 and April 2010, which was a front end look at what we've been dealing with since August. These early Libra lessons will be prominent through Summer 2011.
Saturn is currently the nozzle focusing the energy of all the other planets clustered between Sagittarius and Aries. Because Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the "harvest sector" of the zodiac, it would imply that during the next few weeks we can tune into larger perspectives, transpersonal understanding, and more of a collective, "timeless" view of things.
This is because this span is where the inner planets are transiting until Mercury slips into Aries in early March. Even the Moon's transits only modify this pattern, since it will still be creating the Bucket until it breaks on through to Cancer on February 13-14. So all the inner planets are in Harvest signs until Mercury slips into Aries in early March, with the rest beginning to assemble in Aries as of late March.
So all the collective energy represented by the cluster of planets between Venus in late Sag and Jupiter in early Aries will be focused through the only planet outside the Bundle, the awesome Saturn. Saturn shows the cause, the effort, the problem, the solution, the release, the focus, the point of just about everything confronting us now and in the near future.
If you need a way to deal with something or someone, reference Saturn in Libra and the lessons of balance, justice, fairness, and proportion you've been learning. Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, maturity, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So even if things do go in spurts and starts due to the Lunation conjunct Mars, it won't be done without an element of karma involved. So try to relax while learning the rules of whatever system we're dealing with, or acting within, showing as much balance, grace, and equipoise as we can express, given Saturn's penchant for heaviness.
We can learn a lot about dharma during the next few weeks, as well as what we should not be trying to prop up through a misplaced sense of responsibility or obligation. If we run into roadblocks or delays, it should tell us a lot about patience, as well as what limitations and burdens we can live with and what we cannot.
Besides being important as the nozzle focusing the energy of the Bucket, in general Saturn continues to usher in allies, friends, fellow truth-seekers, more balanced views, and corrective actions as techniques for community building or group awareness. Since January 2010, "greatness calling itself to itself" has been in the air, and we completed major lessons around that theme between January and September.
At this time, we're still at the threshold zone of Saturn at 18 degrees of Libra, the same degree where it went retrograde in January. We're now getting a review and different perspective on recent lessons and energies through June 2011, so enjoy the new look at old business!
All the transfigurations in our actions and relationships we've done since January 2010 have now led us to the need to do some form of "repair work," where we can confront the consequences of past actions, and retire from old dramas to free energy to reconstruct elements of our life that bring us joy.
Though not specifically related to this New Moon, let me offer you some backstory to what we've all been learning via Saturn these past 14 months.
Starting October 2009 Saturn began to show us new archetypes, perspectives, or roles, as well as larger cycles, larger possibilities, and the dawning of a new day in our lives. Between January and early April 2010, due to Saturn retrograde, we re-traced the ground of the "first run" of manifesting a new ideal, a new archetype, and a new sense of self within interpersonal and collective circumstances.
We revisited and finished up our Saturn in Virgo lessons between April and July 2010, at which time Saturn re-entered Libra and began to firm up our new archetypal expressions. This was activated in a powerful way in late July when Mars entered Libra and conjuncted Saturn at the critical first degree. Since then we've experienced a new set of life expressions.
The past early October 2010 New Moon in Libra continues to be important since that Lunation lit up the Libra area near where Saturn occupies in this New Moon, and where it will retrograde over the next few weeks. That means the Libra seeds that came forth in October and early November will acquire more solid form and structure over the next few weeks thanks to Saturn.
Saturn will retrograde across that point again in late March 2011 bringing different perspectives and returns, and move across it again in forward motion in late August 2011. That implies that whatever the 2010 Libra New Moon was about will crystallize in some way during all of these time periods.
Taken together, these important factors in this New Moon point to opportunities to find a higher vision and techniques to go within to achieve forms of inner and outer "success." We can see ways to utilize "angelic" energy in our world, and if we're ready to do the work while facing realities, we can shortcut the process of evolution in some amazing ways.
This New Moon will help us develop techniques of communication, offer us chances to swap and compare information so we can come to a greater objective view of a bigger picture, and help us integrate what we need to in the upper chamber of our consciousness. We will have opportunities to experience some very positive vibrations spontaneously, and can find true faith, joy, and possibly beatitude.
This will be an extraordinary New Moon period, where we can catch glimpses of grace at work and play in our lives and the lives of others. This can help us to a new sense of purpose and service while learning how to keep the momentum and initiative in our own hands.
In part 2 will discuss the various aspects at play in the chart, as well as some important degree symbols and other interesting elements affecting all of us for quite a few weeks to come.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Thank-you so much Robert. The Water Bearer's energies have been very literal in my habitat.And yet with lots of large scale destruction, I feel that these energies are cleansing and purifying, and carry strong Magic, to connect with Nature and our Higher Selves. Also conjunct fixed star Aegeria, Goddess of natural springs and birthing. This is a relevant New Moon for me.
Posted by: Jen | February 03, 2011 at 08:34 PM
Kinda really digging this new moon. Did you know that as we got closer to it, I received a surprise tax credit for school in the mail, cutting academic expenses by nearly 40% for 2011? Zowie.
Happy new moon, all!
Posted by: Warriorlady | February 03, 2011 at 08:46 PM
Thanks for everything, Robert! This blog is awesome and so is your generosity and encouragement!
Posted by: Sara | February 03, 2011 at 10:10 PM
Thanks Robert, Radical progress here. Changes I wouldn't have imagined even weeks ago. Blessings to you and all who come here for sanity!
@ Warrior Lady - Great news! you deserve that, hope things are getting a little easier for you.
Posted by: Morvah | February 04, 2011 at 03:05 AM
ThankYou Robert Wilkinson !!!
Magical Post !!!
Blessings !!!
Posted by: Jorge Torres | February 04, 2011 at 03:26 AM
Thank you, Robert, for sharing your own angelic grace (and obvious wisdom!) - much love and best wishes back to you.
Posted by: Cheryl | February 04, 2011 at 05:58 AM
Robert, are you on Facebook?
Posted by: Boo | February 04, 2011 at 07:12 AM
Hi all - Still composing part 2.... The conjunction with Mars will no doubt set a lot into motion, but the trine to Saturn is very stabilizing. I suspect it will bring good for many. As we establish new patterns of thinking and relating (Air trines) old stuff will fall away. And while I have a facebook page, I tend not to go there a lot, since I barely have time to correspond via email and these comment streams.
Posted by: Robert | February 04, 2011 at 09:08 AM
Deconstruction everywhere, in my realm. And I do mean, EVERYWHERE. Kind of like watching the universe fold in upon itself. Looking forward to seeing how it unfolds in the next days and weeks.
Posted by: ka | February 04, 2011 at 01:21 PM
ka, watching is a good place to be, having some distance I mean? It seems that patience would be easier to maintain in that space. Very helpful post. Thanks.
Posted by: caliban | February 04, 2011 at 02:34 PM
Morvah, thank you :).
To you and everyone on here I wish a happy new moon, happy rabbit year AND tons of energy to do what needs to be done!
Posted by: Warriorlady | February 04, 2011 at 04:01 PM