by Robert Wilkinson
Winter Solstice 2011 occurs at 9:30 pm PST Dec 21, 2011, 12:30 am EST, 5:30 am Greenwich Dec 22. This is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and from here the Solar force will get longer and stronger, a welcome relief for those of us who need lots of sunshine to keep our dispositions equally sunny. The Winter Solstice is a special time for me, where I do a specific ritual every year that yields great results. I’ll explain after we discuss the Solstice chart.
Today is the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of Summer in the Southern. There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and making decisions about how we want to live in 2012. We up North have now reaped the harvest of what we've done and not done, and can figure out how we want to claim our power in 2012. In the Southern latitudes, you've finished your "Spring planting," and will now see how these labors will come to fulfillment over the next 90 days.
Whether North or South, keep following through on the emergent archetypes you've already begun to live, since this is the time to embrace personal power in some public way. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
This Solstice has1 Virgo rising in Santa Monica (PST), 1 Virgo rising in Vancouver, 3 Libra rising in Toronto, and 5 Libra rising in Washington DC (EST Dec 22). Rio has 20 Scorpio, London (GMT) has 29 Scorpio on the Ascendant, Amsterdam has 2 Sagittarius, Berlin has 8 Sag, Tallinn has 8 Sag, Sofia has 23 Sag, Cairo has 10 Capricorn, and Johannesburg has 30 Capricorn rising.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 25 Aquarius in Abbottabad, 3 Pisces in New Delhi, 7 Pisces in Trivandrum, 5 Aries in Bangkok, 23 Aries in Hong Kong, 1 Gemini in Tokyo, 17 Aries in Perth, 9 Taurus in Melbourne, 19 Taurus in Brisbane, 1 Gemini in Wellington, and Maui has 24 Cancer on the Ascendant (21 Dec).
As mentioned, the charts for the Summer and Winter Solstices provide guideposts for what will follow in the 90 days after those points in time, just as charts for the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox each show what will follow in the period after those points in time. I've written extensively about the various aspects and positions in the article Astrology in December 2011 - The Hard Edge of the Irrational Now, so please reference that for a more extensive look at the astrological factors going on right now.
The things in those articles that are still active in this Solstice chart are the various septile series irrational patterns generated by Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and since it’s happening right now, most of the planetary positions are the same as what I mentioned in that article. All signs are definitely affected, so please reference that article, since it’s happening right now!
Besides these multiple “destiny producing” aspects involving 28 zones of non-rational decision making, fork in the road energies, and general craziness, other important factors in this Solstice involve the Moon at 27 Scorpio making a strong quintile to Mars, sextile to Venus, an out of sign trine to Uranus, a close square to Neptune, and a very close triseptile to Jupiter.
The triseptile makes for a FIFTH series of “destiny producing zones,” involving 26-28 Scorpio, 17-19 Capricorn, 9-11 Pisces, 1-3 Taurus, 22-24 Gemini, 14-16 Leo, and 5-7 Libra. So you can bet the coming year is going to be heavy in so many ways that it’s safe to say we’re all going to have a wild ride! As all planets and all signs are involved, it’s probably going to be a year none of us will forget for a long time!!
Other forming aspects of note (those showing future patterns; separating aspects show things past) are Mercury binovile Mars and binovile Neptune, Venus sesquisquare Mars, Mars novile Saturn, Mars quadranovile Neptune, the major league Jupiter trine Pluto (yes, it hasn’t gone direct yet, but it’s close enough for horseshoes, as “they” say), Saturn trine Neptune, and the wide but impending revolutionary Uranus square Pluto.
Of definite importance are that Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune create a novile series of active points. These 9 “spiritual sensitive” zones involve “realization points” at 8-9 degrees of the Fire signs, 18-19 of the Earth signs, and 28-29 of the Air signs. Given the planets involved, it will bring an element of things going into or coming out of gestation, due to spiritual factors, to everything related to or ruled by these planets, and bring a spiritualizing energy to the extreme irrationality coming down the next 90 days. If you have planets in any of the element spans just listed, welcome to where Eternity Boulevard intersects with Realization Row!
As with all Winter Solstices since 2008, this one features Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto at or very near to the Galactic Center. From the 2009-2010 Solstice articles:
The 2007 Winter Solstice had the Sun exactly conjunct Jupiter at the Galactic Center, offering promises that began to sprout beginning at the 2008 Solstice, which had the Sun exactly conjunct Pluto at 1 Capricorn.This indicated the radical transformations of this past year. This 2009 Winter Solstice, the Sun is still conjunct Pluto, continuing to shine a light on the transformation of the world we're all living through. Certainly the seeds of many things have been sprouted the past year which will continue in 2010.
