by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 20 Pisces-Virgo has overall great aspect activity promising a lot of good! The Grand Irrationality is on the move, as is the second irrationality pattern in play since the Summer Solstice. Welcome to the edge of major choices and changes for all houses and planets involving Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces!
The Sun in this Lunation biseptiles Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality. Coupled with the Moon triseptile Saturn, expect more of what we've been dealing with all Summer, but without the hard edge of the various Cardinal T-squares. While things may still feel like they're on a hard edge of change, due to numerous favorable aspects we'll all stabilize, understand, harmonize, and reap numerous rewards as we embark on a whole new life adventure in the houses where this Full Moon falls.
The Moon triseptile Saturn will bring back echoes of this second irrationality pattern in play since late June, and activate 9-11 Taurus, 1-5 Cancer, 22-26 Leo, 14-18 Libra, 5-9 Sagittarius, 26-30 Capricorn, and 18-22 Pisces. I've discussed this irrationality pattern involving Jupiter and Saturn many times in recent weeks, so please refer to the archives to know more about how this has worked, and will continue to during the next two weeks thanks to the Moon. At the very least we'll reap major rewards for doing what we had to do over the past 11 weeks.
Where Jupiter and Saturn are transiting is where we're getting a broader vision or a greater truth (Jupiter) and new responsibilities or a sense of purpose (Saturn.) As Venus rules Saturn, aspects made between Venus and Saturn are very powerful. In this Lunation they make no aspect, but as other planets aspect either of these, we can expect to see corresponding changes in our expression of Venus and Saturn.
The Sun is biseptile Pluto, bringing the Grand Irrationality front and center for the next two weeks. Right now the 7 "hot zones" of the Grand Irrationality are around 4-8 Capricorn, 26-30 Aquarius, 17-21 Aries, 8-12 Gemini, 29 Cancer-3 Leo, 20-24 Virgo, and 12-16 Scorpio. As you know, these zones shift slightly with each movement of Neptune or Pluto, so really if you have a sensitive planet or point near these zones, it's definitely affecting you! If you want to know more about this years-long influence, when you're done here go to the link I posted above.
Remember that the qualities of any Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the New Moon. The past New Moon theme involved demonstrating skills at the major turning points listed above connected to the Moon and Saturn. It was a time of growth, of mobilization, of seeing the future in terms of what we are willing to tend to in our "garden," and growing thorugh seeing the cyclicity of our experience and coming to inner peace around those patterns.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon. Briefly, from the New Moon in Vrigo article covering this period,
Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Virgo indicates we need to show skill in some periodic effort as we ride the merry-go-round and go through ups and downs expressing our unique skills. Use whatever ritual form you value to get connected with the Earth to regenerate.Overall ... this will be a very naturally creative-expressive New Moon period, where revolution is in the air. This time is an overlap of past, present, and future, where we can find a healthy (and maybe even functional) way of adjusting, letting go, mobilizing in a balanced way, and seeing what "plants in our garden of personality and life" we really should be cultivating.
We're reviewing and absorbing through indirect means the larger spiritual lessons we've been learning since the beginning of 2011. We've now finished our "liberating ordeal" and will understand more by mid-September. We now can be freed from old social rigidities and find new associates with whom we can work and play. By mid-November we'll know what skills we've learned in August that we'll have to use wisely between mid-November and mid-April 2012.
Overall it should be a very solid and practical time with equally solid and practical decisions regarding seeds of the future, given the very grounding and auspicious Grand Earth trine...
Again, see how you can enter into a creative partnership with Nature Herself, and figure out where you can naturally "pour yourself out" into some way to manifest your Soul. Be generous of Spirit, show care, and the rewards will be great. Be a good steward, and build so that the good works will endure well into the future. This time should be some slight relief amidst the recent meltdowns and current strange forks in the road of destiny....
...This (time) should help us weave stability, harmony, and understanding wherever we have the early degrees of the Earth and Water signs in our charts, especially through seeing the seeds of long range stability in finances and values. We shall spot the seeds to nurture, as well as how to characterize people and situations by seeing their salient features. We shall definitely all be given a chance to know what is true vs what is not by knowing subtleties and the place and function of every detail calling our attention.
