by Robert Wilkinson
And also the Vernal Equinox down under!! The Autumnal Equinox occurs Sept 23, 2011, at 2:05 am PDT, 10:10 am Greenwich daylight time, marking the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. It is said that a chart done for this point in time offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.
Today is the last day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Winter in the Southern. There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended and what is emerging. We up North have done our Summer labor, and are reaping the harvest of what we've done and not done. In the Southern latitudes, they're beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days.
So if you're "down under," it's the beginning of Spring and beautiful weather. Just remember to have a little compassion for us up here when December 21-22, the Winter Solstice, rolls around and we're freezing while you're enjoying the beach!
Whether North or South, keep following through on the emergent archetypes you've already begun to live, since this is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
The Autumnal Equinox finds 2 Leo rising in Santa Monica, 6 Leo in Vancouver, 27 Leo in Lima, 11 Virgo in Montreal, 7 Virgo in Washington DC, 7 Libra in Rio,4 Scorpio in London, 7 Scorpio in Amsterdam, 13 Scorpio in Berlin, 16 Scorpio in Tallinn, 26 Scorpio in Sofia, 8 Sagittarius in Cairo, and 29 Sagittarius in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 14 Capricorn in Abbottabad, 22 Capricorn in New Delhi, 30 Capricorn in Trivandrum, 23 Aquarius in Bangkok, 7 Pisces in Hong Kong, 13 Aries in Tokyo, 17 Pisces in Perth, 11 Aries in Melbourne, 19 Aries in Brisbane, 4 Taurus in Wellington, and 22 Gemini rising on Maui (Sep 22).
The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. This Autumn Equinox chart shows a majority of planets in the first decan of their signs, with two each in the second or third decan of their signs. This indicates a three month period of activity involving a lot of actional, physical, and material focus, with a lesser degree of social, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual focus.
The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Northern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Southern. The Sun is now in Libra, promising enhanced and expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new ways of measuring and evaluating the balance in things, and new perspectives that offer us a well rounded understanding.
The outstanding quality of this Equinox chart is the Sun vitalizing the Cardinal T-square recently set into motion by Venus. This continues to help us fracture old habits and responses, and through integrating the energies involved we can see a whole different level of effectiveness and a larger life.
It definitely indicates that the next 3 months will feature this T-square prominently, with reorienting decisions, getting out beyond the known and familiar, and the wreckage of whatever would block our emergent life purpose set in motion Summer 2010. You can find out more about that powerful time of embracing new archetypes in our lives by revisiting Mars conjunct Saturn at 1 Libra.
As Venus occupies the same degree in this chart where Saturn went stationary direct in June 2011, the coming season will offer us chances to appreciate and find value in the kindness and instruction we've received and/or practiced since then. You can find out more about Saturn's lessons cut loose since late June by going to The Solar Eclipse at 10 Cancer July 1, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest? As that Eclipse is still in force, this Autumn will bring Venusian expressions of the Saturn lessons in play since then.
Pluto will again prove important in the coming season, as it does in the charts at every change of season during this time in history. That's because Pluto has been in very early Capricorn, and thus square, opposed, or conjunct the Sun at every Solstice and Equinox chart. Though last year's Autumn Equinox chart was the last one where it made a very close square to the Sun, it's still close enough to be in strong effect, especially with the close square from Uranus in early Aries made very powerful through the close opposition with the Sun in this chart.
These Sun-Pluto aspects have been challenging us all since 2007 to find confidence in the midst of chaotic conditions, and use self-discipline and deep insights to pioneer in new directions. If the Solstice and Equinox charts show the weather patterns to come, this chart would seemingly indicate some extremes on the way, especially since the very unpredictable Uranus is part of the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto T-square!
A Sun square Pluto releases a lot of energy, and either blocks or propels events. That's because squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a "turning of a corner" in other things. Squares to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity.
Given that Pluto is one of the anchors of The Grand Irrationality, when squared it releases a lot of energy precipitating situations that move people to make choices that propel them into their destiny. This of course began to roll forward in a huge way due to the Summer 2010 Cardinal T-square involving Pluto, and now that the Sun again occupies Saturn's late July-early August 2010 position, we can definitely expect things related to that T-square to power up!
I've written about the Cardinal squares and oppositions to Pluto in several Equinox and Solstice articles over the past couple of years. You can also find more by re-visiting The Coming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 which also has internal links to articles about each of the squares and oppositions and what they mean.
There's more about the specific lessons of Saturn in early Libra square Pluto in early Capricorn, the structure for what the current T-square is about, in the article Is It Saturn Square Pluto That's Giving Me A Hard Time, or Something Else? And in Who Is the Saturn in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn Most Impacting? you will see which birthdays and generations have been and continue to be impacted every time a Cardinal T-square is set into motion at this time in history.
