by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 27 Scorpio-Taurus has substantial aspect activity. It's a Locomotive express train moving through a dreamscape, so take care of details as you experience cosmic events that will leave you in awe.
Since this is the Wesak Festival, where the Cosmic Buddha sends out patterns of Love and Wisdom that will affect the next 12 months, what you're reading about this Lunation will have longer and more far-reaching effects than are usual for Full Moons. If you wonder what these could be, please take a look at the past two articles concerning this Wesak Festival Happy Buddha Birthday Full Moon!
As this Lunation falls in the fourth to the last degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, it shows a natural counterpoint before the synthesis leading to the culmination of the archetypal roles these signs indicate. What is coming forth from this Full Moon will show us how our new activities and life initiatives can be grounded in collective wisdom we can demonstrate in some organized creative way.
Quite a few of the recent past Full Moons were supposedly what is called "Void of Course" since they fell on the final degrees of the sign and made no exact forming aspects before leaving the sign. The last two Full Moons were very different since the Moon did make significant aspects before it left its sign, and this one continues the pattern by making very strong triseptiles to Mercury and Venus along with a novile to Pluto.
There are also several strong out of sign aspects, but that doesn't factor into a Void of Course Moon. So as I've done in recent Full Moon articles, I want to clarify some things about a Void of Course Moon.
Supposedly a "Void of Course" Moon shows that nothing significant will happen concerning events at that time. That is a very limited and erroneous view of an astrological phenomenon. Life is infinite and ever-changing demonstrating its robustness through "the 10,000 things" that eternally come and go in the course of an eternal stream of interrelated events. Since all that arises are part of our magnetic field within the larger Unified Field of Consciousness, how could there ever be a time "when nothing significant happens?"
So regardless of the supposedly VOC Full Moons at this time in history, we must search for the meaning of the configurations since they reveal the evolving Divine Patterns in the NOW. Remember that we have the power to act or react from our center of Higher Awareness, and are not victims of astrological patterns.
As an aside, besides the objections I raised in my articles on the Void of Course Moon, historically the VOC Moon was used ONLY in Horary Astrology before the latter part of the 20th century. That would seemingly limit the validity in applying it in the other branches of Astrology, including any evaluation of a Lunation where the Moon falls in the final degree(s) of a sign.
This Lunation finds the Moon at 27 Scorpio. Apart from what I've just stated, this Lunation would not be VOC anyway, as the Moon makes strong triseptiles to Mercury and Venus along with a very tight novile to Pluto. The Lunar novile indicates that we can safely put some things on the back burner while we "put on a show," or that some things that have been gestating up to now will finally make an appearance within the role we are here to play.
This aspect is spiritual, and indicates activities connected to things that have been gestating in the past or need to wait for awhile until they're ripe for experiencing or doing. As Pluto indicates transformation and purification, as well as the emergence of seed forms, we will all see things about a role we have been playing or are about to play in the future after other things mature.
As for the Lunar triseptiles, they put pressure on forms of communication, coordination, affections, and values through seeing what can be stabilized and what must be eliminated. This aspect is interactive, irrational, and brings us to "forks in the road of destiny" wherever transiting Moon, Mercury, and Venus are in our natal charts, as well as the affairs of the houses these rule.
This set of aspects will show via "cosmic visitations," as well as what steadily grows as a result of the "electrical storm" that transforms us in the house where we have early Taurus. For many, a personality, relational, or crisis of understanding and/or view, and probably shifts in who we relate to and why. Some will find "fated connections," and others will see irrational ideas fall apart. Remember that often the old must end to create the space for the new to appear.
The spans most affected by this aspect are 1-4 Taurus, 23-26 Gemini, 14-17 Leo, 5-8 Libra, 27-30 Scorpio, 18-21 Capricorn, and 9-12 Pisces. This means birthdays in late April, mid-June, early August, late September, mid-November, mid-January, and early March will see major mental and interpersonal shifts in the two weeks to come (as well as the next year related to the Wesak Wisdom function!)
The Lunation also makes numerous "out of sign" forming aspects, showing a change in conditions must occur before they come into play. Among the more important aspects are Moon trine Uranus and square Neptune and Sun square Neptune. The out of sign T-square will help us integrate the energies through figuring out the place and function to things as we see the dawning of new activities.
Other important forming aspects, showing things to come in the future, are Mercury and Venus conjunct Mars and trine Pluto, and Mars triseptile Saturn (anticipating when Mercury and Venus do the same in a few days) and trine Pluto. I can't go extensively into what each of these means, as there are too many possibilities.
That said, taken together they indicate a clarifying stability of understanding, a penetrating insight into how the Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio parts of our lives are linked or need stabilizing, and clearly indicate some things of our past need to be discarded to open the doors of self-renewal. For some, liberating ordeals; for others, guardian angels and inner powers come forth. For all, imagination rules everything and shows us how to begin a self induced movement that could lead us to some form of initiation.
There are tremendous potentials already in motion, and various Aries waves have been and continue to be set into motion wherever Aries falls in our charts. There are greater works to be done with those who are more suited to who we are, and as we practice patience and embrace a new identity, we can move into glimpsing a greater fulfillment than we've seen before.
