by Robert Wilkinson
Part 1 covered many essential elements of this Scorpio New Moon. Today we'll discuss significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Lunation chart which show us the need to see things from a deeper symbolic perspective, practice patience, and find ways to serve our life and world more creatively.
Since the Summer featured TWO New Moon Solar Eclipses, it's safe to say many things across the world have been and continue to shut down, especially those things connected to Gemini and Cancer energy forms. We've been challenged to a more authentic expression as we've shut down old limitations, roles, and duties. We were shown how some things had become "bankrupt," with old ideas, feelings, habits, and perspectives moving into our rear view mirror.
If we did our purifications as we went through our "liberating ordeal" in August, we were offered new vision, new creativity, new playfulness, a new sense of adventure, and hints of our immortal Self. September brought opportunities to demonstrate simple and practical skills within situations that are going up and down, around and around.
October has helped us to more authentic relationships, and major personal changes occurred as shown by October's New and Full Moon charts as well as the chart for the Autumnal Equinox, with a spotlight on the Cardinal T-square made from the Lunation in Libra via the opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto.
This Lunation will bring powerful realizations through the opposition to Jupiter, with high productivity and specialization indicated by its quintile to Mars which is sextile Saturn in Libra. Though there are oppositions from Leo to Aquarius and Scorpio to Taurus, this chart is not a See Saw Jones Pattern, but rather a "Bucket."
It's a Bucket since all the planets except Mars are in a span beginning with Saturn in Libra through the 4 in Scorpio, across Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus, ending with Jupiter in early Taurus. That makes Mars the "nozzle" for all the other planetary energies.
So all the collective energy represented by the cluster of planets from Libra through Taurus will be focused through the only planet outside the occupied half, which is powerful Mars. Mars shows the cause, the effort, the problem, the solution, the release, and the focus of just about everything confronting us now and in the near future.
This particular Bucket indicates that the Scorpionic intensification of energies now in an opposition with Jupiter and sextile Pluto is focusing the practical/material understanding we're getting via the Jupiter trine Pluto in Earth signs. The Cancer voids put into play in October's New Moon can now be filled via productive opportunities arising from those changes and decisions.
The long term Earth trine should be helping us weave stability, harmony, and understanding wherever we have the early degrees of the Earth and Water signs in our charts, especially through seeing the seeds of long range stability in finances and values. We are still in a time span where we can see which seeds to nurture, and what parts of our "garden of personality and life" we want and need to tend. Jupiter in Taurus is all about patience, and it's safe to say that is one virtue we've ALL been forced to cultivate the past 5 months.
The past month has shown us a greater dedication and service that should have opened our imagination to greater roles to play through balanced, specialized Leo-Libra energies. The coming month plays into those energies through the exact Lunation quintile Mars in Leo almost exactly sextile Saturn in Libra.
It is useful to think of this as a time when all our experience begins with a Saturn in Libra type of energy, proceeds through the Lunation, Mercury, and Venus all in Scorpio, concentrating through Pluto in Capricorn, flowing through Neptune in Aquarius and Chiron in Pisces, awakening into a Uranus in Aries experience, and then solidifies via Jupiter in early Taurus. This sequence then expresses itself through the nozzle, Mars in Leo.
At this time, the 4 planets in Scorpio shows our experience can be focused through the house in our chart where these transits occupy. We can get a clearer focus and renewed magnetism as long as we don't get too quarrelsome, impulsive, proud, inflexible, or possessive. There are tremendous possibilities for productive action if we can prevent the Mercury and Venus square Mars from exploding into a lack of focus.
So the houses where we have late Libra, Scorpio, early Capricorn, late Aquarius, early Aries and early Taurus are active, expressing themselves through the house where we have late Leo. The general theme is that we have to find what concerns us, link with others to build metaphoric bridges, and focus all of it through a new sense of larger service as shown by the Mars in Leo.
