by Robert Wilkinson
The catastrophe struck at 2:46 pm, March 11, with the epicenter about 250 miles NE of Tokyo. What are the astrological correlations?
Earthquake prediction is a confounding study, whether approached astrologically or through other means. The New Madrid fault line continues to stall its expected "big one," and after quite a few in a series moving up through northern Mexico to the California border up to the Salton Sea, the earthquake activity along the San Andreas has waned, at least for now. However, the "ring of fire" is definitely activated, so we can definitely expect more earthquakes and tsunamis all around the Pacific Rim in the future.
One key thing to remember before we begin is that though Uranus is now entering Aries, it was still at the last degree of Pisces when the earthquake and tsunami hit. That doesn't mean there won't be plenty when Uranus is actually in Aries, but this event is still a Uranus in Pisces event, which has implications regarding Tokyo's chart that I'll discuss downstream a bit.
There are many possible charts to examine for possible connections between this catastrophic event and Japan's birth chart. However, sometimes determining the "true chart" for a nation is not easy for a variety of reasons. Among possible "birth times" for Japan would be National Foundation Day (February 11, 660 BC) and the chart for the current constitution (May 3, 1947).
A brief look at the current constitution chart shows transiting Saturn went stationary retrograde exactly conjunct Japan's Moon, and the earthquake happened when the Sun triseptiled that point. Also, at the time of the earthquake/tsunami the transiting Sun is square Japan's Uranus, transiting Pluto is triseptile its natal Saturn, transiting Venus is opposed Japan's Pluto, transiting Mars is quincunx the natal Pluto, and transiting Jupiter is conjunct Japan's Venus and opposed its Neptune.
I also looked at the chart for Tokyo, since something should show up in that chart as well. I used the chart for noon, July 1, 1943, for Tokyo, since that was when Tokyo city was absorbed into the Tokyo metropolitan entity.
I examined Tokyo's natal and progressed planetary positions, and then looked at how the event transits fell in Tokyo's chart. Among the exact aspects happening at the time of the earthquake, Jupiter is opposing Tokyo's Ascendant, Pluto is opposing Tokyo's Sun, Uranus is opposing Tokyo's Neptune, Neptune is quincunx Tokyo's Neptune, and the Sun is exactly square Tokyo's Mercury conjunct Saturn in Gemini. These being exact shows a convergence of powerful forces all happening at the same time.
Another significant factor in the Tokyo chart is Tokyo's progressed Mercury exactly square its natal Sun. Therefore transiting Pluto is also almost exactly square the progressed Mercury. This makes an extremely powerful T-square with the driver Mercury.
Mercury is of extreme importance in the Tokyo chart since it's the final dispositor, and directly rules Tokyo's Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini, as well as its Neptune in the last degree of Virgo. As the the last degree of Virgo was highly activated in several eclipses a while back, this could also play some part in this tsunami (Neptune.) There are just too many charts to compare.....
Three other factors seemed important in the progressions. The progressed Mars is conjunct the natal Uranus, transiting Mars is exactly opposition to Tokyo's progressed Sun and Venus, and the progressed Midheaven is 17 Virgo, "a volcano in eruption." All three of these indicate volatility, unexpected events erupting, polarizing tensions and upheavals.
There may be correlations between Japan's and Tokyo's charts with the March 2007 and July 2009 Solar Eclipse charts, since their shadows fell across Japan, supposedly indicating direct effects. A quick look indicated neither of those charts had any significant contacts with the chart done for the current Earthquake/Tsunami. There may be contacts between one or both eclipses with the charts for Japan or Tokyo, but due to time constraints I haven't had time to examine all the possible ways these charts could interact. Good research project, though.
Anyway, just a few things to consider. At this time, please meditate however you can to send hope to the living and love to the dead, and if you are moved to offer other types of help, I'm sure some worthy organizations will soon become evident. Any fans of the site in Japan please feel free to comment where offerings will help the most.
