by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, Mars is slowing in motion, preparing to go retrograde in late Virgo. What does this mean?
Mars will go stationary retrograde January 23, 4:54 pm PST, 0:54 am Greenwich January 24, at 24 Virgo. I'll be composing several articles about Mars retrograde and the effect on all signs in the next week or so. For now, remember that a retrograde doesn't necessarily mean something bad. Let's review some things to remember about Mars retrograde.
First, there are many things that move forward exactly as they should during Mars retrograde periods. Though there may seem to be less momentum to some things, even delays and the need to rework some things, or wait for other things to develop before picking up the original intention, there are ways to navigate these recurring periods and keep everything on track quite nicely. It doesn't have to be much of a problem if we position ourselves correctly given the shift in the pace and unfolding of events.
Also, please remember that the planets do not "cause" anything. Whether and how things happen or don't during a retrograde period has everything to do with us and others' actions and reactions to things, both past and present. The free will of human beings has far more power than a planetary retrograde!
As I wrote in "A New Look at Mercury Retrograde," Chapter 1, "What Is Mercury Retrograde and Why Does It Seem to Cause So Many Hassles?"
Throughout the year, usually one or more planets are retrograde. Sometimes there are as many as four to six retrogrades occurring simultaneously... A planet, when retrograde, simply indicates a slowing of its orbital speed relative to the Sun from the perspective of the Earth. Some planets slow for a few weeks; some for a few months.... In our Solar system, the motion of the planets and the "lights" (the Sun and Moon) symbolize the ebb and flow of the universal life that we all live within.
This is why it is inappropriate to attribute a problem to a retrograde; though there may be some apparent correlation, a retrograde cannot "cause" anything. This may be the most commonly held misunderstanding about astrology and how it works. Any astrological configuration simply symbolizes a state of time within which life manifests. It is true that many things seem to happen because of an astrological association. However, the cause of all that happens (if and when there is a concrete cause at all) is a prior action, or inaction. All that is, all that occurs, is a part of a larger natural process of unfoldment. All our experiences give us opportunities to be led out of ignorance and fear of the unknown into a greater awareness of the interrelationships between all things.
Mars retrograde represents a period where the timing and coordination of things, as well as how fast or slow things seem to be happening, take on a different pace and rhythm of development. However, given the overall favorableness of the other planetary configuration between during January and early March, much can still get accomplished, as long as we work with an eye to the order of how to do what to do.
There will be some things that must occur before other things can be done. Get clear about the priority of things, pay attention to details, and see much of what's come down the past few weeks as prelude to undoing, redoing, or reworking some things in February and March before picking the pace back up in April. All of this relates to the life areas (houses) where we have Aries, Virgo, and Scorpio.
Remember that sometimes a delay is the best thing that could happen as other things develop on their own, since I've found life is sometimes like a Charles Dickens novel. There are many chapters, many players, and some things cannot be known and/or acted upon until the plot develops.
But rest assured, that at the end of the play, all will be seen in proper perspective, the unknowns between the players become clear, and things have developed so that "the hero's journey" is perfectly completed. So during this Mars retrograde, do what you must, work and/or adapt the plan, don't fret at the apparent delays or slowness, and fit things into a long range perspective with an eye to the radical quickening to come in April.
Copyright © 2012 Robert Wilkinson
wow, that was good Robert!
Posted by: Deb Marcoux | January 16, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Yes, Robert. This one is going retro over my three planets in virgo which are conjunct my 2nd house cusp. The house of values. My 2nd house is at 12 d virgo. My mars and uranus are at 14 d and my pluto at 16 d... My 4th house is also ruled by mars and so is my 9th house. I should look at aspects being made as well over the next period to see how they may play back some things... hmmm Thanks
Posted by: Micheline | January 16, 2012 at 03:53 PM
Have to agree w/Deb. That was one of the best explanations of retrograde motion I've ever read.
Posted by: Iris | January 16, 2012 at 07:48 PM
Like a Dickens novel - I like that metaphor! But have you read Haruki Murakmi? The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (ねじまき鳥クロニクル Nejimaki-dori Kuronikuru?
