by Robert Wilkinson
Today we'll discuss significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Solar Eclipse Lunation chart which will throw us on a search for meaning as we let go of preconceptions.
This is the next Lunation outside of the long running occupied span between Pluto in Capricorn and various planets in Aries and Taurus. As the occupied span stands now, the Sun/Moon are in mid-Gemini, outside of the cluster ("stellium") of 5 planets that begin with Uranus (4 Aries), Jupiter (30 Aries), Mars (17 Taurus), Venus (21 Taurus), and Mercury (29 Taurus).
As mentioned in previous Eclipse articles, we still have a Bucket Pattern with Saturn focusing the energies of all the other planets. Due to where this Lunation falls, it's the energy that closes the occupied span. Currently our experience begins with a Pluto in Capricorn type of energy, proceeds through Pisces into a broad based Aries experience, and then closes with a late Taurus experience.
That shows that wherever we have Aries and Taurus in our charts is going to be a very crowded sector, with effects to play out wherever Saturn is transiting in our chart. The general theme is that we can find enormous strength over the next 4 weeks, either leading us to a more mature and structured peace in our lives, or using peace, we can find a new inner strength we can use to deal with our world.
Saturn falls in the middle of the 3 sections of Libra. The middle third of the signs are said to be the emotional, social or cultural level of that sign's experience. That would imply the focus of these Eclipse energies will show us a way to balance our feelings, or our social-cultural perspective and activities. This will help us be instructed or instruct others about kindness, cooperation, assistance, and/or protection.
Venus rules the sign Saturn is in, and so is inextricably linked to Saturn in the Eclipse. As Venus is in the last third of Taurus, and the last third of a sign is said to be the individual, mental, or spiritual area of that sign. Venus is in its home sign of Taurus, making it very strong by being the "final dispositor" of all the other planetary energies.
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon and the planets in Aries and Taurus make several very important forming aspects.
There are only two forming aspects by the Sun and Moon, a quintile to Uranus and the wide but important biseptile to Neptune and the extremely powerful septile to Pluto. This gives a "spiritual specializing" quality to this New Moon and its seed lessons, along with the Grand Irrationality in full force!
The next four weeks will be a great time for cultivating originality and unique qualities while things move in weird directions and important choices are made that will influence the near and distant future. This is the next step in what was cut loose between mid-March and early May, where we must let go of elements of our past and the "ghosts and preconceptions" that would hinder our future development.
I wrote about the numerous times the Grand Irrationality was triggered between March and May in Jupiter in Aries Showing New Grand Irrationality Directives, and gave some hints about how to move with this strange, often obsessive-compulsive hard-edged energy in How To Dance With The Global Strangeness of The Grand Irrationality.
Right now in mid-2011 the 7 "hot zones" of the Grand Irrationality are around 5-9 Capricorn, 29 Aquarius-3 Pisces, 20-24 Aries, 11-15 Gemini, 2-6 Leo, 23-27 Virgo, and 14-18 Scorpio. If you have a planet in these degree zones, expect to confront important choices and "forks in the road of destiny" in that area of your life, as well as the houses that planet rules.
This Eclipse will definitely shut down elements of our lives related to where these zones fall in our charts over the next 44 months. You will know what is being shut down as various transits through these zones affect your planets along with this Eclipse Sun and Moon. Again, BIG shifts coming August 2012, so get ready!!
Other important forming aspects made by other planets include an out of sign square from Mercury to Neptune, minor aspects from Venus to Neptune and Pluto, Mars biquintile Saturn and semisquare Uranus, Jupiter quadranovile Saturn and out of sign sextile to Neptune, and the impending but not yet exact major friction indicated by Uranus square Pluto.
We must get clear about what we think and what roles we are here to play (or not!), as well as stages of internal and external development. As mentioned in an earlier article, those who have not shown kindness at critical junctures since last Autumn will find things boomeranging. Spiritual Warrioring will be put to the test in diverse ways, yielding consequences for seeking what we have sought.
There will be unexpected disruptions that shake us out of seeking into an active pursuit of whatever we hold as "enlightening," along with arguments about the pros and cons of things as we continue to capture what's meaningful to us. Through a contentment with natural limitations, we can "play on our duck pond" with our spiritual kin while rejecting other limits and responsibilities that we're done with.
The separating aspects show reality already experienced, or things already set into motion. The separating trine from the Eclipse to Saturn shows that we've already acquired an understanding of the archetypes we've been living since last August, and can now find a new inspiration "in a silent hour" that helps us see levels of development from a broader perspective. This will assist us in "divorcing the past," whether old understandings, old mind sets, old preconceptions, or memories that have no place in our present-future development.
The separating conjunctions by the planets in Taurus merely show they are solidifying what began when they all conjuncted in Aries in March, April, and early May. That was a time of major new initiatives that are quickly taking shape as a new destiny, or a clarification of a destiny set into motion beginning June 2010.
