by Robert Wilkinson
Time to revisit what's happening regarding 2012 and the Mayan Calendar, the end of our current Age, the beginning of the New Age, and the challenge of finding our way to accurate information about the meaning of all this.
This is a long post, covering a lot of ground across many vectors of reality, so I split it into two parts. Much was taken from a previous article, with additions and subtractions to bring it up to date. That said, enjoy the journey!
There's a great deal of glamor, illusion, and Maya surrounding our current transitional period, with lots of rumors and speculation. Regardless of our current belief systems, there is a greater evolutionary reality going on that's beyond our perceptual interpretations conditioned by our limitations.
So today we're going to re-examine the nature of time, perception, and how our minds work. By understanding how these work, we can keep some things in mind as we move through experience and adapt to what is, and what's coming.
Time is a funny thing. It is a one-way street, and is the means by which we measure movement in perceptual experience through the 3 denser dimensions. Time is also infinitely fluid, and as such has no beginning or end.
As someone recently pointed out, an odometer is a good metaphor for how we have come to measure space and time as functions of each other's movement. Rolling ever forward, every end is followed naturally by a new beginning showing the next phase of an unending process. If the dimension of time is never-ending, then though calendars end, consciousness is forever.
Humanity, barely understanding a few of the principles of the 3 dense dimensions of human reality, usually do make stuff up to explain time and how it relates to experience. Mostly these are attempts to find metaphors to classify what hasn't been confirmed within conventional means. I believe that's why a lot of what is asserted these days does seem disconnected, or weaves together highly speculative assertions that require us to accept a lot on faith. The human imagination does wonderful things to cover up holes in its incomplete understanding.
While I'm big on faith when it is needed, it has no place in any serious study where thorough scholarship is needed. Devotion is good, but it's an entirely different field of energy than Knowledge. It's somewhat like trying to use cooked spaghetti to hammer a nail. Both are perfectly fine in their realms, but ultimately have different purposes, methods, and outcomes.
Many sites offer speculations about the current and coming transitions, and try to tie them to the Mayan calendar, the Great Pyramid timeline, the prophesies of Nostradamus or the Book of Revelations. I have found they require us to assume quite a few things, some plausible, some wildly implausible. Much of it seems like a game of "Telephone," where each successive retelling becomes more and more elaborate, usually for the purpose of convincing people to suspend reason and join, surrender, or repent something.
All interpretations of prophesies make assumptions. We all make assumptions. That includes you and me, as well as the Mayan, Nostradamus, and Pyramid timeline scholars. In fact all groups studying anything, including the fields of art, science, philosophy and religions, make assumptions. We can extend this to all societies and cultures, since humanity has been trying to classify reality and experience since its infancy 3 million years ago.
Even when certain assumptions are "proved true," they are usually within local conditions and may not be an absolute. For example, we assume gravity to affect everything that has mass and density. However, countless Eastern Yogis have demonstrated that sometimes gravity does not affect the human body when certain levels of consciousness are achieved.
In terms of the larger "paradigm shift," right now, due to a lack of true scholarship in the field of metaphysics and the Ageless Wisdom accumulated through many civilizations over millennia, collectively we are somewhat like the proverbial 7 blind men trying to describe the elephant. So many see the parts and assume them to be the whole, or that somehow the trunk is "more important" than the leg. Mostly people have fallen under the delusion that forms have permanence and that getting attached to those forms is sustainable.
We do have an accumulation of wisdom of the ages available if we research it. Then we can relate the many derived, more recent local forms of that knowledge to the source material. There's a lot of speculation about the New Era, but most newer "experts" on the subject never studied the older larger and smaller eras preceding this one to get context or a sense of the continuity of what each successive age represented in terms of the spiritual evolution of humanity. One must study to know, know to understand, and understand to judge. Critical thinking skills are essential if we are to transcend superstitions and half-truths based in limitations of perception.
This all serves the evolution of the race across larger sweeps of time. Each successive sub-race within the larger Root Race contributes to a new understanding of "God," which serves the needs of that space-time continuum. This requires new metaphors, new approaches, new ways of regarding what IS. However, evolution is a continuity and usually builds upon itself, with occasional mutations.
I tend to doubt the veracity of new material when it tries to negate the established spiritual principles of accumulated human wisdom. Legitimate newer forms of understanding never negate the sum total of the accumulated Truth, Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence of the larger evolutionary trajectory. They do, however, add to the total understanding of All-That-Is, and usually offer hope for the inherent freedom of the Soul to come forth. Evolution is inherently inclusive and liberating.
In part 2 we'll continue exploring the nature of the Soul, false dualities that lead us into confusion, the problem of fear-based thinking, New Age cheerleading, Root Races and sub-races, and what we've been told by oracles past about 2012 and the nature of the coming Aquarian Age.
© Copyright 2008, 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Dear Robert,
Posted by: Cris | November 10, 2011 at 08:19 AM
You are the best teacher, Robert.
Posted by: James | November 10, 2011 at 08:48 AM
Time. The ever present now is eternal. Time. The measurement of cycles and seasons. Time. The measurement of duration - how long it takes to go from here to there - and/or back again. Time. Perhaps the most powerful element of Maya. What I have found is everything is happening all the time. The past is a remnant of cycles in time. The past is being created constantly. It is more like a stack of pancakes, layered one on top of the other. I see it more as vertical than linear and thus, the expanding universe, the big bang, the moving out of energy, etc. PBS just started a new series by physicist, Brian Greene this week. He has some wonderful insights into the cosmos and time.
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | November 11, 2011 at 06:39 PM