by Robert Wilkinson
Recently a client wrote me that they were having a hard time in searching for a job and not getting the results they wanted. What follows are some themes to keep in mind as we search for new work.
When we get discouraged by the slow pace, or frustration in not finding what we want as soon as we would like, it's part of learning how to change how our Saturn functions. If our process involves getting frustrated by a lack of ability to coordinate how the different elements of our personality work so we can find our way to work we can live with, we're learning how to change our Mercury function. And if we get aggravated or misfire in sharp or blunt ways, it's part of learning how to change our Mars function.
No planet makes us fail, or frustrates our efforts, or creates discouraging feelings and attitudes. We, and only we, do these things. When we do not attain a measure of what we know we need to live our lives more fully, it's due to something in our subconsciousness blocking our self-consciousness from seeing clearly where our higher and better interests are. Eliminate the block, and either we shall see what we need to do, or we will be led to circumstances that are perfect for our present transitional state.
Getting back to Saturn, it does seem to be involved in much that frustrates us. Saturn is associated with fear, a sense of being "enslaved" by circumstances, and the binding forces of nature and time, since these impose limitations whether we like them or not. You can find more about why we are often bound by circumstances in the recent article What Is The Ring Pass Not and Why Is It So Important In Our Spiritual Evolution?
The problem with searching for work (or relationship, or whatever) and getting frustrated is that pessimism breeds pessimism. A pattern created is a pattern set into motion until something changes the trajectory of that pattern. That's why it's important when we feel most frustrated to change the energy into determination that one way or another we will not allow our inner doubts and fears to drive our vehicle of personality into ditches of discouragement.
No planet "destroys" a work sector, or any other life area. All planets challenge us to think outside our limitations in perception according to their nature and what they symbolize. And while patience is always one of Saturn's virtues, it must also be united with an organized plan and tremendous persistence in calculating the object you would attain dominion over.
We often do our best and still feel like we're running into brick walls. If it's happening to many, then we really can't take it personally as it's part of the larger field of endeavor we're all swimming in. But if our striving hasn't worked, then we need to examine if we're fishing for trout in a bass pond. In other words, striving for work isn't enough. What is not sought in the right way will not be found, but seeking in "the right way" won't bring us what we want if we're looking where there is nothing to find.
There is always some kind of work we can do somewhere, but another critical factor is that we really shouldn't be doing what our inner nature knows isn't good for us, or which would divert our best energies into a ditch. Then we have to open to doing other jobs we could possibly do that are outside of our previous conceptions which could lead us into unexpected productive directions and contacts.
Even the smallest lead into the "right action" will yield momentum quickly. Also remember that just because the planets indicate new beginnings, it may take some time before we get the perspective that helps us see that in fact something was happening even if at the time we thought nothing was happening.
Often if we simply jump into "the exchanging flow," as Rumi put it, we find something that could lead us into bigger things. If we don't know exactly where a new type of work is leading us, all we have to do is keep it simple, straightforward, and pleasant. This is a time when a work horse is more needed than a show horse across many fields, given the larger real world conditions. A gentle determination is most valuable right now so don't be afraid to offer what wisdom and skills you have as you search with agreeable persistence.
Many times our frustration at the pace of things shows us how to be less fixed while seeing how to take initiative in balanced, planned ways. This is especially true during this time of Saturn in Libra. We've all confronted consequences for past actions and inactions, and are currently generating future consequences for current actions and inactions. Find a balanced view, be willing to get a plan and execute it rhythmically across time, and remember that we must always find a greater diversity of interests lest we become one trick wonders.
When we're frustrated in our search for a new job, or a new sense of purpose, it may be a signal to sacrifice the lesser to embrace our Sacred Self, and grow beyond old limitations. Then we must step back from stress and see how to align our life with a greater destiny through making some basic personal decisions, and decide we will find something to break free of the inertia no matter what. Then all that's left is to just do it!
In any case, there is always something in our world we can do where we can make money and either polish old skills or cultivate new ones. We must stop being discouraged at the 999 ways not to build a light bulb, and focus on the several perfect ways that we could invent a new set of job skills or find our way to the stream that will lead to the river that leads to the ocean.
In the immortal words of "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba, "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down...." Resolve that you will not let the past discourage the present, and move forward. We can always find something if we open and stay open.
I speak from experience, since I was in the same boat in the mid-80s. In my case, an 8 hour temp word processing gig led me straight into becoming a television producer, director, and editor for 6 years. Many doors open as we embrace seeing possibilities with new eyes and a gentle pleasant determination that will not yield until it finds the object of its search.
Life is virtually infinite in its possibilities, and our growth as Souls learning how to navigate the material existence is equally infinite. All we have to do is get out of our own way, open to that which we've not known up to now, and be willing to get back into learning mode so that we can apply those realizations in skillful ways.
