by Robert Wilkinson
Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Aries will illuminate and power up the ongoing major Aries wave of past, present, and future conjunctions launching all signs into a new era of life!
Now that Mars has left Pisces and entered Aries, it's the Final Dispositor for all the other planets, making it the big news behind everything that's happening. That's either encouraging if you're into launching a new life, or unsettling if you want things slow and easy. In any case, this New Moon's Mars conjunct Uranus and Sun opposed Saturn with Neptune at the end of the end of Aquarius indicates major events coming in the very near future!
These New Moon articles have gotten so long due to being packed with a lot of valuable information that I'm now splitting them into two parts for easier digestion. In future articles I'll try to trim some information to make these a bit more economical. That said, let's move and groove through the intersections of Fate and Freewill!
The New Moon occurs at 14 Aries on April 3, 2011, 7:32 am PDT, 10:32 am EDT, 3:32 pm Greenwich (April 4 in Brisbane, and points east.) When a Lunation is on one of the angles of a chart, it is said to be particularly powerful. This month the Lunation is culminating in Rio, setting in eastern Europe and NE Africa, and on the nadir in east Asia and Oceana.
The Lunation finds 2 Taurus rising in Santa Monica, 5 Taurus in Vancouver, 24 Gemini in Washington DC, 27 Gemini in Rio, 2 Virgo in London, 6 Virgo in Amsterdam, 12 Virgo in Berlin, 21 Virgo in Tallinn, 17 Virgo in Sofia, 22 Virgo in Cairo, and 13 Virgo rising in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 3 Scorpio in New Delhi, 7 Scorpio in Trivandrum, 7 Sagittarius in Hong Kong, 23 Sagittarius in Tokyo, 2 Capricorn in Perth, 30 Capricorn in Melbourne, 2 Aquarius in Brisbane, 25 Aquarius in Wellington, and 9 Pisces rising on Maui (April 4).
This is the seventh in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the same sign as the following Full Moon. It is also a phase of finishing and seeing the broader context of the possibilities to fulfill the life energy initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded by this year's Solar Eclipse in Cancer, renewed in Leo, refined in Virgo, balanced out in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
This New Moon at 14 Aries puts the focus on the initiatives and new beginnings opened by the recent entry of Jupiter into Aries. This Lunation jumpstarts Aries energy wherever it falls in our chart. This period involves doing what must be done to further the new, since the old vision ended for good once Jupiter left Pisces in January 2011. Especially now that Uranus is in Aries for the next 7 years, it's time to face forward and just do it!!
Recent months have offered opportunities to move get a different perspective of how our past yielded our present which is rapidly blossoming into a brand new future. We had to drop all that was irrelevant or superfluous, and use techniques to short cut the process of evolution while displaying courage and finding an effective "camouflage." We can now enthusiastically embrace the new archetypal roles that began to grow in August 2010, and see how to structure a balanced self-initiative and be more authentic in simply living that which was a role or a promise before now.
This New Moon has an individual, mental, and spiritual focus. As it falls in Aries, Mars is the worldly ruler of this New Moon, while Pluto is the spiritual ruler. Those planets ruling this Lunation are in Aries and Capricorn respectively, again making those initiating power oriented energies prominent. Forming aspects to the New Moon and these planets show the backdrop to what's coming over these next 4 weeks.
Mars is in an exact conjunction to Uranus, cutting us loose into a whole new world of existence. We are going to emerge from the collective and "walk on dry land" for the first time wherever this conjunction falls in our charts. And with a sense of humor, to boot! You can bet that it marks a whole new era in the life areas ruled by those houses with Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius on the cusps.
Other forming aspects to Mars are the very wide conjunction to Jupiter and opposition to Saturn, with a square to Pluto very much in orb. So the two rulers of this Lunation are in square, making it a time of dynamic release, change, and "turning the corner."
The square will most impact people born in late March, late June, late September, and late December, those with sensitive planets or points in the first 9 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as those with planets around 14-18 and 21-25 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Saturn is still a very powerful influence right now since it is the nozzle of the Bucket Jones pattern. This makes it the primary focus of the Lunation, and again brings us new lessons related to the lessons set into motion in January related to understanding consequences from past actions and inactions, as well as the need to be aware of future consequences for our actions or the actions of another. Links to this at the bottom of this article.
Due to the way the planets are spread out this Lunation, the Jones Pattern also has elements of a Bowl chart, with Saturn as the leading planet. In both cases it makes Saturn particularly powerful, and indicates we need to adjust to a more natural rhythm, and have faith in the order of things even as we detach from unhealthy dependencies.
