by Robert Wilkinson
We now enter an extremely hard edged period of a Mutable T-square driven by the very volatile Mercury square Mars, so SLOW DOWN!
Mercury square Mars is good for intense writing, reading things quickly, and exercising, as long as we don't overdo it. It's not good for hasty decisions, abrupt interactions, or getting too assertive, since that aspect can provoke pretty hard reactions to what is said or done (or not said or done!)
December 30 shows a Moon square Mercury and opposed Mars between 1-7 am PST, 9am-3 pm Greenwich. The void is at 19-20 Gemini. However, when that T-square passes and the Moon enters Aries on December 31, 1:28 am PST, 9:28 am Greenwich, it then begins to conjunct Uranus and square Pluto and the Sun, exactly at the time Mercury squares Mars at 21 Sag/Virgo at 10:06 pm PST New Year's Eve, 6:06 am Greenwich New Year's day. That's a lot of squares going on at once!
So New Year's Eve has Mercury square Mars exact, and at the same time the Moon is activating Uranus square Pluto! Be very, very, careful, regardless of where you are and what you're doing. I suspect this will be at the least an exciting New Year's Eve, and at worst, well, I don't want to talk about it.
The Mutable T-square and subsequent Mercury square Mars in effect through January 2 most affects those born the second week of December, March, June, and September, as well as those with planets or points around 17-23 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Generationally, it will have a powerful effect on those born 9/36-9/38, 6-7/43, 1-4/44, 8-11/45, 5/46-6/47, 1-4/48, 10/49-2/50, 7-9/50, 2-3/51, 11/57-1/58, and 6-10/58.
Those in their mid to late 40s watch out! This configures with major outer planet positions for those born between Nov 64 and Jan 65, and especially those born 6/65 through 10/68. Others affected are those born 11-12/71, 7/72-1/73, 4-6/73, 6-8/74, 12/74-2/75, 2-3/77, 6-8/77, 1-7/78, 10/78-12/80, 7-12/81, 2-6/85, and 11/85-2/88.
Be realistic in your assessments, try not to get aggravated or respond to things too quickly, and be adaptable and compassionate as you avoid that which could bring reproach or regrets. Feel deeply, but remember that some of what you're feeling is in the generic field of collective consciousness. Integrate your knowledge and perceptions, and try to reference it all to a greater wisdom.
On a somewhat related note, the Moon in Aries December 31 (Western Hemisphere) and January 1 (Eastern Hemisphere) square Pluto and the Sun will most impact people born late March, June, September, and December, as well as those with important planets or points between 6-12 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This marks the beginning of the next phase of Uranus square Pluto, since Uranus is direct and getting closer to the square every day for months, with the square lasting for years!
Generationally, the Uranus square Pluto kicking off at New Year's Eve most impacts quite a few. Older generations include those born 2/28-4/31, 12/36-1/37, 6-8/37, 2-8/38, 11/38-1/39, 6-10/39, 1-10/40, 2-4/41, 3-4/44, 7/44-1/46, 4-10/49, 1/50-8/52, 10-11/52, 1-2/53, 6-11/53, 1/54, 3-9/54, 2-6/59, 9/59-1/60.
Younger generations include 4-5/60, 8/60-4/61, 3-7/66, 4-11/67, 1-4/68, 12/68-2/69, 4-5/69, 8/69-10/71, 2-5/72, 10/72-4/73, 9-11/73, 5/74-11/775-6/78, 8/78, 11/80-4/81, 7/81-1/82, 3-7/82, 3-7/87, and 8/87-1/92.
The latter two groups will see long range effects over the next few years, so pay attention to the seeds of renewal and individualization that will show you the way to thread the needle of the Uranus square Pluto. Obviously, I'll be writing more during the coming months and years!
So Happy Western New Year, enjoy yourselves, but slow down, be careful, and when in doubt, don't!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
wow! Thanks Robert! I'm staying in!!
Will you be talking about Mars retrograde soon? I stupidly searched for info and read a bunch of astrology sites (from astrologers that I do not know) and they all have me really freaked out. (I'm a Virgo sun/Leo rising). Is a relationship started/consummated during Mars retro really doomed for failure? What if you've known the person for a year and a half and it's just going to a new level? And isn't it time to give Virgo's a break?!! ;)
Thanks!! And Happy New Year! :)
Posted by: Beth R | December 29, 2011 at 09:56 PM
Thanks for the heads up, Robert. We will be staying home on New Years Eve drinking sparkling apple cider. No hangover. Grin.