The Sun squared Uranus in the June 2010 Solstice chart, conjuncted it in the March 2011 Equinox chart, and squared it again in the June 2011 Solstice chart. It now opposes it, creating a major line of tension between the Great Light and the Revolutionizer. Expect this to be a season where major upheavals and revolutions continue to be in the air!
In any Sun-Uranus affliction, there is a need to control willfulness and erraticism, and turn those high tension energies toward finding inner values that the world will recognize and reward, and stop making excuses for non-action. These energies help us rise to some urgency we care about, and bring forth our unique genius wherever this opposition falls in our charts. Develop "social intuition," and be wholehearted in pursuing "the goals that really appeal to you."
As with the passing season, this is a time of decision, using our "free will" to demonstrate our wisdom and training as they have gestated over the long haul. It is a time when we can find a renewed sense of purpose and ways of creatively expressing that purpose as well as the higher genius of Self.
The planets in this chart are again in a See Saw Jones pattern, defined by the Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus energies on one side opposing the span of inner planets occupying Leo, Virgo, and Libra. Where a SeeSaw pattern is present, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don't get off on a tangent or limb. This offers a need to be able to see both sides of any given thing, especially where there are opposing trends or views. The strength is in an ability to triangulate to angles of approach beyond the polarity that allows for progress and understanding.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn are all very strong in this Equinox chart, since the first 2 are in their home signs, Mars is said to be in the sign of its "joy," and Saturn is exalted in Libra, showing its grounds for greatest growth. This makes Mercury and Venus "final dispositors," showing they determine the backdrop energies generating types of movement according to their natures.
The third quarter Moon in early Leo indicates we shall have opportunities to build structures and philosophies for the future that will show us a relative permanence and stability upon which we can build those forms. We'll be able to learn how spiritual and/or abstract principles can be applied to practical everyday affairs, and codify a "recent independence."
The Moon makes a sextile to Venus, square to Jupiter, quintile to Saturn, and quincunx to Pluto. Overall, very productive of strength in relationships showing us specialized gifts via what we've learned about being kind in our communications. Through adjustments we'll see how to "master discouragement" and "reach beyond established forms." Here the "chickens come home to roost," showing us all a Cosmic balance and perspective.
Besides the Moon, all the other planets make a ton of forming aspects, showing us things to come over the next 13 weeks! Mercury conjuncts the Sun and opposes Uranus, though it's out of sign, diminishing its influence. Venus, ruler of the Sun and Saturn, quintiles Mars, conjuncts Saturn, and sesquisquares Neptune, and the Sun sextiles Mars while driving the T-square. Finishing the forming aspect, Jupiter is quadranovile Saturn, decile Uranus, and again trines Pluto, showing it's a great time to solidify the seeds of power and transformation. Practical imagination drives transcendence!
Mars is very powerful in this chart, as it squares Jupiter, quintiles Saturn, is exactly trine Uranus, and makes a triseptile to Neptune, finishing up the activation of the decisions made during the time the Grand Irrationality has been in effect the past several days. Innovations and original thinking is favored, as are specialized perspectives, "gifts of mature view," independent thinking that will quickly open doors, and an understanding of how to plan several moves ahead of what is going on. All of these can be demonstrated through stabilizing a new dedication while leaving the past behind. Plan anew as you turn back to what was always true for you anyway.
Mercury in Virgo will help us be aware of details and communications as they lead us to practical ideas, views, and understanding. These will naturally lead to critical decisions about how to respond to the challenges of us becoming the emergent archetype we've already experienced.
The trick to keeping it all on track involves learning to name our feelings and experience of things as we lose some things while attracting others. Many will experience the sense of emerging from a cocoon over the next 90 days, which should lead directly to a sense of belonging to a greater whole or the need to take on a larger role in the world.
If you need to heal in some way, you may need temporary secluded circumstances for self-protection. The line of Greatest Development is to accept the protection we've given as we play with powerful natural energies. Open to a greater, more independent future that will prove more stable than the one you're living right now.
The Venus conjunct Saturn indicates there is something to be learned and/or taught about the consequences that have come down since January involving energies that were out of balance, or perspectives that were needlessly rigid or too theoretical to be sustained. This challenges us to be fair and balanced as we find a new rhythm in our life actions, and open to less rigid ways of relating to others.
Be clear and balanced about your duties, responsibilities, and relational boundaries. Try not to get too critical, nit-picky, or worried about things that can't be solved by your worrying, and be willing to embrace your archetypal function to find a more balanced kindness in your communications. The exceptionally favorable aspects between the Moon and Mars in Leo to the Sun, Venus, and Saturn in Libra promise some very heart-felt interactions with others that should be strengthening to all, and with Uranus anchoring a major opposition-sextile-trine, great progress will be found wherever we have early Aquarius in our charts.
