by Robert Wilkinson
It's always good to remember that no eclipse of itself is "bad," nor do we have anything to fear. There is a lot of superstition about Eclipses, mostly focusing on "dreadful" elements that often seem to accompany them. However, while all eclipses take something away and/or shut something down, an Eclipse can have beneficial effects if we just know "when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away, and when to run."
This Partial Solar Eclipse happens on June 1, 2011, 2:03 pm PDT, 5:03 pm EDT, 10:03 pm Greenwich (June 2 in Eastern European cities on DST and points east). Today we'll discuss a lot about eclipses and a little about this one. In following articles I'll elaborate on the symbols, aspects, patterns, and what we can expect from this Eclipse at 12 Gemini.
I've composed quite a few articles on past eclipses in the archives that bear re-visiting, since the Solar Eclipses of of 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 are still manifesting results, if traditional Eclipse lore is to be believed. Core material about the timeline of Eclipse effects can be found in the article, The Solar Eclipse - What It Means and Its Effect On Our Life, as well as many other elements of what we can expect from these recurring celestial events.
Also, here's another important article explaining even more about what effects we can expect to result from Lunar and Solar Eclipses. For your reconsideration, The Solar and Lunar Eclipse - Is Any Eclipse Destined to Have Bad Effects?
To whet your appetites, here is a bit from the article:
There is a lot of fear and trepidation connected to Eclipses, an unfortunate leftover from previous centuries when Eclipses were believed to augur the fall of empires, dynasties, and powerful people anywhere the Eclipse shadow fell. While Eclipses do tend to shut down some elements in the area of life (house) in which they fall, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since we must bring some things to an end if we are to embrace newer, better ways of doing our Being. While the future effects of an Eclipse may be powerful, in that they last over a long period, they are not necessarily bad.No Astrological event need be "bad," or have "evil" effects, regardless of whether we're using Vedic, Chinese, Western, or any other approach to defining "All-That-Is" within a precise system of space-time factors. Though a circumstance may seem to have "bad" omens for the future, we can always transcend any negativity and turn the future to beneficent possibilities. No matter where an Eclipse falls, we can turn it to good.
Here it is important to remember Astrology is NOT a "predictive" art, in the usual way this is understood. The craft is less deterministic than most believe, including we professional Astrologers who seem to be able to "hit the mark" regarding future manifestations.
Pattern is everything, and time is a continuity. By knowing the past and present, we can often extrapolate the future. But we can never know how a being will respond to any given life challenge, whether pleasant or painful. Each has their ability to respond as they choose in the moment.
This directly related to the concept that each planet has a duality of function. It is up to us to determine whether the Moon, Sun, Mercury or any other planet involved in eclipses, "bad" aspects, configurations and other phenomena manifests productively or non-productively.
To remind you, a square can be more productive than a trine, and an opposition can produce awareness. Polarization is only a problem on the ego level. Seen from a higher angle, oppositions are necessary for us to acquire objectivity and the ability to encompass duality within a higher view.
By all means, check out the entire article, since I explained how past eclipses affected my chart, and gave examples of the good that can come after an eclipse removes old patterns. This Partial Solar Eclipse in Gemini over time will show us how to find different ways to view things, especially those ghosts from the past that linger unnecessarily, as well as open new vistas of "conscious, concrete development." Also, the Grand Irrationality will be kicked into gear big time, so expect this one to bring changes that move us in multifaceted directions even as old layers of our lives are peeled off!
As I told you regarding the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of January 2011, blessings are upon us. The trick is for us to let go of old life patterns that no longer serve the emergent Archetypes we've begun to live. All of us are going through major changes that will affect our lives for many years due to the many major aspects in play at this time in history. It may be a wild ride, but power and potential can result from our choices.
Those who have prepared, learned, and allowed themselves to be moved into new ways of relating to others will find they have activated a concrete higher power or value they can trust. Those who have not shown kindness at critical junctures in the past 9 months will find things boomeranging. Spiritual Warrioring will be put to the test in diverse ways, yielding consequences for seeking what we have sought.
In the Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees of Gemini we find two powerful biquintiles, with Mars biquintile Saturn and Mercury biquintile Pluto. These will bring interactive unique circumstances, where gifts and specialized qualities shall find each other. As noted, the big news of this Eclipse is that it is biseptile Neptune and septile Pluto, thus activating The Grand Irrationality. I will elaborate on this in the next article about this Eclipse coming soon.
2011 is one of those rare years that offer us 6 Eclipses in one year, 4 Solar and 2 Lunar. We had the first Partial Solar Eclipse in January, we have this one June 1-2, another on July 1, and a final one November 24-25! The 2 Lunar Eclipses this year are also Total Eclipses, following what we saw in December 2010. The 4 Solar Eclipses this year will affect us for years to come, so take a look at the January 2011 Eclipse articles while you're waiting for these.
Though there are always endings associated with any Eclipse, these open the space we need to align with Spirit in natural and productive ways. Take a new look to see what really matters and what you do and do not want to bring with you into the new world you're already living. We've all blasted off into new realms in the past 90 days, and this is where we let go of the gravity of the past and old patterns we've struggled with up to now.
See you soon with more on this June 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
No wonder I feel I've been knocked off my feet and can't get grounded again. In many ways 2011 is manifesting the seeds planted previously - but yikes! Talk about a total onslaught of chaos and confusion! Hopefully, when the dust settles, the new horizon I've been working towards for the last few years will be ready and waiting!
