by Robert Wilkinson
Today we look at some historical events involving Uranus in Aries periods so we may get a better grasp of these extraordinarily volatile energies.
Uranus is said to be willful, eccentric, explosive, innovative, revolutionizing, and occasionally goes off on tangents. It is associated with disruptions, dislocations, and separations, and in an interesting astronomical fact, it spins on its side rather than upright, so its rotation is more like a barrel roll than a spinning top.
It also spins clockwise rather than counterclockwise like all the other planets except Venus. That could symbolize the Uranian quality of willfully moving in a contrary direction to the other bodies around it, going off on opposite directions that seem new, innovative, or different than what has been.
So just as people with Uranus prominent are truly one of a kind individualists, usually possessing more than a bit of genius as well as eccentricity, so it would seem that times when Uranus plays a prominent part in events would bring forth willful and explosive situations, as well as radical innovations in all realms of art, science, and philosophy.
So when were other Uranus in Aries periods? Since there is an assumption that Uranus in Aries theoretically begin new long term eras of change through upheaval and the introduction of new and pioneering ways of being, when did these happen in past centuries? Over the past 1000 years, these 84 year eras that began when Uranus was in Aries included (with primary events noted)
1006-1014 - Muslims settle NW India and sack the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, heretics persecuted in Germany, and Berno wrote his book on musical theory.
1089-1098 - Beginning of the 1st Crusade, first water-driven mechanical clock invented in China, and the first record of gondolas in Venice.
1173-1181 - Leaning Tower of Pisa built, earliest horse races in England, the first version of Reynard the Fox fables written, first organization of the Arthurian legends in their present form, reformation of English legal system, first windmills with vertical sails in Europe.
1258-1265 - Establishment of the House of Commons, Meister Eckhart and Dante born, Thomas Aquinas and Roger Bacon writing, and the forming of the first mastersinger school, the first French operette, and the first motet.
1341-1349 - Persecution of the Jews in Germany, bankruptcy of the Bardi and Peruzzi great Florentine banking houses, and the black death (bubonic plague) devastates Europe and kills a third of England.
1424-1433 - Joan of Arc leads French armies and is burned at the stake for her troubles, first German peasant revolt, modern English developed from Middle English, Holland became the center of European music with the founding of the first Dutch school, Louvain University founded.
1508-1516 - Henry VIII assumed the throne, Copernicus published "Commentariolus," Martin Luther, Sir Thomas More, Da Vinci, Raphael, Hieronymus Bosch all active, Michaelangelo began and completed the Sistine Chapel, first attempts to restrict medical practice to licensed doctors, an earthquake destroyed Constantinople, Ponce de Leon discovered Florida.
1592-1600 - Discovery of Pompeii ruins, the plague kills 15,000 in London and Spain, the destruction of the Spanish armada, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Kepler, Tycho Brahe all prolific, Giordano Bruno persecuted and burned by Vatican, Descartes and Cromwell born, publication of Mercator's atlas, English army abandons bows, the first ironclad ship and first field hospitals created, first "water closets" designed in England, and the Dutch invent the telescope.
1675-1684 - Greenwich observatory established, Versailles became the royal residence, Leibniz invented calculus, Isaac Newton, Spinoza, Dryden, Sir Christopher Wren active, John Bunyan published "The Pilgrim's Progress," first medical treatise published in US, first checks and first attempts to light streets in England, edict against dueling in France, first coffeehouses in Hamburg and Vienna.
1759-1768 - England took Canada, Robert Burns, Schiller, Danton, JQ Adams, Andrew Jackson born, Gainesborough, Heyden, Rousseau, Voltaire, Mozart, Priestley, Swedenborg all active, London started numbering houses and the Literary club formed with Burke, Gibbon, Goldsmith and others, Hoyle laid down rules of whist, Bristol Theater Royal opened (still is!), Czarina Catherine the Great grants freedom of worship and confiscated church lands in Russia, Jesuits banned in Portugal, Spain, Sicily, suppressed in France, breakthroughs in medical diagnoses, casting iron, steam condensation, plant fertilization by animals, hermetic sealing, chemistry, electricity and paved sidewalks.