(The) 2010 Solstice chart also shows Sun conjunct Pluto, along with the North Node in Capricorn. This was a major factor in the Lunar Eclipse a few hours ago, and is a strong developmental force pulling all of us into future growth that we will demonstrate through the South Node in Cancer.
Given the degrees that are active in this Sun conjunct NN and Pluto, we can expect an intense activation of the urge for new experiences, new ways of "authoring" our roles in our world, with maximum growth arising from the purity of our motive demonstrating our free will so that we can transcend limitations through radical detachment. In any event, mobilize to bring order out of chaos as you move through "trials of endurance" showing your commitment to your new roles.
As an aside, for more about the long wave cycle set into motion when Jupiter conjuncted Pluto at the Galactic Center a few years ago, check out Jupiter Conjunct Pluto at the Galactic Center - What Does It Mean? In that you’ll find links to previous articles to the exact Pluto conjunct the GC, as well as when other planets conjuncted the GC. Pluto conjuncts the GC every 250 years, and marks the “eighth note” in the larger cycle of a Great Age. The “Octile Pulse” releases powerful energies across the centuries, where major shifts in global thinking and acting occur.
Saturn, ruler of the Sun, Pluto, Venus, and Neptune, is at 28 Libra. Rudhyar states this degree symbolizes the “spiritual sustainment given to (those who open themselves) to their full destiny,” “slow realization of betterment,” and “unsolicited help.” Over the next 90 days Saturn will show us how to repair or reconstruct what needs or demonstrates these qualities in rhythmic balanced activity. Just remember to be patient as you pay some final dues involving your perspective on how connected you are with others and life itself, or not. Let go of burdens you no longer need to bear, taking the pieces of your life that are left and reweaving them to demonstrate something of your genius to the world.
These qualities of life will continue to be revealed from now through February 7 (Full Moon alert!) They will have to be seen or understood from a different angle between then and late June 2012, with special emphasis on the period from March 21 through April 4 so that they can externalize in a newer, healthier, more appropriate way beginning late June. Hopefully we’ll have mastered these energies by their final activation in September 2012 as we prepare to move into unknown zones of Saturnian mastery on its entrance into Scorpio on October 4-5.
The Sabian Symbol indicates this is a degree of "A man in the midst of brightening influences,” showing the potential to realize that “our community” is sustaining us, and we no longer have to feel isolated or cut off from the life that is all around us. Here can experience “the oneness of all existence,” which can bring us the “realization of belonging to a greater whole.”
Dr. Marc E. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states that here we can find “enduring rewards” when we accept life as being fundamentally friendly, and encouragement resulting from our “unflagging courage in pressing forward on (our) pilgrimage from darkness to light.” Here we find a potential confirmed. The keyword is RESPONSIVENESS, and we are told when positive it indicates “a complete spiritual fellowship with human kind.”
This implies that the ruler of the Light/Life of the next 90 days is telling us to relax into feeling connected with others, overcoming isolation, and preparing for a form of philosophical completion. This can show us how many things that have needed repair and/or reconstruction over the past year either were consequences of past actions and inactions, or how we need to construct a sense of connection with others to repair an element of our individuality that may have been damaged by past actions and inactions of others.
The planets fall in a Locomotive Jones pattern, with the empty span between Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Virgo. Things will definitely be out of balance, so find the counterweight in each circumstance, and be open to new discoveries, new cares, and new ways of creativity, self expression, and play. We’ll lead experience with Mars in Virgo, so pay attention to details as you cultivate practical inner guidance when your curiosity leads you into restless places.
Venus rules both Jupiter and Saturn in the Solstice chart, and in Aquarius, “heralds” what is to come when Sun and Mercury move into Aquarius. Venus is on the degree of “an unexpected thunderstorm,” indicating we should expect “accidents” that mobilize us and free us from unfortunate conditions. See how you can shape events to your desired ends through some “spectacular events” that help you get it in gear. At the end of the process you’ll find yourself “comfortable in your own skin,” ready to do whatever is the next thing to do.
The Moon is at 27 Scorpio, making it a Balsamic Moon at the Solstice. This is totally future oriented, and often entails sacrificing some element of the past or present to feed the future. Open to seeing how things are ending and what’s to come to find power and peace in eliminating all that is outmoded or obsolete. The Moon Sabian Symbol challenges us to “put on the show,” showing appreciation as we move into a greater faith in our individual skills and powers. Avoid the trivial, and go for a more “enduring and individual reality” through rejecting lesser experience.
Do what you have to do with style, since those who respond with appreciation are part of your group, and what you do will increase the sense of social unity. Dr. Jones says this degree indicates “the blare of self-affirmation is a rejection of the lesser experience,” and “the realization that things of worth must be gained at the price of a thoroughly self-mobilized effort.” The keyword is INTREPIDITY, and when positive this degree is “a dramatic capacity for drawing events to a focus and directing their course successfully to what might have seemed impossible ends.”