A major factor is the Mars conjunct Uranus at 2 Aries, setting into motion original patterns from the Summer of 2010 when Jupiter conjuncted Uranus and awakened into new expansion when Jupiter went into Aries again in January. We got a glimpse of what's up in the Summer of 2010, and are now riding the front end of a gigantic wave of Aries energies rolling through our lives over the next few weeks.
Neptune and Chiron are still conjunct at 30 Aquarius and 4 Pisces respectively. This offers us all opportunities to emerge into a greater reality, seeing others who share our light field despite the metaphoric "traffic jams." Over the past few months these have shown us our unique part to play within a larger light/life field. These planets, being on "the cusp of the Age," show us global lessons we all must embrace, and help us to graduate into a new view of how we are an essential part of a greater whole.
This is the next Lunation featuring Saturn in Libra, a phenomenon that will last through late 2012. What we learned from Saturn in Virgo got refined by Saturn in Libra between November 2009 and April 2010, which was a front end look at what we've been dealing with since August. These early Libra lessons will be prominent through Summer 2011.
As noted, due to the "Bucket" pattern, Saturn is currently the nozzle focusing the energy of all the other planets clustered between Capricorn and Aries. So all the collective energy represented by the cluster of planets between Pluto in early Capricorn and Mercury retrograde in late Aries will be focused through the only planet outside the Bundle (except for Pluto lurking off to the side in Capricorn), the awesome Saturn. Saturn shows the cause, the effort, the problem, the solution, the release, the focus, the point of just about everything confronting us now and in the near future.
If you need a way to deal with something or someone, reference Saturn in Libra and the lessons of balance, justice, fairness, and proportion you've been learning. Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, maturity, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
Even if things go in very intense bursts due to the Lunation and so many other planets in Aries, go with the emergent revolutionary individualizing pulse. Find the right angle on karmic consequences, and keep learning the rules of whatever system you're dealing with, or acting within, showing as much balance, grace, and equipoise as you can, given Saturn's penchant for heaviness.
We can learn a lot about Dharma during the next few weeks, as well as what we should not be trying to prop up through a misplaced sense of responsibility or obligation. If we run into roadblocks or delays, it should tell us a lot about patience, as well as what limitations and burdens we can live with and what we cannot.
Besides being important as the nozzle focusing the energy of the Bucket, in general Saturn continues to usher in allies, friends, fellow truth-seekers, more balanced views, and corrective actions as techniques for community building or group awareness. Since January 2010, "greatness calling itself to itself" has been in the air, and we completed major lessons around that theme between January and September 2010.
At this time, Saturn at 14 degrees of Libra is giving us a review and different perspective on recent lessons and energies from late November 2010 so enjoy the new look at old business! These will prove important in August.
All the transfigurations in our actions and relationships we've done since January 2010 have now led us to the need to do some form of "repair work," where we can confront the consequences of past actions, and retire from old dramas to free energy to reconstruct elements of our life that bring us joy.
Though not specifically related to this New Moon, let me offer you some backstory to what we've all been learning via Saturn these past 15 months.
Starting October 2009 Saturn began to show us new archetypes, perspectives, or roles, as well as larger cycles, larger possibilities, and the dawning of a new day in our lives. Between January and early April 2010, due to Saturn retrograde, we re-traced the ground of the "first run" of manifesting a new ideal, a new archetype, and a new sense of self within interpersonal and collective circumstances.
We revisited and finished up our Saturn in Virgo lessons between April and July 2010, at which time Saturn re-entered Libra and began to firm up our new archetypal expressions. This was activated in a powerful way in late July when Mars entered Libra and conjuncted Saturn at the critical first degree. Since then we've experienced a new set of life expressions. Now that Mars is conjunct Uranus at 1 Aries, the opposing degree, this is the point where those energies will surface in new and individualized ways, and adjustments can be made.
The past October 2010 New Moon in Libra continues to be important since that Lunation lit up the Libra area near where Saturn occupies in this New Moon, and where it will retrograde over the next few weeks. That means the Libra seeds that came forth in October and early November will acquire more solid form and structure over the next few weeks thanks to Saturn.
Saturn retrograded across that exact degree in late March 2011 bringing different perspectives and returns, and will move across it again in late August 2011. That implies that whatever the 2010 Libra New Moon was about will crystallize in some way during these time periods.
Taken together, these important factors in this New Moon point to the positive and promising expansions of Sun, Moon, and Jupiter all opposing Saturn, giving us power as we bring the emergent archetypes to the surface. This time can help us justify a cherished ideal and offer more creative forms of self expression to overcome any sense of heaviness and/or discouragement.