When something this big happens it affects us all, regardless of whether some know it or not. Over time events such as this one will teach us compassion, one-ness, and the clear need to overcome fear in all its forms. As John Donne once wrote in his 17th Meditation:
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee....
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you, dear Robert. These moments of extreme endings and loss do call upon the collective compassion of humanity. Prayers of love and light to Japan, and all beings on this Earth.
Blessings and appreciation to you.
Posted by: Elah | March 11, 2011 at 09:03 PM
HI, Robert, safe and sound and very grateful to still be alive here in Tokyo. A bit scary but we are okay here in Tokyo. Not so good for the people up north though. Very sad. Now we are monitoring the situation with the nuclear power plant. Everybody please pray for us. I am going to read this now. I was in Omiya Saitama when the quake hit. There are still lots of aftershocks. It was a surreal.
Posted by: Micheline | March 12, 2011 at 05:39 AM
Long time ago I heard that cardinal signs can "feel" the aspects when they are in aproching (few days or hours before exact aspect), fixed feel it in exact aspect and mutabile when the aspects are separating. And Japan (and Germany) should be symbolised by Aries.
It was the clear sign of Uranus in Aries for me not even looking at the other planets, but I have to admit your article is brilliant.
Japan was always a dream for me and stil is, and I hope situation will get better there.
Posted by: yzse | March 12, 2011 at 07:10 AM
@ Micheline - Be assured our thoghts and prayers are with you.
Posted by: Morvah | March 12, 2011 at 12:17 PM
I am an Empath (Highly Sensitive), so I try not to watch these unravel, on Television. It tears me apart from the inside out. Just like it did on 9/11, hurricane katrina, and the haiti earthquake. I spent time in deep meditation and prayer, sending out much compassion.
What I have learned over the years, of having a strong Neptune in Scorpio aspect. That with Death, there is always Life/Birth.
Lots of tender Love,
Posted by: FoxTrot | March 12, 2011 at 02:21 PM
Thanks everybody.
Posted by: Micheline | March 12, 2011 at 04:47 PM
Foxy, I probably should not be watching the news either. I am pretty empathic myself. I am also in shock as well.
Posted by: Micheline | March 12, 2011 at 04:49 PM
Speaking as a Japan scholar, I would not use the modern constitution for a founding date. The current postwar constitution is legally implemented as an amendment to the Meiji Constitution of 1890, to establish continuity of governance. I would suggest using the date of adoption of the Meiji Constitution, November 29, 1890.
And that 660BC date is just a legend, there is basically no recorded history before about 300AD. Another possible date is the implementation of "Prince Shotoku's Constitution" in 604AD. The date is listed as "the fourth month, third day" and even a Japan scholar like me would have to do some specific research to conform that to a modern calendar date, the calendar varied wildly from year to year. But to my research, Shotoku's Constitution appears to be the first recorded system of government in Japanese history. If you would do a serious examination of a chart of that date, I would do the research and conform the date for you.
Posted by: Charles | March 12, 2011 at 07:56 PM
An event such as this certainly takes us out of ourselves. It makes our own troubles seem so insignificant. The enormity of Japan boggles the mind but serves to change our consciousness.
I have really felt the Uranus influence ever since Thursday, and also the influence of Neptune in the last degree of Aquarius. (Note that Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception.) Good article Robert, and blessings, safe haven and hope to Micheline and everyone in the path of disaster. Namaste! :)
Posted by: Valerie | March 13, 2011 at 08:31 AM
Hi all - Yes, it's the beginning of the more intense phase of the global transition, but at least it will show us our non-separateness and how to get beyond fear (along with killing the nuke industry forever, we hope!) Still, our courage and compassion, along with our meditations, really do make a difference in the collective atmosphere, even if we don't immediately notice concrete effects. Sometimes being a beacon of light helps others avoid reefs, whether we hear about it or not.
Hi Micheline - Very glad you're doing well despite the widespread panic and pain. Still, take precautions and open to being your Highest Self in ways that show you what you can do and what you should not continue to do. After Northridge I found living with the constant aftershocks was unnerving. The nuke plants are a true mess, and will impact the world, some places more than others. That's exactly why I marched, protested, published, and networked for many years in the 70s and 80s against nukes, since nuclear anything is bad for everything that lives.
