by Robert Wilkinson
Part 1 covered many essential elements of this Libra New Moon. Today we'll discuss significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Lunation chart which show us the need to unite with those who share our "heart fire," and move into a greater appreciation of others and the beauty that's all around us.
Since the Summer featured TWO New Moon Solar Eclipses, it's safe to say many things across the world have been and continue to shut down, especially those things connected to Gemini and Cancer energy forms. We've been challenged to a more authentic expression as we've shut down old limitations, roles, and duties. We were shown how some things had become "bankrupt," with old ideas, feelings, habits, and perspectives moving into our rear view mirror.
If we did our purifications as we went through our "liberating ordeal" in August, we were offered new vision, new creativity, new playfulness, a new sense of adventure, and hints of our immortal Self. September brought opportunities to demonstrate simple and practical skills within situations that are going up and down, around and around.
Now we've moving into more authentic relationships, with major creative productivity in the air. Many of the same configurations are in play as in the Autumnal Equinox, with a spotlight on the Cardinal T-square made from the Lunation in Libra via the opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto.
I wrote a lot about how the T-square works in that article, so please take a new look at it when you're done here. The focus continues to be on figuring out what we need, what we care about, and/or how to protect the new roles and initiatives we've embraced the past 22 months.
This Lunation, coupled with the inner planets, creates a 5 planet stellium in Libra that sextiles and quintiles Mars in Leo. These are opposed by the span stretching from Pluto in early Capricorn through Jupiter in early Taurus. This creates a "See Saw" Jones pattern, where all the of the inner planets and Saturn oppose 4 outer planets.
I also wrote about this See Saw energy in the Autumn Equinox article linked above, so again, check that post out after you're done here. This particular See Saw indicates that the practical/material understanding we're getting via the Jupiter trine Pluto in Earth signs is balanced and externalized by the productive and specialized Leo-Libra energies.
The Earth trine continues to reinforce the Grand Earth trine energies of last month's New Moon in Virgo. We've been through a month that offered us a very harmonized practical energy between our feelings, life, and relationships (Moon, Sun, Venus), higher mind (Jupiter), and the ongoing Transformative seed power of Pluto.
This trine should have helped us weave stability, harmony, and understanding wherever we have the early degrees of the Earth and Water signs in our charts, especially through seeing the seeds of long range stability in finances and values. We are now in a 7 month phase where we can see which seeds to nurture, and what parts of our "garden of personality and life" we want and need to tend.
Recent events should have shown us what characterizes people and situations by seeing their salient features, and now we know what is true and what isn't through the specific information we were shown. The coming month will show us a greater dedication and service that should open our imagination to an even greater role to play than we thought before now.
Now, and for many months into the future, we will have either a Splay, See-Saw, or Locomotive configuration, depending on the positions of the inner planets and the Moon. That means Saturn will no longer be the nozzle focusing all the other planetary energies until Spring 2013, when the spans will be wide enough again for Saturn to become the nozzle. However, since Saturn will then be in Scorpio, we are now done with Saturn in Libra being the energy focusing all the other planetary energies.
It is useful to think of this as a time when all our experience begins with a Pluto in Capricorn type of energy, proceeds through Neptune in Aquarius and Chiron in Pisces, awakening into a Uranus in Aries experience, and then solidifies and envisions through Jupiter in early Taurus. This pattern will hold until Jupiter moves into Gemini.
At this time, the inner planets in Leo and Libra show our experience can be focused through these houses in our chart, with major information, ideas, relationships, and opportunities indicated by the stellium of 5 planets in Libra. As long as we don't get too theoretical, idealistic, or act out of competitive pride, we should be able to find elegant, balanced, and graceful ways to express the metaphysical lessons of the outer planets balancing the pattern. Basically, the Venus conjunction with Saturn is helping us complete the Capricorn through Taurus span of understanding and stabilization.
So the houses where we have Capricorn, late Aquarius, early Aries and early Taurus are active, expressing themselves through the houses where we have early Leo and all of Libra. The general theme is that we have finished what needs finishing to adjust to entering a new power and efficiency. This has brought us clarity, stability, and/or understanding despite the gear grinds over the last 10 weeks.
