by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 25 Sagittarius-Gemini has substantial aspect activity. It's a focused kindly transmission of knowledge that will lead to the breakdown of imbalances and the strengthening of life seeds already sprouting.
This Full Moon is also known as the Christ Fest, where the wisdom forms sent out at the Wesak Festival by the Cosmic Buddha at the Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon take shape as a new world teaching for the next year. Thus the 3 "High Moons," the Full Moons of Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, and Gemini-Sagittarius, form a triad of new life energies that infuse the quality of the 9 months that follow.
If you want to know more about the qualities of those Full Moons, please consult the archives. There are more articles than usual devoted to these Lunations, so enjoy getting a larger picture of what the Buddha and the World Teacher have in store for humanity at this time!
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the New Moon. You will recall its theme is one of discoveries that liberate us from some element of the past we do not need to carry with us into our new lives. Through being moved into a more harmonious integration with others, we can achieve movement despite the "binding conditions," and enjoy at playing with our self-recreation.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon. Briefly, from the Solar Eclipse New Moon article covering this period,
As noted, due to the "Bucket" pattern, Saturn is currently the nozzle focusing the energy of all the other planets clustered between Capricorn and Gemini. So all the collective energy represented by the cluster of planets between Pluto in early Capricorn and the New Moon in mid-Gemini will be focused through the only planet outside the Bundle (except for Pluto lurking off to the side in Capricorn), the awesome Saturn. Saturn shows the cause, the effort, the problem, the solution, the release, the focus, the point of just about everything confronting us now and in the near future.If you need a way to deal with something or someone, reference Saturn in Libra and the lessons of balance, justice, fairness, and proportion you've been learning. Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, maturity, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
Even if things go in hectic intense bursts due to the Solar Eclipse triggering the Grand Irrationality, keep finding ways to liberate yourself from unhelpful views and attitudes while staying on track with the new elements that have presented themselves over the past 3 months. Find the right angle on karmic consequences, and keep learning the rules of whatever system you're dealing with, or acting within, showing as much balance, grace, and equipoise as you can, given Saturn's penchant for heaviness.
We are all learning a lot about Dharma during Saturn's stay in Libra, as well as what we should not be trying to prop up through a misplaced sense of responsibility or obligation. If we run into roadblocks or delays, it should tell us a lot about patience, as well as what limitations and burdens we can live with and what we cannot.....
a little more about the seeds of this period:
This Lunation can help us get new information in order to assert our right to our own view. Just make sure it's balanced and not heavy handed, and if you're confronting an imbalanced or heavy handed person, be diplomatic while putting space between the two of you. I recently had to do this myself with someone who was being very unfair and dictatorial.Overall, due to the mix of Taurus and Gemini energies, this will be a natural expansive and grounding New Moon period, where we can find new ways to understand consequences, endings, rights, and duties. Many new ways to understand what's past and what's present will be born, along with an ability to demonstrate freedom and movement despite the limiting conditions of the outer world.
Here we discover elements of our individuality, and while there may be inner or outer arguments related to points of view, give them enough time and you'll dispel intellectual shadows created by one-sided views. Do your "compare and contrast" functions, and be analytical as you recap your experiences and find new judgments helping you let go of the past.Despite all the seeking and discoveries, it's still time to enter the "eternal battle" of the self vs the Self, and allow yourself to become a new version of your "practical warrior." Though we're all in a very weird dreamscape and will be for years to come, we can now apply new strengths and understanding, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.
The Bucket continues with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, so please reference what I stated above. As we keep in mind Saturn's power to focus energy right now, it can help us understand our natural methods of smooth self-expression.
Quite a few Full Moons of last Autumn and Winter were supposedly what is called "Void of Course" since they fell on the final degrees of the sign and made no exact forming aspects before leaving the sign. I clarified the entire subject of what makes a Moon "void of course" in past Full Moon articles, and why I don't think there is such a thing. In any case, recent Full Moons all made significant aspects before the Moon left its sign, and this one continues the pattern, thus ending the issue of whether the Lunation is void of course or not.
This Lunation finds the Moon at 25 Sagittarius, making an opposition to Mercury and quincunx to Mars. This will bring feelings and thoughts into opposition, creating a tug of war or a realization. Here we must develop a larger social sense, or sense of what is needed in a situation, where are minds are not working against out feelings. Here we are offered chances to discover unsuspected resources that we can put to use in a pioneering life initiative.
The Moon quincunx Mars requires that we accept a form of grace or "divine power" in moments of chaos or extraordinary pressure and transform what must be transformed in the moment while remaining calm in offering our wisdom to others. It also will bring us revelations of transitions between "life and death," and wisdom forms after our intellect crashes against itself in our quest for forms of transcendent peace.