The waves of activity set into motion between the first Mercury conjunct Jupiter in mid-March through the final Venus and Mercury conjunct Jupiter on May 11-12 are now taking solid shape in sustainable ways, with long term expansions to come during the last half of 2011 and first few months of 2012.
We have one interesting configuration going on that while obscure, will still echo some very important energies we dealt with in 2009-2010. Saturn is now about to go stationary direct at 11 Libra. Uranus is at 4 Aries, squaring Pluto at 7 Capricorn. Even though Saturn never goes back to the exact opposition and square, we are feeling this powerful edginess anyway due to these signs being in a natural T-square.
I've written extensively about these planets in tension-producing aspects in many articles during the times they were in full force in 2009-2010. You can find more in Jupiter Stationary Retrograde Square Pluto and Saturn Opposed Uranus in July 2010 as well as previous articles mentioning the Cosmic Centrifuge and the major T-squares in the archives. Use the site google box to find them.
These tensions will most impact people with planets between 2-12 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Target needs and what makes you feel centered and/or protected, and through noticing inner or outer "cat and mouse" arguments, you can find visible or invisible helpers and a sense of humor to puncture ego pomposities.
Among those affected by this not-exact "echo" of the major Cardinal T-square are those born in late December and very early January, late March and very early April, late June and very early July, and late September and very early October. Also those born 4/37-2/39, 10/42-9/52, 1959-1960, 3/67-4/68, 9/68-10/77, 9/80-10/81, and 1984-10/1992.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate, while on the other hand the effects of this Eclipse will last 44 months. This Solar Eclipse New Moon falls at 12 Gemini. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth. According to Rudhyar this degree is one of "the will to rise above racial conditioning and limitations; or a sense of the need to conform to things as they are."
He goes on to state that this degree is about "liberation from the ghosts of the past," where we need "virgin minds for virgin fields" as we liquidate the past. Here we get to drop our mental, emotional, and material baggage we no longer need, including attitudes engraved on our subconsciousness that cannot help us move into our new vistas of development. Let go of preconceptions, prejudices, expectations, and ghosts that cannot help you toward the fulfillment track you're on.
This is a counterpoint degree where due to what's opened, we now can learn what we cannot bring with us and stay clean in our evolutionary process. It will naturally follow that we will then find a "climax in selfhood," where we get to "put on the show" and become a potential "source of inspiration." Rudhyar says it falls in the span of Zeal, the Process of Individualization, Act of Differentiation, and the Scene of Discovery on the Individual-Mental level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find the Solar Eclipse Lunation degree is "A Topsy saucily asserting herself," showing the balance we must maintain between what our society compels of us and our need to "exercise (our) fledgling wings on every possible occasion." Here we must "speak out to life with an almost spiritual impudence" in order to demonstrate character.
He states "personality here is refined as it risks its very being to be what it as yet has still to become." He offers us the keyword GROWTH, and says that when positive, this degree "is a high gift for taking personal advantage of every new situation in experience."
So over the next 44 months this Eclipse will help us drop unnecessary baggage and liberate ourselves from the ghosts of the past as we learn to assert ourselves along lines where we may grow naturally and happily within focused boundaries and balanced limitations, duties, and responsibilities. We can get glimpses of understanding about levels of personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal development in us and others, and move clean and free into the changes resulting from the choices we make at this major "fork in the road of destiny."
Of the planets that rule signs, there are 2 planets in Fire signs, 1 in Water, 3 in Air, and 4 in Earth. This preponderance of Air and Earth indicates a lot of mental, communicative, relational and interactive energy, and with 4 planets in Earth there should be a lot of practical grounding energy opening or showing resources.
Due to the insufficiency of Water and Fire, try to use the compassion and depth feelings to feel a greater connection with All-That-Is, and find inspiration in recent initiatives and pioneering efforts to BE your better self. The test continues for all of us to find balanced, graceful, elegant, and just ways to do whatever is being mobilized.
Pluto in Capricorn continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. Be organized in finding and demonstrating your role and take some time to enjoy it!
In the past months we've learned how to make many types of adjustments in perspective and how we relate to create a better world for ourselves in connection with others. Now that we're riding the waves of the new archetypal roles we began to live in 2009-2010, we can use gentle and balanced forms of will power, training, maturity, and sense of our new roles to play to move into new vistas, new worlds, new lives, and new ways of doing our Being.
The next 4 weeks is a time to continue securing recent beginnings while discovering inner and outer patterns and assumptions we need to let go of. We've all been launched into shaping our minds in forms revealing potential future fulfillment, and now must carry things forward in natural ways. Having found what we've been looking for and opened to new ways of doing our Being, we can be more natural in our search for personal meaning as we discuss discoveries and perspectives with others to dispel intellectual shadows.
Due to the heavy Taurus influence, keep finding gentle, simple, and stable ways to move into your new life while becoming part of the "corrective force of Nature Herself." In practicing our unique individuality we can become the answer to some collective need, whether large or small. This is the time to define who you are apart from any inner or outer neutralizing factors that keep you from awakening to your uniqueness.
