by Robert Wilkinson
A reader recently asked me to elaborate on Saturn in Libra and the archetypes associated with this. I answered, and then figured it could be good grist for the mill of Soul to open the subject up to those interested in such things.
First, the definition of Archetype:
Ar·che·type [ahr-ki-tahyp] - noun
1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.Origin: 1595–1605; < Latin archetypum an original < Greek archétypon a model, pattern (neuter of archétypos of the first mold, equivalent to arche- arche- + týp ( os ) mold, type + -os adj. suffix)
So an archetype can be a pattern, or model, or prototype from which others are copied or modeled. In psychology, we've expanded Jung's definition to embrace that which is both conscious or unconscious, and these may be inherited or acquired by imagination in contact with the collective reality we experience. In either case, it's safe to call an Archetype an "original pattern," or "ideal pattern" which can express itself through many forms.
I believe an archetype must have some universal symbolism, or else it would simply be an excellent model of itself. An archetype is meaningful in its uniqueness as well as ability to move the consciousness or subconsciousness of many. So we must look to symbols that have such universal meaning that they can be modeled in countless local and specific ways.
Any positive archetype, if it is to be meaningful to us, must resonate with our Higher Self. Our Archetypal Self will always have elements of spiritual purpose that we wholeheartedly embrace, along with elements of acting and feeling that we've prepared for our whole life. So one way to find our archetypal roles and live them is to reference our highest way of doing our Being.
Of course that can mean many things to many people. There are many archetypes even within an archetype. Each thief has their own archetype, as does the cop. Actors have many different possible archetypes, as do directors. There are many parenting archetypes, as well as teacher archetypes. As an aside, the various departments of archetypes are directly related to the 7 Rays.
In any case, all relevant archetypes to us must inspire us to authenticity, a wholehearted expression of some element of our individuality, and a greater connectedness to the source of what "floats our boat." As part of the original stream that inspired this article, in another comment to someone walking the Walk I agreed that that "...I believe our true "Higher Self" does in fact involve (as you put it) "a Deepening of (our) Personal Self. A greater sense of individuality... feeling the need to realize a greater humanism a greater connection to life and nature, not so much a pure "spiritual" path...I'm wanting to realize my will to action, my will to engagement, and my will to manifestation."
So this is what I wrote to the original question about Saturn in Libra archetypes:
...Libra is about archetypes, mental images of what we consider "perfect forms." What are your perfect forms? What role does your Higher Self identify with? Santa Claus? Baha'u'llah? Ammachi? A philanthropist? A great healer? A great writer? Someone who launches community gardens? Someone who spreads sustainable technology, whether clay stoves or solar paint or rainwater collection or drip systems?An archetype is any ideal role we aspire to. If you could have your light shine in your world, how would it shine, on who would it shine, where would it shine? What could you do for the greater good of your world?
When you are dying, what might you look back on and realize you did at least some of what you came to do? How did you live an ideal role with authenticity and wholeheartedness?
An archetype may be large or small, public or private, but as we live them (and we do have more than one archetypal function!) we find signals of the "symbolic life we're living," with its universal elements and timeless lessons and demonstrations.
In living one or more of our archetypal roles, we always find and demonstrate forms of love, wisdom, and intelligent action. Whether Ruler or Servant, Magician or Shaman, Healer or Teacher, Lover or Guardian, or any other form, we all have various roles to play in our world. Sometimes they're not very glamorous, but the best thing we could ever do, such as care for a grandparent or a child. Doing service to a human heart is a great thing to be offered, and actually do!
As long as we walk the Way right for us, then we're on our way to learning elements of a greater Symbolic Life. As we reflect on the universal elements on our Story, and how they relate to other Symbolic lives in history, we come to understand Archetypal roles and functions. We always find we are "walking in the footprints of our predecessors," learning to sing our song in our way, time, and place.
Saturn in Libra introduced new roles, new ideals, new "perfect forms," and new ways to be in our world. Reflect from different perspectives on how these these new elements in your life have matured over the past 15 months. Through time and experience we're all being shown a better way to live, to be, to work, and to do our unique thing for our world.
Also remember that during this time Uranus in Aries is challenging us all to be pioneers in living whatever initiatives and new worlds that beckon without letting the oppressive systems symbolized by afflicted Pluto in Capricorn jam our gears as we prepare for an entry into Neptune's realm for many, many years. Get ready...
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Cancer-5 here; i have Saturn in Libra in the 6th house and it's been a very interesting last couple years re-learning new ways to "be in the world";
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | September 09, 2011 at 02:01 PM