1843-1851 - First propeller-driven ship crosses the Atlantic, first New Zealand settlers, Thames Tunnel built, "The Economist" founded, modern co-op movement founded, Spiritualist movement began, Marx meets Engles, Wm. McKinley, Balfour, Henry James, Anatole France, RL Stevenson, Verlaine, Grieg, Gauguin, Sarah Bernhardt, Edison, Alexander G. Bell all born, Mormons go west and found Salt Lake City, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, Dickens, Ralph W Emerson, Bronte sisters, Mendelssohn, Tennyson, Poe, Wordsworth, Carlyle, Bulwer-Lytton, Balzac, Dostoevsky, Melville, George Sand, Ibsen, Ruskin, Disraeli, Verdi, JS Mill, Berlioz, Turgenev, Hawthorne, Wagner, Melville all active, breakthroughs in telegraph, institution reform, wood pulp paper, submarine cables, plows, safety matches, anesthesia, appendectomies, infections, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, and sewing machines.
1927-1935 - Rise of Nazism, Fascism, US stock market crash, European economic crisis, global depression, US and UK go off gold standard, Indian home rule movement, veterans riot in DC, first talking movies, first electronic musical instrument (theremin), first crop dusters, first aircraft carrier launched, penicillin, Pluto, neutrons, positrons discovered, lots of floods, Einstein, Jung, Krishnamurti, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Upton Sinclair, Hemmingway, Hesse, Proust, Yeats, Sinclair Lewis, Freud, Adler, Keynes, Trotsky, Aldous Huxley, Heidegger, Woolf, Kafka, Frost, TS ELiot, John Dewey, Kern, Hammerstein, Rodgers, Hart, Stravinsky, Cole Porter, Matisse, Klee, Chagall, Munch, Ravel, Strauss, Gershwin, Weill, Faulkner, Dali, Maugham, O'Neill, Coward, Pearl S. Buck, Heisenberg, Jansky, Picasso, Orwell, HG Wells, Agatha Christie, Ezra Pound, Odets, Malraux, Bertrand Russell all active, breakthroughs in drilling wells, TB, iron lungs, gland transplants, radio chemistry, TV broadcasts, color movies, vitamins, air travel, artificial fabrics, synthetic rubber, pre-nylon, trans-Atlantic flight, genetics, refrigeration, sulfa drugs, radar, AA organized.
And of course, lots and lots of various wars, efforts at colonization, peasants' revolts, and persecution of Jews across various Uranus in Aries eras. Examining these periods indicates a lot of pioneering efforts, breakthroughs, and "firsts" in many areas, though I'm sure Uranus in other signs also awakens new things.
I'll only say here that the number of revolts and economic upheavals when Uranus has been in Aries is more than a bit unsettling, given the global economic problems and oppressive conditions under which so many suffer in our world. I'd say we're in for a few years of tremendous change, with technological breakthroughs and a lot of social upheaval.
In part 3 we'll take a look at the various Uranus square Pluto periods to come over the next three years, and when they will be most intense.
Uranus in Aries March 2011 - The Advent of A New Era Pt. 1
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Since this morning earthquake I was asking you silently if Uranus in Aries events ever were catalogued. Like the last 80-year old earthquake in Japan. And you answered it.
It's my first post, but I read your site regularly, learning every day. For a while I felt that we have a common thread, oh wise one beyond your years, and then I found out that we both are metal Rabbits. I guess, my Leo's pride prevented me from smarting up earlier.
To your list of 1927-1935 I could add start of Stalinizm, NEP (new economic policy) in Russia, and massive Jewish immigration from Russia to New World.
Love and peace, Eugenia
Posted by: Eugenia | March 11, 2011 at 11:10 AM
A concerted torrent of Virgo communication had me thinking yesterday there must have been a Mercury or Virgo event at play. Something broke open. Then the tremendous earthquake in Japan. Any astrological correlation there? Or is that silly.
Posted by: ka | March 11, 2011 at 12:11 PM
Very curious to hear your thoughts why periods of high persecution of Jews is correlated with Uranus in Aries.
I wonder what this holds for Israel.
Posted by: Matt | March 11, 2011 at 05:03 PM
Been hearing more and more about HAARP experiments lately. Any thoughts on that, Robert? Or do you believe that it all makes up just one jumbo wacky theory?
One way or another, HAARP could be considered Nazism on steroids, affecting the entire world this time... for years and years to come. The effects of these experiments (or, really, control mechanisms) are capable of devastating humanity as a whole.
Posted by: Warriorlady | March 11, 2011 at 06:06 PM
Actually the first electronic musical "instrumenT" was probably the Telharmonium invented in the late 1800's.
Posted by: Timothy | March 12, 2011 at 12:10 PM