Overall, we have been offered opportunities to live a more mature and structured peace in our lives, or being at peace, we could find a new spiritual authorship with profound depth knowledge of the seeds of future situations. We now can balance and move into new perspectives to stabilize this peace, spiritual authorship, and harmonized clarity about the seeds of what is, and what could be. Again, since there is so much Libra energy, go for the beauty in situations, people, and possibilities.
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon and the inner planets in Leo and Libra make several very important forming aspects.
The Moon and Sun in this Lunation make forming conjunctions with Venus and Saturn, and very strong sextiles to Mars. This will show us the value and beauty in the responsibilities we've taken on the past 2 years, and give us insights into what is out of balance so we can find techniques of how to even some things out, or bring a fairer perspective to some interaction.
The New Moon also makes a tight biquintile to Neptune and square to Pluto. The biquintile should bring us highly specialized interactions that help us break out of our chrysalis that directly relate to the periods of December 2009, February-March 2010, and July-August 2010. The Sun square Pluto was discussed at length in the Equinox article, as well as how the oppositions and squares from Libra work out.
Generally, we've been challenged to find the inner values that life can recognize and reward, and rise to some urgency or emergency that shows us the way to success. Now it's just a question of finding the core philosophy or view that help us navigate all the partial stirring and often-chaotic developments that swirl around us. Identify with a larger life or cause, find self-confidence through deep insight and a strong self-discipline, and don't get distracted by the white noise and collective dread and uncertainty.
Other important forming aspects made by the inner planets include Mercury conjunct the Lunation, Venus, and Saturn, sextile Mars, biquiintile both Jupiter and Neptune, and square to Pluto. These will show us how a new day has dawned in our lives, and how to maintain our inner equilibrium while not getting distracted by others' pessimism. We're being led out beyond the known and familiar into a new dimension of Being and self-expression, once recklessness is curbed and that which could deflect us from our higher purpose encounters Pluto and is annihilated or transformed from its core out.
As for the rest of the planets, we see Venus forming a quintile to Mars as it conjuncts Saturn, Mars square Jupiter and quintile Saturn, and Jupiter quadranovile Saturn, decile Uranus, and trine Pluto. The Venus, Mars, and Saturn aspects promise some very unique circumstances and gifts, if we can cheerfully repair what needs repairing, and see ways to admire different value systems rather than get into angry, prideful, or stupid confrontations that go everywhere and nowhere.
Regard it as a productive time where we can do some specialized planning in the areas of resources, relationships, responsibilities, creativity, children, and natural self-expression. These can be demonstrated through a grand style that refuses all that is petty or petulant. Let go of getting involved in disputes of no real purpose or meaning to you personally, while opening to new adventures that tear you away from the known and familiar.
Be more focused in attracting relationships you could deepen with and through, and regard it as a "mystery ritual" you're presiding over that may involve conflict due to increasing the pressure, and an opportunity to pull back from old projections so you can plan anew. Here we confront issues of the ideal versus the reality, and move away from old unsustainable roles projected through the eyes of others.
There are three dynamic configurations at work in this Lunation. There is the strong Cardinal T-square, helping us integrate these energies and release through powerful reorientations. There is the equally strong opposition-sextile-trine made by Uranus, Mars, and Mercury, Moon, and Sun throwing powerful productive energy into early Aquarius.
Then there is the subtle, but very strong and specializing Mercury double biquintile Jupiter and Neptune, offering us glimpses and signals of what the Jupiter quintile Neptune unique gifts and circumstances of late August and early September promised all of us. Ultimately, we'll see these promises fulfilled when Jupiter exactly quintiles Neptune in late March through mid-April 2012.
The recent Jupiter quintile Neptune was never quite exact, but it did indicate a threshold state where we could cultivate unique qualities of imagination and intuition related to opportunities and ability to sense subtleties in collective consciousness. Most stimulated were/are those with points around 29 Aquarius-1 Pisces, 11-13 Taurus, 23-25 Cancer, 5-7 Libra, and 17-19 Sagittarius. Birthdays where the light of uniqueness may be seen include early May, mid-July, late September, and mid-December.
