by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 19 Sagittarius-Gemini has overall favorable aspect activity, showing a harmony of understanding and a stabilized sense of what to do and who to do it with. From here we move forward!
This Eclipse shows that whatever is shut down over the next 3 1/2 months, we are again on the move. Our understanding of how to find a higher peace will lead us to some "transcendent realizations" that will make it evident why some things have to end.
We are challenged to find ways to track knowledge and ideas back to the source wisdom they offer us, once we use our foresight to see why we have to reorient, or possibly even escape from some "polluted" situation. Here our ability to synthesize knowledge, wisdom, life, and possibilities will lead us to a much greater understanding of how our past and present are feeding our future.
To sum up the major aspect patterns, we have a strong trine from the Moon to Saturn and Saturn to Neptune, harmonizing the last half of Fire and Air in our charts! This should be good for communications, relationships, getting clear about short term and long term ideals, and finding the protection we need to be calm and lucid as we navigate the fogs and mists of our times.
Though many other trines are separating, that merely shows we've established those patterns in some form of understanding or harmonized expression before now. Strong separating trines, along with those that due to being retrograde never quite are exact, include Venus trine Mars in Earth signs and Mercury trine Uranus in Fire signs. Overall, established inspired practical thinking has helped us to harmonized our intention with our values in an organized plan, and inventive thinking in early November is now on the launch pad, ready to go!
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. It was a Solar Eclipse, and its effects will show for about 4 years!
You will recall its theme is the ending of "old mental leftovers," getting a larger view, and learning to see whole situations and be less distracted by secondary things. We are being illuminated regarding our life purpose through signs and signals that show us larger life patterns. We are growing through sharpening our interpretive skills, and then sharing our discoveries with others to see what's more or less valid.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. Briefly, from the Solar Eclipse New Moon article covering this period,
This New Moon Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius puts the focus on receptivity to abstract ideas and truths connected to the initiatives and new beginnings opened by the transiting conjunctions of the inner planets with Jupiter in Aries last Spring. These began to be substantiated and solidified during the time Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars transited Taurus in May, now being patiently grounded as part of our future by Jupiter in Taurus.This Lunation jumpstarts Sagittarius energy wherever it falls in our chart. This period involves becoming a good "chess player," finding self-confidence in our judgments through seeing all the factors involved in situations. We can learn to concentrate on plans and how to outwit whatever would block our play....
Saturn in this Lunation chart indicates we need to pay attention to lessons involving the alternating use of will and love, mind and heart, to demonstrate a form of mastery. Here we see the Tao of existence as it continually emphasizes first yang, then yin, then yang, then yin, a wheel turning energies forever.
Here "the Eagle and the White Dove" change into each other, helping us mature into a more cooperative mode of using contrasting energies, and through the unifying effect we can find the balance of what we need, and compensate for what is lacking. We can find an ability to meet situations creatively and with purpose by adopting a fluid self-discipline....
... when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in a firm but fair manner, reference Saturn in Libra and the lessons of balance, justice, proportion, and moderation in judgment you've been learning. Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, maturity, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience....
... So contemplate the wreckage of the past months as necessary to make space for the future growth of the new initiatives and expansions originally set into motion between March and May 2011. At the current time get your feelings under leash by acknowledging they are there as you move through the actions promised by this Eclipse.
Try not to cop a bad attitude when things seem overwhelming, since with Mercury retrograde, much will not turn out as it seems. This is a time to break loose into a broader perspective as you review recent important decisions and turning points....
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse chart shows a "Splay" Jones pattern, showing a wide diversity of individualized activities, some of which may not blend well with others. This type of pattern is a very "wide footprint," and though some things may seem out of balance or the process may seem to get diverted from time to time, it still promises a lot of power to move many things forward simultaneously as long as we don't get distracted into needing "false harmony."
This Lunation finds the Moon at 19 Gemini. Forming aspects, showing things to come, show the Moon making only a trine to Saturn and wide binovile to Uranus. This is highly stabilizing and spiritualizing, where many things that have been cooking for awhile will finally be seen and known in their true nature.