Overall, through recent transits in Libra, we were offered opportunities to live a more mature and structured peace in our lives, or being at peace, we could find a new spiritual authorship with profound depth knowledge of the seeds of future situations. We could balance and move into new perspectives to stabilize this peace, spiritual authorship, and harmonized clarity about the seeds of what is, and what could be. Now we get to see the deeper symbolism of those things, and either allow ourselves to refuse to follow old patterns no longer appropriate to our emerging roles, or find ways to adapt our desires to our ability to attract what is good for us.
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon and the rest of the planets make numerous and powerful aspects, indicating the coming period will be heavily active.
The Moon and Sun in this Lunation make forming quintiles to Mars, oppositions to Jupiter, and sextiles to Pluto. This will bring major awarenesses, high specialization, and an ability to see the seeds of things, or get to the heart of any matter. Among the themes are the need to find our place of greater service and a justification for our self expression without forcing things or being presumptuous.
We can "find success" through developing our style of self-dramatization, winning cooperation without sacrificing our freedom to act, and keeping the initiative in our own hands. Also by finding an order that helps us integrate our interests so we don't get lost in too much going on. Go for humanitarian or broad public interests and without taking on too much, pay attention to details and what is truly important.
Another very important forming aspect configuration is Mercury conjunct Venus with both square Mars, and square Neptune with Mars opposing Neptune, making for a Fixed T-square that will heavily affect those with planets or points between 21-30 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The void is primarily focused in 21-22 Taurus, with a secondary emphasis in 21-22 Aquarius.
Taken together, we need to use the Taurus virtue of patience to figure out what's relevant and important to us as we move into a new way, new day, or new life chapter. Look for the signal from Spirit that you've "made it through the flood." While there may be disappointments, they are meant to teach us appreciation and gratitude for our opportunities to grow safely and securely into a new way of managing ourselves emotionally and socially.
Just find ways to coordinate affairs so you don't get diverted into unexpected directions, find ways to take care of many things simultaneously, and be clear about the right means to achieve any desired end. Fit things into long range perspectives, find an adequate motive to give profitable direction to your initiatives, let go of superficial actions and commitments as well as idle speculation and wishful thinking, and be realistic in your analysis of things so you can recognize and develop tangible opportunities.
Other forming aspects include Mars tredecile Jupiter, Saturn trine Neptune and quintile Pluto, and the Jupiter trine Pluto mentioned earlier. The long range Saturn trine Neptune will harmonize our sense of duty with our larger connectedness within the collective field, and help us to a rebuilding of balance or perspective so that we can find a new ways to do our Being.
There are three dynamic configurations at work in this Lunation. There is the opposition-sextile-trine between the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto, throwing productive energies into early Cancer. There is the same opposition between the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter that is mitigated by the Sun and Moon quintile Mars with Mars tredecile Jupiter, showing high specialization and serendipity in opportunities to work with others to "build bridges" to achieve an evolutionary necessity. And there is the powerful Fixed T-square between Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Neptune, releasing a lot of energy with the need to slow down and make sure we're using the right means to achieve our ends.
So the line of awareness, polarization, and potential tension is in early Scorpio-Taurus. Pluto interacts with this productively and harmoniously, continuing the seed patterns of the old giving up its energy for the new. Mars interacts with the opposition in unique and specialized ways, and many will find gifts to fit their circumstances, and circumstances to fit their gifts. Together these show a very productive time for those with planets and points in early Earth and Water signs, and unique possibilities for those with planets around 2-6 Taurus, 8-12 Gemini, 14-18 Cancer, 20-24 Leo, 26-30 Virgo, 2-6 Scorpio, 8-12 Sagittarius, 14-18 Capricorn, 20-24 Aquarius, and 26-30 Pisces.
Remember that Mars is the primary focal device for all the other planetary energies, even though Mercury and Venus are the drivers of the T-square. So Mercury and Venus are highly stressed, and therefore it's important to allow Mars in Leo to work creatively, playfully, and joyfully as we "return home" with a Soul message.
While not directly active in this Lunation, a powerful "lurking" energy involves Neptune on its stationary direct degree. When Jupiter went retrograde in August, it was very close to a quintile to Neptune. The October New Moon had Mercury double biquintile Jupiter and Neptune, offering us glimpses and signals of what the Jupiter quintile Neptune unique gifts and circumstances of late August and early September promised us. As I told you last month, we'll see these promises fulfilled when Jupiter exactly quintiles Neptune in late March through mid-April 2012.
