by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 19 Taurus-Scorpio promises some intense spiritual revelations throwing us into accelerated future growth, along with some critical decisions about who to link with, and who to refuse. These continue the major choices and changes resulting from what's emerging from the cocoon.
Last month's Full Moon was dominated by the Grand Irrationality. This one shows that configuration isn't in play, even though this Lunation shows the Moon triseptile Saturn with Mars also septile Saturn, putting areas ruled by those planets at "critical forks in the road of destiny." One thing that stands out is that Mercury and Venus are very close to opposing the Sun point of the June 2011 Solar Eclipse in the Gemini zone of the Grand Irrationality, indicating the next two weeks will externalize some of those Eclipse effects.
Despite things related to the Moon, Mars, and Saturn still feeling like they're on a hard edge of change, due to numerous favorable aspects we'll all stabilize, understand, harmonize, and specialize in many ways, with gifts to be had through unique interactive circumstances.
We're going to restructure our responses in the houses where this Full Moon falls. The Moon triseptile Saturn shows a turning point in how our personal life relates to our professional, and how our feelings relate to our responsibilities. With Mars also septile Saturn from the last degree of Leo, things that need to be shared in non-possessive ways is the trick to bringing forth a new mutation in our hearts.
The 7 "hot zones" involving the current Lunation Moon, Mars, and Saturn involve 18-20 Taurus, 9-11 Cancer, 30 Leo-2 Virgo, 22-24 Libra, 14-16 Sagittarius, 6-8 Aquarius, and 27-29 Pisces. If you have a planet or point in or near one of these zones, expect some major shifts involving wherever you have mid-Taurus, late Leo, and late Libra to affect the houses influenced by Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Definitely forks in the road in those departments of life, so choose creatively, selflessly, balanced and just, opening a new spontaneity.
Remember that the qualities of any Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the New Moon. The past New Moon theme involved seeing things in their deeper symbolism as we moved into a new service function in our world. We have had to demonstrate patience, courage, concern, and be good bridge builders while seeing the message we're here to deliver to others.
Here's more about the seeds being released by the current Full Moon. Briefly, from the New Moon in Scorpio article covering this period,
...This period involves learning techniques of seeing things symbolically, and perfecting some specialized function through concentration of energy and elimination of outworn things and ways of doing things. Here we take a closer look at the conflicts from increasing pressure, and find a new way of serving our world and heart's creative needs....Mars is in its "joy" in Leo, so you can bet the coming month will be about your heart's message striving to come forth, releasing your potential as a world servant. Leo tends to be generous and magnanimous in its expression, so during this time we will see highly productive specialized ways of expression released through a culmination and turning point in our relationships, values, and ways of seeing and/or understanding these. The extremely dynamic square of Mercury and Venus in Scorpio to Mars, along with the Lunation in Scorpio exactly quintile Mars, shows it's time to get a different view and way of expressing our magnetism....
Saturn in this Lunation chart indicates we need to pay attention to issues concerning what we care about, and how we can bring what is needed to those who "thirst for it." Here we see what others need for a form of life renewal, and find what we have received from Spirit to offer to others. We can now reconstruct something on a social or emotional level that helps us understand the welfare of the individual is intertwined with the welfare of the whole.
It's a time to find a simple and "intuitive understanding" of something of Spiritual importance. We can get a "fresh grasp of the Soul's needs," as well as a "youthful life enjoyment" that can renew our willingness to serve in a creative way....
Overall, due to the mix of Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, and Scorpio energies, this will be a very naturally creative-expressive New Moon period. The energies are fairly well balanced between self and others, inner and outer. The major squares between Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo shows that it's a fairly important turning point in our ambitions and values, and for many it's a new day. Just look for the message from Spirit confirming your blessing at having made it through your crises with strength, courage, and determination to serve the highest.
This time is still one of looking back even as we move forward in the now toward the future we've already glimpsed. This time will show us a deeper symbolism to things, as well as a way to value cooperation to achieve a form of continuity in our evolution. Creative releases of energy will show us how to be creative and play at the same time as we deliver or receive a message.
This Autumn is a time to cultivate the "plants in our garden of personality and life" that will be what we draw on in 2012. Here we apply skill in solving some problem by linking up with others who have needed skills in that area. This period activates the Spiritual lessons set up at Mercury's stationary direct point in late August.
We're now having to apply those lessons, which involved being freed from old social rigidities and finding joy in fellowship with new associates with whom we can work and play. August was a "liberating ordeal" that led us to new insights and information. This is the time to express those lessons, insights, and ways of coordinating our life more effectively. By mid-November we'll know what skills we learned in August that we'll have to use efficiently between mid-November and mid-April 2012.
While September was a very solid and practical time that helped us stabilize the seeds of our future due to the very grounding and auspicious Grand Earth trine, October helped us curb certain seeds and cultivate those that offer the most promise of us getting what we need. Jupiter has now retrograded back to an exact trine to Pluto, The trine will hold through March 2012, so again, tend your garden!
