by Robert Wilkinson
The "Super Moon," or "Mega" Full Moon at 29 Virgo-Pisces has some pretty substantial aspect activity. It's the Moon and Saturn balancing all the other planets, with Pluto observing from the sidelines!
To remind you, this Moon is one of the biggest and brightest in recent memory! By all means, take a look, meditate on its majesty, and if you are so inclined, please do The Great Invocation.
As this Lunation falls on the penultimate degrees of Virgo and Pisces, it shows the technique leading to the natural fulfillment of the archetypal roles the signs indicate. What is coming forth from this Full Moon will show us how our transformational process can be seen and experienced within a vast feeling-field of experience that expresses as practical wisdom-forms in a greater service.
The past several Full Moons have supposedly been what is called "Void of Course" since they fell on the last degree of the sign and made no forming aspects before leaving the sign. This one is different in 2 significant ways, which I'll discuss shortly. For now, I want to clarify some things about a Void of Course Moon.
Supposedly a "Void of Course" Moon shows that nothing significant will happen concerning events at that time. That is a very limited and erroneous view of an astrological phenomenon. Life is infinite and ever-changing demonstrating its robustness through "the 10,000 things" that eternally come and go in the course of an eternal stream of interrelated events. Since all that arises are part of our magnetic field within the larger Unified Field of Consciousness, how could there ever be a time "when nothing significant happens?"
So regardless of the supposedly VOC Full Moons at this time in history, we must search for the meaning of the configurations since they reveal the evolving Divine Patterns in the NOW. Remember that we have the power to act or react from our center of Higher Awareness, and are not victims of astrological patterns.
As an aside, besides the objections I raised in my articles on the Void of Course Moon, historically the VOC Moon was used ONLY in Horary Astrology before the latter part of the 20th century. That would seemingly limit the validity in applying it in the other branches of Astrology, including any evaluation of a Lunation where the Moon falls in the final degree(s) of a sign.
This Lunation finds the Moon at 29 Virgo. Apart from what I've just stated, this Lunation would not be VOC anyway, as the Moon makes a very tight quincunx to Neptune and the Sun is forming a semi-sextile to Neptune. As Neptune is on the degree of the Sun at the last Full Moon, it indicates that those "illuminations" are now weaved into collective consciousness, with this Moon showing what has to be tweaked into practical forms.
Specifically, the Lunar quincunx indicates major adjustments in our sense of connectedness within a greater light field on the basis of the wisdom forms that have gestated, and now are practical things we must do to be of service, both to ourselves and others. We can use these adjustments productively by considering alternatives, seeing things from the past differently to find what's of real value to us, as well as find our place in a larger picture where we can focus and play with others who also come to our "duck pond."
The Lunation also makes numerous "out of sign" forming aspects, showing a change in conditions must occur before they come into play. Among the more important aspects are Moon opposition Uranus while the Sun conjuncts Uranus. These indicate radical changes are already in motion for us all as we prepare for another Uranian year cycle.
As an aside, when Mars moves across 29 Pisces to 1 Aries and conjuncts these sensitive degrees, we'll see major activations all over the map! We will also see some pretty dramatic developments when Venus conjuncts Neptune in a few days, triggering the Grand Irrationality. This long wave non-rational configuration was completely activated at last month's Full Moon, as the Sun was conjunct Neptune and septile Pluto.
That brought light and power to that "destiny producing configuration" wherever it falls in our natal charts. The span between February 18 and March 4-5 brought many crucial decisions all over the world that will impact our lives for a long time to come.
Again, this will be re-triggered March 22-25 when Venus conjuncts Neptune septiling Pluto as Mercury septiles Neptune and biseptiles Pluto. I'll compose more as that time gets closer, since Mercury's aspects in late March set up the Grand Irrationality to be triggered numerous times in April due to the quantity of times the planets all cross that Aries zone.
To remind you, Neptune and Pluto anchor the pattern, so by checking out their positions we can figure what's happening to who and when. The current hot zones of the Grand Irrationality are 6-9 Capricorn, 28 Aquarius-1 Pisces, 19-22 Aries, 11-14 Gemini, 2-5 Leo, 24-27 Virgo, and 15-18 Scorpio. If you have a planet or point a degree or two to either side of these zones, you can bet that part of your life is at a crucial turning point!