While the August Jupiter quintile Neptune was never quite exact, it indicated we hit a threshold state where we could cultivate unique qualities of imagination and intuition related to opportunities and ability to sense subtleties in collective consciousness. Most stimulated were/are those with points around 29 Aquarius-1 Pisces, 11-13 Taurus, 23-25 Cancer, 5-7 Libra, and 17-19 Sagittarius. Birthdays where the light of uniqueness may be seen include early May, mid-July, late September, and mid-December.
As I said, these impressions will bear huge rewards and important gifts in late March through mid-April 2012 when Jupiter makes an exact quintile to Neptune, fulfilling another promise of this Lunation. As both planets advance by that time, those most stimulated in unique ways or offered highly specialized circumstances in which to practice their gifts are those with planets or points near 2-4 Pisces, 14-16 Taurus, 26-28 Cancer, 8-10 Libra, 29 Sagittarius-1 Capricorn, and birthdays around late February, early May, mid July, early October, and late December.
Though separating until December 2011, Uranus square Pluto is still a major influence, but as Pluto is harmonized by the very favorable Jupiter trine, we are afforded clear insight into the what, why, and how of things. And it's entirely possible that as very harmonious Pluto spiritual transformational energies are set into motion with the current Lunation sextiles, we will find productive flow arising out of the very intense and volatile energies of the Cardinal T-square set into motion this past month.
Remember that a trine facilitates flow, for good or bad. A square releases energies, whether through putting the brakes on something or turning a corner. In this case the Jupiter trine Pluto shows us how to understand, build, and stabilize through Pluto, and release those Plutonic seeds through Uranus showing us the way to individuation, repotentialization, and a new Divine initiative in our lives.
Just consider if the risk is worth the reward, and if so, find your unique ways to do what you have to do using your Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence in Its creative aspect. Jupiter trine Pluto in this chart (and all year) shows a practical stability as we go deeper into unknown zones, core understanding, and profound insights into seed forms and structures.
It's also a great time for using our practical imagination to further the seeds of a more stable future, and for purification and regeneration practices that stabilize our inner and outer resources. The Jupiterian promise can be seen in a greater awareness through the opposition of this Lunation, and find unique opportunities for release through Mars. We've been in a building period, and now can move past the internal conflicts and heavy adjustments of the recent past.
Saturn is now direct and has moved far out of range to the opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Saturn is now quadranovile Uranus and quintile Pluto, a much different energy than the T-square!! While I'm sure it's a great relief to all, we're still learning to navigate the years' long global upheaval indicated by Uranus square Pluto mentioned earlier.
The separating aspects show reality already experienced, or things already set into motion. The Lunation is separating quincunx to Uranus and trine Neptune, Mercury is just separating from an exact semisquare to Pluto, and Mars is just separating sextile to Saturn.
Taken together, these indicate a recent period of adjustments as a result of our "liberating ordeal" of August and September, as well as a time of gifts that may have come unexpectedly. Mercury semisquare Pluto shows recent internal crises around too-intense communications where we had to keep our focus on the possible while ignoring those who were obsessing on the negatives, and Mars sextile Saturn indicates it was all to make our lives and methods more structurally sound.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 4 Scorpio, "A youth holding a lighted candle." While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
According to Rudhyar this degree is one of "Beginning of spiritual participation in the world's work," "sustained inspiration," and "conscious linkage to inner realities." He goes on to state in the Mandala that the keynote for this degree is "the educative power of ceremonies which impress the great images of a culture upon its gathered participants."
He goes on to say that this degree is one where we find basic symbols and rituals that ensoul a community, and those who participate in such rituals and other ways of presenting "commonly accepted values and ideals" form feelings that strengthen the sense of community. Here "the power of symbols is evident."
