by Robert Wilkinson
Last week Neptune slipped back into Aquarius from Pisces, where it stays through January 2012. As I've offered before, this span is the "cusp of the Age," where the Age of Pisces will give way to the Age of Aquarius sometime in the third quarter of this century, the "Summer of the 21st Century."
Neptune was at 1 Pisces between April 4-5 and August 4-5 2011. I wrote a bit about this important point in early April. From one piece:
... remember that 30 Aquarius and 1 Pisces is the exact point of "the cusp of the Age," where our past 2000 year Age of Pisces will soon give way to the coming 2000 year Age of Aquarius.This long wave "sea change" will shift collective consciousness away from the materialism of Neptune in Capricorn and the electronic village of Neptune in Aquarius, and offer us all a constant ability to feel our common humanity, and choose the way of compassion or the way of isolation, the way of interrelatedness or the way of drifting into the unknown. This will open all of us to a greater feeling experience, even if there are few if any words to describe it with any precision.
I've included some recent and not-so-recent articles regarding Neptune in Pisces and what's happening regarding the coming Age of Aquarius at the end of this post. Reviewing what I said about Neptune in Pisces may help explain some of the past few months, and offers a glimpse of the long wave feeling-field we'll all be living within beginning 2012. For now, though, Neptune has slipped back into Aquarius, giving us one look back at the culminating degrees of that sign. These can teach us much about what we're all learning at the "End of the Age."
Neptune will occupy 30 Aquarius through September 11, and then will move into 29 Aquarius, the degree where it goes stationary direct on Nov 9. Expect major developments around that time, since every time one of the Transpersonal Invisible "Outers" goes retrograde or direct there are usually obvious global events that take place.
It will remain at 29 Aquarius until Jan 4, 2012, when it will again move forward through 30 Aquarius through Feb 3, 2012, when it will again re-enter Pisces where it will be through January 2026, marking the end of the "Winter of the 21st Century" and the beginning of the "Spring of the 21st Century."
For now, contemplate the subtle widespread shift from Pisces to Aquarius, since this has happened exactly like the precessional point marking the beginning of the New Age. The precessional point moves backwards from 1 Pisces to 30 Aquarius, and Neptune has now done exactly the same thing.
Through our Neptunian sensitivity and practices that help us access this vast feeling-field, we should be able to get glimpses of what this larger transitional period is about, and learn how to position ourselves for maximum effectiveness during the next decades of shift. In your meditations feel your connectedness with the vast collective field, and open to Aquarian visions of our individual and collective "Light Nature," and get ready to break free of your chrysalis.
The next few months will help those who are ready to dissolve tendencies of separateness, preparing us to enter a vaster field of Light-Life. This is where we learn about our true nature, and find others in our Light Field where we all shine together.
And of course I'll compose more about this important historical season in the near future. Until then, here are the articles I promised you earlier.
Are We In The Age of Aquarius Or Still In The Age of Pisces?
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
What a beautiful and inspiring article, Robert. What you say gives me such hope and comfort. I was beginning to feel "despair" of the world even while knowing it was wrong to feel that way.
Thank you,Robert, for uplifting me.
Sue G.
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | August 09, 2011 at 11:02 AM
Your articles are very helpful. Especially the last two although I read them just about everyday. Whats helpful here is the choice between separatness or compassion; unknown or interrelatedness. Reminds me that forgiveness is the key. Thanks again.
p.s. I have done a lot of research on the web and this is the only website out of hundreds that i return to.
Posted by: jo | August 09, 2011 at 11:39 AM
Thanks speaking of which I have just finished Drunvalo's book The Serpent of Light, making my way through Living in the Heart, and Volume One of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
Really amazing stuff. Neptune will be going over my Saturn in Aquarius at 29 d again. I will look back and see what things I learned and may need to review.
Posted by: Micheline | August 09, 2011 at 03:55 PM
Oh, to be alive to see it...
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | August 09, 2011 at 04:44 PM
What a rude transition from pisces to aquarius. Wah wah! But useful. Am experiencing transit-o-rama. No natal planet untouched. Journaled a half dozen pages. What an equation to sort through everything. Re-grounding. It feels good.
Posted by: caliban | August 10, 2011 at 08:46 PM