Hi yzse - Don't know about feeling the aspects, since we all have all the signs in us in whatever natal and progressed proportion we have them. Historically, the German and Japanese peoples have been considered as "Aries" populations, just as the Chinese are considered Libra.
Hi Charles - Thanks for weighing in! The Meiji Constitution could certainly be used as a legit point of birth. Usually the "correct" chart for a country shows significant events directly correlating with important directions and progressions in the chart.
I didn't know about "Prince Shotoku's Constitution" in 604AD, and yes, the month and day would have to be computed from whatever point began the year to the Japanese time computers of the 7th century. As with most ancient cultures, it was probably a Lunar based calendar, so perhaps the Japanese and Chinese New Year began at the same new moon. If that constitution marked the first official government of Japan, it would certainly be in the running as the "birth time" of Japan.
Of course, a national chart also changes when new forms of government are codified. That's why the Meiji Constitution very well could be the one governing modern Japan. Still, I'd love to hear what your research comes up with. Thanks for offering!!
Posted by: Robert | March 13, 2011 at 09:23 AM
Life and body having soul is a part of time Time has a nature to get man please &unplease . Inventions and any prudence can't be valued before great massive nature's cry or laughter ............................... Only peace lies where &when prayer is on &thanking great GOD for giving us life .....,,,,,-paresh patel
Posted by: Paresh patel | March 13, 2011 at 11:01 AM
Hi Charles - I found this: "When Buddhism arrived in Japan in the mid-6th century AD, the Japanese eagerly imported both the Buddhist teachings and the Zodiac calendar — the calendar was officially adopted in 604 AD. In Japan, the Zodiac calendar is known as Kanshi or Eto (干支 | えと), and the 12 animals of the Zodiac are known as the Juuni Shi (十二支). The Zodiac's popularity in Japan peaked during the Edo Era (1600-1868 AD), by which time each of the 12 animals were commonly associated with one of eight Buddhist patron deities."
604 was the Year of the Wood Rat. The New Moon fell on February 5, 10:30 pm UT at 20 Aquarius, which would have been sometime around 7:30 am Feb 6 in Japan. The 4th month would have been the month of the Hare, since that's the fourth sign. Anyway, that's what I've found so far.
Hi Paresh - As I have seen prudence be a good thing countless times, especially in the face of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and the like, I'm not sure what point you're making other than God loves gratitude....
Posted by: Robert | March 13, 2011 at 11:24 AM
Right, Robert, I note that the Shotoku Constitution is dated, "Summer, Fourth month.." and of course April is not summer, nor would it correspond to February. The Japanese lunar calendar was quite out of sync with the Western solar calendar during many years and this era is particularly difficult to reconcile. The beginning of the calendrical year drifted by several months from the Western new year. And then there's the problem of Western calendrical rectification. Oh what a mess.
I will attempt to figure out a realistic date, but it will be difficult. I am looking for an original Japanese text, which might clarify the issue. This might take some time. Oh well, the Meiji Constitution is probably as good a starting date as any, it was the foundation document of the current government, with no lapses in continuity.
Posted by: Charles | March 13, 2011 at 11:52 AM
Micheline, glad to have found someone as emphatic as well. Mine has a great dash of intuitive stuff to go along with it. I had a insight, that ..
If it tears me up from the inside out. Perhaps I should let this emotion and feelings outwards in more global way. (Aquarius)Instead of being all tangled and twisted and being so personal. I am learning to become more grounded, and to use these gifts in a better way. I have been reading a wonderful book titled "the science of compassion" Some really great essays on the topic.
I have several friends, who are pregnant. Who gave birth the day of the tsumai. Including my son and daughter in law. (A new grandma) I heard the crys of new life in spirit that day. Including the crys of death.
