by Robert Wilkinson
This is big news, and begins a whole new cycle in our lives wherever we have mid-Aquarius in our charts. This begins 3 months of amazing productivity, specialization, and unique circumstances and gifts.
It began with the New Moon, when Sun and Moon were at 14 Aquarius and Mars was at 15. The Sun then shared 15 Aquarius when the Moon was at 16. The Sun and Mars exactly conjuncted at 16 Aquarius on Feb 4, and now share 17 Aquarius. So the Sun and Mars have marched together over 15, 16, and 17 Aquarius simultaneously.
This can be compared to a perfect 4 note chord. Though it began with the New Moon, the basic tone of the 3 note chord is found in blending 15, 16, and 17 Aquarius, since they were shared by the Sun and Mars for several days. I explained some of these energies in the recent articles on the New Moon in Aquarius.
For all of us to have experienced the intensity of the culminating two degrees of the first half of Aquarius AND the first two degrees of the second half of Aquarius as a several-day continuity is remarkable in itself. This bridges where we culminate "Contribution" and begin "Management." I explain more below.
As noted, this will powerfully activate the area of life related to whatever house in our natal chart it falls in. This zone includes the Angel Point, and the beginning steps of what we're told deals with perspective and management in concrete actional forms.
These degrees together blend several important symbols. Regarding 15 Aquarius, the entry degree of the three that the Sun and Mars occupied, Rudhyar says we can expect "radiation of spontaneous faith," "contageousness of happiness in human associations," and "the blessing bestowed upon personal achievements by the spiritually fulfilled consciousness of the Soul."
Here is a promise of "beatitude," and true happiness as a reward for our contributions to our community. It is a symbol of union and blessings for "long sustained and well-done work."
16 Aquarius was the exact point of conjunction. Here Rudhyar offers "the ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of human beings." It is the archetype of management, and we are told it involves the ability to see "organization as organism," both personally and socially.
He says this is a degree of "the central control of operations needed in all organized enterprises," "the head function," and "surety in decision." This is where we organize a plan according to our sense of order and priority, learning ways to manage something.
17 Aquarius is the exit degree. It is said to be a point where we need to develop "protective agencies" to guard us as we "sleep" having "struck gold." These "nascent protective faculties" assist us as we "adjust (ourselves) to new conditions," and help us to a "competent organization of affairs."
Here we learn "the development of the capacity to protect oneself and to safeguard (our) individual rights under complex social pressures." So here we "master natural energies which (we) enlist in (our) service" so we "may pursue (our) individualized work of destiny in security." This degree would seem to require that we tune up our connectivity with our inner strengths, our Guardian Angel, its helpers, our Guides, and any other Spiritual force we need for security and protection.
This conjunction is connected in interesting ways with long wave cycles set into motion two years ago. In December 2008 the Sun conjuncted Mars across 13, 14, 15, and 16 Sagittarius, an almost exact sextile to the one happening now. So this next two year cycle will build productively on the themes we've been living in 2009-2010.
The other major cycle this one extends started at the last Mars conjunct Jupiter. That occurred in February 2009, beginning at 10 Aquarius (which also was the degree of the North Node!) and crossing into 11 Aquarius. The current Sun conjunct Mars will retrigger those energies, moving them "forward" as an evolving process affecting everyone wherever we have mid Aquarius.
Since early 2009 had multiple conjunctions by the inner planets with Jupiter in Aquarius that strongly affected the openings of that year, much that was set into motion by those conjunctions will be given renewed life by the current Sun conjunct Mars. Among the sensitive points that began larger openings in 2009, we find 4 Aquarius (Mercury RX conjunct Jupiter), 5 Aquarius (Moon and Sun conjunct Jupiter in the Jan 2009 Solar Eclipse), 10 and 11 Aquarius (Mars conjunct Jupiter), and 12 Aquarius (Mercury direct conjunct Jupiter.)