Other important forming aspects in this Full Moon chart involve the Moon quadranovile Mercury and Venus, binovile Neptune, and sesquisquare Pluto. Add Mercury conjunct Venus both tredecile Uranus, Sun binovile Mars semisquare Pluto, Mars trine Jupiter and Pluto (out of sign), quincunx Uranus, and Saturn trine Neptune. Though Jupiter trine Pluto has been separating, the energy of the trine is re-established through Mars forming trines to each.
All the novile series aspect will bring realizations after a period of waiting, or show that we must allow those things to gestate for awhile. Mercury conjunct Venus will fuse the areas of our lives involving Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra through the house affairs where we have Sagittarius, and through those rulerships, will influence how the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn operate in this chart.
The out of sign trines by Mars to Jupiter and Pluto indicate harmonization and understanding, first through an initial fiery mode, then settling into a more practical, detail-oriented tasking. Look to the period when Mars transits early Virgo to establish some things related to this trine. These will directly relate to the openings to come in February 2012.
The tredeciles between Mercury and Venus with Uranus should bring unique circumstances and gifts from heeding "the wisdom of the body," tuning in on forms of "physical enlightenment," and deconditioning the mind from excess reliance on quantitative measurement of experience. These will help us cultivate a mechanism by which we will be able to demonstrate some form of divine power. It's a time of quickening, preparing us for something to come beginning the second week of February.
Where Jupiter and Saturn are transiting is where we're getting a broader vision or a greater truth (Jupiter) and new responsibilities or a sense of purpose (Saturn.) As Venus still rules both Jupiter and Saturn, aspects made between Venus and Jupiter, and Venus and Saturn, are very powerful.
Venus is making only separating aspects to these two planets, showing that whatever is shaping their expression is already in the recent past during the next two weeks. The separating biquintile to Jupiter indicates recent unique interactions that may have boomeranged on one or both parties, while the separating semisquare to Saturn shows recent strains in relationships.
Interesting separating aspects, showing things just past, include the Moon biseptile Mars, Mercury and Venus biquintile Jupiter, semisquare Saturn, and binovile Neptune. Finishing up, we see a separating Mars opposed Neptune and Saturn quintile Pluto.
Taken together, we've had to find a new inspiration and not give up on something too easily, take a look at recent boomerangs that didn't turn out as one or both assumed, and the beginning of unique structures within the larger ongoing transformational energies that will become extremely evident in March and April 2012 as well as August 2012.
The next two weeks is where we can "hear a new message" and experience a new spontaneity. We'll find techniques to mutate into a new heart strength through sharing, openness, non-possessiveness, and seeing that sometimes activity really is dominated by "fate" due to inherent patterns we set into motion a long time ago.
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles as well as earlier in this one, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." It recently went stationary retrograde at 1 Pisces, a degree showing us where our world is at right now relative to the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. This stationary point is affecting all of us through the rest of 2011.
Neptune is now at 29 Aquarius, where it goes stationary direct today, November 9, at 10:55 am PST, 1:55 pm EST, 6:55 pm Greenwich. The symbol for this degree is "Butterfly emerging from chrysalis," showing humanity is now moving into a greater self-renewing "emanation." This will bring a greater Faith, promise, and a larger view of the emergent reality we've confronted since Spring.
We've now begun a process by which humanity is beginning to break out of its cocoon, and graduate into a new realm of being. I wrote more about Neptune's shift from Pisces to Aquarius in the article Neptune Retrograde Into Aquarius - A New Look At the New Age, and am still composing more about the relationship between the end of Aquarius and beginning of Pisces. Stay tuned!
Since Neptune went stationary RX in Pisces, showing us where we're at as a global humanity as well as what we can expect from 2012 for many years to come, here's some of what I've said in prior articles about 1 Pisces:
We now can feel a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
Venus rules the Moon in the Lunation. As mentioned earlier, these are just coming off a biquintile, showing we recently were involved in specialized interactions where we had to trust our body wisdom and allow a new spontaneity to show itself. Due to the close conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, much of how the Moon brings forth forms in the next two weeks will be conditioned by a greater vision, sense of humor, or truth that helps us relate our ideas to our relationships and values.
Mars and Pluto rule the Sun in the Lunation. Mars is conjunct TransPluto, just off the opposition to Neptune and forming one to Chiron. This is a powerful indicator of "Divine Mother energy" in motion, externalizing whatever the Neptune conjunct Chiron indicates.
Mars, worldly ruler of the Sun, is on a degree of "spiritual integrity" where suspicion has no place in our temperament. Here we learn how to trust others in appropriate ways, despite the occasional disillusionments that test our discrimination. It indicates that confidence is the backdrop to our illumination via the messages coming through the Solar degree, and we are offered the possibility of "exceptional skill in winning and holding the respect of everybody."
Pluto, spiritual ruler of the Sun, is at 6 Capricorn, a degree we've become familiar with over the past months. It indicates we have completed a major part of our past experience, and now can open to a more limitless set of possibilities once we've closed what needs closing. Here we've been learning how to steer our destiny consciously in ways that fulfill our personality through exploring our potentials. By thoroughness, we can find competence in interpreting our purpose and persisting in effective application toward those ends.