As I said, these impressions will bear huge rewards and important gifts in late March through mid-April 2012 when Jupiter makes an exact quintile to Neptune, fulfilling another promise of this Lunation. As both planets advance by that time, those most stimulated in unique ways or offered highly specialized circumstances in which to practice their gifts are those with planets or points near 2-4 Pisces, 14-16 Taurus, 26-28 Cancer, 8-10 Libra, 29 Sagittarius-1 Capricorn, and birthdays around late February, early May, mid July, early October, and late December.
Though separating until December 2011, Uranus square Pluto is still a major influence, but as Pluto is harmonized by the very favorable Jupiter trine, we are afforded clear insight into the what, why, and how of things. And it's entirely possible that as very harmonious Pluto spiritual transformational energies are set into motion, we can turn away from, or efficiently utilize, the very intense and volatile energies of the square.
Remember that a trine facilitates flow, for good or bad. A square releases energies, whether through putting the brakes on something or turning a corner. In this case the Jupiter trine Pluto shows us how to understand, build, and stabilize through Pluto, and release those Plutonic seeds through Uranus showing us the way to individuation, repotentialization, and a new Divine initiative in our lives.
Just consider if the risk is worth the reward, and if so, find your unique ways to do what you have to do using your Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence in Its creative aspect. Jupiter trine Pluto in this chart (and all year) shows a practical stability as we go deeper into unknown zones, core understanding, and profound insights into seed forms and structures.
It's also a great time for using our practical imagination to further the seeds of a more stable future, and for purification and regeneration practices that stabilize our inner and outer resources. The Jupiterian promise can be released and demonstrated through the square to Mars, showing a powerfully magnetic time where we must learn a larger view and a more genuinely friendly disposition.
Saturn is now direct and has moved far out of range to the opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Soon Saturn will be quadranovile Uranus and quintile Pluto, a much different energy than the T-square!! While I'm sure it's a great relief to all, we're still learning to navigate the years' long global upheaval indicated by Uranus square Pluto mentioned earlier.
The separating aspects show reality already experienced, or things already set into motion. The Lunation is separating biquintile to Jupiter and opposition to Uranus. Mercury is separating opposition to Uranus, Venus is separating triseptile to Jupiter, sesquisquare to Neptune, and binovile to Pluto. Mars separates from its trine to Uranus, triseptile to Neptune, and quincunx to Pluto.
Taken together, these indicate a recent period of simultaneous unique interactions with nonrational people and events, unexpected oppositions and hard adjustments breaking some thing down so we could search for new information, as well as ways to master discouragement as we saw a newer higher dedication. These produced a new truth, new futures, new philosophical views, and a new independence based in a renewed sense of youthfulness in some life area.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 4 Libra, "A group around a campfire." While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
According to Rudhyar this degree is one of "fellowship of higher ideals that sustains the individuals on their arduous path to Reality," and "Mellow participation in life." He goes on to state in the Mandala that the keynote for this degree is "the necessity to unite with kindred spirits as one enters unbeaten paths illumined by the still-insecure light of a dawning intuition of new values."
He goes on to say that this degree leads "the pioneer" in us to "the wilds" in any effort to "create a new society and respond to new values." Here we need to commune with other "around the fire of a common dedication" to form "a chalice... for the reception of creative inspiration." This is a technique to build new social forms and mechanisms when we can commune with those who share our "central fire," which can "in-spirit the group."
This is a degree where we are shown a technique that can help us in acting positively to embrace a new archetype of living, creating, and being with others who share our hopes and dreams. Rudhyar says it falls in the span of Expectation, the Process of Collectivization, Act of Group-Integration, and the Scene of Transfiguration on the Actional level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find this degree symbolizes "an initial or uncritical consummation of group experience," where we find our "unconditioned capacity" to associate with "our kind" without feeling inhibited. He states that "any reality broader than a simple self-concern must have its origin in common functions where any responsibility becomes the expression of identity rather than a divergence in interest."