This is a degree where we are shown a technique of action that can help us toward a deeper communion with others, strengthening our sense of community through shared symbols, rituals, and activities. Rudhyar says it falls in the span of Retention, the Process of Collectivization, Act of Group-Integration, and the Scene of Communion on the Actional level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find this degree symbolizes "a true contact with inner and transcendental realms of reality," and the rewards that come from realizing the continuing ties between our individuality and the universe life. He states that we can always glimpse "higher meaning and immortal value in each moment's detail of everyday living," and "an enthusiasm which arises from an ever-clear vision" on what sustains us in the inner and outer world.
He states the keyword is RELIANCE. He goes on to say that when positive, this degree is "an unquenchable and irresistible confidence in the goodness and integrity of all things."
So over the next 4 weeks this Lunation will help us find symbols and ritual forms that strengthen our sense of community, as well as rewards that show us how our inner world is related to the universal life. Here we can find sustainment, enthusiasm, inspiration, and that which links us to others.
As the Sun and Mars exercise a powerful and overriding influence in this Lunation, be courageous and sincere in finding what you need in life's infinite supply when faced with unfamiliar or critical issues. He we can get flashes of "all knowing" and messages that are crucial in showing us how accurate our intuition really is. Here we can find forms of mastery through mental disciplines allowing light to enter the conscious mind.
Over the past 22 weeks we've done our battles, showing us our independence and freedom from an old fate so we can participate in more important things. At best we cut our losses and let go of profitless efforts, people, and activities that just wasted our time. Many meltdowns so that new forms could present themselves, and as noted in the past, our Soul modified its self-expression through decisions where we mobilized our ambition according to our own standards.
Of the planets that rule signs, there are 2 in Air, 2 planets in Fire signs, 2 in Earth, and 4 in Water. This preponderance of Water(feelings and experiencing) shows it should be great for experiencing deeply, whether in relationships or other activities.
Fire (inspiring and illuminating), Air (relational and interactive), and Earth (practical and material) are well balanced, showing we can find inspired and practical ways of doing things and expressing our natural energies during this time. It should also be a fairly good time for enlightened interactions, as well as finding others who share our ideals.
Pluto in Capricorn continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. Since Spring we've been learning about a new role we can enjoy playing, and now that Pluto is direct in motion, we get to see the limitless possibilities as we close old ways and open to a greater fulfillment.
As discussed earlier, through the harmonious trine from Jupiter these next 6+ months keeping the Earth energies well stabilized, we can safely purify what needs purifying and be leaner and more solidly able to rely on our material and non-material resources. Pluto now allows us to release the potential and ride the waves of the new archetypal roles we began to live in 2009-2010, using gentle and balanced forms of will power, training, maturity, and sense of our new roles to play to move into new vistas, new worlds, new lives, and new ways of doing our Being.
The next 4 weeks is a time to eliminate all that cannot help us fulfill our ideals and achieve a deeper connection with others and the universe. We can also attract what we need to fill the voids left over from letting go of our past in practical steady ways the past 5 months. Thanks to the recent Solar Eclipses, we are still being liberated from the ghosts of the past and letting go of burdens we no longer need to bear.
Due to the Jupiter in Taurus influence that will be with us for about a year, keep finding gentle, simple, and stable ways to move into your new life while becoming part of the "corrective force of Nature Herself." In practicing our unique individuality we can become the answer to some collective need, whether large or small. This is the time to define who you are apart from any inner or outer neutralizing factors that keep you from awakening to your uniqueness.
This period is one of extending our emergent archetypes that demonstrate our authentic self. We saw the emergence of concrete forms of those images from August 2010 to January 2011, and now that we've done the review related to past and present actions creating present and future consequences, we're moving through the next phase of our quest. This time is about seeing what we care about and "a fresh grasp of the Soul's needs" to find a "youthful life enjoyment."
Here we continue to secure conditions, values, and resources while doing practical work that serves a greater purpose. Some major "forks in the road of destiny" are behind us, and we can now see what needs continued intense focus, as well as how a "new day has dawned" showing us the need for newer, more genuine relationships with those who share our heart, hope, or dedication.
This month is highly action oriented. So stay focused on basic facts, make your decisions, and then think, gather and share information, and use a new vision to find a deeper experience or shared feelings. After we decide and act, then think and envision, it's most important to go to our feelings about those ideas and what we've learned, and name what we're feeling or experiencing.