That´s how life really is..:-)
Posted by: ull | January 17, 2012 at 03:12 AM
Dear Robert,
Thanks for the enlightnment, very soothing, while I am waiting for my employer to contact me for the date to start.
In such a rapid, I got an offer early last week, on thursay signed the contract, went through oreintation full day. When I left HR told me that my manager will contact me next week plus I need one more session to complete the orientation.
I emailed the HR yesterday to follow up as I have couple of appointments non job related to go so I don't have to reschedule. I still have not receive any news. It's really odd.
Mars is one of my ruler being scorpio, My natal mars is stationed but not Rx at 18 Cancer in 6th house singleton.
I still feel very optimistic but a bit worried, but I always worry, that is my trait, moon conjunct uranus square sun.
Sometimes I believe things happen for the good reason.
Take care
Posted by: Mina | January 17, 2012 at 07:56 PM
If the planets do not cause anything, what then is the purpose of discussing their movement and relationships to one another?
What actually is the influence of the planets if the do not cause anything?
Posted by: Neil R. Borodkin | January 18, 2012 at 07:52 AM
Hi Deb - Glad you like it.
Hi Micheline - Reworking, reworking, reworking..... Welcome to a new way to do your uniqueness! Definitely look at the aspects, since sometimes even a trine needs a different form of expression.
Hi Iris - Again, glad to be of service. Retrogrades are a fact of nature, and part of the whole cycle of any given planetary function.
Hi ull - Have not read the one you mention, but will keep my eye out for that work. Don't have a lot of time to read these days due to composing a lot of stuff as a result of all that's going on right now. thanks for the reference, since I'm always into works that mirror life.
Hi Mina - You're most welcome. May the larger tides favor your journey. Sounds like things are developing quickly, so relax into the trip! And as I've been known to say to many, "Stop worrying about things that can't be solved by your worrying."
Hi Neil R. Borodkin - Astrology is not about causality per se. It's about "As above, so below" and our inner harmonics that create various types of life cycles. By knowing larger patterns, we can figure out what to do and when to do it (or not.) To re-frame your question, I could ask you what's the purpose of discussing your road map and weather report before embarking on a 2000 mile journey. You may want to check out what I've written about what Astrology is and is not. Please begin with "What Is Astrology." It's a fragment of a talk I gave a while ago that may be a good place to begin your journey of discovery.....
Posted by: Robert | January 18, 2012 at 08:40 AM
Thanks so much, I'll start working tomorrow, they called me, my worries didn't last now I'm excited....
Posted by: Mina | January 18, 2012 at 01:06 PM
Haruki Muramkami - I got the spelling wrong. Well it depends on how you picture reality of course..In the novel "Kafka on the shore" there are talking cats..
It is dreamlike but also realistic ..And a lot of riddles..
Posted by: ull | January 20, 2012 at 03:53 AM
I mean Haruki Murakami - what is it with my fingers? It must be all the transits..
I will blame the planets..
Posted by: ull | January 20, 2012 at 10:06 AM
This has been so helpful and given a perspective that makes sense... Are the things that slow down or take a holding pattern during this time likely to pick up where they left off? Or is it a shift in momentum? Specifically relationships and businesses?? Thanks so much!!!
Posted by: Jessica | March 08, 2012 at 05:35 PM
Hi Robert, I'm a Scorpio with moon in Aries, Scorpio asc, mars in cancer in the 9th house but transiting 10th house at the moment. I've noticed alot of issues surrounding my career which conflicts with my emotional well being and my need to travel a bit more. Since the retrograde I'm reflecting more and not so fired up to jump on a plane for eg! I am a bit concerned as I met a lovely spiritual soul like myself ( 9th house) during the retrograde mars, we started talking on line in December and met around the new moon in feb. according to so many comments on line a relationship initiated around this time is doomed. Interestingly enough neither he or I have actually verbalised where we are with each other, instead just enjoying each others company and going with the flow but we spend a huge amount of time together.. Can the direct motion stabilise and solidify or are we indeed doomed?
Posted by: Jen | March 27, 2012 at 06:30 AM