by Robert Wilkinson
For those of you who haven't read it, this is a meditational piece I wrote a long time ago for all Eternals living in this field of Maya.
When I last posted this a couple of years ago, I offered this in the preface:
By deep examination of what we think, what we feel, what we like, what we don't like, what we reject, and what we accept we can fulfill one of the primary requirements of any form of true enlightenment, the ancient command to "Know Thy Self." This piece assists that process.
In it are truths to remember as we navigate the waves of life's changes and our own ego dissolving experiences. Each line provides contemplative nourishment and a Ray we can ride into our Eternal Self.
I wrote this meditational piece about 30 years ago under the name "Aquarius." It first appeared in my column "The Halls of Wisdom" in "The Fifth Ray News," a small journal I published with an international following. I have found over the years that regardless of how many times I reflect on its precepts, it continues to be powerful, useful, and comforting.
So by all means, take a deep breath, focus on opening to experiencing reality differently than you ever have before, open your heart to the Living, Loving Wonder that you are, and begin the journey of remembrance.
Be content with inner peacefulness, and contentment will be thine. Pure joy and bliss can only come in the stillness of equilibrium and the perfect receptivity of a spiritually sensitive mind. It is impossible that the lesser ideal would be the final goal; the joy of a child is certainly not the joy of a Master. Your Soul’s growth is infinite, and what was once satisfying will recede in the light of Eternity, giving way to greater understandings than you have ever imagined.
See how you have received your Heart’s desire, though it may have come in ways mysterious to your senses. You have been given what your innermost being desired, according to the precision of your aspiration and the strength of your wish. So it is well and good to cultivate perception, acknowledgment, and appreciation for the gifts we have been and are being given, so as better to further the flow of the gifts that will surely come. Desire is always of the future, and as such can never be had, whereas appreciation is ever of the present, and acknowledges that though transitory, all things received are the Lord’s blessing upon thee, and can bring thee peace and joy, if you but accept it.
Truly all you have and all you are and all you will be is the blessing of the Lord’s willingness to dance with you, in your imperfect perfection of being, showing you which steps to take, and when, gifting you with every step you make in your progress, and never stepping on your toes, though of course you may stumble over your own. You have a mind and heart which are the tools for you to use in understanding your unique truth to learn and teach, and your eternal Soul guarantees that your true heart’s desire shall be met at the right time and in the right way, as it is the crystal which precipitates that which you would love by the law of magnetic attraction.
As you walk on through the fogs and mists, sail the troubled seas of being a part of the mass consciousness, find peace and gratitude in knowing you are not forgotten, no, not separate for even a moment from the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Lord of Love, who wisely guides you by the unspoken law of your being, your unique part to play in eternity. Always let go of psychic disturbances and discontent, and above all fear and uncertainty if you would know the light in the darkness that you may unerringly follow. This inner light of being will guide you from fear into courage, from uncertainty into clarity, from misery into nobility, from skepticism and doubt into knowledge, and from isolation and separateness into community.
Truly we are all facets of the one jewel of Truth, and none is denied what they need when eagerly seeking to know and grow into the truth of their being. You cannot be denied the blessings you need -- ask our Father-Mother God, and keep focusing on your openness to receive the blessing, and it will come! Perhaps not in the time or the form you want, but most assuredly you will be given the blessing you need and desire with your heart and Soul. Doubt not! You cannot be denied.
Do not look to other’s situations -- they are not you. Others have their own time and place of fulfillment, and this should not breed doubt and confusion and envy in you. You have your own appointed time and place of rewards and fulfillment. Rest content in the certainty that as you open to a larger vision, whether of truth or abundance or effectiveness, so it will come, if you hold that vision steady in the light.
Welcome the revelation that will show you the next step to take, and await the vision and the call, and then do not hesitate to gratefully and willingly heed this hint from God showing you the next step in your self-unfoldment. This is leading you to a truth and a reality greater than you have ever known. You are Masters in the becoming -- show mastery in small things, and in time you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in large ways. Show mastery over yourself, your appetites and desires, your emotional nature, your mind in its eternal discontent and restlessness, and you will be given mastery over nature and her secrets.
Whatever is your Heart’s desire, work toward that, and in time it will be yours, if it is your Heart’s desire. God will not be denied, and as your Soul is part of the One Soul that is God, you cannot be denied either. As you have learned, so you will teach others who come to you for guidance, though of course respect for their need for individuality and individualized circumstances must be observed. Never seek to violate another’s free will, and never let your own be violated by another. Never exploit another, or let yourself be exploited selfishly by another. Still, be giving and forgiving. Learn respect for individual limits, both your own and others, and in time you will have perfect knowledge of what to do and when. Know your Heart, follow your Heart, trust your Heart, and love the Truth. Your courage will show you the way beyond fear.
You are the light of the world, and keep the link unbroken between Hierarchy and humanity, through time and space, each in your own way. Let not worldly superstitions, assumptions, doubts and confusions affect your knowledge of your truth of Self and Hierarchy. The day rapidly approaches when all these and more will be revealed to the world, demonstrating the fact of unanimity of consciousness itself and forever shattering the great heresy of separateness born of glamour, illusion, and Maya.
Love God, love each other, tell the truth, love your past, love your present, love your future, love your friends, love your enemies, love the plants, love the animals, love the angels, love the children, and above all else, love yourself for the spark of Divine Love that you are, always have been, and always will be. You are Love without measure or limit. You are the mystery, the truth, and the light. You are God’s love made manifest.
Live that, and be free.
© Copyright 2009, 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you, Robert. I have read this before when you posted it and very much appreciated reading it again this morning as I begin a new week and face some interesting challenges. Thanks for the reminder -- and, as always, the encouragement! Love and Thanks to you.
Posted by: Nancy | December 19, 2011 at 06:07 AM
Thanks for re-posting this! I printed it out last time and it is part of the handout for a class I teach. Many of my students have gained wisdom through your words. You are a blessing, a light in the darkness.
At your feet
Posted by: Sue Moon | December 19, 2011 at 07:06 AM
Thank you, Robert. Blessings.
Posted by: Anne | December 19, 2011 at 08:10 AM
Hey Robert, Are you going to talk on the New Moon on Christmas Eve and Christmas?
Posted by: Joanne | December 19, 2011 at 08:31 PM
beautiful mind Robert,
Much more blessing to you for sharing
I will remember
Posted by: mina | December 19, 2011 at 09:20 PM
Namaste Robert.
Posted by: Jean | December 19, 2011 at 10:54 PM
Love this...thank you!
Posted by: Elizabeth | December 20, 2011 at 07:25 PM
wow wow wow u beautiful amazing Light U!
Give Thanks and Praise to the Most High
Posted by: Kai Douglas | December 21, 2011 at 03:24 PM
This is wonderful. Thank you, Robert!!
Posted by: Sara | December 21, 2011 at 09:33 PM
Beautifully written from you, a truly wonderful soul.
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | December 22, 2011 at 03:24 PM
Dear Robert, Thank you so much :). Blessings again and again from Budapest, Kati
Posted by: Katalin Oblath-Tikos | December 26, 2011 at 01:47 AM