The separating Mercury septile Moon and Mars, with Moon and Mercury both separating triseptile to Neptune, shows the Grand Irrationality phase we've just completed. You can find which zones are most affected in the Grand Irrationality article linked above. However, with Mars still forming its triseptile to Neptune at this Equinox, while we may have completed some major decisions at a critical fork in the road of our destinies, you can bet that the coming 13 weeks will bring Martian manifestations related to these recent choices.
Other separating aspects, showing things we've just gone through, include Moon sextile Sun, conjunct Mars, and trine Uranus, Mercury sesquisquare Jupiter, Venus quincunx Jupiter, opposition Uranus, and square Pluto, and Sun quincunx Neptune. It would seem like we've all had to make major adjustments as a result of unexpected conditions, most of which were annoying but not productive of crises.
However, the separating Venus square Pluto does show we've had to get clear about who has been frustrating us, getting us lost in loose ends, or preventing us from getting definite results in some life area. We had to turn a corner in those relationships, even leaving them behind if necessary to restore harmony, justice, or balance. It's definitely been the wreckage of whatever or whoever would block our ability to live our ideal.
All of this seems to indicate a productive and gifted time of great heart strength and inventiveness, helping us to more stable visions, dreams, and methods. This will be a very inspired time, but feelings will take a back seat to ideas, theories, and practical understandings. Find your feelings and allow yourself to experience things without staying stuck in mind and action. Allow the new and different to emerge, and note the new stability in your life.
We should all be in a much more pleasant head and heart space by the time of the Winter Solstice on December 21st, 9:30 pm PST, 12:30 am EST December 22, 5:30 am Greenwich time. To note, that Solstice happens about 60 hours before the New Moon falling at 3 Capricorn, and features a very close Sun trine Jupiter and square Uranus. Protective, blessings, volatile, and revolutionary!
So this season continues the beginnings launched the past 15 months, and stabilizes a larger life, a greater dedication, and activates us, helping us to "get on the warpath." We are all being led out into a greater reality and function, and the consequences of the past 9 months will continue to loom large as we navigate more mature and balanced relationships. Very unique experiences are on the way these next 13 weeks, with unexpected gifts and innovations showing us how independent we really are!
Keep finding new perspectives and rhythms of action in the social realm. Make balanced incremental adjustments as you commit to a greater ideal and role to play. This time will stabilize a greater Way, Truth, and Life in our lives, so remember since "you're gonna have to serve somebody," it may as well be your highest, most effective and enjoyable Self.
Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Faithful to my daily «rendez-vous» it’s with great pleasure that I discovered "The Autumnal Equinox finds 11 Virgo in Montreal"
Thank you very much,
Posted by: Joëlle | September 22, 2011 at 04:32 PM
The vernal equinox down here in perth at 17 pisces is exact conj my natal "asteroid Karma" in my 5th house. its been a long and trying time for me, but this actually feels really good, i am more than happy with this. Thanks Robert, i have felt like at breaking point this last few days and keep saying "its break through not break down" and your writing inspiring hope have helped alot.
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | September 22, 2011 at 05:58 PM
Dear Robert,
I am really touched that you took your time to answer my long letter. It’s clear to me that I need to put a foot on the brake to stop a long and dark monologue.
I realize inwardly that I feel much more anger than I care to admit.
In a previous article you wrote «Do what you can, but don't adopt the habits of people who don't know where they're going or why they're going there. »
I think I have fallen into this trap.
I return to reread the archives regarding the lessons of Saturn's return and the others articles. I preserved them since I have to translate them.
You tell « If you demand a revelation within the next 7 days it will come. » I shall make it but also by making the effort to not put too much expectation.
Allow me to explain.
For a long time I have dreams and I often had the impression to be a tool between the «other-side » and the persons whom I meet. Everything is there clear and without symbols. For these people the results positive and are short-term.
If I am personally concerned it's totally different. It happens too many years between the dream and the event. When this dream comes back in my memory it’s too late. I’m in the heart of the event (or in the heart of the storm).
Other dreams have an incomprehensible language as " The important is not to be before your time but to be just on time" or " We do not empty you we polish you ". I miss probably subtlety and the message remains obscure.
Now I will read some of your articles and I will also reflect on two sentences of your letter: « No door can remain closed unless it's simply not true for us. In that case, stop trying to open a locked door …» and « It may be that the only thing you don't understand is that despair has no useful function if you are to begin living a new life and a new experience. » The «other-side» said to me: «We polish you». It’s perhaps a little of what you just did.
If Jupiter is in conjunction with my natal Moon next year may be the "Dragon" can understand what it means to be «just on time».
I saw you quickly included in the Lunation calculations. It’s a real pleasure to see that you are faster than Saturn.
Thank you for everything,
Aum and blessings,
Posted by: Joëlle | September 22, 2011 at 10:15 PM
The wheel in the sky keeps on turning!
Posted by: Deb Marcoux | September 23, 2011 at 06:57 AM