The Lunation also makes numerous "out of sign" (oos) forming aspects, showing a change in conditions must occur before they come into play. Among the more important aspects are Moon conjunct Pluto, sextile Neptune, and trine Jupiter, along with the Sun trine Neptune and opposition Pluto. These show us what's coming down the road a piece.
Other important forming aspects, showing things to come in the future, are Mercury sextile Jupiter, trine Neptune, and opposition Pluto (all oos), Venus trine Saturn, Mars square Neptune (oos), and Jupiter trine Pluto. I can't go extensively into what each of these means, as there are too many possibilities.
That said, taken together they indicate a patient stabilization of seeds of power already sprouted as well as relationships that bring us discoveries and balance, clarity about a new law governing our lives, glimpses of patterns showing us what is yet to come, and ways to receive new inspirations about potential friends and/or group work.
Interesting separating aspects, showing things just past, include Moon quintile Saturn, Sun septile Jupiter, Mercury biseptile Saturn, Venus sextile Uranus and quincunx Pluto, Mars septile Uranus, and Jupiter sextile Neptune. Taken together these show many diverse areas of life where we hit forks in the road and had to make choices determining facets of our future destiny. Which facets are shown by which planets occupy and rule the houses involving the septiles and biseptile.
Overall we're solidly launched into a new collective vibe and adventure in deeper and vaster consciousness, some special "duties" have appeared that anticipate future powers and rewards, and everyone's perception and sense of limits have turned a big corner. We've all gone deeper in some way, leading us to a secure sense of movement within a greater field, or a sense of being lost in an unknown zone of feelings.
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." 1 Pisces is the point our world is at right now. We now can feel a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
Jupiter and Neptune rule the Moon in the Lunation, while Mercury rules the Sun. Mercury, ruler of the Sun, forms an out of sign trine to Neptune, harmonizing the lower mind with the Higher Mind, but only after a change in Mercurial conditions. This challenges us to see the stages of various levels of development, and to be clear about what our role is in any given circumstance.
Venus is a major player in this Lunation, as is Mercury, the Final Dispositor for all other planets except Neptune. Venus shows that some things will get stirred up, while Mercury indicates we will all be able to leave some burdensome things behind and be liberated from pressures we no longer need to bear.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us leave behind parts of our past so we can offer our wisdom to others in peaceful, practical forms. Here we can let things gradually develop even as we let go of whatever needs ending. Stay balanced, keep adapting to find a greater peace and harmony in the role you are playing, and see it all as the final clean-up of old things that need closure. This frees us from old responsibilities and hinderances and and anticipates new powers and enjoyment.
As with last month, see the seeds of future potential, play with developing skills related to some larger task already in motion, peacefully offer your wisdom to others, and merge into the flow of the larger collective feeling-field. As with the past several months, we now stand at a cosmic point of fulfillment.
The next two weeks offer us opportunities to shape the way we express the wisdom, value and beauty of newly discovered elements of our nature, and find humor, freedom, and play in anticipating the next step of how we can exercise power within a social context. Follow your feelings into decisions and actions, and then get more information and new ideas to come to a clear vision. Allow your information files to be updated, and follow the flow into new actions.
We now enter a time where we can come to a diversity of understanding about the old rules, limitations, fears, and "shoulds" that had to break down in the recent past. We now have to simply let go of being seduced or distracted by dire visions, false equivalencies, skewed senses of perception or proportion, or a sense of drifting into unknown zones.
Take the initiative, use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life, while anticipating a freer, more playful life to come. You've now seen how to let go of perceptions and relationships that divert you from the ideals, values, and visions you really care about.
As with past weeks, the coming two weeks are about clarity and compassion, simplicity and new understanding that ground the new initiatives of the past dozen weeks. The peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns we generated in May are now going to show us how we've been released through powerful transformations set into motion in June.
While the first half of June set forth the seeds of transformational energies leading us to strength, the second half of June will reveal those transformational energies in forms of play. Here we are freed by forms of "extraordinary good fortune," if we had the vision to integrate in external and internal ways before now.
This continues to end what needs ending, freeing us from old obligations and duties that require that we eliminate the ghosts of the past that keep us predisposed in ways we cannot bring with us into our new worlds of experience set into dynamic motion between mid-March and mid-May.
Keep acting in alignment with your new "Truth of Being" initiated in recent weeks and months, accept what you can do, and accept what you cannot influence. To echo a theme of the past dozen weeks, there are greater possibilities ahead than we may have suspected, or as the English Bard so aptly put it, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...."
Anticipate, practice, play, flow, dream, imagine, allow, be patient, and release. Accept the transforming moments that leave you in awe of Divine workings, gently offer your wisdom to others (in grand style!), and monitor your expectancies, since new horizons beckon!