... Add that the Lunation and Venus all trine Jupiter, and we find stabilization of those expansive energies which have been revealing what we care about and what we need to nurture over the coming months. This is assisted by the events of the past few weeks, when we've been learning how to be friendly, detached, purify outmoded things, find a greater way to serve while keeping the initiative in our own hands, and find new modes of self-expression.
Other themes we've been riding into this time of stabilization and understanding simple practical realities include finding cooperation without sacrificing our freedom to act, integrating our feelings with outer interests, not getting too spread out, pay attention to details, and not allow important matters to slip, whether from pride, neglect, insecurity, nitpicky attitudes, put downs, lack of clarity about roles, or settling for lesser rewards when greater ones are at stake.
This Lunation finds the Moon at 20 Pisces, making an opposition to Venus, trine to Mars, and triseptile to Saturn. These should provide heightened awareness through seeing how to do things from different angles of view while still conforming to what is expected of us. It'll be great for creative reorganizing of our relationship to Nature energies and seeing how we're climbing a mountain with other seekers.
Other important forming aspects in this Full Moon chart involve Mercury novile Mars, trine Jupiter, and novile Saturn, Venus opposition Uranus (out of sign), quincunx Neptune and trielftile Pluto, the Sun biseptile Pluto, Mars binovile Saturn and trine Uranus (out of sign), and Jupiter trine Pluto. Taken together these show a time of multiple major realizations after a period of waiting, and it's a great time to harmonize and/or stabilize feelings, how needs are supplied, and getting the higher and lower mind on the same page.
Of major importance is that Mercury is at 6 Virgo, the same degree as the recent New Moon. That implies that Mercury will bring us signs, signals, messages, and insights into what these past two weeks have been all about, and we shall be able to coordinate those messages into a way of being illuminated and/or appreciating and refining a part of our individual Spiritual Self. Mercury is also the final dispositor of all the other planets, boosting its importance.
Interesting separating aspects, showing things just past, include the Moon opposition Mercury, septile Jupiter and quintile Pluto. Other separating aspects involve Mercury quincunx Uranus, opposition Neptune and trine Pluto, Venus sextile Mars, Sun trine Jupiter, Mars quintile Jupiter, and Jupiter triseptile Saturn and quintile Neptune.
Taken together these show many diverse areas of life where we saw how our minds and feelings had to deal with each other, major turning points in potential futures, and many gifts and unique experiences. Mercury will follow up recent Venus and Sun trines to Pluto and Jupiter, giving us more information about those harmonizations and understandings set into motion since the last New Moon in Virgo.
The next two weeks is where we reap the results of breaking free of ego limitations, whether our own or another's, over the past month. Here we get clear about what will stabilize our fortunes, retire from old dramas, and begin new adventures linked with others who share those purposes. Lots of revelations coming over the next few weeks, so get ready to embrace what's been cooking for many months!
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." It recently went stationary retrograde at 1 Pisces, a degree showing us where our world is at right now relative to the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. This stationary point is affecting all of us through the rest of 2011.
Neptune is now at 29 Aquarius, the degree where it will go stationary direct in early November. We've now begun a process by which humanity is beginning to break out of its cocoon, and graduate into a new realm of being. I wrote more about Neptune's shift from Pisces to Aquarius in the article Neptune Retrograde Into Aquarius - A New Look At the New Age, and am now composing more about the relationship between the end of Aquarius and beginning of Pisces. Stay tuned!
Since Neptune went stationary RX in Pisces, showing us where we're at as a global humanity as well as what we can expect from 2012 for many years to come, here's some of what I've said in prior Lunation articles about 1 Pisces:
We now can feel a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
Jupiter and Neptune rule the Moon in the Lunation. They are just coming off a near quintile, showing we can now find unique qualities and gifts of intuition and growth as we "tend our garden" while emerging from some old life cocoon. The Moon separating septile Jupiter shows us important decisions in the immediate past, while the Moon makes no aspect to Neptune.
