by Robert Wilkinson
We've begun a long, strange journey that will lead humanity along spiritual lines that happen only once every 164-180 years. It is also where we first turn the corner in a 500 year sub-Age that began 1888-1894.
Imagine you're in a dreamscape, where shapes and forms blur together in a vast feeling field, where nothing is clear and you are swimming in an all-enveloping fluid environment. This vast feeling field is oceanic, where countless life forms all come and go in an instant. In this dreamscape there are simultaneous feelings of oneness and distinctness, togetherness and separateness, and a tactile awareness larger than can be described.
This is a field where past, present and future merge in an all encompassing experience, and where any pollution or disturbance in the field is felt by all creatures in that field simultaneously. Here the dreams of past, present, and future all exist at the same time, with a sense of (but no way of describing) what goes on without is also that which goes on within.
Welcome to Neptune in Pisces, where we all come together in a common feeling-field, experiencing what all of humanity and the life forms on the planet have experienced since the dawn of time. This is where we collectively merge into the vast oneness of where life on Earth came from, out of the muck, ooze, haze, mists, and water of 3 million years ago. Here we get to learn and experience "the great waters" that are an essential part of life on Earth.
Pisces is where we become aware of a greater feeling experience that links us to all other humans who have walked the Earth. Pisces is the sign of the witness, the conscience, the collective imaging where we lose our separateness and come together in what is common to all beings. Pisces is the last sign, where karma works at the end of a long process. Pisces is the sign of bondage, but also rewards.
Neptune is the spiritual ruler of this sign, and in its home. Neptune rules the great waters. Now the Outer Invisible Transpersonal Collectivizer will dominate the world's feelings for years. Much will be washed clean, while other things will be washed away. All of us will reorient our consciousness to our subconsciousness, as well as collective consciousness.
Pisces is associated with both dreams and nightmares, compassion and betrayal, forgiveness and hypocrisy. Now a force "beyond our control" begins to work these upon humanity, each responding according to what waters they swim in. For some, prophetic dreams and visions, while for others, ancient ghosts of terrifying shapes residing in the subconsciousness of humanity, leftovers from human misconduct and misunderstanding across millennia.
Pisces and Neptune rule the waves and tides. A good wave can give us a good ride; a violent wave can kill us. A good tide can bring riches and blessings; a bad tide can ground our boat. Knowing inner and outer tides, personal and impersonal tides, will be important in the 14 years ahead of us.
We will all need to learn navigation skills, or know a good navigator to help us steer our "ship of personality" through the tides, reefs, perils, and unknowns of an ocean we on Earth at this time have never experienced before now. By becoming unafraid of that which is beyond words, we can find a greater faith in "All-That-Is," and know that we are as leaves floating on the surface of the ocean held securely in the lap of Divine Mother.
This will be an era of feeling more than we've ever felt, of knowing beyond words, of experiencing what others are feeling to a greater degree than ever before. Those who have not seen or heard the call to human-ness will be made to feel. Not to feel will be a self-betrayal; expanding our ability to feel what others are feeling will redeem the greater promise of compassion toward all that is and help us know our interrelatedness with others in the feeling field.
I recently linked to an article by Dharmaruci about Neptune in Pisces. In it he made some interesting observations about changing mythologies and the collective cultural stories that come from these. Here are a few core concepts:
Jupiter is the planet of story-telling. But I think that Neptune, the planet of the Imagination, is the ocean out of which the stories are picked. Neptune is that place where consciousness and matter merge, where it becomes obvious that you cannot separate human consciousness and the universe that consciousness is always trying to understand and describe.
He makes the point that Neptune's sign indicates what's fashionable in the collective consciousness, where "Neptune in Capricorn, which began in the mid-1980s, was an era in which money (Capricorn) became fashionable (Neptune). Neptune in Aquarius, which began in the late 1990s, began the Internet Age: Aquarius is computers and Neptune is the interconnectedness of the web...."
This would imply that Neptune in Pisces will make intuition, dream interpretation, explorations of the subconscious (both individual and collective), and non-linear "knowing" fashionable. Of course, it could also result in mass delusions, hysteria, ungrounded belief systems, and superstitious faiths willing to betray their spiritual underpinnings.