Other important forming aspects include Mercury semisquare Venus and binovile Mars, Venus biseptile Jupiter and novile Neptune, Mars sesquisquare Jupiter, Saturn trine Neptune, and Uranus square Pluto. Taken together, a lot of things finally coming in out of the desert, some inner crises around old forms of protection leaving teaching us how to be calm and clear, and some aggravations through needless worry.
Of all these aspects, the primary ones are Venus biseptile Jupiter, the very strong Saturn trine Neptune, and the generalized very wide Uranus square Pluto. Of these, the most dramatic events will be associate with the Venus biseptile Jupiter, putting many at a turning point relative to planets and houses involving Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Areas most affected are 17-19 Capricorn, 9-11 Pisces, 1-3 Taurus, 22-24 Gemini, 13-15 Leo, 4-6 Libra, and 25-27 Scorpio. If you have something in one or more of these zones, you can expect big choices arising related to values, resources, relationships, philosophies, potential futures, motives, and closures of life chapters.
As mentioned earlier, Saturn trine Neptune shows a general harmony between current structures and larger ideals. This is where maturity, organization, patience, and some balanced calculations will help us construct long term visionary plans that we'll be working on, with, and through between now and November 2012.
Those who will be able to do well using this close trine, as well as the wider but powerful Moon in Gemini trine Saturn in Libra, are those with planets or points around 18-30 degrees of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Those with planets or points a degree or two to either side of 7 Aries, 11 Taurus, 17 Gemini, 9 Cancer, 15 Leo, 1 Virgo, 7 Libra, 11 Scorpio, 17 Sagittarius, 9 Capricorn, 15 Aquarius, and 1 Pisces will see gifts, uniquely favorable circumstances, and highly specialized conditions perfect for what they need or where they're at.
Separating aspects, showing things just past, include Moon quincunx Venus, square Mars, semisquare Jupiter, and tredecile Neptune. Also featured are Mercury biquintile Jupiter and novile Saturn, Venus trine Mars, binovile Saturn, semisquare Uranus and conjunct Pluto, Sun square Mars, septile Saturn, biseptile Uranus, and quintile Neptune, Mars semisquare Saturn and trine Pluto, and Saturn triseptile Uranus and quintile Pluto.
I can't possibly explain what these were all about, since there are too many planets in aspect to explore the possibilities. Just remember these symbolize things in the near past, so examine what's happened over the past weeks in light of these aspects.
The only two aspects of note I haven't addressed are Jupiter trine Pluto and the almost exactly separating Sun septile Saturn. I've written about Jupiter trine Pluto extensively in the past, so site google that aspect if you want to know more.
Sun septile Saturn is an entirely different story! I recently wrote about this second "Irrationality pattern" in an article about the current Mercury retrograde period:
... and most importantly, Mercury and the Sun both septile Saturn and biseptile Uranus. This will bring a review or new look at the developments of the past week outlined in the article November 2011 - The Astrology of Destiny Is On The Move This Week!In that article I listed the degree areas most influenced by this very powerful non-rational configuration anchored through mid-December by Saturn and Uranus. So this Mercury retrograde period should bring a new look at the crucial choices made the past week from different angles of understanding. Of note is that when Uranus goes direct at 1 Aries on Dec 9-10 the Sun will be in an exact biseptile to Uranus and septile to Saturn. This promises major sea changes based in the information Mercury and Venus have brought us during the past weird week.
Generally speaking, the critical choices we confronted when Mercury and Venus both made septiles to Saturn and biseptiles to Uranus in mid-November have just been illuminated and made a part of our life with the Sun also making these aspects the past few days. However, since Mercury is retrograde, we may not know the full extent of these forks in the road until a couple of days to either side of New Years'
That's because the end of December and beginning of January will be the final pass of Mercury through these "destiny producing" aspects. Things will feel like they're on the edge of huge change at that time, and there will be a LOT of energy in the air due to Mercury making its final square to Mars as well! So for New Years' be cautious, be thoughtful, be clear and optimistic, and discipline the Mercury square Mars toward a greater faith, allowing that which has been repressed to come up to surface in a hope for the future while achieving closures, whether through intuition or communication.