Posted by: FoxTrot | March 14, 2011 at 07:39 AM
Just my opinion, but I believe we're all "empaths" or sensitive to our environment, just some are more in-tune with the operations of the planet (almost hearing the word "incoming") because we're less distracted by (usually) meaningless things.
It's a shame that a tragedy has to happen before we realize that infecting planet Earth with so much toxicity is a bad idea. I hope we all "get it" this time because poisons last in the air, in our waters, for years and years. Love to Earth. Love and strength to those affected in Japan and in immediately surrounding areas. Rationality to us all.
Posted by: Warriorlady | March 14, 2011 at 09:48 AM
Ok. Made a decision yesterday. I went south of Tokyo. I am in a city called Osaka right now. I still have lots of friends in Tokyo who have had to or are obligated to stay
I am having a really hard time deciding what to do.
Posted by: Micheline | March 14, 2011 at 09:15 PM
Hi Micheline - Osaka is one of the most spiritual centers on Earth. Go deep within, meditate, and merge with "All-That-Is." Go to the inmost center of Being, and welcome the Oneness that you experience in that vast space. Open to attracting that which shows you what you are to do and when. Even when the fear momentarily appears, breathe and love and breathe and love and....
Be there for those who need it; be in deep communion with the countless suffering who just realized they're not in their bodies anymore; and be the center of the Eternal Light you KNOW you are, regardless of the fluctuations of the mind. Sometimes there's nothing else to do but BE (and love and breathe and love and breathe and love and....)
Posted by: Robert | March 14, 2011 at 09:38 PM
Dear Micheline - this note is from Michele. I, along with everyone else, send my prayers to you and to all of Japan.
I found this website tonite after I typed 'Uranus in Aries' into my search engine. This is the most intelligent and most humane talk I have found on the subject on the internet so far. I'm very happy to have found it.
I also found DOASONE website tonite and would like to share it since it is about breathing as one with the intention of peace for Japan. hope this is appropriate and appreciated in the spirit in which I give it. Please check it out, try it, share it, it just might make a difference.
'breathe just made the world a better place.' Eric Stotz
Posted by: Michele | March 15, 2011 at 07:33 AM
Hi, Robert. Still in Osaka. I am so divided. But trying to make some clear decisions as to what is best. Osaka has a good feeling. It is a fun place to. Just last night for the first time in days. I had a normal relaxing few hours with friends that have also come from Tokyo (they have a little girl of 2 and half and left for her sake). Everyone's nerves are on the edge. I love Japan. It is a very weird, beautiful and wonderful place. I hate the idea of leaving it. I am so sad for all those people who suffered this terrible tragedy. I bless all the souls that have had to leave us and hope the have found peace and happiness in some way. Currently, my employers have made a decision to be on standby for real now. Getting their kids or Japanese spouse passports ect... Starting to look at flights even. They say the radiation levels are non threatening but still a lot of company's are leaving and moving south or getting out of the country this is terrible for the Japanese community and economy. The press overseas is honestly not helpful at all. My embassy is not saying much. Just telling us Canadian to keep watching the news (which is making my nerves worse and worse at times). If don't watch the news I am okay. I think Osaka is getting a bit more populated for the moment.
I had a lovely dinner at a place called Konan. A Turkish restaurant. Guess what it means in English. Shelter. It was nice to be normal for a while. Unfortunately, even after having a really long sleep. I am still shaking again. I know it is normal to feel like you have vertigo all the time after such an experience. I have something different going on as well. As a dancer I have the most amazing sense of physical balance. Yes, I was dancer before I was musician. Anyway, I also have this connection to the earth. I usually almost wake up a few minutes before earthquakes come when I am sleeping. About a half hour before that big one in Sendai. I was feeling the earth move. I have been feeling a lot like that for a while before it happened. Now, I am feeling it still here in Osaka. But everyone else is feeling pretty normal. Osakans (I am going to refer to Japanese people that live here that way for now.) Are having there normals lives. Going shopping and eating in the cafe I am in. I left the hotel I was staying. Spending too much money as it is.