Ideas and opinions will run very high this season, and drive most of the decision making process The trick will be to get information and a clear vision that allows us to act without looping back into the mind while ignoring the feelings. Learn to identify how and what you feel and experience after a decision and action, since feelings will allow new perspectives to come forth.
Given what’s happening in this Solstice chart and the fact that all of humanity confronts emerging from its chrysalis to face radical “forks in the road of destiny,” I will again offer you something I gave you last year. It’s a few lines from my favorite song, "Two Different Roads," written by Capricorn legend and music pioneer Michael Nesmith:
You might think that I'll wait, but he who hesitates is lost, this is not just a game,
It's the problem of creation and only meditation can make your mind and age the same,
I know, 'cause this all happened once before....
So even as you learn to feel your way to knowledge and visions that enable you to decide and act, following your “way to power” as you’re liberated from adverse conditions through spectacular developments that galvanize you to action. A whole new era is about to dawn, with major conflict but also potential to demonstrate spiritual knowledge and power in focused practical forms. Think, Decide, and Experience!
On a final note, in the Northern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice ushers in a season dedicated to "seeds in latency," those that will sprout in March when the light force is stronger, the ground is warmer, and Spring is on the way. Whether in the Northern or Southern Hemispheres, the Solstices and Equinoxes are special points in the year cycle, marking the end of one season and the beginning of the next one. They are great for getting clear about our resolve, and what we want to see made manifest in times to come.
And now for the fun part!
This brings us to the ritual I mentioned at the beginning. Whether you're in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, there is a special ceremony I do each year that yields some fairly spectacular results. This is not a very elaborate ritual, but it's very powerful in its simplicity.
The Solstices mark points of transition from an old "half year" of the Sun moving South or North (depending on where you are on the Earth) into the opposite direction. In the Spirit of this "coming or going," I first take a moment to note what has left my life the past year while saying goodbye on deepest levels. This creates space for that which is more appropriate to my evolution and wellbeing.
Then I make a list of everything I want to leave my life in the coming year, and A) find a disposable object associated with each thing (or person, or personal habit) I want to see leave, or B) I draw a picture that represents those things, people, or habits. Then I burn each individual picture in a fire, one at a time, while saying goodbye to each of those. (I make a duplicate list to check the next year to remind me of what I wanted to see leave.)
I also make a list of things I want to see come into my life in the coming year. I try to make it realistic, but also allow my imagination to bring forth what might be or could be, even if improbable. After all, it's supposed to be fun! I play with possibilities, and write them down, without getting hung up on specific forms. This is about content more than form.
Then I draw pictures symbolizing those things, and burn them, one by one, in a fire, welcoming in those better things than I've known up to now, putting it up and out into the "Spiritual atmosphere" so that Divine Mother can bring it forth in the coming months. I also make a duplicate list to check the next year.
Over the years I've done this ritual, I find very often that every single thing I want to leave actually does leave. And, I usually see most if not all that I want to appear show up in the following year. Even when one or both lists falls short by a thing or two, overall I've seen great progress year after year.
It's also very interesting to note how my lists have changed over the years, with some concerns falling away and new things presenting themselves according to my intention. And sometimes, when I have not received what I thought I wanted, it became clear why it wasn't good or necessary for me to have that which I thought I wanted.
So in this time of transition from the old year into the Winter of the new, take a moment to note what has left your life the past year, thus creating space for that which is more appropriate to your evolution and wellbeing. And if you feel like doing a Solstice ritual, whether this one or another, open to your greatest good and highest possibility of happiness, and you just may find a measure of that in the coming year.
As "they" say, Mahalo, Aloha, Namaskarams, Aum Namah Shivaya, Happy and Merry Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmastide, Happy Jupiter direct, and Happy New Year!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Again Robert.
Clown cars and "Saberdance" anyone?
Posted by: Jean | December 21, 2011 at 03:34 PM
Can you help me understand the meaning of the local ascendant information you provide in this article and lunation articles you post? Does it tell us the overall "identity" of the event in relationship to the locale?
thanks for sharing your ritual. Very plutonian, having both that which you are wishing farewell and that which you are calling in both a part of the same eternal Fire.
Posted by: shakti | December 21, 2011 at 04:07 PM
Very much loving the Venus in Aquarius / exalted Saturn in Libra mutual reception ruling this next season...
Happy holidays every one!
Posted by: Matt | December 21, 2011 at 04:15 PM
Dear Robert,
My natal venus is at galactic center, My love life burned to ashes for 2007, 2008.
I am happy to say now that what happend then was a gift that trasformed my value in many ways.