Astrologers who want to pursue the breadcrumbs through the forest of time should note that the next round of conjunctions between Mercury, Sun, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter is coming between mid-March and mid-May. These multiple events will happen across the second and third decan of Aries, making significant aspects to all the points in Aquarius set into motion in 2009 and now.
For now, I'll note that this clustering of planets will bring many parts of our lives together wherever late Aries falls in our birth charts creating major choices and shifts, productive momentum, and unique specialized gifts and circumstances. An article explaining more will come in a few weeks as we get closer to the initial launch point for the Aries stellium, Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 12 Aries in mid-March.
Just one event happening now that awaken echoes of 2009 and 2010 that will reverberate across 2011 and 2012! Get your Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries energies ready, since the party is about to begin!!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Robert - can you give some more info. about the critical Celtic degree of 16 Aquarius, the Angel Point? What energy does it represent vis-a-vis the Ox, Lion and Eagle points?
Posted by: Matt | February 05, 2011 at 12:05 PM
Hi Robert,
Today is the 6th Feb and it's my Birthday! Seems like a lot is happening out there in the cosmos which is a reflection of what is happening within our own inner cosmos.
Thanks for sharing with me on another comment stream about what an Aquarian Fire Horse is all about. Very interesting - thank you for taking the time to share this information.
Thank you once again for all your time and effort that you put in here to ensure we are all given accurate and 'real' information that not only informs but enlightens and uplifts as well. Received with much Gratitude.
God Bless,
Brenda Joy.
Posted by: Brenda Joy | February 05, 2011 at 01:13 PM
I love it when you toss positivity about! My MC, Merc + Mars are all early AQ, top of the 10th. Feliz dias!
Posted by: Jan | February 05, 2011 at 03:51 PM
ThankYou Robert Wilkinson !!!
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children. Mohandas Gandhi.
Blessings !!!
Posted by: Jorge Torres | February 06, 2011 at 05:09 AM
Robert, thanks as always for your wonderful insight.
I have Mars 1, Mercury 15 and Sun 26 degrees Aquarius. I'm experiencing such a tremendous focus of energy thanks to Saturn's stabilizing influence. This is the time of "the expanding man". And look what's happening in the middle east. Uranus must also be at work there. Could you comment on this growing movement in terms of the coming transits?
May there be peace on earth.
Posted by: Bruce Kaiser | February 06, 2011 at 06:30 AM
Robert, it's interesting to consider the relationship between Mercury and it's higher octave, Uranus. Venus and higher octave Neptune and Mars to Pluto. I think that given the signs, aspects and depositors of the various energies involved makes for an insightful narrative. I hope you find this a useful platform to expound on this "framing" of the times at hand.
Thanks Again.
Posted by: Bruce Kaiser | February 06, 2011 at 07:07 AM
Hi Matt - The "4 Holy Creatures" are found in the Wheel of Ezekiel, and the Wheel of Fortune and World major arcana of the Tarot. They represent the midpoints of the Fixed signs, offering hints about how to learn what we need to in order to "ground the Great Work." 15 Aquarius is the Angel point. It anchors the Eagle Point, externalizes the Lion point, and is the fulfillment of the Ox point. These points of greatest fixity are related to the process of human evolution, in terms of how and what we learn to concentrate and how we learn to move that which is immovable. More than this is for those who walk the Kabbalistic Way and require more time and space than I can give it here.
Hi Brenda Joy - Happy Solar Return! You share a birthday with Bob Marley, Babe Ruth, and Ronald Reagan. These three sharing the same solar energy seems to be one of the cosmic jokes of all time!! The outer and inner mirror each other, whether in formless force or manifested form. You are certainly familiar with "As above, so below," so yes, everything happening "out there" is a reflection of everything happening in "inner space." And of course, you're welcome. As we share our stories and knowledge, we ALL become more aware, stronger, and more connected within All-That-Is. It's how we come out of illusion into ways to approach greater Truths, how we make our knowledge more well-rounded, and how we find commonality in our life experiences.