Overall this Eclipse indicates we're solidly launched into a new collective vibe and adventure in deeper and vaster consciousness, and are now at the threshold of moving forward into clearer individuality, knowing who we are, ready to show up and do the next life chapter. We've all emerging from our cocoon, leaving old forms of protection and finding new ones, and growing in foresight to anticipate what's coming and imagining "future forms of supply."
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." Though it's still at the transformational degree of 29 Aquarius where we are being collectively transfigured, it is now moving forward, and will re-enter Pisces in February 2012. This has major implications for humanity as a whole, which I discussed in previous articles about Neptune dancing back and forth between early Pisces and late Aquarius.
In the larger precessional Age, our world is at 1 Pisces right now. Thanks to prior transits of both Neptune and Chiron to this degree, many of us have collectively awakened to a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
So this is where humanity as a whole is at right now. I believe we will finally enter the Age of Aquarius sometime between 2045-2070, when we all will see the concrete manifestations of Aquarian patterns that were awakened by Uranus and have been dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune during these planets' movement through late Aquarius. (Please also check out part one of that series since it elaborates on the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.)
Jupiter and Neptune rule the Sun in the Lunation, while Mercury rules the Moon. While Jupiter never does make an exact sextile to Neptune, they're so close that we can assume that the Sun is in a productive mode with itself.
Mercury doesn't make any significant aspect to either of the Sun's rulers, except that once it goes direct, it will make a biquintile to the Jupiter point in this chart. That would indicate that if we handle the tough stuff up front, we can expect some great returns down the road.
Venus and Saturn are major players in this Lunation, as they are in Mutual Reception and the final dispositors for all the other planets. We can therefore expect that the unafflicted Saturn, harmonized by two major trines, and the Venus biseptile Jupiter will dominate the backdrop to the next 3 1/2 months. Just try not to let the closing points and inner conflicts indicated by Mercury semisquare Venus cloud your vision that things must end so that other more appropriate and nourishing openings can happen.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us leave behind old toxic environments so we can find peace and stability in how and where we choose to reorient. Here we grow into a better future where we can "do our excellence" in ways more appropriate to the Self that's come forth the past 18 months than anything that we believed before that.
The next 3 1/2 months show us easy and natural ways to express our wisdom, value the beauty and worth of what we've been cultivating since Summer 2011, and find find humor, freedom, and play in anticipating the next step of how we can act toward our better future. Follow your thoughts and reflections into decisions and actions, and then get clear about how and what you feel related to those decisions and actions. Focus on what's you're experiencing so you can get different perspectives, and remember that the entire time is a "back to the future" type of process.
We now enter a time where we can come to a balanced understanding leading to transcendent realizations and a peace beyond the dualities we've been dealing with. It should be easy to reorient away from old rules, limitations, fears, and "shoulds" that we've seen break down in the recent past. We now have to simply get over inner jitters as we see clearly what we value, what nourishes us, and how to use our wisdom and knowledge to do what we do excellently.
This is a time to use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life. This time begins the freer, more playful life we've glimpsed before now. This will help us release perceptions and views of the future so that we can embrace new ideas and new futures that are more in line with ideals, values, and visions we really care about.
As with past weeks, the coming two weeks are about synthesizing many factors into a larger vision and understanding of truth, and healing by "getting back on track" in some way. The powerful beginnings of March through May 2011 that began to be solidified in May have now established peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns that can slowly and steadily bring us to whatever we need to confirm to anchor a new truth and future.
Here we externalize some form of the June Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini, which continues to end what needs ending, freeing us from old obligations and duties. We've been learning how to eliminate the ghosts of the past so that eventually we'll be wholeheartedly living the new ways and worlds of experience set into dynamic motion between mid-March and mid-May.
So anticipate, see clearly, accept your wisdom, stabilize your mind and relations, and reorient your view. We've all been through "cosmic visitations since June, with one more big one to come in late January. For everyone, new horizons beckon!
Here are all the articles about this Total Lunar Eclipse. Enjoy!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
"I can't possibly explain what these were all about, since there are too many planets in aspect to explore the possibilities." Ain't that something? What's a novice to do?
"Keep it simple and straightforward" . . . awesome.