Other important forming aspects, showing things to come in the future, are Mercury in a long term sextile to Venus, Venus conjunct Neptune and semisquare Pluto, Mars triseptile Uranus, and Jupiter opposition Saturn, Jupiter semisquare Neptune, and Saturn sesquisquare Neptune. I can't go extensively into what each of these means, as there are too many possibilities.
That said, taken together they indicate a highly productive time where we are offered opportunities to get our values and ambitions working together to overcome any sense of discouragement or feeling that the price is too high for the type of success we want. We will find ourselves at a turning point in how we express our individuality, and many will find nourishment and relief at the end of a life chapter, where every need will be met within a larger web of life.
Just remember that if you get disoriented, get a sense of the bigger picture and narrow your focus to get a better grip on the whole of your affairs. Find ways to justify a cherished ambition and you'll be able to hold firm in the future even in the face of blocks and difficulties. And, if you're having a hard time getting the results you want, or are getting lost in loose ends, dump the distraction, dump obsolete or corrosive relationships, and get rid of whatever you don't need that's blocking you.
Mars triseptile Saturn puts our Aries and Scorpio influenced houses and planets at a critical fork in the road relative to our Capricorn and Aquarius influenced houses and planets. This is a cooperative collective team energy, building something despite the nonrationality of what's going on. These energies may make little or no sense when we experience them, but they are important for our future destiny. Those areas most affected by this aspect are 19-21 Pisces, 10-12 Taurus, 2-4 Cancer, 24-26 Leo, 16-18 Libra, 7-9 Sagittarius, and 28-30 Capricorn.
That implies that the choices we make over the next two weeks in how we act on our responsibilities or sense of purpose will take dramatic shifts between late May and early September as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter all pass through one or more of these zones. Short term, keep alert to what happens March 20, 23-24, 28, 31, and April 1 since the Moon triggers the triseptile energies setting Mars and Saturn energies into play wherever we have these degree zones in our charts.
Venus is a fairly important player in this Lunation, as it rules Saturn and makes an almost exact septile to Jupiter. It's barely separating, indicating right now we're in the heart of the influence!
This is most impacting planets and points around 20-22 Aquarius, 12-14 Aries, 3-5 Gemini, 24-26 Cancer, 16-18 Virgo, 7-9 Scorpio, and 28-30 Sagittarius. If you have something in one or more of these zones, that part of your life is in dynamic shift right now!
As noted earlier, the coming Venus conjunct Neptune septile Pluto will be important because it triggers the Grand Irrationality, but also because Neptune, at 30 Aquarius about to enter Pisces, stands on "the cusp of the Age." 1 Pisces is the point our world is at right now, so when the elegance and grace of Venus merge with and focus the energies of the Collective Consciousness it should offer us forms of Venusian healing light, love, and power arising from the grace we've attracted and/or demonstrated the past two weeks since the New Moon.
The other big aspect at work in this Lunation and over the next few weeks is Jupiter opposition Saturn. This oppositional line is between 11-18 Aries/Libra, affecting major changes of direction for those with planets between 10-20 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as 25-30 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, and 1-5 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
The major issue of this opposition is to get rid of old "rules" or subconscious expectations that make our progress more difficult than it needs to be, and find a place of greater service or purpose with others who are organized, mature, responsible, and balanced. This shows that the enthusiastic expansion and pioneering directives of Jupiter in Aries as the way to express whatever Saturn in Libra "means" for us, and allows a Saturn balance, maturity, and patience to express the wisdom and promise of Jupiter in Aries.
For those with planets and points around 23-30 degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius, and 1-6 degrees of Leo and Aquarius, many unique gifts and circumstances can make this time one of discovery and interactive blessings. Those with planets and points around 11-18 Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius will find obstacles falling away, with major productivity and stability promised.
Separating aspects show things past. The primary separating aspects are a very close Mars quintile Pluto, the closing of the conjunction between Sun and Mars, a wide Mercury conjunct Jupiter and opposition Saturn, Venus trine Saturn, and Jupiter square Pluto. As most readers know, Jupiter square Pluto has been a huge factor in the February and March New Moons, as well as last month's Full Moon.
These indicate the past several weeks have echoed or forced us to deal with the powerful beginnings, tensions, shifts, and feeling awarenesses that began June, July, and August 2010 and bring them forward into whatever new life we've created and lived since August 2010. The square primarily affected those with planets in early Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, where we learned to be alert to dishonest or corrosive people, opportunities that could take more than they give, and try to see distinct elements of you that can respond to a new Divine Law or order in seed form.