This New Moon will help us develop techniques of interacting with others in "sacred" ways, assisting our individuation within a dance of conscious participation in relatedness. Here we can find our Higher Self dancing with the Higher Self of others in a divine ritual interaction. We can certainly learn not to hide in fear at our "nakedness," and accept that as human beings we have a Divine Estate that is not separate from Nature.
This will be an extraordinary New Moon period, where we can see the momentum that will lead us into new long term fulfillment beginning May 2011. This is truly the birth of a new understanding, an ability to see where we need to move into a greater adventure and effectiveness, and a point where truly we can emerge out of unconsciousness into a new awareness of the collective role we've left behind. We shall all find new strengths, from which a new sense of peace and power will come.
In part 2 will discuss the various aspects at play in the chart, as well as some important degree symbols and other interesting elements affecting all of us for quite a few weeks to come.
Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 18 Libra Affecting All Through September 2011 Pt. 1
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
HI, Robert. How are you? Happy Birthday sorry, I am bit all over the place right now. I am recalibrating.
These past few weeks have thought me much about myself and others. I also realised that at some point I do have to return to my home country. Though before I do that I want to see three countries very much. France, Spain and Morocco. France because I am French Canadian and it is part of ancestry. Spain cause I love the music and same with Morocco. I am thinking that it might be a good idea to learn more about organic food growing and if I can find a place to apprentice in those countries I will. Actually, I will try to do that in all countries. So, that is in the future. As well as working on music and writing more. Which is why I started to learn about the guitar (it is portable) and transposing my songs onto guitar. Anyway, it seems fitting that this new moon is in my 9th house as well. Time to start learning anew. Anyway, I feel lucky that I am alive and that I have a home to live in right now considering the problems that all those poor people in the North are experiencing. Anyway, hopefully we can do more for them and help them get back to life again.
Posted by: Micheline | April 03, 2011 at 04:50 PM
Happy birthday, Robert.
And Micheline, good luck wherever you go. I'm so sorry that you're witnessing and feeling all of this... a lot closer to home than some of us are. I'm sure you'll be OK wherever you wind up, though, so keep your head up.
Posted by: Warriorlady | April 03, 2011 at 10:01 PM
"We shall all find new strengths, from which a new sense of peace and power will come."
It was nicely wrote. Happy Birthday and enjoy the change.
Posted by: Heli | April 04, 2011 at 09:25 AM
Thanks WL. Well, I am here in Japan for a while. Not ready to leave just yet. I am much better now and more balanced and a lot of people are helping out in the people in the north. Japan is not a poor country like some other countries. The most difficult situation is the Daichi Plant. We are still working that one out.
But I have both Japanese friends and expats who are in favor of anti nuc protests. They have done a couple already at TEPCO in Tokyo. But that does not take away from the Super Heroes who are giving up their lives to go and work at the Plant to help shut down the reactors. Even if they are getting paid a substantial ammount of money. There is a still huge risk for their lives. Thanks for your kinds words.
Posted by: Micheline | April 05, 2011 at 03:30 PM
Hi all - A brief check in. Micheline, hang in there. You are the light in your world, and must do as your duty allows without letting obscuring ideas get in the way. This experience has no doubt prepared you for a larger global work you could barely have anticipated before now. Stay open to receiving impressions of what you're supposed to do and where you're supposed to do it. I suspect what you write and how you perform it will be much deeper and different than your art was in the past. Perhaps you will move people in very different ways.....
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2011 at 02:13 PM
Loved this article!!
Posted by: SW India | April 09, 2011 at 02:17 PM
Hi, Robert. Thanks to you and also thanks to all the great folks here for your words of encouregment (forgive me if i make spelling mistakes). Yes, it certainly is showing me a lot. I am certainly more concerned now with using alternative technologies. I know from doing my own research that we are much smarter then this and that we can do it. How do you get a whole bunch of consumerist to listen when they are so immersed in their own little worlds. Tough one. I guess, it is how you deliver and it takes one step at a time. One way is to find a way to change the market system to a resource based system (not my idea but similar to one of my own ideas when I was much younger). You are right Robert. Well, I am pretty deep already. But not sure how I can translate all this stuff that is sitting inside of me. The only way I know how is to just sit at the piano and let the art flow through me. It feels like a reiki thing to me somehow. I don't feel like I am totally doing it though. It feel like some thing that I am connecting with out there in ether or something. It helps to have a nice voice and decent technique. I am concerned though about many things that are too complex and would take a long time to write about right now. Anyway, this is not about me. This is about everyone in the world.
Posted by: Micheline | April 10, 2011 at 06:26 PM