We'll grow and/or find expansion through using imagination to "reclaim lost opportunities," do "mental housecleaning," and revise our attitudes toward a greater creativity. Here our inner strength in the face of electrifying experiences can show us what to let go of, and what we value. It will certainly be a time of "cutting to the chase."
As this Lunation continues Jupiter in Aries energies in play since February, this huge wave shows everything is moving forward, so don't cling to the past one second longer than it takes you to let go. The only thing you're leaving behind is beating your head against a wall that doesn't care.
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." 1 Pisces is the point our world is at right now. We now can feel a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
Mars and Pluto rule the Moon in the Lunation, while Venus and Transpluto rule the Sun. Venus, ruler of the Sun, forms aspects to Mars and Pluto, ruling the Moon. I discussed some of this interactive pioneering (and occasionally compulsive) energy earlier in the triseptile section. This will bring cooperative, collective nonrational events into play, and definitely forks in the road wherever we have late Scorpio and early Taurus, as well as any life area involving the degree spans mentioned above.
Venus and TransPluto ruling the Sun shows a "Divine intervention" will throw the Light of Wisdom on what to retire from, and what wisdom we have to offer others. Since Venus is conjunct Mars, the worldly rulers of the Sun and Moon are fused, indicating a coming together of past, present, and future in new stabilized forms. Of the two, Venus is the stronger as it's in its home sign of Taurus, making it the final dispositor of all the other energies.
This Lunation, like the past two, is a See Saw pattern with Locomotive subtones. The See Saw shows that our entire experience of the larger ongoing conditions puts the focus on staying centered and not getting lost in the margins even while exploring the outer limits of the field. If you find yourself seesawing between views or energies, try to find the way to mediate between opposing views by finding the third or fourth points that harmonize the opposites. We had many See Saw Full Moons in 2010, so this energy should be somewhat familiar, even if it does force us to stay balanced!
The Moon, Saturn, and Pluto are the planets outside the occupied span. Since the occupied span leads with Neptune in Pisces and ends with the Sun in Taurus, approach experience with an eye to what I mentioned about Neptune in Pisces earlier.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us leave behind parts of our past so we can offer our wisdom to others in dramatic forms. Here we can reclaim things thought lost while losing what needs ending. Stay balanced, keep adapting to find a greater peace and harmony in the role you are playing, and see it all as closing a larger cycle of activity, freeing us from old responsibilities.
Here we continue to be able to experience a feeling of newness, security in what is being established, and and optimism at the higher Truths being shown. As with all Lunations at the final degrees of their signs, this one is fulfilling, completing, and shows us a gateway to new sign experiences.
As with last month, see the seeds of future potential, rally to some task within a larger whole, get a new look at past experiences to find wisdom and power, choose which seeds to sprout that can bring you the light of a greater personal effectiveness and authorship, and see a larger ideal within a group context. As with the past several months, we now stand at a cosmic point of fulfillment.
The next two weeks offer us opportunities to see a clear way to express our wisdom in a way the world can see our culture or social values, and we can be fulfilled through a greater connected compassion. Follow your feelings into ideas and visions, and then get more information before you decide or act. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, see clearly what needs to cook a while before it matures, and say goodbye to the past.
We now enter a time to finish breaking free of old rules, limitations, fears, and "shoulds." Keep letting go of being seduced or distracted by dire visions, false equivalencies, skewed senses of perception or proportion, or a senseless defeatism. Take the initiative, use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life, while anticipating a freer, more playful life to come.
Let go of perceptions and relationships that divert you from the ideals, values, and visions you really care about. As with past weeks, the coming two weeks are about clarity and compassion, simplicity and new openings, and grounding the new initiatives of the past dozen weeks. The peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns we've been generating since the New Moon will show us the results of our faith, and release powerful energies to attract and ground our current requirements.
We've already ended most of what needed ending and gotten rewards for doing so. Now we have new revelations, new events that will electrify everyone, and new dedications to collective ideals. Again, the peace we've found will result in releases of faith, and faith that helps us release old patterns.
Keep acting from your new identity, accept what you can do, and accept what you cannot influence. To echo last month, there are greater possibilities ahead than we may have suspected, or as the English Bard so aptly put it, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...."
Walk on, accept the transforming moments that leave you in awe of Divine workings, gently offer your wisdom to others (in grand style!), and monitor your expectancies, since new horizons beckon!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
I am greatly inspired, not yet where you allude I could be, and am comforted through this wobbly time, that good will show me it's light.
thank you as always, for your elucidation and such positive ways of viewing current happenings.
Posted by: Sherry | May 17, 2011 at 06:48 PM
Thank you Robert for yet another in-depth analysis. Thank you so very much. I do love the Wesak time of year with the new hope of Spring.
A big shout out to a very special friend of ours. Happy Birthday to Mr. Ferdinand the Bull, who has always loved to sniff the wild flowers in the meadow!
Posted by: dcu | May 17, 2011 at 09:41 PM
I like this time...the calm after the storminess of the past year, the peace before the eclipses in June, the rewards for sticking to our authentic selves.
Thanks for lighting the way.
Posted by: Elizabeth | May 18, 2011 at 12:00 PM
Well, scorpio ascendant 25, 41` sure of the angels and fairies goodwill.
Waiting for people to change.
Posted by: ull | May 20, 2011 at 11:47 AM