Mercury rules the Moon in the Lunation, while Jupiter and Neptune rule the Sun. Mercury is separating from its conjunction with Jupiter and its semisquare with Neptune. That these aspects are separating indicates the backdrop of the Lunation has already had a "crisis of emergent awareness," and that we've already gotten a glimpse of a higher, more universal order that can serve to orient our Soul, or at least our "Heaven-oriented mind," in a higher direction.
Mercury ruling the Moon shows that our feelings may require us to withdraw to preserve our dignity when we cannot act on our highest purposes, and find what can feed the growth of our Soul's ability to manifest in concrete ways. We can use the times of "dignified withdrawal" to reconstruct or repair something from the past, and perhaps find more balanced ways of viewing old damaging situations and people.
Jupiter ruling the Sun in worldly matters indicates the beginning of the appearance of a new identity. Just beware of impatience with the process of transforming the old to the new, and defuse whatever bombs need de-activation. We will understand a lot more about what Jupiter is teaching us the next 2 weeks by late April when Mercury goes stationary direct at 13 Aries, the exact degree of Jupiter in this chart.
Neptune, the spiritual ruler of the Sun in this Lunation, is at 30 Aquarius, the already-discussed "cusp of the Age." If you want to know more about this degree of "conscious totality of Being," please refer to the article on the 2011 Aquarius-Leo Full Moon just past. As this rules the Sun in this chart, we should all be able to see ourselves as "merest specks in the ocean of Light."
As Jupiter is forming a semisquare to Neptune, we find the worldly ruler of the Sun in an emergent crisis relative to how it's going to manifest the Neptunian energies. Since 13 Aries is so important now and in the near future, let's take a look at what it symbolizes.
Dr. Jones tells us here we can see the "survival of good through evil intention and effort, and of the infinite capacity of the world to absorb and nullify the destructive acts of man." Sounds good to me, given the human-made disasters currently plaguing our Earth!
He goes on to tell us that here we need "a better instrumentation of the action springing from the deeper sources of selfhood." The keyword is IMPETUOUSNESS, and when positive, we are told this degree is "a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose." As this is where Mercury goes stationary direct, these promises and understandings will profoundly affect May, June, and July.
This Lunation, like the last one, is a See Saw pattern. That shows that our entire experience of the larger ongoing conditions puts the focus on staying centered and not getting lost in the margins even while exploring the outer limits of the field. If you find yourself seesawing between views or energies, try to find the way to mediate between opposing views by finding the third or fourth points that harmonize the opposites. We had many See Saw Full Moons in 2010, so this energy should be somewhat familiar, even if it does force us to stay balanced!
The Moon and Saturn are the planets outside the occupied span. Since the occupied span leads with Pluto in Capricorn and ends with Mercury, approach experience using economy of energy to sprout the seeds of a new law or new way of life, and close experience with seeing how to coordinate your life better, withdraw from impulsive or immature people and circumstances, or be guided to your Soul by quickly developing new initiatives or pioneering efforts.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us feel and experience the larger life field we're in, where we can withdraw from what needs ending, relax into roles we can naturally play, see the promise of new experiences, and gain strength from past disappointments. The clarity of the past two weeks will yield new forms of compassion that are strong rather than ambivalent or weak. Here we can act on the basis of knowing our needs are being met, and can focus our wisdom that's been gestating since August 2009.
Trust in the knowledge that's been revealed to you that shows you how to experiment with becoming more effective, more practice, and/or a better "disciple" of the Truth you ARE. We can grow through combining functionality and style, practicality and grace, and see how we are part of a timeless parade of those who are on the same skill path we are, both living and dead.
Here we continue to experience a feeling of union with others in a larger field of light/life. As with all Lunations at the final degrees of their signs, this one is fulfilling, completing, and shows us a gateway to new sign experiences. Despite the powerful oppositions between Virgo and Pisces, Libra and Aries in this Lunation, this period will help us heal into our Higher Selves by showing us what is indestructible in our awareness and wisdom.
As with last month, harvest what need harvesting, see the seeds of future potential, reflect on past experiences to find wisdom you can share with others, choose which seeds to sprout that can bring you the light of a greater personal effectiveness and authorship, and see a larger ideal within a group context. As with the past several months, we now stand at a cosmic point of fulfillment.