He states the keyword is AMIABILITY. He goes on to say that when positive, this degree is "special skill in building an everyday morale and in sustaining an effective structure for further and greater objectives in life."
So over the next 4 weeks this Lunation will help us find relationships where we can be ourselves, within which we can find common functions that express elements of our unique personal and interactive interests. As both Venus and Saturn exercise a powerful and overriding influence in this Lunation, joyously take responsibility for repairing things so that what what was/is out of balance is brought into a more fair and just perspective.
Over the past 18 weeks we've done our battles, showing us our independence and freedom from an old fate so we can participate in more important things. At best we cut our losses and let go of profitless efforts, people, and activities that just wasted our time. Many meltdowns so that new forms could present themselves, and as I noted last month, our Soul modified its self-expression through decisions where we mobilized our ambition according to our own standards.
Of the planets that rule signs, there are 6 in Air, 2 planets in Fire signs, 2 in Earth, and none in Water. This preponderance of Air (relational and interactive) shows it should be great for socializing, interacting, and finding more beautiful ideas, actions, relations, and duties.
Fire (inspiring and illuminating) and Earth (practical and material) are well balanced, showing we can find inspired ways of doing things and expressing our natural energies during this time. The insufficiency of Water indicates that feelings are both lacking and under pressure. Find ways to be as sympathetic and caring as possible as you use inspired new ideals and ideas to ground practical activity.
Pluto in Capricorn continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. Since Spring we've been learning about a new role we can enjoy playing, and now that Pluto has gone stationary direct, we get to follow through in an all out mobilization to assert that role on our own terms.
As discussed earlier, through the harmonious trine from Jupiter these next 6+ months keeping the Earth energies well stabilized, we can safely purify what needs purifying and be leaner and more solidly able to rely on our material and non-material resources. Pluto now allows us to release the potential and ride the waves of the new archetypal roles we began to live in 2009-2010, using gentle and balanced forms of will power, training, maturity, and sense of our new roles to play to move into new vistas, new worlds, new lives, and new ways of doing our Being.
The next 4 weeks is a time to adjust the balance and refine the ideal, working with what's left now that we've let go of the past in practical steady ways the past 17 weeks. Thanks to the recent Solar Eclipses, we are still being liberated from the ghosts of the past and letting go of burdens we no longer need to bear.
Having found at least some of what we've been looking for and opened to new ways of doing our Being, we can be more natural in our search for deeper insights into meaning and processes as we reach out to new and more complex and/or responsible vistas of potential interactions.
Due to the Jupiter in Taurus influence that will be with us for about a year, keep finding gentle, simple, and stable ways to move into your new life while becoming part of the "corrective force of Nature Herself." In practicing our unique individuality we can become the answer to some collective need, whether large or small. This is the time to define who you are apart from any inner or outer neutralizing factors that keep you from awakening to your uniqueness.
Due to recent larger influences, we continue to have chances to adjust our perspective and become more natural and joyous. Over the past several weeks we've all gotten at least one new look at old ideas and ways of coordinating our lives on our terms. We now can have more confidence in simply "being ourselves" as we allow the ageless Divine Wisdom to act through us, and can leave behind old ideas and memories that kept us split internally.
This period is showing us the baseline platform for the further extension into our emergent archetypes that demonstrate our authentic self. We saw the emergence of concrete forms of those images from August 2010 to January 2011, and now that we've done the review related to past and present actions creating present and future consequences, we're moving into the next phase of our quest. Here any destructive social patterns show us a need for initiative and a "more challenging perspective."
Here we continue to secure conditions, values, and resources while doing practical work that serves a greater purpose. Some major "forks in the road of destiny" are behind us, and we can now see what needs continued intense activation, as well as how a "new day has dawned" showing us the need for newer, more genuine relationships with those who share our heart, hope, or dedication.
As with last month, this is a time to think, gather and share information, and use a new vision to make practical decisions and do actions that demonstrate our artistry or balanced perspective, elegance, or values. After we think and envision, then decide and act, it's most important to go to our feelings about those decisions and actions.