Posted by: caliban | December 09, 2011 at 11:45 AM
This eclipse is surely going to mean something for me, the moon is conjunct my AC, as it was with the very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse of June 1. With that particular eclipse we found out I was surprisingly (but very happily) 2 months pregnant with our first son at 43. I think that would qualify as "destiny producing". To add to the mix Uranus is on my MC and opposite my natal Uranus and Saturn on my natal Sun, Mars conjunct natal Venus!
Posted by: Loretta | December 09, 2011 at 03:58 PM
Yes Robert, life in hand I have to admit I am excited. Checking out my new lunar return today and realized I have 20 degrees sag on the ascendant, Pluto is 5 degrees away from natal ascendant, and Uranus is just off the progressed ascendant and Sun. What is a girl to do??? Put her red cowboy boots and hat on and hollar, "YeeHa!"
As always my respect and regards to the Emperor of Astrology, Mary
Posted by: mary streets | December 09, 2011 at 04:42 PM
"a degree or two to either side of 7 Aries, 11 Taurus, 17 Gemini, 9 Cancer, 15 Leo, 1 Virgo, 7 Libra, 11 Scorpio, 17 Sagittarius, 9 Capricorn, 15 Aquarius, and 1 Pisces will see gifts" - well, I can only hope. 9/9 Cancer/Cap IC/MC, 15 Leo (Sun 14 & Merc 16), 17 Gemini right on Saturn. Jupiter at 29 Sag. Chiron at 17 Aries. I'm lit up like a XMas tree! 1st, 2nd/3rd,4th 5th, 9th, 10th house.
Love the blog and I hope you too hit well during this Eclipse season!
Always an educating read!
Posted by: Jason Powers | December 10, 2011 at 03:04 AM
Hi all - The Moon, with the top 2/3 dark, just set (6:30 am) over the western mountains where I am in south-central NM. Quite dramatic!
Posted by: Robert | December 10, 2011 at 06:35 AM
Robert, spectacular sight at the coast in Carlsbad. Clear starry skies but a bit of haze on the horizon clouded over the moon set on the ocean. Very happy to see so many people out so early to catch this special event with cameras and telescopes.
Posted by: Gary B | December 10, 2011 at 10:56 AM
Hello Robert, been a long time since I posted anything. Mercury retrograde driving me back home I guess...haha. So we have this marvelous total lunar eclipse today. Have Mercury in Gemini 19°23'09 in house 4; awaiting my breath of glory.
Posted by: Jeremy | December 10, 2011 at 10:10 PM
If you could see my chart sir, you would drool right now. My days make little to no logic with the amazing amount of relative transits these days. "Back to the future". Thanks for the reminder of why I originally started a love for Astrology. Have a good one Robert.
Posted by: CharlieChaplin | December 11, 2011 at 05:28 AM
Hi, Robert, I have a friend who has western styled B and B in a place called Kurihama, it is part of Kanagawa in Japan and not far from Tokyo. Her place is magic and I always an awesome time at her place. She has the best parties. So, I told her about the lunar eclipse and she turned it into a small party amongst closer friends. It was magical. Before the eclipse started around 8pm we had a halo around the full moon. Then it got a big spotty and cloudy but it would clear away every once in a while and then we could see the moon and the stars. As we are outside of Tokyo. Tokyo has too much lighting in the city so it is impossible to see many stars at night which is sad in a way. Then at one point we were all eating from the barby and chatting and well general partying it up, playing music, and what not and I looked up and saw a blood red full moon, I said hey look up everyone and there was this hilarious big aaaahhh ooooohhh. Very cute. Anyway, so far so good the lunar eclipse has been a nice event. I need to re-read your post hear so much to digest. Thanks for posting so much on this eclipse.
Posted by: Micheline | December 11, 2011 at 08:04 PM
Wow Micheline, thanks for the visual. A blood red moon . . . just the thought of it makes me aaaaahhh ooooohhhh!
Posted by: caliban | December 12, 2011 at 09:05 PM
Thank you so much, this has helped to steer me through a relationship crises without beiing to destructive As my scorpio Moon often is
Posted by: Vivienne micallef | December 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM