by Robert Wilkinson
I'll be offering you several articles explaining the Lunar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Sagittarius-Gemini over the next few days. At this point I'll remind you that no eclipse of itself is "bad," nor do we have anything to fear. This one bring gifts, strengthens intuitive powers, and stabilizes our vision, even if many will break away from the known and familiar over the next 3 1/2 months.
I've composed quite a few articles on past eclipses in the archives that bear re-visiting, since many Solar Eclipses of recent years are still manifesting results, if traditional Eclipse lore is to be believed. I went into the timeline of Eclipse effects in the article, The Solar Eclipse - What It Means and Its Effect On Our Life, as well as many other elements of what we can expect from these recurring celestial events. When you're done here, please check it out, since we've had FOUR Solar Eclipses in 2011, which is abnormal!
For now, though, here's an important article explaining even more about what effects we can expect to result from Lunar and Solar Eclipses. For your reconsideration, The Solar and Lunar Eclipse - Is Any Eclipse Destined to Have Bad Effects?
To whet your appetites, here is a bit from the article:
There is a lot of fear and trepidation connected to Eclipses, an unfortunate leftover from previous centuries when Eclipses were believed to augur the fall of empires, dynasties, and powerful people anywhere the Eclipse shadow fell. While Eclipses do tend to shut down some elements in the area of life (house) in which they fall, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since we must bring some things to an end if we are to embrace newer, better ways of doing our Being. While the future effects of an Eclipse may be powerful, in that they last over a long period, they are not necessarily bad.No Astrological event need be "bad," or have "evil" effects, regardless of whether we're using Vedic, Chinese, Western, or any other approach to defining "All-That-Is" within a precise system of space-time factors. Though a circumstance may seem to have "bad" omens for the future, we can always transcend any negativity and turn the future to beneficent possibilities. No matter where an Eclipse falls, we can turn it to good.
Here it is important to remember Astrology is not a "predictive" art, in the usual way this is understood. The craft is less deterministic than most believe, including we professional Astrologers who seem to be able to "hit the mark" regarding future manifestations.
Pattern is everything, and time is a continuity. By knowing the past and present, we can often extrapolate the future. But we can never know how a being will respond to any given life challenge, whether pleasant or painful. Each has their ability to respond as they choose in the moment.
This directly related to the concept that each planet has a duality of function. It is up to us to determine whether the Moon, Sun, Mercury or any other planet involved in eclipses, "bad" aspects, configurations and other phenomena manifests productively or non-productively.
To remind you, a square can be more productive than a trine, and an opposition can produce awareness. Polarization is only a problem on the ego level. Seen from a higher angle, oppositions are necessary for us to acquire objectivity and the ability to encompass duality within a higher view.
By all means, check out the entire article, since I explained how past eclipses affected my chart, and gave examples of the good that can come after an eclipse removes old patterns. I suspect this coming Lunar Eclipse will bring great blessings to many through helping us break free of old "polluted" conditions, and see greater possibilities in living new lives, truths, and futures.
See you soon with more on this 2011 Sagittarius-Gemini Total Lunar Eclipse!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, my natal north node is at 22 gemini. Is this eclipse close enough in degrees to affect that point. Mine falls into the 11th house. So, there will be this theme I guess between the 11th house and 5th house axis.
Posted by: Micheline | December 05, 2011 at 03:46 PM
Hi Robert, thank you for your in depth and intuitive astrological articles! This eclipse is very potent for me as it feeds into my natal grand cross: conjunct my 20 Gemini Chiron in the 9th, opposite 18 Sag Uranus, square 18 Virgo Venus in the 11th and square 22 Pisces Jupiter in the 6th (right on cusp). Also t.Mars trines my 13 Cap mars and t.Venus trines my 18 Virgo Venus! Obviously I'm expecting some big changes to occur, I have been feeling it for awhile. The solar eclipse conjuncted my Saturn in the 2nd. I feel like everything is up in the air and I'm not sure yet which direction to take or what opportunities will come my way. I am really looking forward to a change in career and living situation. I am trying to have faith that the universe will provide and keep me on the right path! Do you have any ideas on if this will be an easy or favorable transition? I'm really looking forward to reading your future articles on the lunar eclipse!
Posted by: Autumn | December 05, 2011 at 06:23 PM
Thanks Robert.
I will see what Good the "12th house eclipse OUT" will offer!
Personally it happens in my 3rd, but all the other symbols draws the 12th:
1) traditional rulers (jupiter + neptunus) of 12th in my natal 3rd (Eclipse Sun here!),
2) south node of eclipse "behind" my natal cancer sun, and I see behind = 12th (Lunar eclipse point in natal 9th, where my saturn is),
3) the Grand Trine transit (capricorn pluto, taurus Jupiter and virgo mars) Mars activates my 12th house and
4) Beautiful transit of Kheiron and Neptunus in 5th opens up my MC and its cancer Venus.
12th is something I really can't know,it's behind scenes! But something of it disappears!!
Posted by: helinä | December 06, 2011 at 01:25 AM
What are the meanings of the conjunction of an eclipse with each natal planet?
This eclipse falls upon my natal Mars (19 degrees 11'' Sagittarius)
The Lunar eclipse of June 15 (24 degrees 23'') was conjunct my natal Sun (25 degrees 38''). What does that mean? And should them be interpreted together?
Posted by: Daniel | December 08, 2011 at 02:49 PM
My Natal Sun is at 25 degrees 38'' Sagittarius
Posted by: Daniel | December 08, 2011 at 02:50 PM