What are we experiencing as a result of new ideas, information, vision, or relationships? Knowing what we're feeling will help us naturally flow into new decisions and actions, which in turn will lead to new ideas, new perspective, and a new vision of what we are to accomplish.
Over the past few weeks, we have had opportunities to clear the decks of nonproductive attitudes and marginal relationships while continuing to secure what we need to establish future potentials already in motion. There are great realizations, efficient techniques, and deeper relationships promised by this New Moon, all of which will show us how to concretize in functional forms the new beginnings of March through May 2011, and bring these to the surface of our lives.
All in all, despite the Fixed T-square forcing us to detach, see a bigger picture, and find simple ways to know what matters to us as we get messages from Spirit showing us it's a new day dawning in our lives, it should be a fairly favorable Lunation for all of us with planets in the early degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. As noted earlier, it's definitely going to bring gifts and unique circumstances and events to those with planets around 2-6 Taurus, 8-12 Gemini, 14-18 Cancer, 20-24 Leo, 26-30 Virgo, 2-6 Scorpio, 8-12 Sagittarius, 14-18 Capricorn, 20-24 Aquarius, and 26-30 Pisces.
The very favorable Sun and Moon sextile Pluto will help us get clear about truths and falsehoods, as well as how things should be planned or structured. Continue to take a look back at how recent "liberating ordeals" have brought up a deeper compassion from within you that is now allowing you to find more natural and joyous ways to release and demonstrate your heart strengths.
We now have a new freedom of expression and association, so enjoy the growth, navigate the occasional challenges, slow down and shift direction if necessary, keep your eyes on the prize, and beware of exaggerated feelings that are beyond what is appropriate in the moment. Be clear, efficient, and open to special circumstances and awarenesses that allow your natural "world servant" to express itself.
Embrace a greater dedication and service, deeper feelings and connections, and keep demonstrating the self confidence that allows your individuality to express itself. This can be a very playful, creative, and enthusiastic time where old values and things are released as we enter a whole new world.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
I have 6 planets between 13 and 25 Taurus and Mars at 22 Aquarius, Moon at 18 Leo. Since April, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery, undergone chemo, and am getting ready to start radiation. In addition, a relationship ended and I was also forced to move from my place of treatment in Phoenix back to my home in Texas. I am not complaining, but when can I expect a tad of stability? With all those signs in Taurus, I would like some of that.
Posted by: Anne | October 26, 2011 at 10:38 AM
Healing energy to you Anne.
I have very much enjoyed reading your writings Robert since I stumbled on this site some months back in the search for some sort of enlightenment.
The more I read though the more the messages become one of contradiction or at least ambiguity. It means for me that I am stalled. Too scared to make an enthusiastic committment to a path for fear of it being an overreaction. Steering a middle course is hardly embracing new life direction. Trying to bring desired change and ending up where one started is soul numbing.
Thank you.
Posted by: Brett | October 27, 2011 at 04:24 PM
Whoa people, breathe. Robert so eloquently offers a way to maneuver through these challenging times. Keep your head, have a meditation practice, shore up your life, talk to your neighbors, reach out and be more of a healing balm to all. Let go of what you can and open to a newer way. It all gets very hard and stuck when we are in fear and angry/frustrated. Again, take a deep breath, pull yourself back and relax into your own healing state. We are all in thre grist mill and what will come out will be our bright shining selves, or we will try again in another life. The best we can do is to relax and be practical. I don't mean to diminish anyone's pain and suffering, but we are all going through this in our own ways and we have got to reach out in love to each other no matter what we are going thru individually. Aum Shanti
Posted by: sue moon | October 28, 2011 at 06:51 AM
Hi Robert--from above, what exactly does this mean? : "The void is primarily focused in 21-22 Taurus, with a secondary emphasis in 21-22 Aquarius." How does the void manifest?
Posted by: Virginia Bare | October 30, 2011 at 06:16 AM
Robert, I'm also wondering about the void at 22 Taurus.