Mercury rules the Sun in the Lunation. As noted, since Mercury is on the same degree as the previous New Moon Sun, we should get clear about what's been going on through Mercury's weaving and integrating function. It will definitely bring further developments related to the separating trine to Pluto and forming trine to Jupiter. All in all, more practical stability.
The next two weeks offer us opportunities to move and groove through some fairly easy times and experiences to find a new rhythm of self expression through adjusting to nature's cycles and doing what comes naturally. Though the ongoing Uranus square Pluto still shows a larger tension in the air, during the next two weeks we can show simple practical skills that bring us current rewards and set up future rewards.
So given the recent weirdness, friction, ego crashes, and disappointments that helped show us how to let go of our lower self and embrace the fire of our Higher Self and its Truths, this Lunation should help stabilize a newer, simpler, more enjoyable way of doing our Being. Recent "traffic jams" have now given way to show us our "indestructability," and this period should show us beneficial endings to whatever we've been doing up to now.
We've now entered a 4 month period of deciding what parts of our gardens we want to cultivate while seeing how Nature is rewarding us for past effort. As with recent months, this period continues to help us rebalance our Soul's needs and expression freed of lower ego and its assumptions.
Follow your thinking into decisions and actions that help you integrate what need integrating, and then stop to feel what you're experiencing based in those decisions and actions. It should be a good time to get more information, new visions, and new ways of understanding that make our activities clearer in our intention. The trick will be to learn to check in with our feelings, so they don't get neglected in the process. Feel your experience once you've done what needs to be done, and then allow a new idea or vision to arise naturally.
This is a very active and diverse time, with developments spanning most of the signs. Take a larger view, stabilize what is valuable and beautiful, use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life, while anticipating a freer, more playful life to come.
As with past weeks, the coming two weeks are about clarity and compassion, simplicity and new understanding that ground the new initiatives of the past 20 weeks. The peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns we generated in May have shown us how we've been released through powerful transformations set into motion in June.
While the first half of June set forth the seeds of transformational energies leading us to strength, the second half of June revealed those transformational energies in forms of play. July helped us perfect our expression, while setting major changes into motion.
August put many through "liberating ordeals," where ego props collapsed so we could be liberated from old social rigidities to make our lives freer and happier in human fellowship. Those who opened to truth and honesty now are much clearer about what is and isn't real for them.
September will be seen as a great stabilizing period after major crashes, where we prepared to break free of old patterns and began to live a new life. Conform to what's required to maintain productivity, and be willing to reorient, since finding ways and places of well-being through assuring future supply is now the line of greatest development.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
As always, thanks again for your very detailed information!!!
Posted by: Ilse | September 11, 2011 at 07:50 AM
Robert, with Jupiter on my Venus and Saturn on its natal degree, without a doubt I'm getting a full maximum blast of greater truth and sense of purpose. If I can wrap my brain around all of this, we'll see where it goes!
Posted by: Deb Marcoux | September 11, 2011 at 09:49 AM
We will be having our Full Moon group here in the Black Hills this evening. We are linking up with you and all the New Group of World Servers all over the planet. Humanity truly is waking up after a long slumber. It is time for us to enter the next stage of self-actualization. We are a new group indeed because humanity has been in the throes of wars and violence for eons. The Full Moon of Virgo/Pisces reminds us that we are here to SERVE ALL OF HUMANITY. Thank you so much for your diligence and persistence in this great work. Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me. Love, Light, and Power to all sentient beings.
Posted by: dcu | September 11, 2011 at 01:32 PM
Robert: Mary Plumb mentioned this on her blog for Mountain Astrology. Your work is incredible! And I want to say thank you ever so much.
Posted by: jo garceau | September 12, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Beware of the Ides of March:
Osama Bin Laden March 10
Rupert Murdoch March 11
Mitt Romney March 12
L. Ron Hubbard March 13
Jamie Dimon March 13
Albert Einstien March 14
Rupert M75
Posted by: Rupert Marshall | October 06, 2011 at 07:39 PM