Hi Jan - Well, having spent years of my youth in a "too hip for words" negativity emulating a faux-beatnik persona, it's refreshing to have cultivated an attitude of positivity these many years that puts its focus on what is possible. Besides, if we are to believe the precepts of Buddhism, then the generation of Bodhichitta, which I believe is practiced in forms of positivity and good will, is the antidote for the mental affliction of the mind suffering over its own suffering.
Hi Jorge Torres - You're most welcome. Someday the world will realize that teaching the young to pursue a Higher Way of living, feeling, thinking, aspiring, and relating to themselves, everyone else, and All-That-Is is the only purpose worth pursuing to lead a life worth living.
Hi Bruce Kaiser - Glad my insights stir your imagination. Saturn biseptile your Mars is certainly putting your Mars function at a culminating fork in the road of how you've chosen to "do your Mars" since 1991. I'll try to compose something about the spreading mass demand for freedom, food, and human rights in the future. And I will join you in affirming "May there be peace on earth," since it's way past time for humanity to grow up and be responsible in its stewardship of the planet and all sentient Beings associated with this evolutionary sphere.
Posted by: Robert | February 06, 2011 at 10:17 AM
Hello, Robert
thanks for your sicerity, which I always admire.
After reading all those, I felt that I am not alone in thinking about my all those transit.
Saturn has been poised in the stellium of my Sun.
My node in Aquarius with Mars was smacked by this lunar new moon 2011 at 12-17 degree.
I am going thru, on Saturn's hand, a hell and on the other hand-Aquarian's side of my chart+transit, a blessing.
But, overall, I am so NOT hopeful.. feeling not having any weapon depite of what angelic energy is telling me..
Meanwhile, I found my chiron seems interesting as in mid degree in Aries..makes me to ponder..where this all goes eventually.
You are a man of virtue in telling the heavenly scope, always trying to give hopeful message to us-My appreciation.
Please let me know if you have any thought of my chiron placement.
Posted by: lovealltheway | February 08, 2011 at 05:29 PM
interesting Feb 7 was a replay of something that happened to me
on Nov.9 of those most powerful things you know, (hardto describe just crazy certifiable)
but ties in a whole decade and ties it all together amazingly perfectly
and so obviously not random. Strong chiron effect, (and saturn- must be)
Brain just existing outside the head at this point just lying on loor
looking at ceiling, not sure when I'll get up...
(3.29.58 louisville 4:36pm
just so messed up -have to stop doing this,. omg
Posted by: william | February 10, 2011 at 12:46 AM
Robert, It may be too late for a comment/question but I'm going to try.
Remember the solar eclipse 2.7.2008 at 17 aquarius? I have read that when mars goes over the degree of the eclipse, effects can be seen/felt from the eclipse. Mars went retrograde for what felt like forever! and did not go back to 17 aquarius until this year, 2.6.2011.
My is 2.6 (another one that shares Bob Marley and Ronald Regan's!) and the eclipse in 2008 on my sun/ cumulated in quite year. Unforgettable! I'm wondering if the mars at 17 aquarius conjunct my sun in my solar return could mean it's somehow linked to the eclipse in 2008?
Posted by: Page | July 05, 2011 at 07:41 AM
Hi lovealltheway and william - Sorry for not responding, but I had to hit the road and many comments got lost in the subsequent week+. That said, any time Chiron gets stimulated it shows us the way to heal into our Higher Self through practicing the Chironic skills and strengths. And I'm sure, William, that the transits across your Sun launched you into a whole new reality since February!
Hi Page - Yes, Mars transits trigger all kinds of previous events, from Eclipses to other Lunations to previous planetary conjunctions and stationary points. The 2008 Eclipse no doubt shut down much of your old life, while the 2011 Sun-Mercury conjunctions to Mars set new stabilizing patterns into motion thanks to the supportive trine to Saturn. So I suppose I could say yes, Mars in Feb 2011 re-triggered eclipse effects, but in a more renewing, stabilizing way. Plus there are no doubt other important aspects working out in your chart as well, which can fill in some gaps in what's been going on.
Posted by: Robert | July 05, 2011 at 09:18 AM