Judy, South Africa
Posted by: Judy Croome | May 28, 2011 at 04:22 AM
Hi Robert,
Generally speaking, what is the impact of a solar eclipse conjunct progressed planets? I'm approaching a new moon in my progressed chart, with the June 1 solar eclipse right on it. My progressed Sun is at 11 Gemini, and progressed Moon is at 9 Gemini.
Thanks for your input!
Posted by: L. Duffy | May 28, 2011 at 05:17 AM
Hi Robert
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by what this solar eclipse has in store for my family. Both my Husband and Son are born on June 1 st so this solar eclipse is conjunct thier sun. As well, this eclipse will be opp. my sons natal pluto. In addition, I have just had a baby on april the 8th and this solar eclipse will be conjunct his natal moon and mid heaven. Any thoughts or insights would be apprciated.
Thank you so much!
Posted by: H Paquette | May 28, 2011 at 06:52 PM
Thank you Robert! Your examples and actual life experience were a huge help. I caught the Oct 2005 eclipse article that was highlighted and was surprised to see a date that was a huge pivot point in my life. The eclipse was conjt my sun and MC. Yes, old life was gone -- but what a gift. Wouldn't have changed a thing. June 1st looks promising. It is in my 6th house (void area), but it is in tight aspects to natal planets: square to Pluto, trine to sun, and incnjt neptune. Thank you for helping me to focus forward vs the past, old patterns, etc.
Thank you for all you do!!
Posted by: Rockal | May 28, 2011 at 10:55 PM
This article is very helpful, Robert. I am feeling this energy challenging my unproductive thoughts and beliefs and holding me to task. Intense to say the least. Anxiety and fear are leading the way into the Grand Irrationality mode... My natal sun is 11 Gemini and I will be spending my solar return on Maui on June 1st and 2nd, a spititual retreat for my 60th. This too feels like healing work, not play.
Aloha and Mahalo,
Posted by: elah | May 28, 2011 at 10:58 PM
Hi Robert, thanks for your articles. The SE is conjunct my Juno, I like to think of it as a change of guard. Castor ascends to heaven and Pollux descends to create a new archetype in my marriage. Any ideas?
Posted by: demetra | May 29, 2011 at 05:08 AM
I am glad i am not alone, thank you, i just feel lost with no ground under my feet.
Posted by: nanci | May 30, 2011 at 02:48 PM
Yep a refreshing standpoint- needless to say!
Posted by: SareenaBeana | June 01, 2011 at 07:29 PM
Hi Judy - That's part of living in the time of the Grand Irrationality! We must do the best we can despite the strangeness of our times in order to outlive and outlast the destructive forces of irrationality pervading our collective atmosphere. I'd like to think this site is somewhat of a lighthouse illuminating the reefs and cliffs we don't want to crash against.
Hi L. Duffy - First we look at the house. Then we look at aspects to natal, since those are our innate predispositions. Eclipse aspects to Progressions are more a function of what elements of our "progressed self" are being shut down by circumstances, and therefore our progressed attitudes toward various house life areas that they rule.
In your case, it's shutting down an element of your prog. life/light. Interestingly, you've been through a life scan the past few years, and are about to begin a new 27+ year cycle of evolution.
Hi HP - So an old way of living their Light/Life will end, showing new Light/Life as they learn to choose how to fill the void. Since it's also on your son's Sun, it'll be a very big deal for Dad. Your newborn Aries is riding a rapid wave of evolution, and this will accelerate the endings around his past, as short as it's been. Of course there are many other aspects happening, and other factors such as house rulership that would elaborate, but that's beyond this comment stream.
Hi Rockal - You're most welcome. What you found is exactly why I've kept the archives open, since some prior eclipses and interplanetary conjunctions really did have huge effects on our lives between then and now! You're so right in that an eclipse can bring a gift of the end of an old life that we no longer need.
Hi elah - Glad you found it helpful. As I mentioned previously an eclipse can be a great blessing by shutting down patterns we no longer need or want in order to live more fully wherever it falls. Very definitely good to confront fear and expunge it, regardless of how or why it comes up. One of my nearest and dearest is also going through major anxiety and fear, and I have no doubt she'll be stronger and clearer at the end of her relatively short journey out of fear into courage and strength. Give the Maui shore a big kiss from me. Very very beautiful there. Mahalo indeed!
Hi demetra - An old Juno function leaves forever. I'm not much on using the fixed stars, since having studied them extensively many years ago, I was disappointed that they mainly have negative meanings attributed to them which I don't ascribe to. But any time fixed stars conjunct the angles it would seem they show important things going on. The trick is to find out what, separate from prejudicial preexisting meanings.
Hi nanci - We're never alone. We are part of a larger web of light/life, and can always find refuge in the Wisdom, the Way, and the Community. These are always available to those who seek and welcome the Friend. The "no ground" is part of us learning to navigate the Neptune in Pisces era of the Grand Irrationality. That said, "surf's up!" Cowabunga, boogie down, and hang five as we shoot the tube.
Hi SareenaBeana - Well, around these parts we aim to serve up the finest spiritual pizza there is! Non-GMO parmesian included!!
Posted by: Robert | June 04, 2011 at 03:27 PM