We've all had chances to adjust our perspective and become more natural and joyous. Over the past several weeks we've all gotten at least one new look at old ideas and ways of coordinating our lives on our terms. We now can have more confidence in simply "being ourselves" as we allow the ageless Divine Wisdom to act through us, and can leave behind fears arising from past and present interpersonal interactions that challenged us to individuate.
This period is showing us the baseline platform for the further extension into our emergent archetypes that demonstrate our authentic self. We saw the emergence of concrete forms of those images from August 2010 to January 2011, and now that we've done the review related to past and present actions creating present and future consequences, it's time to pick up our quest.
While joyously playing with others on our "duck pond," keep finding ways to be a good Spiritual Warrior as you search for meaning through discursive reasoning to secure your new life. Given the forming Jupiter sextile Neptune, open to a greater feeling connection to the collective, as well as to your timeless self, and find a proper proportion around bargaining and trade-offs, within and without.
Here we continue to secure conditions and resources while hitting a fork in the road between our past and our future. We can find opportunity and truth in getting focused within natural limits and boundaries, playing with those who are part of our spiritual group.
We can find a sense of balanced peacefulness by knowing what is no longer a part of our life, and liquidating whatever parts of our past would hinder our entrance into new realms of development. This Eclipse will shut down old ideas, old environments, and old memories these next 44 months, allowing space for new forms of these to take shape between early June and mid-July.
Keep getting glimpses of what fulfills you in a higher or timeless sense, withdraw from shallowness and wrong views while preserving your dignity, and carry through to completion that which helps you see that you're part of a larger life. There are gifts, revelations, and joyous interactions promised by this Lunation, so adapt, adjust, and enjoy!
Astrology in June 2011 - On The Threshold of A Partial Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Your explanations of this eclipse cycle are resonating: I am planning to reorient my relationship with finances, debt and spending so I can retire in 4 years or less - right in line with your timetable; ironically I made an appointment for group retirement counseling in June - also reflective of these eclipse cycles; I think Saturn has been in my 8th natal house (but I'm guessing my Asc). I'm still waiting for my adult child to be rewarded for hard work by a regular income and for health of my parent to resolve by life's natural order... all in good time I suppose. Lots of change at work in March, solidifying now.
I wonder, though, what is meant by "get ready" for August 2012. Can we expect challenges or benefits that are personal or social, spiritual or materialistic, climatic or serene or what? My interest in astrology satisfies my need to always plan ahead!
Posted by: Molly | June 01, 2011 at 08:44 PM
Dear Mr. Robert Wilkinson,
Kindly let me know, if you give consultancy on personal astrological predictions, and if so your consultation fees.
With kind Regards,
D J Ramesh
Posted by: D J Ramesh | June 02, 2011 at 02:24 AM
Hi Molly - Very good to get out of debt right now, given the coming economic instabilities. Saturn in the 8th shows you're learning to be a good custodian of resources, and that you're letting go of all you don't need to take with you as Saturn approaches your 9th and 10th, where much will be fulfilled. August 2012 is when Jupiter will go through the Gemini zone of the Grand Irrationality for the first time, setting a lot into motion related to this Eclipse. How it will affect each of us is determined by what we're doing between now and then. As our entire reality and destiny are being affected by those choices, specifics are conditioned by our responses.
Hi D J - Yes, I still do personal consultations, though there's usually a wait of 3-5 weeks due to demand. You can find out more about how I do what I do and the various fees and lengths of sessions by going to the left hand link below the paypal button where it says "to schedule a personal appointment." Namaskarams.
Posted by: Robert | June 04, 2011 at 02:20 PM
Well hello Aquaurius papers just passin' thought I'd post...Hello Robert...what the was that??????
"This Eclipse will shut down old ideas, old environments, and old memories these next 44 months, allowing space for new forms of these to take shape between early June and mid-July."
Lets say ALL..Old ideas and forms of false ideals of consciousness laden with glamor and fabricated ,so called traditional answers are no longer in truth as they never where truth.
I am amazed I am alive still, what a horrifying experience the last two years have been, discovering the lies of consciousness and the perpetrators of evil that are still wielding their effects on us all..HOORAY, for Pluto in Capricorn, may the spiritual war heighten now because they will be beaten down. The truth hurts but if no one ever lied no one would ever be hurt.Chiron in Pisces and Mars Taurus activating with Mercury high degrees taurus has spun me in to battle, mate!!!...for 44 months,? but alas, says who ????? old worn out sabian symbols...destroy the cardinal cross traditions advice to you..:))Take the cardinal signs out of your chart.
Everyone else, stand or fight, consciousness cannot be placed in the old forms anymore...Arise TRUTH and KINDNESS...all religion is poison.
Posted by: Fawn Ryan | June 04, 2011 at 06:22 PM