What are we experiencing as a result of those decisions and actions? Knowing how and what we feel about recent actions will help us naturally flow into new ideas, new perspective, and a new vision of what we are to accomplish.
We have now had opportunities to clear the decks of nonproductive attitudes and marginal relationships while continuing to secure what we need to establish future potentials already in motion. There are sweet and elegant expressions and great opportunities to enjoy ourselves promised by this New Moon, all of which will show us how to concretize in functional forms the new beginnings of March through May 2011, and bring these to the surface of our lives.
All in all, despite the heavy Cardinal T-square helping us get clear about truths and falsehoods, it should be a very favorable Lunation for all of us with planets in the early degrees of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Take a look back at how recent "liberating ordeals" have brought up a deeper compassion from within you so you could find more natural and joyous ways to release and demonstrate your heart strengths.
We now have a new freedom of expression and association, so enjoy the growth, navigate the occasional challenges, open to the beauty, and open to the special circumstances that will show you how to allow your natural harmony and ideals to express themselves. Embrace a greater dedication and service, and keep finding the self confidence you need to embrace the new individuality you've been moving into since Summer 2010.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Very inspiring and of great help...! Thank you as always for your great work.
Posted by: Ilse | September 26, 2011 at 02:03 PM
beautiful, Robert...thank you so much.
Posted by: Kit | September 26, 2011 at 09:06 PM
Thank you
My birthday is on 29th and this is the best gift I could get :)
It relates to my solar chart and since I have Sa0SouthNode in 10 in early Cancer this T-square is making cardinal cross in my chart, and my Ju is in early Aquarius in 5 - yes, my heart will be full :)
I know Moon in Scorpio will square Mars, but I'll keep on learning marshal arts, so I hope those agresive energies will be used for gaining new (martian)knowledge.
Great article, thanks :)
Posted by: yzse | September 27, 2011 at 04:11 AM
Dear Robert,
Your sentence which I transcribe shows the general outline of what this trnsitional peiord is implying to a lot of us.
"The Moon and Sun in this Lunation make forming conjunctions with Venus and Saturn, and very strong sextiles to Mars. This will show us the value and beauty in the responsibilities we've taken on the past 2 years, and give us insights into what is out of balance so we can find techniques of how to even some things out, or bring a fairer perspective to some interaction."
When I think of all these 18 months taking care of my Mother and dealing with the sheer difficulty of it all, I can see "the value and beauty" of the "responsibilities we took on" for these many months.
How can we "even things out", when this slow decaying process is worsening day by day? Yet, it is true that we have recently learned how to find joy and also a bit of help in order to have some (even if very little) quality time for ourselves.
All the time I keep thinking that I should be dealing more easily with giving up on a lot to take care of Her who always took care of all. And we honor that the best we can. But I tend to feel guilty for feeling "imprisoned" by circumstances...
Also, it is terribly difficult to look at the physical body of a beloved Being who used to be brilliant and oh so very independent, and see Her reduced to a body who doesn't resemble Her anymore, except in the sense that She still seems to maintain her calm natural goodness.
Powerful but not always easy lessons during these 18 months...
Much truth in your blessed words.
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | September 27, 2011 at 07:08 AM
Robert dear,
Sorry to come back - some more of your words "tickle" my awareness:
"ways to master discouragement as we saw a newer higher dedication. These produced a new truth, new futures, new philosophical views, and a new independence based in a renewed sense of youthfulness in some life area."
In fact, in spite of all the difficulties I described in my previous post, it is true and astonishing that, in many ways, I feel that these constrictions in our life have forced us to discover what really inspires our Soul and that whenever the situation will work itself out, we will discover a new meaning to being able to be freer.
Sometimes, even through it all, there are blessed moments when one may feel a certain "youthfulness of the heart", if I may say it so.
Hopeful for the future - which does not mean that I do not love my Mum immensely, just that I miss Her being able to express herself and being that "sort of a Divine Bird" she used to be before getting trapped into her own suddenly decaying body...
