by Robert Wilkinson
Every once in a while Spirit manifests in particularly stunning ways. I found a story of a college lineman lifting the end of a 3500 pound car off of a man it was crushing.
Rather than elaborate about the nature of magnetism and how we all can reverse magnetism when we get out of our own way, here's the story of a young man who, despite trying and failing a first time, got "the juice" to lift a car off of a man. For your enjoyment,
College football lineman lifts car to save man’s life
(Original story from the St. Petersburg Times website)
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Unlivable! inst it, wonder that has something to do with the mental balance and hormones that get us that extra mental and physical strength or the will to do that. To sum it all, it's the mind control.
Posted by: cna | June 26, 2011 at 03:37 AM
Truly remarkable!
Inner strength, mind power or physical strength? That we do not know but what makes it interesting is that Estenor had no idea of how actually he did that.
Posted by: cna | June 26, 2011 at 10:05 AM
Hi cna - Obviously you haven't read the guidelines for commenting or you wouldn't have double posted a commercial self-promotion without checking with me first. Please don't do this again.
Posted by: Robert | June 26, 2011 at 10:58 AM
Hi all - What he did we all could do if we absolutely needed to. It's the same magnetic principles as are practiced in Chi Gong. While I've only rarely been able to do this in my life, each time I got out of my way it blew my mind! Once upon a time a Brother and I moved a stranded yacht 6-8 feet off a sandbar into a lagoon using the same principles of Chi Gong. Not as noble an effort as this guy, but we do as we must in the circumstances we find ourselves...
Posted by: Robert | June 26, 2011 at 05:19 PM