As with past months, the next two weeks offer us opportunities to move and groove through some fairly harmonious and stabilizing times and experiences to find a new rhythm of self expression through using knowledge and skill to anticipate what's coming. Though the ongoing Uranus square Pluto still shows a larger tension in the air, during the next two weeks we can get clear about what needs eliminating and/or regenerating to stabilize a new spontaneity.
Late October was a very challenging time for many due to Mercury and Venus square Mars from fixed signs. So given the recent weirdness, friction, ego crashes, and disappointments that helped show us how to let go of our lower self and embrace the fire of our Higher Self and its Truths, this Lunation should help stabilize a newer, simpler, more enjoyable way of doing our Being. This period will show us what to let go of, what to attract, and how to express our Soul in natural, creative, spontaneous ways.
Thanks to Jupiter, we've now in the heart of a 4 month period of deciding what parts of our gardens we want to cultivate while seeing how Nature is rewarding us for past effort. As with recent months, this period continues to help us recalibrate to balance our Soul's needs and expression freed of lower ego and its assumptions. And of course, patience is a virtue while Jupiter occupies Taurus!
As Saturn now leads the Sun, it shows that we have to exercise patience, fairness, justice, and "right proportion," taking responsibility to pay the dues that need paying to balance the scales of prior duties. It's a time when many will go through a mutation, returning to our "unconditioned uniqueness" so that elements of our "special destiny" can fulfill themselves.
As with last month, follow your decisions and actions into thinking and new information and visions. Then stop to feel what you're experiencing based in those ideas, communications, and visions. It should be a good time to decide and act with purpose followed by new ways of understanding that make our activities clearer in our intention.
The trick will be to learn to check in with our feelings, so they don't get neglected in the process. Feel your experience once you've learned what there is to learn, communicated what there is to be communicated, and seen what there is to see, and then allow a new fact or action to arise naturally.
This is a very active and diverse time, with the Splay Jones pattern indicating that we have to find ways to stay centered amidst diverse actions, ideas, and feelings that may not mesh together very easily. Stay centered, don't feel like it all has to fit harmonically, and learn to use Heart Fire to stabilize practical realities that are preparing us for new action in 2012.
As there is a Grand Trine, take a larger view, stabilize what is valuable and beautiful, and be gently and sweetly determined to do what must be done, despite the inevitable resistances that arise as we move from a known past into a speculative future. Keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life, while anticipating a freer, more playful life to come.
We all began multiple new lines of living between March and May 2011, and the peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns we generated in May led to major releases through powerful transformations set into motion in June. While early June set forth the seeds of transformational energies leading us to strength, the second half of June revealed those transformational energies in forms of play.
July helped us perfect our expression, while setting the stage for the "liberating ordeals" of August. For those who embraced the challenge, ego props collapsed so we could be liberated from old social rigidities to make our lives freer and happier in human fellowship. Those who opened to truth and honesty now are much clearer about what is and isn't real for them.
September was a stabilizing period after major crashes, where we prepared to break free of old patterns and began to live a new life while maintaining productivity. We had to reorient, since finding ways and places of well-being through assuring future supply was the line of greatest development. October was a "cosmic moment of pause" which presaged major change. It required not falling into distress at not knowing what's coming, and being alertly ready to act.
We now can grow into a greater view and/or truth through anticipating what's coming by extrapolating past cycles that allow us to rehearse in advance for what we glimpse. Be willing to adjust to capitalize on the moment, and you can find reassurance in seeing your natural talent for knowing the right course of action in any given situation.
Let go of whatever has lost its usefulness, open to new spontaneity, and trust the wisdom of your bodily instincts. Much can be stabilized, even if it seems a bit scattered at times. And be alert to finding your "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," even if it may take a few weeks to figure out exactly where it is and what you can do with what you find there.
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Delicious. Thanks, Robert.
Posted by: Donna | November 08, 2011 at 09:38 AM
Thank you Robert!
Posted by: Ilse | November 08, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Really great post. I have to read it again. Woke up late this morning so not enough time to get all of this digested. Lots of room for thought here.
happy thursday to you
Posted by: Micheline | November 09, 2011 at 03:33 PM
October was a "cosmic moment of pause"
Indeed Robert, I felt it physically and mentally.
Thank you, I can see the evolution.
Posted by: Mary Pillay | November 10, 2011 at 12:05 AM
Dear Robert,Have always looked upon your advice when I have tough times and desperately request your advice.
1)my wife's d.o.b is 23.11.1967..Place of Birth is Faizabad(U.P,India) and time of birth is 12 noon.
please advice if she needs to be careful about the saturn transit and general precautions/remedies she has to take during the current Venus Mercury period.
She has had a rough patch and had fallen into bad company and we have just avoided a break up.
2)my dob is 27.12.62,birth in bangalore,time of birth is 4.45 pm.
We are married since 23 years.I love my wife and dont want our young children to go through turmoil.please advice and tell me that our married life will be fine.sincerely request your good words of wisdom and advice Robert
Posted by: Sonny | November 13, 2011 at 06:20 AM