The next two weeks offer us opportunities to see a greater Truth, Life, and Light in self and others that can anchor a new set of motives, continuity, and sense of compassion. Follow your feelings into decisions and actions, and then make sure you're operating from the newest information and update your understanding and vision.
Continue to break free of old rules, limitations, fears, and "shoulds." Keep letting go of being seduced or distracted by opportunities that are not really opportunities, as well as perceptions and relationships that divert you from the ideals and visions you really care about. These weeks are about clarity and compassion, repair work and new openings, and seeing your unique qualities that the world can recognize and reward consistently.
Accept the endings, accept the rewards, accept the new identity, accept what you can do, and accept what you cannot influence. Your wisdom has cooked, and now it's time to take it out of the oven and serve the Guest!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Inspiring, to say the least Robert! Compliments for another great illumination of yet another chapter of the unfolding story. Having a special feel for 13 Aries (my Saturn placement conjunct IC), your perspective is very welcome in this period. Thanks!
Posted by: Dirk | March 19, 2011 at 02:05 PM
Robert -
"Mercury ruling the Moon shows that our feelings may require us to withdraw to preserve our dignity when we cannot act on our highest purposes, and find what can feed the growth of our Soul's ability to manifest in concrete ways. We can use the times of "dignified withdrawal" to reconstruct or repair something from the past, and perhaps find more balanced ways of viewing old damaging situations and people."
This certainly came true for me and I cannot thank you enough for posting didn't occur to me before that one can repair through withdrawal, but that certainly seems like the perfect solution in my case.
I suppose addicts get that all the time.
Thank you again
Posted by: hrae | March 19, 2011 at 03:46 PM
Thanks for this enlightening and positive affirmation of the new paths I have recently stepped on. I've been feeling anxious and doubtful about whether I'd made the correct choices, but reading this I understand both the choices and the doubts and can now hold steady on my new path.
Judy (South Africa)
Posted by: Judy Croome | March 19, 2011 at 10:19 PM
This full moon really upset me (cancer 25´) I´m also a bit psychic so these times are tuff..12th of mars I was just waiting for something to "blow up".. See both the ligth and the dark and often what lies behind..
Posted by: ull | March 20, 2011 at 03:43 AM
Thank you for the confirmation Robert. Also I note that as of now Messenger Orbits Mercury.
Interconnections with the "WHOLE" are happening everywhere people, if you do so perceive it there being only ever one word to describe it peoples "AWESOME". Yes that be the WORD.
Hell people it's going to be really one huge "ADVENTURE" for all us who are HUMANITY ALL!!
Posted by: Morlokk | March 20, 2011 at 07:15 AM
robert, what about the the Supermoon opposing Lilith too? Wouldn't that be significant too?
Posted by: Radha Kunke | March 20, 2011 at 09:20 AM
Hi Dirk - You're most welcome. At least here we don't freak out and expect bad results from Full Moons via random associations.
Hi hrae - Sometimes when there's nothing else to do, and interaction only perpetuates the sticky stuff, we're better off withdrawing to our Higher Self's equipoise. Sometimes it's better to be alone than dance with a troll.....
Hi Judy Croome - You're most welcome, and glad you checked in! Holding steady amidst the dualities can yield a view of the greater whole within which all arises. And if there's nyet problem, then why not just keep on keepin' on?
Hi ull - Sorry you got upset at this Lunation. Jupiter recently offered you major serendipity which should be triggered soon. You are at a turning point, but having already gone through the Grand Irrationality on your Sun a few years ago, you should be on track. And late Summer should also be very good to/for you because of what's coming in late May and early June.
Hi Morlokk - Sure. It is truly awesome to be in the heart of the global change and know it's happening. While sometimes it can be overwhelming in its intensity, the links between us all are strengthening and the adventure quickens. Strong times for strong spirits, where we can see humanity dividing into those who live a higher way and those who cling to what has been that's dying anyway.
Hi Radha Kunke - As I noted in another comment stream, I don't use Lilith since no one has ever come up with a positive interpretation for its qualities and how it fits into the celestial pantheon. I reject that any heavenly body is bad unto itself. Without an intelligent argument for its qualities, it makes intelligent interpretation of the "Lilith effect" tough.
Posted by: Robert | March 25, 2011 at 08:39 AM