The article goes on to state, due to Neptune's discovery in Aquarius a century and a half ago, that:
We have just had one full Neptune cycle of Science as our underlying collective mythology. So it is not surprising that the imbalances of that mythology are becoming clearer, that we are living in a time when we can no longer ignore the sense of dominance over nature that we have inherited from Christianity, and then had compounded by Science. We are collectively in the position of Prometheus with his liver being pecked out afresh every day....The fact that Neptune was discovered under Aquarius suggests that the Myth we need to pay most attention to is the one behind the Big Bang and Evolution, which is the Myth of Science itself and its approach to knowledge, as well as its placement suggesting power and dominance. And it is first of all important to recognize that it is a Myth, in the sense of an underlying story that we have collectively created. This is hard to do, because it is so much presented to us as an undeniable reality. But any Myth worth its salt will have this quality of believability.
Many of the collective myths we've told ourselves are now being exposed for the dreams and illusions they are. The myth of nuclear power being in any way safe or containable in its Plutonic destructiveness; the myth that any "warning system" is adequate to dealing with massive tsunamis; the myth that we can build nuclear reactors on fault lines and that there is any science that can make it right when things go terribly, horribly wrong. Perhaps the myth of scientific supremacy is showing some cracks?
And just as surely, over the next 14 years many obsolete religious myths will give way to a more compassionate way for humans to coexist with each other and the other life forms on Earth. We do not need obsolete belief systems that insist they must convert you, exile you, or kill you if you don't agree with them. This sense of self-righteous separateness will be one of the collective assumptions that will die, along with other destructive ways of living life on this beautiful Earth.
This is an era when faiths shall be exposed for their truth or hypocrisy, but also when sometimes it will be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Our dreams will take on an added importance, for good or ill. Add the constant pressure of "The Grand Irrationality," and it's probably safe to say that things will get weirder before they get productive a few years down the road.
Since much will not make sense during this time in the vast dreamscape, where ancient and modern myths collide in a fog of obscuring images and beliefs, learn to be a good surfer and ride the waves and tides as your Higher Self instinctively knows. I suspect that many boating, fishing, and other sea-oriented skills will become metaphors with new application in the coming years. Perhaps we shall collectively awaken to the damage we've done, and continue to do, to the oceans on Earth, and collectively change our ways. We can only dream....
I'll do more articles on this vast subject from time to time. There are many stories to tell, many myths to examine, many collective assumptions that need reviewing and renewing or removing. Neptune in Pisces will help us become more aware and connected through feelings, and hopefully, will assist humanity to become more compassionate, since ultimately we're all in this boat together.
I'll close today with a saying from my days in Austin back in the 60s and 70s, "Onward through the fog." And sometimes, when we don't rely too heavily on our 5 senses and our minds, we can know without thinking, and flow without effort. There are mysteries to be discovered, feelings to share, and new mythologies to be constructed for a new world now emerging.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
I am a Pisces (march 13, 1973), what should we expect with Neptunes in Pisces?
Is this going to impact us Pisces the most?
Posted by: Gaby | April 05, 2011 at 03:29 PM
thank you so much for your deeply compassionate and insightful articles.
I am going through change like I have never experienced before with the most uncertain future I have ever faced. I have tried to work hard and with good intention and it is hard to understand why things are falling apart. These articles have opened my eyes to a vast context and system of which I am beginning to understand that I am a part and that I might be able to navigate all of the chaos and complexity that has come into my life in past couple of years.
Anyway to say THANKS for your wonderful work!
Posted by: tamzin | April 05, 2011 at 04:38 PM
wonderful robert... you are due back on awakenings radio soon :)))
am going to post this on my fb as well.
aum peace, light
Posted by: michele | April 05, 2011 at 04:51 PM
Reading this is such a pleasure. Your words paint an amazing picture with precision and interesting insight.
Making of the matrix...
Posted by: Alexandra | April 05, 2011 at 09:57 PM
hmmmm... I suspected as much...
Thank you!
Posted by: Deborah | April 06, 2011 at 03:39 AM
.....i am an Aquarian, Jan 29/46, I, too, feel uncertainty in the future and a bit
Posted by: cyan | April 06, 2011 at 12:20 PM
...and Chiron is in Pisces now.....
Posted by: nrborod | April 06, 2011 at 08:44 PM
Hello Robert
Thank you as ever!
I am a piscean with neptune in my 12th house.
20 March 71 - I am already aware of spirital forces in my life and I am excited about Neptune being in Pisces and look forward to the beginning of a new world these next 13 years! xx
Posted by: antonia | April 07, 2011 at 04:28 AM
awesome article....thank you for posting, I can't wait to hear more about this from you.....things are's a wild that is forcing us to navigate from within....blessings my dear friend and bless you deeply...
Posted by: Gayle McClellan Powell | April 07, 2011 at 08:30 AM
"Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself."
Plato – Philosopher
Posted by: astrology | April 24, 2011 at 12:56 PM