Posted by: Deb Marcoux | October 30, 2011 at 07:29 AM
Hi Anne - The voids operate to show us either the problem, the solution, or both. If we have a planet there, then that's the energy we must demonstrate positively and productively. Also remember that sometimes "we are enriched through unfortunate events," and so sometimes a move is a blessing whether we see it as one at the time or not.
I am sorry you are dealing with major health issues, but I have found that regardless of what the health challenge is, it's a call to renewal, openness to whatever will bring about a healing on whatever level, and self-mobilization toward one's highest spiritual Self. I suspect that for all of us on Earth the future doesn't hold much stability in the old sense of that word, but it does offer us all a chance to stabilize our view in the Higher Self of what is impermanent as well as our source of Spiritual Strength that helps us get to the other shore despite the changes.
Hi Brett - All I do is make clear what is going on. It is on each of us to use that knowledge wisely to the best of our ability in our local circumstances. Contradiction and/or ambiguity is always in the eye of the beholder. Some contradictory energies teach us how to hold paradox without getting frustrated at simultaneous apparently non-harmonic or mutually exclusive influences. Others show us how to reorient our position so the contradictory influences are no longer a problem for us.
Definitely expunge fear of any sort from your response patterns. Very unhelpful, and keeps us stalled. Perhaps you're putting too much lumber on something that hasn't begun, and so created a thousand thorns on a path that may not have any. Sometimes just getting into gear to overcome inertia is the best we can do in the moment, and just begin the journey even if we're not sure of the ultimate end or what we'll encounter along the way. Plan, make ready, then do it.
When we don't steer a middle course we wind up in extreme circumstances and views. We must steer a middle course even when we begin a new life direction. One does not preclude the other. As for striving and "ending up where one started," well, either you're being taught patterns that are yours to own until you choose to create new ones, or you're finding that you can take any road you want and will still wind up facing who you are and who you aren't.
Personally, I don't feel we can try to bring about desired change and end up where we started if we've paid attention to what we were learning along the way. We've evolved one way and another, and so we cannot be as we were before we took the trip. That said, maybe you're being taught you cannot keep plowing the same field and planting the same seeds expecting to get a different crop.
Hi sue moon - That's why I figured it might be good to reprint something about what astrology is and is not. Your advice to the posters above is spot on, to which I'll add: Breathe and love, keep meditating, keep taking the high road, keep fostering the Higher Self despite outer conditions, and keep a sense of humor over what seems to be happening. Join with others of like mind and heart, figure out what to do to make the world a better place, and remember what's important usually is quiet relative to the white noise of modern existence. And you speak Truth when you state "we are all going through this in our own ways and we have got to reach out in love to each other no matter what we are going thru individually." Aum and blessings to that!
Hi Virginia Bare - As I noted in the first response, the void is either the problem, the solution, or both. Those areas may be what we need to learn, or offer us opportunities to generate a positive response, or antidote a negative. A planet there may be creating a problem, or perhaps exactly what we need to do to solve one. The houses of the voids show where we're learning through friction whether we want to or not. And this is one of the more advanced techniques of analysis, which is why I plan to offer an on-line class or two in the Spring on how to view harmonic voids created by many different kinds of interacting aspects.
Hi Deb Marcoux - I trust what I've written above will open some doors.
Posted by: Robert | October 30, 2011 at 09:59 AM
Thank you, Robert. I am staying open, I just get overwhelmed sometimes. Blessings.
Posted by: Anne | October 30, 2011 at 06:13 PM
I just absolutely love you Robert............!
Posted by: sue moon | October 31, 2011 at 06:20 AM
Thank you Robert for your considered reply. I think Venus connecting with Uranus this week has certainly brought a sudden turn a round in a special relationship for me. I have evolved enormously this year and your readings are a wonderful way to try and understand the journey.
Posted by: Brett | November 03, 2011 at 08:49 PM
Cancer sun - with scorpio ascendent and a also a strong uranian energy..
quotes Churchill
"If you think you are going through hell keep going"..
We were very lucky to have Churchill among us during the naziperiod.
Posted by: ull | November 05, 2011 at 02:45 AM