Thank you and happy yalda
Posted by: mina | December 21, 2011 at 07:06 PM
Robert. That is a wonderful ritual. I would like to try this myself. Does it matter that I will not be able to do it until the next day from today? Cause, I have music work to do and am exhausted.
Posted by: Micheline | December 21, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Thank you!
Posted by: chickie | December 21, 2011 at 11:23 PM
Hi Jean - Now you know we're not supposed to bring up current politics! "Clown cars and "Saberdance"" indeed! Great way to describe what's happening in the public arena.
Hi shakti - Local Asc info is for a quick reference across various spacial points on Earth so if you know where the planets are, you can figure out approximately what falls in what house. So yes, it shows how any event affects that specific locale, just like how they line up in our houses affects us.
Nations, States, Counties, and Cities all have "birthcharts." One of the main branches of Astrology is called Mundane (or political) Astrology. The progressions and transits to national charts show what's happening.
The ritual is Plutonic - I do have Pluto rising and I suspect this ritual is ancient beyond measure - but I'd like to believe also Uranian and Neptunian since the outer Triad always work individually AND together in a three chord harmony.
Uranus allows us all to name what we individually want to leave and come - nothing is determined except what your mind and heart issue - and Neptune is the great unifier within a larger Ideal, which allows us to "cast the bread upon the waters" to see what shall return at the appointed time. And given that Pluto, Lord Shiva, is the Eternal Pillar of Fire, great that you note the symbolism connecting that which enters and emerges from that Divine Fire.
Hi Matt - Yes, Venus square Saturn Mutual Reception was not as light as when both are in Air. Still, the 4 simultaneous and constant irrationality patterns are creating some weird situations forcing decisions I didn't anticipate. Just trying to take the hard edge off the feelings, since being kind and gentle begins at home.
Hi mina - Pluto purified you of all things and people that weren't an accurate manifestation of who you have become since then. Perhaps your affections are best directed toward those who aspire to a much greater view? As Uranus has also been squaring your Venus, open to a greater freedom to like and love than before. This is a liberating time of your life, and all you need to is stay balanced in the new YOU that came forth back when Saturn (ruler of your Venus) made it's fateful square. The Cardinal T-square I reference in this article directly acted upon your Venus. Welcome to the purifying Fire that has left you transformed. Happy Yalda to you and all as well!
For those who don't know what Yalda, here's a little from Wiki:
"Yalda is the Persian Winter Solstice Celebration which has been popular since ancient times.... Yalda has a history as long as the Mithraism religion. The Mithraists believed that this night is the night of the birth of Mithra, Persian angel of light and truth. At the morning of the longest night of the year the Mithra was born."
Hi Micheline - I believe that whether we do is just before the Solstice, or within 24 hours after the exact moment, we're clear. I feel that as long as I do the ritual while the Sun is at 1 Capricorn, it's all good. Plus this is supposed to be a fun ritual, where we can play with and create the thought forms to release and welcome over the next year. Get rested, get centered, and then do whatever your heart leads you to do.
Hi chickie - You're most welcome, my Fire Sister!! Buona fortuna sul vostri progetto e creativity in 2012!!
Posted by: Robert | December 22, 2011 at 08:29 AM
Thank you Robert, and may I wish you and everyone here a peaceful and joyous solstice season, M
Posted by: Morvah | December 22, 2011 at 08:31 AM
Hi Morvah - Blessings to you and yours as well. May your life light up brightly this coming year!
Posted by: Robert | December 22, 2011 at 08:37 AM
Thank you Robert.. I have long read and loved your articles. I truely admire your knowledge and sharing/teaching skills.. I was born on 03/November/1974, at 2:08am, in Qualicum, Vancouver island- beautiful. I now live in the uk, since I was one an a half. I have had my hart done several times, recently and when I was 30 ish and when I was little my mum had it done. In the recent one I was told I have Virgo rising and not so many air signs... Different from my chart when I was little. My mum said it doesn't seem correct and maybe they used a computer programme. Do you know where I can get my birth chart done, by someone who is good at them... Thank you. Keep up the good work.. Take care Juliette :-)
Posted by: Juliette | December 22, 2011 at 11:58 AM
Thank you for being so generous and sharing the celebration.
I value very much higher views, wonder why I am hooked to your site:)
Posted by: mina | December 22, 2011 at 01:00 PM
Tried your ritual last night - I had a lot of fun.
Looking forward to seeing what happens.
Posted by: Iris | December 22, 2011 at 01:49 PM
Thank you Robert, happy holidays, which ever one you celebrate, and may the new year bring you all you desire.
Posted by: Joanne | December 23, 2011 at 05:49 AM
You are the best, most articulate astrology writer/blogger. Namaste.
Posted by: TropiGal | December 24, 2011 at 07:51 PM