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Hello Robert,
I wonder at what angles are the planets aligned over the middle east this week? It tense and fast moving... Michelle


"The fact that things are a bit uncertain, unsteady, and in transition making little or no sense doesn't really matter. What matters is how we respond to these challenges, these choices, these very weird times that are pushing all of us into transition states. Find bridge forms while valuing seed forms, and after this passes you'll see clearer what direction to take that is in your long term best interests.

"It's now or never...." "

Tell me about it!


Whew! Thank you for the "heads up" posting! I will practice being present and conscious this week.



While things seem to be on a good course, I am aware of some inner anxiety today, like anxiousness. It is the most useless feeling, anxiety. I am just going to turn my brain away from it.


Thank you for this very timely heads up. Things are certainly moving quickly with Italy, Greece, and the Euro Zone. We will be watching global developments closely.


Hi Robert,
Stumbled on to your website by accident and find myself coming back to it on a regular basis. Thank you for this article! I identify with all the above and being at a crossroads can be rather scary, and unnerving. However I feel that if decisions and actions taken take into consideration the collective benefit rather than being ego-driven then one can sleep easy!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.....

(another) Elizabeth

Hi Robert; Thanks for this article which, as everyone is saying, is very timely. I agree with Elizabeth above that this is an exciting but somewhat scary crossroads. Exactly my feeling. I/we just need to go for it!


Amen. (to both the article and the two Elizabeths)


Hi Michelle - Well, the same aspects apply to the Middle East as to the rest of the world, just at a different time. Earlier than Asia, later than Europe and the Americas. I don't know the specific signs of the various nations, but those countries with planets in these zones would be most affected. I suspect Syria is one of those, for example, since they just got busted by the Arab League for their brutality and have been told to stop. It would also seem that this is the week that Europe will either move forward or begin to fracture.

Hi Damien - It seems "the hour has struck" for many! Me too!!

Hi Elah - Practicing the "Aloha Spirit" saluting the highest in each is a great way to "practice being present and conscious" this week and always! That said, things set into motion this week will profoundly affect the future.

Hi caliban - Good that you're aware of the tendency to inner anxiety, and good that you're aware that it's basically a useless feeling. Being able to allow our mind to over-ride unhelpful feelings is one of the best skills we can cultivate, since it provides self control over both the feelings and the mind.

Hi dcu - Yes, I figured those into astrology would find a lot to ponder given the importance of this quickly moving phenomenon. Things change in a blink, don't they?;-)

Hi Elizabeth - Glad you found your way to the Cosmic Cantina! Also glad you still find enough that's useful to make it back here from time to time. We're a fairly gentle and aware community. Life is a sequence of crossroads, but fear is a useless response and a very dangerous disease. You're accurate in that decisions and actions on behalf of the greatest good (however that is defined in the moment) can be liberating and diminishes the ego's self importance. And of course, you're most welcome.

Hi (another) Elizabeth - I suppose that's a better way to address you than Elizabeth II!;-) Really, to elaborate, it is very human to feel apprehension at the unknown and unfamiliar. It's pretty much taught from the moment we move into any degree of cognition, but it's a useless response when it's time to move into unknown zones of experience when we know the old is dead and there's nothing to do but move forward. This is a time to make a leap, hopefully with some sort of plan. My own leap is planned for the Spring, and will make a lot of my talks and classes available to the community and beyond. But I promise I still won't accept paid ads for the site!!;-)

Hi Donna - Yes, Aum and blessings to all who face an unknown future that will be better than a known past. Courage is generated by facing your fear and knowing it cannot hurt you.


To all - Beginning about 5 pm PST, 8 pm EST, 1 am Nov 15 Greenwich time, 6:30 am in India, and 11 am eastern Oz time, the Moon begins its passage through the Cancer zone. It will make all the trigger aspects for 8-9 hours after that, so be alert to what happens during that time. "Rollin', rollin', rollin'....."