Posted by: dcu | December 29, 2011 at 11:20 PM
Thanks for the 'take care' advice Robert. Just heard the weather forecast for New Year's Eve here in Adelaide. It will be a shocking 41C by 4pm. The hottest NYE since 1900! Here's to 2012!
Posted by: Ann | December 30, 2011 at 12:19 AM
Hey Beth R, I'm a natal mars rx. I am fortunate to have some very cool lifelong relationships. I hope Robert responds about the hoopla you've been reading. Sometimes it freaks me out too. We virgos tend to be a little nervous and those nay sayers can really play on that. But somehow we survive the chicken littles.
Posted by: caliban | December 30, 2011 at 06:02 AM
My comment to Beth R does not mean that I do not appreciate Robert's words of caution. Slow down is something I'm learning the hard way. Never hurts to be reminded.
Posted by: caliban | December 30, 2011 at 06:05 AM
Okay! I had plans to stay home anyway...drinking my seltzer and pomegranate juice. Thanks for the heads up!
Posted by: Elizabeth | December 30, 2011 at 07:06 AM
Hi all - Will be composing something about Mars RX in January. Until then, something I inferred in "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde" seems appropriate. Just because a planet is RX does not mean that planetary function is somehow "bad." Planets move forward, and then slow down in their orbit. That's RX. It gives us a chance to undo, re-do, or rework plans. It's also a time to do things that must be done before other things can move forward. Often Mars RX is associated with "false starts," but that doesn't mean the start shouldn't happen; it just means that we need to go slow, or go over ground already covered, or prepare the ground for the future. Mars RX can be a momentum killer, but that's also not necessarily a bad thing.
In my own case, the RX will exactly correspond to a time when I have to get my talks and writings in shape for sale via my webstore. I can't really launch the webstore without product to sell; figured that out a year ago. Been trying to get things in shape since then, but it's impossible with everything else on my plate. So Feb-Mar-early April is the time dedicated to transferring all my material to digital format to get it ready for sale. Also packing up where I live to prepare for a move that was planned for after Mars goes direct. It'll be interesting to see what happens in my little town, since it too has Mars RX in Virgo in its chart. I suspect some things that have been planned but never got off the ground may actually see some movement!
Posted by: Robert | December 30, 2011 at 07:08 AM
Whats this mean for the Vancouver area..?
Posted by: charliechaplin | December 30, 2011 at 06:57 PM
First, I have to say Happy New Year to you Robert. And well that is life. Okay, no bike tonight for sure. Luckily the trains run for free on New Years Eve and New Year morning and run all night so party goers and revelers like myself can be safe and not drive and all that jazz.
Posted by: Micheline | December 30, 2011 at 08:58 PM
Hi charliechaplin - It means that all over the world we need to all be careful and slow down, as well as avoid hasty action and aggressive people. No place is exempt from this square.
Posted by: Robert | December 30, 2011 at 10:24 PM
all plans fell away mid afternoon, think im being kept safe and at home :)
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | December 31, 2011 at 07:01 AM
Thanks Robert, Happy New Creation to you in 2012. I appreciate you and your work, good to see your plans moving forward with your store. Love and Blessings, Mary Kate GOE 2011
Posted by: Mary Kate Nelson | December 31, 2011 at 07:57 AM
Slow and steady wins the race. ~ Aesop
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | December 31, 2011 at 06:39 PM
Hi all - Some Mercury square Mars headlines: "Libya militia thwarts New Year's eve bomb plot," "Hollywood arson fires continue New Year's Eve," "Iran navy tests surface to air missile in drill," "Controversial new state laws take effect," "500 hurt, planes delayed by Philippines firecrackers," "Argentine governor fatally shot in the head," "Police: Man may have infected hundreds with HIV," "Chief justice defends court's impartiality" (no, it's not a joke!), "Jim Morrison's former home damaged by arson," "WHO 'deeply concerned' by deadly flu research" along with "Man dies from bird flu in southern China," and "South Pole 'miracle': Record heat, plus snow, on Christmas." Just another Mercury square Mars on planet Earth....
Posted by: Robert | January 01, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Man oh Man!! Thanks Robert!!
Posted by: Beth R | January 01, 2012 at 10:50 PM