Somehow this all relates to what the World Teacher is about to pour out for each of us, and all of us, for the coming year. As with the Wesak, some things to think about in these hours at the cosmic moment of another great outpouring of Spiritual energies. Aum Mani Padme Hum.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Swweeeet. Love this post...thanks for always being a beacon of light.
Posted by: Elizabeth | June 14, 2011 at 04:33 PM
Cool. "This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Very very cool.
Posted by: jan | June 14, 2011 at 06:51 PM
Hi Robert, this article and the eclipse information echos much of what you wrote about in that because of the full moon cycle?
blessings and many, many thanks!
Posted by: Leslie | June 14, 2011 at 08:22 PM
Since you end your insightful essay with Om Mani Padme Hum, perhaps you should know that the full moon of June 2011 is the true Vesak, according to the very esoteric Tibetan lunar calendar. it is called "Saga Dawa" and celebrates the birth, death and enlightenment of the World Honored One. Perhaps this is not "another" outpouring following the Theravadan observation of Vesak, but the May full moon Vesak celebrations could have been a warm up to "Saga Dawa Sechen". In harmony,
Posted by: karen | June 14, 2011 at 09:28 PM
Thank you!
Posted by: Bilyana Petrova | June 15, 2011 at 01:28 AM
loved reading this article, thanks for taking the to write! so much here resonates with what is going on in my life for the last 3 months..
God bless you
Posted by: Sabina | June 15, 2011 at 01:37 AM
So apt, expansive and playful.
Posted by: folly | June 15, 2011 at 05:15 AM
Hi all - Just off the road. Will post something tomorrow.
Hi Elizabeth - Sure. We all have a function in this transitional period, and I enjoy doing/being this.
Hi jan - Community is appearing all over. It's in the fermentation condition, and some communities are going to have to fracture before they can again become cohesive in their common purpose. Selfishness and self-separativeness have no place in the future of humanity.
Hi Leslie - There are commonalities between Full Moons, since they do constitute a succession of energies that follow one another from eternity to the end of time. However, each is distinct. While a certain Jones pattern exists for a while, after a period other patterns take its place. Some aspects are in play for a while, while others pass quickly. Astute readers will see that across successive Lunations there are patterns that persist that help us see the gestalt of the larger time frames.
Hi karen - Not to sound like Andy Rooney, but regardless of that particular source, this is not really the Wesak. It happened last month. The calendar you're referring to is not esoteric - it's referencing the supposed Sidereal positions. Everyone agrees that the Wesak is the Full Moon of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio, which may or may not happen in April or May (or using the Sidereal zodiac, in June).
What you're referencing is the Sidereal Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, which is not necessarily in June. Might be, might not be, depending on yearly circumstances. There are many schools in Vedic (Indian) Astrology, and none agree on how many actual degrees one should subtract from the Tropical positions.
This year's Full Moon falls at 25 degrees. There are many schools of Vedic astrology that would say this falls at Sidereal 1-4 degrees of Gemini-Sagittarius, while there are others who believe it would fall around Sidereal 27-30 Taurus-Scorpio (thus supposedly making it the Wesak). I have published numerous times about the flaws of Sidereal computations, and why I have found they are not reliable indicators of anything other than as specific variables within their own closed system.
Two major concerns are that Vedic astrology does NOT use constellations, regardless of what they assert. Otherwise they would use 14 constellations, not 12. Another concern is that no constellation is 30 degrees. Any system that uses uniform widths of the supposed constellations is erroneous, since they don't exist. Having studied some Vedic a while ago, if practitioners of that Astrological form want to believe it's the one "true" system, then they have to address not only these two major real-world inconsistencies, but others as well. As I said, I don't wish to sound too much like Andy Rooney, but......
Hi Bilyana Petrova - You're most welcome, of course.
Hi Sabina - Thanks for the blessings. I try to be on top of what's up so that we can all navigate the best we're able. Glad this helps.
Hi folly - Well, 'round these parts we do endeavor to persevere in being playful!;-) As Wavy Gravy once said, "if you don't have a sense of humor it's not funny."
Posted by: Robert | June 15, 2011 at 05:46 PM
Thank you for this holy trinity of articles. This really is communication in its highest form.
I for one am eternally grateful for your generosity of spirit and for the way you share your teachings to illuminate the way.
All love, all blessings,
Posted by: Esther (London, UK) | June 17, 2011 at 04:10 AM feels good to know that I will be letting go of limitations that I no longer need to let be imposed on me, and I am excited anout the changes ahead. Thank you for all the info...blessings, becca
Posted by: rebecca smith | June 17, 2011 at 11:22 AM
Beautifully written, Robert! You have the ability to translate the tides of cosmic energies into poetic prose! Thank you for this post. It resonated with me and validated all that I have been experiencing.
Namaste Master!
Posted by: Elah | June 18, 2011 at 08:54 AM