Thank you Robert for sharing your insights-
Good night from Beirut Michelle


Hmmm... as the Moon entered the Cancer zone I found myself at the symphony for the first time in a very long time. It was like I was washed over by the feeling that I need to surround myself with this type of energy more often in order to realize the new beginnings I have been seeking to cultivate.

However, some of the larger lessons of the time also seem to indicate the ability to know how to Retreat and to avert Strife - both in the sense of the I Ching (and hence capitalized) - as all make there way through these transitions. For this ram, it isn't always so easy: not with having to keep eye an out on dishonest people.... I guess that's why it's called a spiritual practice!


Dear Robert,Please ...need your advice....i am disturbed
Have always looked upon your advice when I have tough times and desperately request your advice.
1)my wife's d.o.b is 23.11.1967..Place of Birth is Faizabad(U.P,India) and time of birth is 12 noon.
please advice if she needs to be careful about the saturn transit and general precautions/remedies she has to take during the current Venus Mercury period.
She has had a rough patch and had fallen into bad company and we have just avoided a break up.
2)my dob is 27.12.62,birth in bangalore,time of birth is 4.45 pm.
We are married since 23 years.I love my wife and dont want our young children to go through turmoil.please advice and tell me that our married life will be fine.sincerely request your good words of wisdom and advice Robert


Hi Michelle - You're most welcome. Kiss the Beirut skies for me.

Hi Matt - Good to see you in NYC. Symphonies are great for getting a grander sweep and having deep centers triggered. As we discussed, I'm also in a form of long term planned strategic retreat to avert future strife, and given what's in front of all of us, it's a great skill to cultivate.

Hi Sonny - Though I don't believe in doing extensive analysis in comment streams, I will do this just once. Remember that it takes two to make a relationship, and all relationships are made and broken by what we say, what we do, what we believe in, and our willingness to figure out new ways to be good to each other and for each other. There is no relationship destined to fail or succeed - everything depends on our willingness to move forward to better ways.

Saturn has been on your wife's Venus and Ketu and is going to square her Mars for many months to come. She should work on what bothers her without needless strife, and find sensitive ways to take care of her true needs while not playing to discontent. She learns more from proper self assertion this lifetime than needless superficiality. Mostly right now Pluto is square her Saturn, showing that all she has believed was security before now is no longer sufficient.

She's really quite brilliant and needs adequately large vistas for self expression. That said, she has also been through some major confusion due to misplaced idealism due to Neptune's transit. This period is the end of that. However, as Neptune is now opposed her Jupiter, she must get a larger sense of things and not drift needlessly or sacrifice long term good for short term illusions that are distortions of ideals.

Pluto is on your Sun the past year showing radical purification and transformation. You will continue to go through emotional purifications through 2012-13, and must find greater creative challenges that can help you overcome a tendency to discouragement. This is about you learning how to hold the line through all possible difficulty, keeping it simple and straightforward. This life it's easy for you to take responsibility, but not as easy to feel your feelings without intensity or discontent.

One of the main karmic lessons for you this life is self-sufficiency and the ability to "cross the desert" until you find your way to your destination. Many times when your life quickens it's a signal to drop all that is unnecessary or superfluous, and you will also find yourself confronting the ideal versus the reality of a situation or person. These are opportunities to pull back from projections so you can plan anew. Use your inventiveness skillfully and from time to time you'll see your charisma that helps to calm that which is not stable. Simplicity and straightforwardness are your keys to well being.

Also remember that 49 marks the "double climacteric," where a whole part of our life is done and we begin to move into a period where "if it works it's true, if it doesn't work it's not true," regardless of all other considerations. Though some things will be rough in the Spring, being a dispassionate Deva focused on the greatest good for the greatest number will be the solution to many stuck things. Just make sure you're using the right tools to get what you want, and don't get distracted by peripheral things while keeping your eyes on the prize.


It is a treasury and joy to catch up with you Robert!

This great septile is serious business... the things I've witnessed over the past 24 hrs are surreal.


