by Robert Wilkinson
There's a lot going on this month. Get ready for compression followed by expansion!
First, I'll remind you that we're still directly under the influence of the recent Autumnal Equinox and New Moon, both of which featured the very heavy Cardinal T-square of Libra planets opposing Uranus in Aries, t-squared by Pluto in Capricorn. I've put some links at the bottom of this article so you can take a new look at what we're in the thick of.
We're also in the middle of 3 conjunctions to Saturn: Venus (Sep 29-30, a major player in the Equinox and New Moon charts!), Mercury (Oct 6-7), and the Sun (Oct 13-14.) All these mark the beginning of a new year cycle for those planets involving Saturn in Libra lessons. I've spoken of these Saturn in Libra influences extensively in past Lunation articles, so if you need more, there's plenty in the archives.
Around the time of Sun conjunct Saturn, we enter a period where first Venus and then Mercury will oppose Jupiter. Conjunctions to Saturn usually compress and/or concentrate energy, in this case balancing and adjusting things to different perspectives and proportions. Oppositions to Jupiter radically expand, or separate, or create momentum, depending on the planets involved and what sign the opposition falls in.
In these oppositions coming up, there will be transformative relational awarenesses followed by the revelation of new ways and qualities of living, being, and understanding that will come when Mercury opposes Jupiter Oct 17-18. We'll see the light of these new revelations when the Sun opposes Jupiter at the end of the month, with the need to be good cooperative bridge builders.
The end of the month will prove exceptionally volatile, with the Sun opposed Jupiter happening the same time as both Venus and Mercury in Scorpio square Mars in Leo. These energies will dominate the New Moon at 4 Scorpio happening at 12:56 pm PDT, 8:56 pm Greenwich on October 26, which I'll write more about closer to the event.
So the first half of October will show us a lot about how we're dealing with Saturn in Libra in our charts, while the second half of October will feature major turning points, confrontations, and edginess in the collective consciousness. Those with planets or sensitive points between 20-25 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will be most affected in the conflicting energies in play at the end of October.
Right now it's about endings and beginnings of stuff related to Saturn in Libra, which will soon give way to coming awarenesses about stuff related to Jupiter in Taurus. Trust your balanced "ancestral wisdom" through mid-October, then go find enjoyment and refreshment in relationships which will lead you to understand what you really care about.
New Moon in Libra Pt. 1 - What's Happening in October 2011
New Moon in Libra Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, Aspect Patterns, and What It All Means
It's the Autumnal Equinox 2011 - What's Coming in October, November, and December
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert!
Posted by: Rebekka | October 03, 2011 at 02:44 PM
Thanks for this overview, and for all of your sanity-inducing posts, Robert. Any comments on what a solar return chart governed by these influences might bring? Mine is coming up on Oct 5. Solar return chart shows the Libra stellium with all those Saturn conjunctions you mentioned in the SR 9th, SR Pluto conjunct SR Cap ascendant from the 12th, SR Moon in the SR 1st in early Aquarius closely conjunct natal IC. Should be a good time for turning into a diamond using all that Saturnian compression! :-)
Posted by: shakti | October 03, 2011 at 06:09 PM
thanks for the insight Robert, i am feeling enthusiastic most often yet squashed at the same time, which sorta makes sense with what you posted. I have moon in 12th house libra 14 and asc libra 26. So much change is upon me and being forced by others in charge, like having to move by end of month as landlord selling house and yet no where to move to or even hints of answers or solutions in sight yet. its like juggling and having all balls in the air at once, enthusiastic to catch them when they drop but feeling like i gotta escape the straight jacket first. I also have sun cancer 0 so have had a hard slog with saturn stomping on moon for so long and cardinal cross flattening me at other times, so am hoping i have gained insight, emotional maturity and ironed out the wrinkles along the way, but sooo tired of climbing this mountain, surely I must be nearly at the top........
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | October 03, 2011 at 08:54 PM
Im usually quite positive and not a grumbler but lately just felt i need to state what i am no longer willing to tolerate, strange feeling, hope it doesnt last much longer
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | October 03, 2011 at 08:57 PM
Robert, it is a very interesting time for me. I have someone back in my life that caused me much grief but that I loved very much and have never stopped loving. There was an 8 age difference and well I had my little demons to contend with and my life to put together and so I walked away and did everything I could to ignore it. But he kept trying to come back into my life.
Now we are seeing each other again. Albeit both of us a bit more mature and more seasoned. Hahaha. I am not sure where this will lead us but I am getting some closure on those things that happened between us and we are dialoguing so to speak and he has been very forthcoming and open to talk. Which is surprising me. Anyway, whatever happens I feel that there is this one part of me that has become so aware of all those things within us that are fallible and require a higher and more conscious approach to dealing with things. I think part of it is that I am not angry like I was and I am over feeling scared of being abandoned by anyone. Having lost my parents at a young age makes you scared to get close to anyone or with my family history well that is another story for another time. Anyway, there you go. I know that I am getting more conscious and aware of human being behavior and better at understanding things. Mostly, not taking things personally. I hope my growing and learning curves keeps going upwards. Thanks for your wonderful insight and your wisdom. You teach me so much and I have not even had the pleasure of meeting you in person yet.
peace and lots of love to you
Posted by: Micheline | October 04, 2011 at 06:12 AM
Hello to the most enlightened astrology guru,
Finally the T-Square has set me free, wings are a crispy char, but I was thanking the powers that be the entire time it was happening. Jupiter transiting my fourth house for a happy landing.... very excited about the direct motion coming at a later date. Only once did I feel that I had been swallowed by the aspect, driving at night found myself disoriented and unaware of where I was on a highway that I have driven many times. I realized I was still heading in the correct direction, had plenty of gas, and laughed, amidst tears, realizing that I couldn't really get lost. Thank you for being the beacon of astology and the good news. Mary
Posted by: Mary Streets | October 04, 2011 at 07:05 AM
Ah, yes. You've hit it spot on. This is quite the month! Compression is the perfect word for how I've been feeling lately. And yet so joyful, too (mixed in with some annoyance at the compression, lol).
Posted by: Maya | October 05, 2011 at 11:08 AM
Hola Robert,
I awoke this morning with a new awareness, ref 4 planets (Sun-mars-22/17 Scorp 2nd,oppossing my moon 21 Taurus/8th... Im feeling a shift in my mars from the past of "flight/inability to stand up for myself/attacking an ability to express my feelings and face another calmly" ...Merc/Jupiter 8/9 Sag/2nd, self worth issues.....much new understanding in how I have "attracted to myself" my inner beliefs... Those old belielfs, low-self esteem... are falling away...and Im understanding the dream I had...."You will see it, when you believe it".
...and yesterday/today Mercury conjuncted Saturn...
"Untill you understand your will continue to repeat it...
"Untill you make the unconcious..concious, it will direct your life..and you will call it fate." Carl Jung
Posted by: Wild Horse running | October 07, 2011 at 07:59 AM
I couldn't believe reading your post that I am going through a similar situation. A past love who caused me much heartache came back into my life recently after 2 1/2 years. I always thought we were meant to be together. However, he has hurt me again and his words have proved to be empty. I am extremely perplexed, hurt and angry by this. I hate that after 2 1/2 years he came back into my life just to disappoint me again. I hope that you end up having a happy ending with your relationship.
Posted by: anonymous | October 23, 2011 at 09:47 PM