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | September 27, 2011 at 07:19 AM
Hi all - This Lunation should be good in giving things a healthy and productive boost while continuing the influence of the T-square lasting all of Autumn. While things are getting weirder thanks to Uranus square Pluto, from time to time we get an opportunity to make substantial progress in more than one area of life. This is such a time.
Hi yzse - Happy Solar Return! Your natal Libra planets trine Jupiter sextile Neptune are extraordinarily powerful, and release through the Saturn. This Lunation will definitely affect you in some very favorable ways, though equally important are transiting Saturn on your Mercury and Uranus, Jupiter on your Mars sextile your Saturn/SN (great for martial arts!), and transiting Uranus favorable to your natal Jupiter and Neptune.
Hi Isabel Nobre - You have been doing a beautiful thing, even if it is an ordeal of mythological proportions. Those are part of living "the symbolic life," as Rudhyar put it. I believe what you are doing involves past and future karmas beyond this lifetime, and to go through such things with strength, integrity, love, and compassion generates tremendous Soul growth (even if the going gets rough occasionally!)
Perhaps the way you "even things out" at this time involves you smoothing the way for your Mom. I'm sure Saturn in Libra put the focus where it is. You are learning to live and BE in the NOW, and not postpone saying and doing what your heart tells you, since your conscious mind knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that even as you read these words, this too is passing....
Finding joy and help as we move through "liberating ordeals" is always a good thing, as is taking time to rest and regenerate. When we're drained, we're not as much use to ourselves and others as when we're regenerated. That way we move between furthering our highest and best interests even as we deal with the duties and responsibilities on our plates in the present moment. Then there's really no reason to feel "guilty" for anything. When we learn how to move between taking care of business and taking care of ourselves then we are emotionally fluid and don't get hung up on the shifts and stresses.
To be able to be with and look upon the dying and the dead can teach us radical Dispassion regarding that which is difficult to face. When practiced to the core, this Divine Dispassion generates radical Compassion in the face of that which is difficult, and enough Divine Detachment to be able to keep a sense of perspective about what's passing.
It is true that a genuine Soul inspiration can be glimpsed and lived during the worst of the ordeal. That's the secret to healthy living, since these Soul inspired feelings and thoughts nourish our Highest Self, and generate heart power, strength, and courage of the highest sort. This is the "youthfulness of the heart" that you mentioned. And as "situations work themselves out," if we keep our eyes, minds, and hearts open we in fact do discover greater insights, greater freedom, and greater meaning of what that situation meant in "the movie of our life."
Your Mom is the future of us all. Great Eternal Spirits trapped in bodies that decay at different rates. Even if we have the best of diet, the best of exercise, the best of attitude, the best of spiritual practice, and do the Yoga that helps slow the aging process, we still all someday will face the need to give up the "Sack of Bones" and allow our Spirit/Soul to fly free on its way to Devachan.
At the appropriate point in the evolution of any Soul, it again "chooses" (through its own magnetic essence) the time, place, and parents who will provide the multi-layered material and spiritual substance that our Spirit/Soul will "inhabit." That vehicle has its potential times of checking out, and when we will leave our body is entirely up to the choices we make throughout our lives, even to the final months.
This coming and going is all about learning lessons of unconditional Love. I would say this is the time of your life when you are demonstrating that, and living that, to the best your loving heart is able. And that, my dear, is a very good thing. It is not easy, but it is truly one of the best things you'll ever do.
Posted by: Robert | September 27, 2011 at 10:20 AM
Your message proves once more how Extraordinary you are!!! As if we - your readers - did not know it already! Still, you never cease to amaze and delight us and HELP US with the Wisdom you pour forth..
THANK YOU for BEING YOU and taking the time to shine on us your Friendship!