Hi Matt - Yes, it's a lesser "judgment day" for many. That's why when we find ourselves getting pulled "out of town," it might be good to remember the immortal words of Guy Clark, "if I can just get off of this LA freeway, without getting killed or caught, down the road in a cloud of smoke..."

Wild Horse running

Hola Robert,

your post about Nov 14- 15- yesterday/15th my birthday-52) and the degrees being taurus moon in the 8th at 21 degrees. I have noticed that I am letting go of pessimisim...and finding myself..being more optimistic/positive....maybe letting go of the scorpion...and moving into the Phoenix stage? This morning I woke, and felt alot of repressed pain/anger starting to move toward the surface....and the term emotional cleansing comes to mind...I found a term for moon in the 8th..."the need to feel ones pain".

I believe there is a flood coming...and the dam is gonna break, and Im going to let it...



Hi WHR - After so many years of sincere effort to shed the skins of the lower self, I believe you do stand on the threshold of a greater Way, Truth, and Life. 52 is a turning point year in what begins at 49, so do what you must to concretize the vision, teaching, or object of the quest of the past year. Again, the basic lesson for the 49-56 7 year cycle is "if it works it's true, if it doesn't work it's not true." That helps put many old things in perspective. Apply your truths abundantly and clearly, and you'll quickly see what works for you at this time in your life. But you already know that.....

Letting go of pessimism is a good practice, since pessimism is unhelpful if we wish to achieve anything good in this life. Like trying to swim with two sweatshirts and a pair of tennies. As you eliminate old habits (Moon in 8th) then the space to regenerate habits of nurturing self and others can appear.

Since the Moon is related to "the shell of personality," when we replace the old shell with a newer one, large enough to allow our Higher Self to inhabit, then we find a lot of space to have better feelings arise. I suspect this is a "graduation day" for you, and congratulate you on your diligence and effort. On to the next chapter!

Wild Horse running

Holy Conciousness Batman! Clarity!!!

Your response brings to mind all the dreams about losing my I.D. and having to get another one. There are old things I am letting go of....repressing true feelings...Im finding the ability to express anger, I always hid it before, as if I did get angry, I was punished, by those in Authority...and as Im letting go of those old ingrained addictions...Im finding myself being/feeling nicer...

I think I have been hiddenly angry for along time, because I wasn,t allowed to express it, or was punished if I did. That fear is leaving...

Bring on the next chapter!!!!

Thank you Roberto!!!!!


That "retreat to avoid strife" thing . . . I've been practicing it cuz my back was breaking under the load. Could this be a validation so that I need not feel guilty about doing this? Really, it's not my responsibility? I can let that go?


Thanks Robert..I am touched...I read and re read your words of wisdom all of yesterday and I am at peace..Sincere Thanks again Robert.


I have to say Robert that this has been a rather interesting week. Especially in the area of my love life. Romance life. I have to look more deeply at those configurations. Although, I am not so great at interpreting but maybe I can try to understand more clearly. Thanks for this post awesomeness....


Thanks, Robert. This really reflected my emotional crisis at the time. This helped me understand what was going on and provided an optimistic future. Thanks for your insight into my life and your ongoing friendship.

Wild Horse running


In your response to me you said that my birthday was "graduation day"....I am so "fixed" and "stuck" that I think it has taken me a little while longer to get it. In the above post, you said there were things talking place on the 18-19th, today is the 20th, and a person from the past showed up to mirror for me, my issues. Over the last year or two, people with the same "masks", have been helping me to "see clearly". I now understand why I have been angry....I have hidden my real feelings, and been an actress of sorts. Very deeply ingrained behaviour to please, say, what others would appreciate, when in reality, I felt totally different.

My ascendant at 12 Libra, "the pleaser"?
Now that this has come to the surface... Im checking in with my "feelings", and paying attention to what is going on between myself and another.... instead of going into "automatic pilot".

Its time... to listen to MY inner voice, instead of the voice of others....and to be true to my real feelings, and act accordingly....authenticly.

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