Being bummed out and discouraged may feel natural, but they won't get the job done, as it were. There are plenty of jobs to do where we could make money, have some fun, and be part of the exchanging flow. It all leads us toward our spiritual home. All we have to do is find the groove and move in that direction. Once we're in our groove, what's not to like?
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Good practical outlook on a very common problem or situation. Also, it not only applies to job seekers (as myself), but to other fields like you point out: relationships and many more, health, personal knowledge and self esteem,....
Just one question following your closing line: "Once we're in our groove, what's not to like?" How does one find its groove?????
Posted by: Nicolas | June 05, 2011 at 07:45 AM
Hi Nicolas - I suppose it depends on which dance we're doing during any given chapter in our life. We have many dances to do, and each has its own groove. We dance as we choose to, but some dances leave us disoriented. That means we're not in the groove. Sometimes we don't know we're disoriented, since what seems to be a groove very well might not be ours after a little time, experience, and perspective.
The dances we do that give us a sense of centered awareness, as well as moving with our process toward a greater Self realization, show us our groove, at least in the present. By seeing the larger patterns within which there are many lesser patterns, we can come to know 1) which were helpful for awhile but then needed to give way to other patterns which were more appropriate to that next chapter of life, and 2) which are more enduring patterns that led us (and continue to lead us) to the great ocean of consciousness, Self realization, and higher awareness.
It's really about what leaves us feeling separated and fragmented (ego) as opposed to those patterns that lead us to feeling centered and living in the NOW, riding the wave of our own development. This is why cultivating accuracy of perception via detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and the ability to generate positivity are important.
I have found that sense of centeredness and living in the NOW is usually accompanied by a simultaneous sense of calm confidence that we are doing exactly as we should be doing, regardless of outer appearances. While it's not always completely accurate, with minor adjustments in the view we can do course corrections. Once we learn how to adjust the view, then we come out of unhelpful grooves and move into more productive grooves that lead us to a sense of Oneness with ourselves, our life, and our world.
Posted by: Robert | June 05, 2011 at 08:23 AM
Dear Robert, this made me smile as I haul my battered vehicle out of the ditch again!
Posted by: Morvah | June 05, 2011 at 02:16 PM
"This is a time when a work horse is more needed than a show horse across many fields, given the larger real world conditions."
So True!!
...I try to use my "Strong 12th house". It will, anyway, be seen by others because of the opposition element of 6th house (work).
I try to be light and sail above the sea using wind, figurative speaking.
As I am having Uranus at 1st house - "being invisible" have sometimes been very complicated. I have found manageable 12th house elements, as being faceless in government institutes or "huge space" of big companies . When I have promote health or wellbeing of others, I have been seen as 12th house person, even though I need desperately that wellbeing also my self.
I thing this will be my dilemma across all my life. When I feel comfortable - other people are envy and I have to invent a new way to be independent again....
I do like relatives, because they know me better.
Posted by: Heli | June 06, 2011 at 01:33 AM
Hi Robert, thank you for an inspiring article. i agree with everything especially the third paragraph. i've been doing everything you said. it's synchronicity that i should read this. i am so discouraged today as it's been two years for me. i'm "unemployable"- too old, age 57, too smart, too experienced in some things and not experienced enough in others. i'm so talented it's disgusting. i have so much to offer and no one needs me. everywhere a stone wall. and there 14 million others in the US just like me! ack! some days i think i'm losing my mind.
As usual i'm riding the waves. Pluto is transiting opposite my sun but a part of me says, if something gets in the way, go around it. somehow. also my progressed Moon made a return to its natal place exactly when i lost my job. that could only mean the beginning of a new cycle. i'm writing, painting, journaling, meditating, reading France Scovel Shinn and others, talking to people (altho i've had enough of those network groups). I don't feel sorry for myself. i just get scared.
thank you for the article and thank you for letting me vent. i'm trying to keep the faith. Namaste... ):
Posted by: Valerie | June 06, 2011 at 08:52 AM
In tune astrological insisght for a great number of the collective, myself included. As I read your article, I thought of my daughter, experiencing Saturn conjunct her natal sun. Then she called. I forwarded the link so she can gain some insight into her concerns. Namaskar
Posted by: Carmen | June 06, 2011 at 03:29 PM
I appreciate your words of wisdom, Robert. Another great article.
Posted by: Josie | June 11, 2011 at 02:48 PM
Saturn in my second house and I really feel "enslaved" in my job(s) - saturn is also conjunct my south node and conjunct Moon.
(To tell you the truth I feel enslaved here in this material world)..
And these planets sits in aquarius..So I need to liberate myself - actually I would like to free all of us..:-) If I could I would, says the crazy swede.
Posted by: ull | June 12, 2011 at 02:05 AM