So, now looking at my actual finances and am asking my richer friends for help. I do have money. I did books something leaving Narita. So, that I could back and pack a bit better and then see friends in Tokyo. But the agency I booked with said that there have been problems with flights getting deleted from the bookings and stuff. I wish I had a credit card. No, worries I have friends to ask for help. I am doing that now. I will let you know how I fare. I got to a point now that I felt it would better for me to go out of Japan and calm down.
Even though there are no real shakes happening here. I am still feeling things. I just want to say thanks to all of you for listening, for caring, for being supportive and offering great advice. I am trying hard to go to my higher sense of self. I think though I need to go just to be better able to help people. It is too wobbly here. Also, the other reason is that my employers like I said seem to be starting to take the situation to a new level and I have a feeling that they will leave to protect their own families. I think it is time I did the same. Though I really do not want to leave my beautiful Japan.
peace and love to all of you
Michelle thanks so much for your words of kindness.
Posted by: Micheline | March 16, 2011 at 10:33 PM
We're with you Micheline
Posted by: Morvah | March 17, 2011 at 02:46 AM
Okay, I did I came back to Tokyo. I have super solid friends here thank goodness. I want to say thank you to all of you who have been very supportive and talking with me. It is a weird time in my life. I figure though that there must be a reason and purpose for my being here. I also thought that I might do something kind of radical today. I might go to my embassy and tell them that I think one way to dispel all the fears that we may be getting radioactive is to get an honest testing and show that we are okay. I think that this would be the best way to deal with things. I am still hyper nervous a bit. I feel the vertigo of all the shakes we had a while ago. I could not leave as I think I would feel like a huge coward.
I think I would go south if it appears to me intuitively do that. I am drinking red wine at night before bed. I am sure I am not going to turn into an alcholic. It is said to help with radioactivity and also now I need to up uptake of seaweed too and miso soup is supposed to be good too. At the same time getting involved in charity work for the people up north.
We had "We are still here" event and I feel that this event helped people. I am going to suggest to friends that we do this one again. The sad thing is that the media hype did not help people much. But the airlines sure made a lot of money from I think it might be 70 percent of the foreigners who left Japan in a panic this past week.
I am still here. I am safe. I have a home. I am good.
I am walking in the light of love. I have a great admiration for Japanese people more then ever now.
How resilient and noble and calm they are. How they have this beautiful solidarity.
Just keep that love coming folks and keep that hope high.
Much love to all of you. Thank you for all your kind words and support.
I love life. I love the beauty of this place. Hanami is coming soon. Sakura which is the tree that blossoms its beautiful cherry blossoms. It is a wonderful time. When everyone goes to a park and gets together and celebrates Spring by drinking sake and beer and eating food together under the trees.
I am hoping that I can enjoy this again with my friends here in Tokyo.
Posted by: Micheline | March 21, 2011 at 09:04 AM
I hope so too, Respect, Micheline!
Posted by: Morvah | March 21, 2011 at 03:27 PM
Hi Micheline - I believe what you're going through in your own way is what the entire world is facing. We all are awakening to some realities that Japan (and therefore our world) will never be the same. Some are witnessing the horrible folly of nuclear anything, while others are finally realizing the governments and official news orgs do not have our best interests at heart, nor will they report what is really happening.
Then there are those who insist that nukes must go forward, while the greedheads speculate to scarf up as much money as they can while they hide behind the walls of the castle a la Poe's "The Black Plague." The banker/investor class don't seem to be learning that we cannot benefit ourselves at the expense of others, or reap rewards directly resulting from human suffering. This will throw them into great fear and loathing when they realize that a million dollars isn't worth as much as clean water and air.
We stand on the edge of the Great Transition, where some will live, some will die, some will fear, and some will embrace their Divine Estate and play their Dharmic role in the ever-changing times we confront. What you're going through is radiating out into your world, and your courage and clarity will be an inspiration to others whether you know it or not. Do what you must, brave lady, since you know you are an Eternal. All else is commentary.
Posted by: Robert | March 26, 2011 at 07:37 AM