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | September 28, 2011 at 06:58 AM
I write from Italy, thanks for all the time we spend with your writings, are pearls of light ..... Hello Susannna 01-03-1965
Posted by: susy | September 28, 2011 at 09:13 AM
Just spent two or three engrossing hours catching up on your posts for the last couple weeks....a real tour de force....many thanks and abundant blessings.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | September 28, 2011 at 11:53 PM
Campfire symbol apt re: occupy wallstreet
Posted by: Michael Tyler | September 29, 2011 at 09:52 AM
Greetings Robert,
I have a doubt: I checked the American Ephemeris for the 21st Century (Midnight) and it says New Moon at Libra 4,00. Wouldn't this make the Sabian interpretation for:
Libra 5: Inspired Disciples Listen To The Words Of Their Teacher
Events took place in my/our (people around me) that symbols for the Karmic degree (the degree before New Moon, Libra 4) and the Quest degree (degree after New Moon, Libra 6) along with Libra 5 appear as eerily accurate symbols of the nature of energies.
Kind Regards, Sagars.
Posted by: Sagars | September 30, 2011 at 09:42 AM
Hi Isabel - Very glad my words can help and inspire. You are doing a sacred work, and so it's my pleasure and privilege to be here.
Hi susy - Salutare! Very happy that you checked in. Someday I'll visit your beautiful country when I have time to compose about 3 weeks worth of articles ahead of time so I can take the time off to enjoy!
Hi Jo - Welcome back. There's always a lot to catch up on, and I'm happy that the posts "stand the test of time," even if it is only a few weeks.;-) Mil grazie and blessings back atcha!
Hi Michael Tyler - Great insight! Be speaking with you soon. Since we last spoke, the trip was a real trip....
Hi Sagars - In fact your ephemeris is correct; remember that 4 degrees zero minutes is still 4, whereas 4 degrees 1 minute of longitude becomes 5. This Lunation is exactly at 4 degrees 0 minutes of Libra. Of course, it falls extremely close to Saturn's Jan 2010 stationary degree at 4 degrees 39 minutes Libra which is being squared by Pluto at this time, also activating the 5th degree of all the Cardinal signs. Given that Mercury also made 3 Libra active, you can definitely say that 3, 4 and 5 Libra are highly activated by this New Moon. 6 would be active by being the sextile point to Mars.
Posted by: Robert | September 30, 2011 at 11:53 AM
Thanks Robert, Saturn's station point does ring those memories of last year as does the Mars sextile point! Never thought of Sabian activation of points this way.
But apologies if I am being too fussy over the details here: (Virgo Ascendant in this year's SR) :-)
This new moon took place on September 27th between 11:08 UT and 11:09 UT
Using (Swiss Ephemeris) For UT 11:08, Sun is at 4,0',14'' and Moon is at 3,59',50''
For UT 11:09, Sun is at 4,0',17'' and Moon is at 4,0',29''
So when the new moon takes place, it has to be 4,0' and some seconds. After you replied, I thought of re-reading Dane Rudhyar and he has indeed mentioned this:
"Any fraction of a degree is to be considered as a whole degree. Aries 15,0' is to be read as Aries 15 but Aries 15,1' as well as Aries 15,59' represents Aries 16. The symbols are the expression of a span of activity, a cycle, the significance of which is released at once, the moment it begins."
So, does he mean by 15,0' as 15,0',00'' and 15,0'01'' as 16?
Or is the least count quantized in terms of minutes and not seconds? Going by the line, "The symbols are the expression of a span of activity, a cycle, the significance of which is released at once, the moment it begins", I suppose 15,0',01 should be 16 and hence the new moon Sabian for 4,0'15'' as Libra 5. The symbol 5 Libra is released the moment it begins at 4,0',01'' ?
Once again apologies for this nitpicking but yes, this point did eat me out yesterday night.
Posted by: Sagars | October 01, 2011 at 08:35 AM
And just realized this wrong usage of term "nitpicking" above. By no means I had "criticism" in mind, I just meant "minor and trivial details". Forgiveness your holiness!
Posted by: Sagars | October 01, 2011 at 09:05 AM
Isabel and Robert - my heart to you both
Posted by: Morvah | October 04, 2011 at 01:50 PM
sept. 3, moon in sag, chiron, uranus prominent
omg can't even talk about it...
chiron, omg...
Posted by: william | October 05, 2011 at 03:45 AM
does anyone know if Marc Edmund Jones' Sabian Symbols have been translated into Italian?
Posted by: John Barston | December 18, 2011 at 07:56 PM