by Robert Wilkinson
That's right - we're now in the heart of a few very volatile days. It began when Mars entered Cancer August 3, setting the square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto into motion. These are very challenging and dynamic aspects to two of the most powerful disruptive energies in creation.
I've already seen a couple of events involving very unexpected and disruptive energies in play in my own life over the past few days. This is heavily impacting any of us with a planet or sensitive point in the first 7 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. This means that those born the last week of March, June, September, and December will be affected in major ways.
(To note, my Uranus is at 6 Cancer, spiritual ruler of my 7th, and this has been a very unsettling time for my wife (7th house). This is an example of how aspects to our charts can work out through the people we're close to.)
Mars in Cancer is the trigger, showing that feelings are somewhat urgent, raw, "up close and personal" right now. Family issues or methods of supplying our needs could come front and center, with challenges to or from "the system," institutions, or an emergent sense of the need to be our independent and original self.
The void is in Libra, thus showing the problem and/or the solution to this T-square. T-squares can be integrative if we use the void energies productively, so be the best Libra energy you can be. Use diplomacy, moderation, different perspectives, a sense of what's fair and just, or simply ask for a dozen small favors rather than a couple of large ones.
Mars opposition Pluto and Mars square Uranus are both very volatile and inflexible aspects where we must be cautious so the energies don't spin out of control in a New York minute! Be careful around unbending, corrosive, dishonest, or willful people, or situations where the more you are involved the more your gears are jammed. This requires taking nothing for granted, being very cautious when dealing with nasty or extreme people, and learning to be skillful in displaying your originality or genius.
The generations most affected are earlier ones born 12/1936, 5-10/1937, 2-3/1938, 5-6 and 9-10/1939, 1/1940, 6-7/1942, 10/1942-10/1945, 5-7/1946, 6/1949-7/1950, 11/1950-5/1951, 8/1951-1/1952, 5-7/1952, 3-9/1954, 10/1955, 12/1956-2/1957, 5/1957, 8-9/1957, and 11/1957-3/1961.
Newer generations most affected are those born 4/1963, 9-11/1965, 5-6/1966, 12/1966, 3-4/1967, 10/1967-1/1968, 6/1968, 11/1968-10/1969, 1-8/1970, 10/1971-11/1975, 5-9/1976, 8-12/1977, 4-5/1978, 9/1980-9/1981, 12/1981, 4-6/1982, 1-3/1984, 6-10/1984, 2/1985-12/1990, 9-10/1991, 1/1992, 4-5/1992, 9-11/1992, and 4-9/1993.
Anyway, take it easy the next few days, since things could get very strange very quickly! When in doubt, be moderate, balanced, charming, and gracious in the face of these fairly heavy handed energies.
On a final note, the void in early Libra will require that we remember the Saturn skills we developed in late 2009 and early 2010 that we began to incorporate into our methods of living August and September 2010. Be your "greatness," put your teaching into practice, and restore the balance and/or perspective however that's appropriate to your circumstances.
Copyright © 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Your Highness,
My Uranus is also 6 at the end of the 3d house....It rules my 11th....from Aries rising point of view. So I could be having friend problems? Or can I use Leo rising and have partnership issues?
Posted by: chickie | August 07, 2011 at 09:29 PM
This looks like a perfect divine plan being played out by the universe. It was a T-Square of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in the middle of 2010 with a void in Cancer that taught us to manage our emotions. Now with those lessons complete, it's EXAM TIME! Saturn has moved away from early Libra saying "OK, now let me see how well you all have learnt what I taught!" Saturn in the first decan of Libra is all about managing our relationships judiciously, especially with Superiors and Authority figures. Now with the void in early Libra, we have to show how well we have absorbed what Saturn was trying to teach us earlier.
May we all come out with flying colours. GOD BLESS US ALL!
Posted by: Animesh Banerji | August 07, 2011 at 10:49 PM
You can say this again - things are veryvery intense with my 83 yr old Dad right now, unfortunately don't have his exact time of birth (he had another stroke yesterday, in the brain stem, but he's still fighting). But whew. Is the turmoil of this year ever going to come to an end?? :O (I know it's for my long term evolutionary growth, but still...can I take a time out?!?! :)
Judy, South Africa
Posted by: Judy Croome | August 07, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Dearest Robert,
Thank you for the advice..Got my shares of this the past few days..headache but I decided to move myself away for awhile from the situation and people... :) By diplomacy and grace,absolutely the best way..Thank you dearest Robert..hope to hear from you soon....
Posted by: preencess | August 08, 2011 at 02:48 PM
my Mercury and Saturn are 4 and 6 Libra, sun at 10...whew...!
any advice, Robert...?
and by the way, many many thanks for your wonderful and insightful favorite astrologer....
Posted by: Kit | August 08, 2011 at 07:30 PM
And the old paradigm is giving way all over the world, the artificial world of global capitalism. We must be ever so sensitive on what we begin to replace it with; the personal reflects the cultural and vice-versa.
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | August 08, 2011 at 10:27 PM
Dear Robert,
I am among those most affected, the last earlier ones.
Sincere thanks for this warning.
Posted by: Cris | August 09, 2011 at 04:00 AM
Hi Beth in So Cal, I'm focussing on working for instead of fighting against. I'm thinking if one works only to tear something down, there is nothing to replace it, and innocent folks will suffer in the process as pandemonium breaks out. It seems really important to think things through before acting to effect any long range change. Everyday everyway.
Posted by: caliban | August 09, 2011 at 06:09 AM
Hi Animesh Banerji, you do have a point. It took me a long time being dizzy with the 'what up with this', and being angry, before I could settle down and accept and deal. It takes alot of thoughtful communication and as Robert has written patience patience patience. Because well, things just always aren't the way they are presented. I could be guilty of that too, I guess. Words, words, words. I need to listen more closely.
Posted by: caliban | August 09, 2011 at 06:40 AM
Hi Rob! I have Neptune in the first house at 7 degrees Libra. First house cusp is 15 d. 59' Virgo, ruler Mercury. Lately I have been putting together correlations of ancient esoteric knowledge regarding the Antahkarana. I have been feverishly cross-referencing several books I've had around for years but never had opened them until now. I have been putting Angelica essential oil on my crown chakra because I have been feeling the urge to do so. And last Sunday I received an esoteric acupuncture treatment specifically called Antakarana !!!!! All in all, my mind is quite blown. And I am loving it.
P.S. You did my life horoscope reading years ago when you lived in Austin. I still have it and the tape recording of it. Went by a diffent last name then.
Posted by: Jeannie Goldwire | August 09, 2011 at 06:19 PM
It's interesting to note that in addition to Mars T square and Mercury Rx, Mars opposes 4 Capricorn, the huge lunar eclipse of the dragon's head of 6-26-2010 marking defensive Mars energy to the culminating void emotional release point.
Posted by: claudia lientz | August 10, 2011 at 07:43 AM
Hi claudia lientz, I grok your comment totally. Except I think my self denying tension goes back alot further than 6-26-2010, like maybe to somewhere around the time of my birth.
Posted by: caliban | August 10, 2011 at 08:25 PM